Articles For 2012
by David J. Stewart
Here is a wealth of helpful archived information. It is my prayer and heart's only desire to help others in the Lord. I strongly encourage my web visitors to start their own ministries and freely copy/paste from my website all that you want. It's all public domain. No credit need be given. I want the truth to get out. You can download entire websites with Teleport Pro. All I ask is that my labors in the Lord not be used to cast a negative reflection upon Christianity or the name of Jesus Christ.
12-31-12: Here's What Happens When Citizens Don't Own Guns (please read, It Can't Happen Here)
12-31-12: Lest Ye Forget God (a needful MP3 sermon by Pastor Max D. Younce | recent sermons)
12-31-12: Rare MP3 Audio Recording Of Pastor Dwight L. Moody Reading The Beatitudes (1837-1899)
12-31-12: Take Care Of The Temple (your body is the temple of the Holy Spirit, by Pastor Jeff Owens)
12-30-12: American Newsmedia Is Psychological Berlin Wall Dividing Citizens Between Truth And Tyranny
12-30-12: THE TRUTH ABOUT COMMUNISM (2 hour documentary evidences perils of disarmed citizens)
12-29-12: Our Government Is Almost Completely Overthrown (eye-opening 2nd Amendment articles)
12-29-12: The Communists Have Taken Over, Just Like Dr. Jack Hyles Warned Back In 1972 | Download MP3
12-29-12: Stories Of Guns Saving Lives The Agendacized Newsmedia Will Never Tell You (more)
12-29-12: Globalists Plan To Disarm America (dumb society doesn't see what's coming until too late)
12-28-12: 10 Reasons Why It’s Not The End of the World As We Know It (12-21-12 is a system-driven fraud)
12-28-12: Should Christians Be Concerned About the Year 2012? (first published January 2009)
12-28-12: Some On Broken Pieces (MP3 sermon—pull someone to shore on the pieces of your shipwrecked life)
12-28-12: Where The Burden Rests In Salvation (Lordship Salvation errantly places burden upon sinner)
12-27-12: YOU CANNOT LEGISLATE MORALITY (No Bible = No morals; More laws = Police State!)
12-27-12: Gun Control Petition To White House Gets Overwhelming Support (bye bye 2nd Amendment)
12-27-12: Americans Turn In Guns After School Massacre (gun-control is evil agenda, like gay-marriage and abortion)
12-27-12: Today Could Be Your Last Day Alive (death often comes suddenly and without warning)
12-26-12: More Deadly Than War... The Communist Revolution In America! (by G. Edward Griffin)
12-26-12: There's No Such Thing As Absolute Freedom (don't be deceived by the Globalists/Communists)
12-26-12: Carrie Underwood—Destroyer Of Families! (dresses like slut, sings for Jesus, lives for Satan)
12-26-12: Modesty In 1911 (the good old days of America! Country Music Is Filthy and Taylor Swift)
12-25-12: This Is A Faithful Saying, Christ Jesus Came Into The World To Save Sinners (Dr. Hyles)
12-25-12: 1,536 Life-changing Sermons & Bible Studies by Dr. Jack Hyles (world's greatest preacher!)
12-24-12: The Nine Ingrates Who Hurt Jesus' Feelings (Hebrews 4:15 says that the Lord has feelings)
12-24-12: Why Women Shouldn't Wear Pants (it is a sin for women to expose themselves in pants)
12-24-12: Nobody Is Laughing In Hell (a red-hot MP3 sermon by Evangelist Phil Kidd. Doom forever!)
12-23-12: AMERICA IS ON THE ROAD TO HELL!! (exposing The Game, Kanye West, Beyonce, Lady Gaga)
12-23-12: EXPOSITION ON ROMANS CHAPTER 10 - PART 3 (Dr. Max D. Younce - PART 1, PART 2)
12-23-12: Keep Your Eyes On Jesus (Peter didn't sink until he took his eyes off the Lord)
12-22-12: Pastor Danny Castle Preaching On Unthankful Americans, Unjust Taxes, Credit Cards & More
12-22-12: Big Brother Street Lights (Intellistreets) Coming To Spy On American Cities! (Orwell's 1984 is here!)
12-22-12: Godless Americans Vote For Same-Sex Doomsday In Maine And Maryland (What We Deserve)
12-22-12: Elderly Facing Doomsday, Losing Paid Homes To Evil Banks Over $400 Owed Property Taxes
12-21-12: THEY SOLD THEIR SOULS (by Pastor Danny Castle; “thou hast sold thyself,” 1st Kings 21:20)
12-21-12: Criminal Banks Steal Elderly Woman's Home Over $481 Bill, Sell For $85,000 And Keep Money
12-21-12: Mayan Apocalypse: Panic Spreads as December 21 Nears (fearmongering for profits!)
12-21-12: When You Try Jesus Unjustly (MP3 by Dr. Hyles - evil critics become judge, jury and executioner)
12-20-12: Liberace Remake Featuring Douglas/Damon Sex Likely To Celebrate 2013 U.S. Supreme Court Ruling
12-20-12: Same-Sex Sodomy Will Be Law Of Unholy Land Soon (the United Spoiled Brats Of America!)
12-20-21: Demonic Sex-Perverted Mormon Church Cult Says God Makes Homosexuals, So It's Not Their Fault
12-20-12: Hail Mary Full Of Evil (Roman Catholicism is a religious person's highway to Hell... eternal doomsday!)
12-19-12: The Beginning Of World War III (by Gerald Celente of The Trend's Journal. Mega-war)
12-19-12: ICEBERG DEAD AHEAD! (there were at least 5 advance warnings of ice, but no one was listening)
12-19-12: John 6:40—The Will of God and Salvation (the will of God concerning Matthew 7:21-23)
12-19-12: CBO: Feds Borrowing $4.8 billion Per Day in FY 2013, So Far (reckless debt-spending benefits banksters)
12-18-12: What Will Happen On 12-12-12? (12-12-12 is 6 years, 6 months and 6 days after 06-06-06)
12-18-12: Economic Doomsday Coming To A City Near You (the Titanic's made of lead and will sink sir, I guarantee it)
12-18-21: Gerald Celente On The Recent Election (con-men are destroying moral fabric of our country)
12-18-12: Salvation Is More Than Being Saved (by Pastor Jack Hyles | The Simplicity Of Salvation)
12-17-12: The False Gospel of “The Moment After” (popular religious films teach false salvation)
12-17-12: The Truth About Pearl Harbor | Pearl Harbor As A Noble Lie (the truth 71 years later)
12-17-12: America's War Dead (abortion has murdered far more than all war killings combined)
12-17-12: How We Got God's Words (a needful Bible study by Dr. Jack Hyles MP3| Listen)
12-16-12: CHRIST-MESS (everything you ever wanted to know about the truth behind Christmas)
12-16-12: Understanding The Human Soul (an explanation of the spirit, soul and body)
12-16-12: JUSTICE (MP3's - 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29)
12-16-12: Planned Gossip Is Worse Than Spontaneous Adultery (Justice 16 - Dr. Hyles - Great truth!)
12-15-12: No Prison For Drunk Driving Killers (The Madness Of MADD - You Can't Legislate Morality)
12-15-12: Exposition On Romans 10 (Part 1) | Part 2 (common pitfalls in plan of salvation, Dr. Younce)
12-15-12: The Church That Stops Fighting Dies! (evil doesn't attack the BE GOODERS, it attacks the DO GOODERS!)
12-15-12: A Proverbs 31 Mother | Download MP3 (a helpful audio sermon by Pastor Jeff Owens)
12-14-12: The Collapsing U.S. Economy And The End Of The World (by Dr. Paul Craig Roberts)
12-14-12: The Destruction Of America: Brought To You By JP Morgan Chase (criminals and thieves)
12-14-12: GOG AND MAGOG - PLAYLIST (fascinating end times video study by Dr. Max D. Younce)
12-14-12: The 'Romans Road' Must Include The Resurrection (beware of teaching a false gospel)
12-13-12: The DaVinci Code Fraud (Dan Brown and Ron Howard deny Christ's miraculous resurrection)
12-13-12: Defense Secretary Warns Of Dire Threat Of “Pearl Harbor” Cyberspace Attack On U.S.
12-13-12: With All Thy Getting Get Wisdom (MP3 sermon by Pastor Jack Hyles, 1926-2001)
12-13-12: NASA Says 12-21-2012 Just Another Day (don't quit job, sell home and hide underground)
12-12-12: Santa's Workshop - Inside China's Slave Labour Toy Factories (working 100 hrs a week for $100 a month)
12-12-12: Being Honest As An Individual (everything in life boils down to the truth, which requires honesty)
12-12-12: Japanese Green Tea For Weight Loss (natural, no sugar, no calories. At oriental foods grocery stores)
12-12-12: Don't Throw Away The Puzzle (God knows where the missing pieces are - MP3, Dr. Hyles)
12-11-12: Prophetic Studies With Dr. Younce: Gog & Magog Part 1 - Part 2 - Part 3a - Part 3b - Part 4
12-11-12: Rock Music's Deadend In Hellfire (Job 20:5, “the triumphing of the wicked is short”)
12-11-12: California Law Prohibits Health Providers From Counseling Gay Minors How To Be Straight
12-11-12: Walt Disney's Communist Agenda (goal's to destroy individuality, morals, courtship, respect for authority)
12-10-12: Greedy Corporations, Global Child Slave Labor, Police Brutality (the race to the bottom)
12-10-12: Bangladesh Women And Children Shot, Beaten and Abused For Requesting 35 Cents An Hour
12-10-12: Surviving In An Underground World Of Tunnels Beneath Sin City (let's count our blessings!)
12-10-12: How To Have Instant Character (bite your tongue... or your fingers! Gossip is tongue-murder!)
12-09-12: Democracy Is Not Freedom (it's majority rule, overriding individual opinion. The Awesome Dr. Paul Files)
12-09-12: The Global Sweatshop Economy (trapped children and women jump to death (disturbing photos)
12-09-12: What Is A Hypocrite Biblically (apart from Jesus' righteousness, we are all as sinful as the vilest sinner)
12-09-12: The Paradox Of Our Times (photos of Hong Kong & reflecting thoughts, MS Power Point (individual photos)
12-08-12: 200 Miles Of Underground Tunnels Called Home By Poor Under Vegas (like subterranean movie cities)
12-08-12: Koko The Gorilla Raised From Birth By Humans (proof that apes and humans didn't evolve)
12-08-12: Marriage-Part 16 ('my husband has destroyed all my love' or 'I don't love her anymore'; Dr. Hyles, Full MP3)
12-08-12: America: A Nation Of Evil Hypocrites (the whole world is waiting for the Christian to fall)
12-07-12: Tent Cities Growing Around Florida (President Obama says the economy is recovering?)
12-07-12: The Tower Of Babel Today (the Big Picture. The Great Pyramid and the All Seeing Eye)
12-07-12: 12 Year Old Explains How Banks Commit Fraud (too bad most adults can't figure it out)
12-07-12: The Catholic Pope Is The Vicar Of Hell (no salvation in Catholicism's religious prisonhouse)
12-06-12: Meet The Holy Spirit (a life-changing book by Pastor Jack Hyles, 1926-2001)
12-06-12: The Roman Catholic Church Is Composed Of Manmade Traditions Instead Of God's Word
12-06-12: The Book Of Psalms And Enemies (“enemy” and “enemies” mentioned 104 times in Psalms)
12-05-12: He Who Pays The Pied Piper (creation of the modern medical [drug] establishment)
12-05-12: He Who Calls The Tune (continuation of, “He Who Pays The Pied Piper”; Protection Racket)
12-04-12: The Story Behind The Psalms (penned by Moses, Daniel, Job, Eihan, Solomon, Ezra, Asaph and David)
12-04-12: The Gospel (Good News) Is Two-Thirds Bad News (all things work together for good in Christ)
12-04-12: THE WAR OF 1812 (a 1:53 hour PBS video documentary: The Forgotten War)
12-04-12: The Politics Of Cancer Therapy (G. Edward Griffin — billion dollar cut, burn & poison scam)
12-03-12: WORLD WITHOUT CANCER | READ NOW (free online amazing book by G. Edward Griffin)
12-03-12: THE ADMINISTRATIVE STATE | DOWNLOAD MP3 (a 4TH branch of government to steal your child)
12-03-12: VIETNAM WAR STORIES (PBS video told entirely from the perspective of war veterans)
12-02-12: Ladies, Cook Your Turkey Upside Down For The Tenderest Meat Ever (here's one recipe)
12-02-12: Why Did God Kill A Man For Picking Up Sticks On The Sabbath Day? (don't add to the Gospel)
12-02-12: The Answer Book, A Helpbook for Christians (by Evangelist Samuel C. Gipp)
12-01-12: Evils Of Preemptive War (Dr. Paul: “We have rejected the just war theory of Christianity”)
12-01-12: Texas Student Suspended For Refusing To Wear School-Issued Tracking RFID Chip (police state is forming)
12-01-12: Interesting Facts About The American Civil War (also, PBS documentary on the Civil War dead)
11-30-12: HOW TO WALK WITH GOD | Download MP3 (a life-changing sermon by Dr. Jack Hyles)
11-30-12: ‘OPIUM’ REAL REASON FOR AFGHANISTAN WAR (the White House lies never stop coming)
11-30-12: FOUR UNSELFISH LEPERS | Download MP3 (a needful sermon by Dr. Jack Hyles)
11-29-12: LOVE (chapter 34 from Dr. Hyles' life-changing book, BLUE DENIM AND LACE)
11-29-12: Barack Obama's 2008 Promise To End The War And Bring The Troops Home (we're still waiting)
11-29-12: It’s No Dummy: Camera-Equipped Mannequins Being Used By Stores To Help Boost Sales
11-28-12: Half Of All Recent College Graduates Can't Find Full-time Work (Obama's plan is doomed!)
11-28-12: Who Will Go To America? (the land that has sent the most missionaries needs missionaries!)
11-28-12: How The Government Breaks Up Marriages (by Dr. Phyllis Schlafly of the Eagle Forum)
11-27-12: Download A Free 1769 Edition Of The 1611 King James Bible In Word Or .PDF Format (Word)
11-27-12: Haven't There Been Several Revisions Of The King James Bible Since 1611?
11-26-12: Thank You For All Your Kind Words, Wonderful Testimonies And Earnest Prayers
11-26-12: One Nation Under Government — Not Under God (Obama's War On Religious Freedom)
11-26-12: The Marketing Of Madness (the psychotropic drug industry rakes in $330,000,000,000 a year!)
11-25-12: Making A Killing: The Untold Story Of Psychotropic Drugging (industry is devoid of science)
11-25-12: CPS Steals Children For Profit - Your Tax Dollars In Action! (converting children into cash)
11-25-12: How Great Thou Art - Barbershop Multitrack By Vance Perry (one man sings all parts!)
11-24-12: Evangelist Lester Roloff's Battle Against The Communist Takeover Of America's Families
11-24-12: In Every Thing Give Thanks (the Bible says to give thanks “in” every thing, not “for”)
11-24-12: Roloff Homes Family Alter Radio Medley | Download MP3 (this is real gospel music)
11-23-12: Prayer Made Simple (the Lord has made it very easy for any believer to pray)
11-23-12: Dr. Robert Morey's Unbiblical Teachings (denies eternal security, says God hates enemies)
11-23-12: Deliberately Dumbing Us Down (U.S. educational system has been sabotaged to dumb down)
11-22-12: HEART TROUBLE (a red-hot MP3 sermon by Dr. Phil Kidd on Christ's imputed righteousness)
11-22-12: SOAP BOX (“In a time of universal deceit, telling the truth is a revolutionary act.” —Orwell)
11-21-12: “He made as though He would have gone further” (what a wonderful Savior!)
11-21-12: Pastor Jack Hyles' Favorite Soul Winning Experiences (Let's Go Soul Winning)
11-21-12: Gerald Celente: Best Criminal On The Block Became President (“Obama is a better liar”)
11-20-12: A 1:52 Hour PBS Documentary About The Amish Culture (Satanic works salvation!)
11-20-12: Dying Under The Influence (a playlist video documentary on the evils of booze)
11-20-12: Beware Of Oprah's Demonic Views On Power And Purpose (we're created to please God)
11-19-12: Exposing Error: Is It Worthwhile? (by Pastor Harry A. Ironside, 1876-1951)
11-19-12: Homeland Security Has Purchased 1,600,000,000 Hollow-Tip Bullets Over Past Two Years!
11-19-12: Jesus Is Coming Again | Jesus May Come Today | How To Come To Jesus (Dr. John R. Rice)
11-18-12: Signs Of The Times (8:10 minute MP3 clip from It's Not Too Late by Pastor Danny Castle)
11-18-12: The False Gospel Of Dr. Robert Morey (teaches the believer's assurance is based on works)
11-18-12: TEARS IN HEAVEN (a needful red-hot MP3 sermon by Evangelist Phil Kidd)
11-18-12: Salvation Crystal Clear (complete online book by Dr. Curtis Hutson at Google books)
11-17-12: Dr. John R. Rice Refutes Lordship Salvation (you can't tell if a person is saved by a lifestyle)
11-17-12: The Thief On The Cross Was Never Water Baptized, Yet Jesus Promised Him Paradise
11-17-12: Homosexuals Influenced The New International Version (NIV) Used In Most Churches Today
11-16-12: More Lies From President Obama Upon Re-election (Deja vu all over again... more lies!)
11-16-12: Banksters And Obama To Continue Stealing (said 'greater of two evils' has won the election)
11-16-12: A Fascinating PBS Documentary About Chemistry (video explains Periodic Table Of Elements)
11-15-12: Not Wrath, But Rapture (Dr. Harry Ironside defends & explains the pretribulation Rapture)
11-15-12: God's Unconditional Love (God loves humanity because of Who He is, not who we are)
11-15-12: PAWING IN THE VALLEY (by Brother Lester Roloff; Job 39:21 & 23:10 | Download MP3)
11-14-12: The Authority Of The Church (the Word of God is our Final Authority on all matters)
11-14-12: An Authoritative God, Book and Preacher (this evil generation hates Godly authority)
11-14-12: Grace And Truth (an excellent, life-changing, book by Dr. Jack Hyles, 1926-2001)
11-13-12: There Has Always Been Only One Gospel (there have never been multiple plans of salvation)
11-13-12: Mitt Romney Is Not The Lesser Of Two Evil (he's worse because he pretends to be less evil)
11-13-12: Romney's Mormon Church Is A Masonic Front (Romney really serves Freemasonry interests)
11-12-12: Senator Nancy Schafer Murdered by the New World Order for Exposing CPS Pedophile Ring
11-12-12: Brigham Young: Sexual Pervert and Sicko (Mormons claim Jesus had three wives & children)
11-12-12: Jesus Came To Save Sinners (God only saves THE UNGODLY, Romans 4:5-6)
11-11-12: GOD OF WONDERS VIDEO (an awesome film! God's greatness is unsearchable, Psalm 145:3)
11-11-12: THE CHURCH (an excellent book by Pastor Jack Hyles, 1926-2001 - What Is A Church?)
11-10-12: You're Not Right With God If You Vote For Mitt Romney (it is evil to vote for evil)
11-10-12: A Sincere Word From My Heart About Israel, Modern Jews And The Holy Land
11-09-12: Christ Is Lord (by Evangelist Lester Roloff, 1914-1982 | MP3's)
11-09-12: Paying The Ultimate Price For Standing Against Wall Street's Blatant Crimes? (thieves)
11-09-12: Billy Graham Removes Warnings About Evil Roman Catholic Cult From HALLEY'S BIBLE HANDBOOK
11-08-12: False Prophet William Lane Craig's False Gospel Exposed (teaches Lordship Salvation)
11-08-12: Every Lying U.S. Republican President Has Financed Abortion Since Roe Vs. Wade!
11-08-12: Behold I Shew You A Mystery (by Dr. Max D. Younce - the Rapture is very, very close)
11-07-12: There Are 86,400 Seconds In Each Day (have we thanked God with just one of them?)
11-07-12: Mitt Romney: The Smiling Liar (apostate Billy Graham officially endorses Mormon Romney)
11-07-12: Understanding The Mormon Sex Cult (Mitt Romney is a leader in the Mormon religious faith)
11-06-12: The Art Of Lying (the 2012 presidential debate is a contest of who's the best rotten liar!)
11-06-12: A Fascinating Bible Study Of Human Civilization (6,000 years and counting!)
11-05-12: Redeeming The Time (Romans 13:12, “The night is far spent, the day is at hand”)
11-05-12: Make Christmas A Special Time Of Helping The Homeless (gift bags with the gospel)
11-04-12: Girl Scouts Exposed: Lessons In Lesbianism (Communist and radical feminist role models)
11-04-12: A World Decaying Because Of Man (by Evangelist Lester Roloff, 1914-1982 | MP3's)
11-03-12: A Major Contradiction In The Scriptures? (Romans 2:13 explained)
11-03-12: I NEVER KNEW YOU (an excellent book exposing Lordship Salvation and other false gospels)
11-02-12: SLIPPERY WHEN WET (Listen) | WHEN SATAN IS AT HIS WORST (Listen) - Dr. Jack Hyles
11-02-12: This Is God's Ministry (“...all that will live godly in Christ Jesus shall suffer persecution”)
11-01-12: HELL IS REAL (most people will be sorry when they find out that Hell was true after all!)
10-31-12: A REAL BURNING HELL! (1,000,000,000,000,000,000,000 years won't even be the beginning!)
10-30-12: God Is A Miracle Working God (narrator of Ten Commandments movie doesn't think so)
10-30-12: The Rapture - The Believer's Victory In Jesus | MP3 (needful sermon by Dr. Max D. Younce)
10-30-12: A Wife Needs To Feel Like She's Part Of Her Husband's Ministry Too (by Dr. Max D. Younce)
10-29-12: A NATION IN PERIL (a 1:45 hour patriotic movie that I made almost a year ago)
10-29-12: Don't Let Anything Get You Side-Tracked From Serving God (look only to the Lord)
10-29-12: How Shall They Hear Without A Preacher? (singer says: “We don't have time to preach!”)
10-28-12: It's not what you're doing that gets you to Heaven, it where you're looking. Look to Jesus!
10-28-12: They Call It 'The American Dream' Because You Have To Be Asleep To Believe It!
10-28-12: DOORS TO SATAN (life-changing video sermon by Pastor Danny Castle | MP3)
10-27-12: ENDA Puts Transvestites In Your Child's Classroom (ENDA hurts kids! Engayged?)
10-27-12: It's God's Way Or The Highway (Christians ought to be as narrow-minded as the Bible!)
10-27-12: Jesus May Come Today (by Evangelist John R. Rice, 1895-1980. Even so, come, Lord Jesus!)
10-26-12: WHEN GOD BECOMES YOUR ENEMY | Listen (MP3 sermon by Pastor Jack Hyles)
10-26-12: Iraq Records Huge Rise In Birth Defects (MP3: Depleted Uranium Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3)
10-26-12: DON'T RUN (complete printed sermon by Dr. Jack Hyles. Here's the MP3)
10-25-12: Should A Divorced Woman Remarry Her Husband Or Marry Another Man That She Loves?
10-25-12: This Is Life Eternal (John 17:3... MP3 sermon on salvation by Pastor Jack Hyles)
10-25-12: The Bible And Your Cellphone (needful MP3 sermon by Pastor Jeff Owens | Audio Archives)
10-24-12: Don't Wait Until It's Too Late To Realize What You Have (Pastor Jack Hyles)
10-24-12: Beyond Evil: NDAA Says Government Can Detain You Forever & You Have No Legal Recourse
10-24-12: Romans 10:9 In The NIV Teaches Lordship Salvation Heresy! (beware of Satan's Bible version)
10-23-12: Replacement Theology Is A False Doctrine (the Church did not replace Israel)
10-23-12: Is Israel Back In The Land To Stay? | All Israel Will Be Saved (by Pastor Max D. Younce)
10-23-12: John Hagee Lives In A 5,275 Square Foot Mansion On A $2.1 Million 8,000 Acre Ranch
10-22-12: The Gifts And Callings Of God Are Without Repentance (repentance refers to God, not man)
10-22-12: Opium Cultivation Has Increased 657% Since George W. Bush Invaded Afghanistan In 2002
10-22-12: The Art Of Lying (the 2012 presidential debate is a contest of who's the best rotten liar!)
10-21-12: Afghan, Wall Street, Heroin & The CIA (U.S. troops are being used to protect the heroin!)
10-21-12: Nobody Protests The Exploitation Of Troops Until Their Child Comes Back In A Body-Bag
10-21-12: Tel Aviv, Israel Is Now The Pink (Gay) Capital Of The World (Revelation 11:8, Sodom city)
10-21-12: The Health Risks Of Gay Sex (new law in Britain allows 16-year-olds to sodomize!)
10-20-12: Anything That God Does Is Right (an awesome message from Nahum by Dr. J. Vernon McGee)
10-20-12: Biblical Evidence Against Soul Sleep (God is the God of Abraham, Isaac & Jacob, the living)
10-20-12: Job's Covenant With His Eyes Not To Lust (Christians can live right in these perverted days)
10-20-12: Anarchy Is Not Going To Save America! (without repenting toward God we're doomed)
10-19-12: King James Bible read by Alexander Scourby) | My I-Bible | All On One DVD (over 70 hours)
10-19-12: Syria's Shocking Civilian Death Toll (PBS video: 5,400 people killed during August of 2012)
10-19-12: The Battle For Syria (graphic PBS documentary... 20,000 Syrians killed over last 18 months)
10-19-12: The Evolutionist's Big Bang Lie Of Satan (watch how a $150,000 Swiss watch is handcrafted)
10-18-12: Why I Disagree With All 5 Points of Calvinism (by Dr. Curtis Hutson, Limited Atonement Lie)
10-18-12: Go And Sin No More (Evangelist Lester Roloff on alcohol, “I hate the filthy stuff!”)
10-18-12: Death And The Civil War (PBS video: how our nation dealt with an overwhelming number of dead)
10-18-12: Is It Nothing To You All Ye That Pass By? (caring is the hallmark trait of being a Christian)
10-17-12: 101 Reasons To Homeschool Your Kids (public schools are cesspools of wickedness)
10-17-12: Opium Brides (PBS documentary, global elite use troops to support pedophilia and heroin)
10-17-12: Uncovering The Pedophile World Of “Bacha Bazi” (the sexual trade of Afghan's boys)
10-17-12: Repent! Repent! Repent! (the Bible teaches all men to repent and believe the Gospel)
10-16-12: Federal Appeals Court Upholds Treasonous NDAA Permanently (no trial, no representation)
10-16-12: The New Heaven And The New Earth (chap 14, Some Golden Daybreak, Dr. Lee Roberson)
10-16-12: Many Will Seek To Enter Heaven, But Few Will Enter (most religious people are not saved)
10-15-12: More Deadly Than War... The Communist Revolution In America! (by G. Edward Griffin)
10-15-12: There's No Such Thing As Absolute Freedom (don't be deceived by the Communists)
10-15-12: NO ONE LISTENED TO NOAH FOR 120 YEARS (just as people aren't listening to truth today)
10-14-12: God's Promise To Guide Us (Psalm 48:14, “...he will be our guide even unto death”)
10-14-12: What If I Am Not Saved? (My testimony and 7-year battle with the assurance of salvation)
10-14-12: Islamic Cult Survives In Underground 8 Level World For Decades In Russia (kids never saw daylight)
10-13-12: No Fear Of God (Romans 3:18, “There is no fear of God before their eyes”)
10-13-12: World Mission Society Church Of God Exposed (founder Ahnsahnghong claimed to be Christ)
10-13-12: 'NIV 2011' No Longer Calls Holy Spirit “He” (the Biblical Godhead is totally masculine)
10-12-12: Chicago, The Town God WILL Shut Down! (Sinatra said Billy Sunday couldn't stop the sin, but God will!)
10-12-12: Disturbing Truths (here's a very interesting website with some intriguing photos)
10-12-12: Wayne Cordeiro And The “New Hope Christian Fellowship” Church Exposed! (church sings Marvin Gaye)
10-11-12: All Things Or Not One Drop Of Water (God offers everything for free, or you'll burn forever)
10-11-12: ACLU Forces Government To Reveal Skyrocketing Surveillance Stats (monitor thy brother?)
10-11-12: God Uses The Foolishness Of Preaching To Save Them That Believe (not CCM music)
10-10-12: ALCOHOL KILLS (alcohol is Public Enemy #1 - God hates beer and everything it stands for)
10-10-12: Sex Education Program in Our Public Schools: What Is Behind It? (Pastor Jack Hyles)
10-10-12: Why DO The Wicked Prosper? (the wicked prosper now, but God says it won't be for long)
10-09-12: The Song Of Fools (the booze cartel will never show you the graves of dead victims!)
10-09-12: Drunk Driving Is No Accident (for every drug-addict there are 10 alcoholics!)
10-09-12: Church—A Hospital For Sinners (mature Christians say “We have sinned!”)
10-08-12: Reformation, Rehabilitation, Education, Nor Legislation Is The Answer; But Regeneration!
10-08-12: Matthew Henry Is A Heretic (famous commentator taught Baptismal Regeneration heresy)
10-07-12: Study, Rightly Dividing The Word Of Truth (some helpful tips on studying the Bible)
10-07-12: Please Pray For My Neck Pain And Ministry (Revelation 22:20, “Even so, come, Lord Jesus.”)
10-06-12: 9/11 THE FALLING MAN (Genesis 4:10, “thy brother's blood crieth unto me from the ground.”
10-06-12: 200 People Jumped to Their Death On 911 (forced to jump to escape the intense heat)
10-05-12: The Criminals Behind The 911 Attacks Are Not Forgotten! (Amen for Ecclesiastes 12:13-14)
10-05-12: Don't Run (learn to accept your limitations and circumstances in life - Dr. Hyles at age 73)
10-05-12: God Is Amazing! (the atomic energy in one man equals 157,307 Hiroshima nuclear bombs!)
10-04-12: The Science Of Not Becoming Bitter (sincerity often leads to bitterness - by Dr. Jack Hyles)
10-04-12: “Easter” Is Not A Mistranslation (false scholars & corrupt Bibles misuse 'Passover' in Acts 12:4)
10-03-12: The Most Precious Double Negatives In The Bible (there are 5 negatives in Hebrews 13:5)
10-03-12: God's Promise Of Eternal Security | Behold I Show You A Mystery (videos by Dr. Younce)
10-03-12: Thomas Jefferson Wrote His Own Bible, Which Eliminated Christ's Virgin Birth And Deity
10-02-12: The Nuclear Energy From Just One Tree Could Power All Of America For 10 Years!!!
10-02-12: Perilous Times | Be Not Deceived (video sermons by Pastor Danny Castle)
10-02-12: The Chemistry Of The Blood (Dr. Martin R. DeHaan, 1891-1965 | The Blood Saves)
10-01-12: Bible Prophecy (Koran [Islam], Buddha and Confucius Have NO Prophecies. The Bible does!)
10-01-12: GOD OF WONDERS VIDEO (an awesome film! God's greatness is unsearchable, Psalm 145:3)
10-01-12: Obtaining The Favor Of God (a life-changing MP3 revival message by Evangelist Phil Kidd)
09-30-12: Where The Burden Rests In Salvation (Biblical salvation rests solely upon Jesus Christ)
09-30-12: Hell Fire Preaching! (the unsaved will spend eternity in the Lake of Fire without mercy)
09-30-12: STRENGTH AND BEAUTY (a life-changing book by Dr. Jack Hyles; He Made The Stars Also)
09-30-12: Larry Harrison's Christian Book Gallery (reprints of rare and out-of-print Christian classics)
09-29-12: Mike Adam's False Plan Of Redemption (Infowars is going spiritually downhill quickly)
09-29-12: Alex Jones' “Stairway To The Universe” Video (teaches heresies of religious humanism and New Age)
09-29-12: NDAA Means Death Of Freedom (there's no legitimate federal government anymore)
09-29-12: Gregory Brock Chisholm (first leader of WHO evidences Communist plot to overthrow U.S.)
09-28-12: The Stone Cut Without Hands (Jesus' return is the next event on God's prophetic calendar)
09-28-12: Disgusted Gay Anti-War Museum Owner Moves To Germany To Escape Post 911 Hellhole In America!
09-28-12: Marriage - Part 16 (Pastor Hyles. You didn't used to love somebody. Great stuff! Full MP3)
09-28-12: Don't Believe The Lying Garbage About Pastor Jack Hyles (evil lies always become as truth)
09-27-12: Toby Mac's New Satanic Album Is Getting Recognized By The Heathen World (Satan promotes his own)
09-27-12: “I Love Lucy” Show Taught Wives To Lie, Connive And Deceive Husbands (most popular show ever)
09-27-12: Take Up Thy Cross Daily (children need to learn to bear burdens, lest they fail in life)
09-27-12: Jesus Is Almighty God! (Revelation 1:8, “I am Alpha and Omega... the Almighty”)
09-26-12: He's Still Working On Me (a favorite song to sing, teach kids and for a bus route)
09-26-12: The Collapse Of Character | Anti-Bullying Hypocrisy Exposed (.PDF articles by Dr. Samuel C. Gipp)
09-26-12: An Authoritative God, Book and Preacher (this evil generation hates Godly authority)
09-26-12: God Is Still On His Throne | Download MP3 (God still says abortion is sin! By pastor Jeff Owens)
09-25-12: Mel Gibson's 'Slaughter Of The Christ' Is Based Upon Nuns With Serious Mental Problems
09-25-12: City Remains Of Sodom And Gomorrah Found Located Beneath Sea of Pure Sulfur
09-25-12: Human Wisdom/Divine Wisdom, The Bible (life-changing sermons by Dr. Max D. Younce)
09-24-12: Amazon.com, Government And Other Spies Know Everywhere You Go And All That You Do Online
09-24-12: How The Devil Uses Taylor Swift, Justin Bieber, Joe Jonas And Selena Gomez
09-24-12: Helping Others (chapter 42 from “Blue Denim And Lace” by Dr. Jack Hyles)
09-23-12: Hasty Fruit (some of the best financial advice you'll ever hear - by Pastor Jack Hyles)
09-23-12: ENDGAME: A.I.D.S. IN BLACK AMERICA (a 1:53 hour PBS documentary on sex and A.I.D.S.)
09-22-12: Martin Luther Worshipped Mary, Which Is Idolatry (only Jesus Christ is to be worshipped!)
09-22-12: Martin Luther: Master Of Deceit | Part 2 (Biblical MP3 sermons exposing the Lutheran hoax)
09-21-12: A Living Dog Is Better Than A Dead Lion (by Pastor Jack Hyles, 1926-2001)
09-21-12: If You Have $15 To Your Name, You Are In The Top 8% Of The World's Wealthiest People!
09-20-12: They Sold Their Souls For Rock 'N' Roll (thou hast sold thyself, 1st Kings 21:20)
09-20-12: Nebuchadnezzar's Image (Revelation 17:18 says the woman riding the beast is Jerusalem)
09-20-12: Only Born-Again Jews Can Biblically Claim To Be God's People (all others are cut off)
09-19-12: Basic Understanding Of New World Order (DISASTER ahead for Arabs, Jews & Americans)
09-19-12: An Excellent Explanation Of How True Israel Is Victimized By Marxist Zionist Jews
09-19-12: MEGIDDO: The March To Armageddon (a fascinating 2:16 hour end times documentary)
09-18-12: In 1793, French Revolution Leaders Murdered Millions To Solve Unemployment!
09-18-12: 'The Jonas Brothers' Speak For Satan (demonic so-called committed evangelical Christians)
09-18-12: Mick Jagger, Katy Perry and Selena All Blaspheme God And Claim To Be Beyond Repentance
09-17-12: Lady Gaga Blasphemes Jesus (lyrics, 'In the most Biblical sense I am beyond repentance')
09-17-12: Dishonoring The Lord With Jesus Tattoos (Justin Bieber and Katy Perry dishonor the Lord)
09-17-12: Entering The Realm Of The Antichrist (signs of Satan are everywhere and 666)
09-16-12: Surprises In Hell (Isaiah 14:9, “Hell from beneath... to meet thee at thy coming!)
09-16-12: Secular Music And The New World Order (All Seeing Eye and Pyramid are everywhere)
09-16-12: Exposing The New World Order And The Forming Beast System (please, please watch this!)
09-15-12: ROCKUMENTARY (playlist will automatically play all 16 parts of video documentary)
09-15-12: Who Or What Is Behind The Economic Collapse Of America? (where'd spending power go?)
09-15-12: How Much Was Delilah Paid For Betraying Samson? (thou hast sold thyself, 1st Kings 21:20)
09-14-12: Agape Vs. Phileo (MP3 sermon by the world's greatest preacher, Pastor Jack Hyles)
09-14-12: Fathers Harden Not Your Heart (don't become hard — MP3 sermon by Pastor Jeff Owens)
09-14-12: Brazil, Indiana So Broke They're Advertising KFC On Fire Hydrants (sewers and landfills next!)
09-13-12: Woman Who Underwent Surgery To Become A Man Rejected To Lead Breast Feeding Class
09-13-12: Homeland Security Labels Freedom-Lovers As Potential Terrorists (you're the enemy USA!)
09-13-12: I Need More Proof (the wicked are always testing Christ... “if Thou be the Son of God”)
09-13-12: Tobymac's New World Order Album (Toby's new album plainly shows his allegiance to Satan)
09-12-12: Mitt Romney: The Smiling Liar (beware of all the sleazy liars at the Romney campaign)
09-12-12: Lesbian Ana Kasparian supports INSANE CLOWN POSSE, but Attacks Dan Cathy's CHICK-FIL-A
09-12-12: MTV 'SHOWZEN' Episode Calls God A Loser, So He Commits Suicide And They Eat God's Body
09-12-12: New RFID Tag Could Mean the End of Bar Codes (mark of the beast technology already exists)
09-11-12: 911 Victims Remembered (Genesis 4:10, thy brother's blood crieth unto me from the ground)
09-11-12: 1,706 Architects And Engineers Say Planes COULDN'T Have Brought Buildings Down On 911
09-11-12: New York Fire Department Describes Demolition Charges Going Off As Buildings Fall On 911
09-11-12: Firefighters At Ground Zero Say BOMBS Brought Down The Buildings (911 was an inside Job!)
09-10-12: Our Government Is No Longer Our Government (criminal takeover is building against nation)
09-10-12: Let's Talk About Jesus (1st Peter 2:7, “Unto you therefore which believe He is precious” )
09-10-12: The Rapture; “Catching Up” Of The Church | MP3 | More (by Pastor Max D. Younce)
09-10-12: Adult Beach Legally Permits Children And Teenagers (7,000 people per day visit Haulover nude beach)
09-09-12: Lessons From The Life Of Lot | MP3 | More (a needful sermon by Pastor Max D. Younce)
09-09-12: What To Do When We Sin As Christians (1 Samuel 12:20, serve the LORD with all your heart)
09-09-12: Old Testament Chronology Chart (I use this often to see how books relate to each other in time periods)
09-09-12: God Is Incredibly Awesome (Psalms 100:3, “it is he that hath made us, and not we ourselves”)
09-08-12: Don't Give Donations To Children International ($347,381 salary; they're promoted all over the internet)
09-08-12: Hating The Preacher (don't worry... everything's alright in my Father's house!)
09-08-12: The Things That I Do To Try To Keep The Church Morally Strong (MP3 by Pastor Jeff Owens)
09-08-12: Listen To The KJB By Alexander Scourby On DVD (one of the biggest blessings in my life)
09-07-12: Why The Jewish Rabbis Love The Mormon Church (Mitt Romney likely to be next U.S. President?)
09-07-12: Dear Taxpayer (the Wall Street bailout has reached $12.2 trillion so far! Banksters are scum criminals)
09-07-12: Any Attempt To Restore Liberty Without Obedience To God Is Anarchy (Satan wants anarchy!)
09-07-12: DIE AMERICA DIE! (eye-opening sermon by Pastor Texe Marrs | Archives)
09-06-12: The Ultimate Mitt Romney Flip Flop Collection (a total deceiver and servant of evil)
09-06-12: Worry (faith is the key to everything; worry is atheism; less trust means more worry)
09-06-12: A Nation Not Worthy Of Pastor Jack Hyles (a man's still deemed innocent until proven guilty)
09-05-12: Crying Over Churches Today (the old men wept when they saw the foundation of the second temple)
09-05-12: A Clip From God's Jealousy (this is why evil people hate Pastor Jack Hyles for his preaching)
09-05-12: God's Jealousy (Exodus 34:14, “the LORD, whose name is Jealous, is a jealous God.”)
09-04-12: Jesus Is The Only BEGOTTEN Son Of God (corrupt Bibles remove “begotten” in John 3:16)
09-04-12: Thank God For The Bus Ministry (Dr. Hyles pioneered the Church Bus Ministry in America)
09-04-12: The Simplicity Of Salvation (by Pastor Jack Hyles, America's greatest preacher!!!)
09-03-12: Joseph Forgiving His Brethren (let the Lord handle the vengeance, by Pastor Jack Hyles)
09-03-12: The Thoughts Of His Heart (the Scriptures are the thoughts of God's heart to each generation)
09-03-12: With All Thy Getting Get Wisdom (MP3 sermon by Dr. Jack Hyles, 1926-2001)
09-02-12: Eternal Security (if saved, always saved... Salvation is a new birth that cannot be undone!)
09-02-12: ADDICTIONS (the best 12 step program is the 12 steps to the alter)
09-01-12: The Number 13 Means Rebellion (America is doomed to rebellion and destruction!)
09-01-12: 2012 Doomsday A Likely Cover For Imminent Collapse Of U.S. Banks And Economy
08-31-12: The Rebuilt Temple (the temple is ready to be rebuilt, immediately after the Rapture)
08-31-12: Creature From Jekyll Island A Second Look at the Federal Reserve (G. Edward Griffin)
08-30-12: The Reason Why You Shouldn't Give Money To Big Charities (charity heads are paid $60-$325 an hour)
08-30-12: The Science Of Calling A Pastor (choosing a new pastor will make or break any church)
08-30-12: John Hagee's False Zionist Antichrist Gospel (Jesus claimed to be the Messiah in John 4:26)
08-29-12: Charleston Heston Knew That The King James Bible Is God's Word (too bad most preachers don't)
08-29-12: Talking King James Bible (Romans 10:17, “Faith cometh by hearing, and hearing by the Word of God”)
08-29-12: The King James Bible Is Inspired (ask your pastor if he believes the KJB is inspired?)
08-29-12: Beware CCM Singer Matt Maher—Roman Catholic False Prophet! (the new music religion)
08-28-12: Proof that Catholics Worship Mary (evil Vatican says devotion to Mary can save Catholics)
08-28-12: More Than 12,000 Killed In Mexican Drug War! (Mexico under siege - the drug war at our doorstep!)
08-28-12: Hear Ye Him (the only opinion that truly matters is the Word of God)
08-28-12: What Is It That's Keeping You From God? (one excuse is as good as another, what's yours?)
08-27-12: America Destroyed By Design (2:07 hour documentary - The conspiracy to destroy America!)
08-27-12: Mother And 22-Year-Old Son Both Killed Hours Apart In Separate Accidents Involving Drunk Drivers
08-27-12: The Revival America Needs (a needful MP3 sermon by Pastor Lee Roberson, 1909-2007)
08-27-12: Why Are There So Many Sexual Sins In American Society Today? (sermon: NOT FOR SALE!)
08-26-12: Nebuchadnezzar's 90 x 9 Foot Image (it was an obelisk; We Are Living In The End Times)
08-26-12: HIS RIGHTEOUSNESS (we are saved by Christ's imputed righteousness, and not ourselves)
08-26-12: SINNERS IN THE HANDS OF A FORGIVING GOD! (we all need the gift of God's forgiveness)
08-25-12: Playing Church | The Truth (life-changing MP3 sermons by Pastor Danny Castle)
08-25-12: The Abomination Of Desolation (3 1/2 years from AOD until Christ's Coming - proof of pretrib Rapture!)
08-25-12: Just Keep Building Nehemiah! (I cannot come down... “I AM DOING A GREAT WORK!”)
08-25-12: Who's The Biggest Sinner? (I am... and so are you if you're right with God)
08-24-12: Pedal Steel Guitar From My Heart (a couple new songs I recorded for my web visitors)
08-24-12: You'll Never Do Anything Until You Go Ahead And Do It Before You're Ready (MP3, “Faith That Works”)
08-24-12: A Love Hate Relationship With God (a red-hot MP3 sermon by Evangelist Phil Kidd)
08-24-12: Church—A Hospital For Sinners (mature Christians say “We have sinned!”)
08-23-12: The Blessing Of Sin (by Pastor Jack Hyles — God loves sinners in spite of what we are!)
08-23-12: To Please God We Must Take Sides (driving in the center lane causes accidents)
08-23-12: See That Ye Fall Not Out By The Way (don't forfeit God's blessings by failing to pray about everything)
08-23-12: Respect In Marriage (a short MP3 sermon clip from “JUST DO RIGHT” by Pastor Danny Castle)
08-22-12: THE TRUTH (the termites of hell are eating away at the foundation of this country)
08-22-12: Satan Knows That He Has But A Short Time... Do We? (a clip from A Nation In Peril)
08-22-12: Epidemic Of Teens Overdosing On Cough Medicine To Get High (Facebook the new street corner dealer)
08-22-12: Pastor Danny Castle - It's Not Too Late (Preaching on Illuminati, All Seeing Eye and the Music Industry)
08-21-12: NASA Says Nothing To Worry About On December 21 (The Great 2012 Doomsday Scare)
08-21-12: Banking: The Greatest Scam On Earth (every Christian should expose this woeful evil)
08-21-12: U.S. Banks Told To Prepare For Total Collapse (our economy is going to implode soon)
08-21-12: How The Banking Derivatives Scam Works In America (or, derivatives made simple)
08-20-12: Nobody Is Laughing In Hell (a red-hot MP3 sermon by Evangelist Phil Kidd)
08-20-12: Beware The New So Called Fundamentalism (you can't improve Biblical Christianity)
08-20-12: A NATION IN PERIL (a patriotic 1:45 hour film from my heart about what's going on in America today)
08-20-12: Romans 8:28 (a practical printed sermon by Evangelist Lester Roloff, 1914-1982 | MP3's)
08-19-12: Full Spectrum Dominance: Secrets Of Global Domination (by Alex Jones)
08-19-12: The Rot At The Top (54 eye-opening minutes with Gerald Celente of The Trends Journal)
08-19-12: Gays Fight For Marriage, But Rosie O'Donnell Admits Her Marriage Was A Political Fraud
08-19-12: 20,000 Cult Members Await Doomsday In French Village On December 21, 2012
08-18-12: Gerald Celente Speaks The Truth About Gangsta Rap (they elevate the bottom of society)
08-18-12: Hell Is Coming! (The redcoats are coming! Wake up! The redcoats are coming!)
08-18-12: Beware Of Gay Christian Fraud, Justin Bieber (homosexual boy toy and NWO puppet)
08-18-12: And There Were Sodomites In The Land (homosexuals remove 'sodomites' from the Bible)
08-17-12: Banned Episode: Conspiracy Theory with Jesse Ventura - Police State (pandemic will kill millions!)
08-17-12: Anton LaVey And Hotel California (the Satanic roots of secular music)
08-17-12: The Untold Story Of Terri Schiavo (it's illegal to torture a dog or criminal like they did Terri)
08-17-12: Are You In Your Right Mind? (an excellent MP3 sermon by Pastor Jeff Owens)
08-17-12: Lutheran Religion Is Straight Out Of The Pits Of Hell (Martin Loser was not saved)
08-16-12: ENDGAME (a 2:19 hour documentary on the history of the New World Order)
08-16-12: When It's Too Late (once you drink alcohol, it drinks you! Don't take the first drink!)
08-16-12: The Unscholarly Rubbish Of AnswersInGenesis.org (beware of Ken Ham and Paul Taylor)
08-16-12: There Are Major Theological and Scientific Problems With A Young Earth
08-15-12: Exploring Prayer With Jack Hyles (to not pray is to say, “God, I don't need your help!”)
08-15-12: How To Keep Yourself From Becoming Evil (by Pastor Jeff Owens | SBBC)
08-15-12: Government Silently Positions for Martial Law as Financial Collapse Arrives in America
08-15-12: Informative Articles Warning Americans Of The Coming Police State (by Susanne Posel)
08-14-12: Who's The Best Christian? (you just may be a better or worse Christian than you think)
08-14-12: Unreasonable (a life-changing MP3 sermon by Brother Lester Roloff | More MP3 sermons)
08-14-12: Why Do We Fast? | Fasting | Keep On Praying (MP3 sermons by Pastor Danny Castle)
08-14-12: Abounding Heresy Evidences Apostasy In America (the Devil has crept into most churches)
08-13-12: God Always Keeps His Promises (Part 1 | Part 2 MP3's; Videos by Pastor Max D. Younce)
08-13-12: Russia Moves Nuclear Missiles to Cuba (world leaders say nuclear terrorism is a grave threat)
08-13-12: Pawing In The Valley (a courageous MP3 sermon by Brother Lester Roloff, 1914-1982)
08-13-12: When Time Is No Longer (chapter 1 from Dr. Hyles classic book, “Blue Denim And Lace”
08-12-12: GRATITUDE (chapter 15 from Dr. Jack Hyles classic book, “Blue Denim And Lace”
08-12-12: Some On Broken Pieces (MP3 sermon — pull someone to shore on the pieces of your shipwrecked life)
08-12-12: College Conspiracy Scam USA (absolutely unreal... you've got to see this!)
08-12-12: What Will Happen When Jesus Comes (video sermon by Pastor Danny Castle)
08-11-12: Gloria Steinem: How the CIA Used Feminism to Destabilize Society (Dr. Henry Makow)
08-11-12: Gay Rights Activists To Hold Kiss Protests At Chick-fil-A Restaurants (hateful gays force views on others)
08-11-12: TV Preachers Exposed! (shocking 1:57 documentary video refuting false televangelists)
08-11-12: Benny Hinn Exposed By NBC Dateline (2nd Peter 2:3 says greedy dogs are already damned!)
08-10-12: Growing Numbers of Older Americans are Spending Their Retirement Years in Poverty
08-10-12: Speaking In Tongues Is Of The Devil (Charismatic tongues are a demonic sham)
08-10-12: Why Did God Kill A Man For Picking Up Sticks On The Sabbath Day? (don't add to the Gospel)
08-10-12: E-SWORD (free King James Bible study software for looking up word meanings)
08-09-12: Homosexuality And Same-Sex Marriage | Gay Marriage Why Not (by Pastor David Brown)
08-09-12: The Satanic Plot Against Motherhood (how the Rockefellers engineered American women)
08-09-12: Globalists Forcing Women Into Workplace Has Woefully Eliminated Big Families Reports TIME Magazine
08-08-12: The Valley Of Achor (MP3; “the valley of Achor for a door of hope”; see Joshua 7:19-26)
08-08-12: PAWNS IN THE GAME (a Satanic conspiracy to control the world; by William Guy Carr)
08-08-12: Jesus Is Precious! (1st Peter 2:7, “Unto you therefore which believe He is precious...”)
08-07-12: The Second Coming Of Christ (a heart-warming MP3 sermon by Dr. Tom Malone)
08-07-12: America Must Be Destroyed (out of America's CHAOS will arise a New World Order!)
08-07-12: A War With Iran Will Be The Beginning Of World War III (video by Gerald Celente)
08-06-12: The Left-Wing's Endless War On Gun Owners! (Dr. Paul Craig Roberts; no guns = no liberty!)
08-06-12: Can America Survive? (please read this printed sermon by Dr. Tom Malone from 1971)
08-06-12: New CIA Scanner Rolled Out Soon By TSA Can Surveil You On A Molecular Level
08-05-12: America Is So Messed Up, Citizens Can't Even Sit On A Park Bench Due To Fear Of Pedophiles
08-05-12: Hooray For Dan Cathy Of “Chick-Fil-A” Restaurants (restaurant chain owner takes a stand for God)
08-05-12: Chicago Alderman Moves to Ban Business for Politically Incorrect View on Gays (PRAYERS FOR BOBBY)
08-04-12: A Post-Tribulation Rapture Is Unscriptural (the Bible teaches a Pre-Tribulation Rapture)
08-04-12: Military Chaplains Under Threat (same-sex marriage and NDAA create nightmare for clergy)
08-04-12: How To Win Unsaved Loved Ones (a needful MP3 sermon by Pastor Tom Malone)
08-03-12: Mistakes Of The Titanic (awesome MP3, Pastor Danny Castle ... America is sinkable!)
08-03-12: Let's Talk About Outsourcing (by Dr. Phyllis Schlafly... U.S. taxpayers pay for outsourcing!)
08-03-12: The American Boy Scouts And Homosexuality (little boys and homosexuals don't mix)
08-02-12: SBC Lifeway President Says, “Southern Baptists have lost their enthusiasm for evangelism”
08-02-12: Jehovah's Witnesses And Creation Science Evangelism Agree (JW's teach free gift + effort)
08-02-12: Roman Catholics Remove 2nd Of Ten Commandments Which Forbids Bowing To Statues
08-01-12: Your Biggest And Most Dangerous Enemy (printed sermon by Pastor Jack Hyles)
07-01-12: Billions Of People Are Going To Hell (more people alive today than all history combined)
07-01-12: Do What Thou Wilt Shall Be the Whole of the Law (Satan wants you to do your own thing)
07-31-12: Great Weekly Preaching By Pastor Danny Castle | 2| 3 | 4 | 5 (Titus 1:3)
07-31-12: Alcohol: Public Enemy # 1 | Video (needful hard preaching by Pastor Danny Castle)
07-31-12: Pray Without Ceasing (timeless quotes from “WHY PRAY?” by Evangelist John R. Rice)
07-30-12: Build The Fences (an awesome MP3 sermon by Pastor Danny Castle)
07-30-12: Max Lucado's False Plan Of Salvation (adding everything to faith but the kitchen sink)
07-30-12: In All Thy Ways Acknowledge Him, And He Shall Direct Thy Paths (MP3 by Dr. Jack Hyles - Let God direct!)
07-29-12: Graphic Video: The Trade In Body Parts (human corpses harvested in billion dollar trade)
07-29-12: Don't Let Satan Tell You The Precious King James Bible's Not Inspired! (God's Words are always inspired)
07-29-12: Lordship Salvationists Agree With Jehovah's Witnesses (Ray Comfort and JW's agree)
07-28-12: One Book Stands Alone | One Book Rightly Divided (by Dr. Douglas D. Stauffer)
07-28-12: Exposing Satanism In Society Part One | Part Two | Part Three
07-28-12: The Chemistry Of The Blood (by Pastor M.R. DeHaan, M.D., 1891-1965)
07-28-12: Lord Here Am I, Send Me (red hot MP3 sermon by Pastor Danny Castle)
07-27-12: Beware Of “The Message: The Bible in Contemporary Language” (the MSG version)
07-27-12: Priests And Intercessors (by Pastor Jack Hyles; Exploring Prayer With Jack Hyles)
07-27-12: Walking In Jesus Christ (the old man cannot be tamed, we all need a new birth in Christ)
07-27-12: Serving God With Many Tears (God turned Job's captivity when he prayed for his friends)
07-26-12: I Know Who Holds Tomorrow (a 338-page book about Bible prophecy by Dr. Max D. Younce)
07-26-12: Three Nations Resurrected In A Day | MP3 (only God writes history in advance in the Bible)
07-26-12: What Is God's Plan For Egypt? | MP3 - Part 1 | MP3 - Part 2 (by Dr. Max D. Younce)
07-26-12: Amy Winehouse Drank Herself To Death With Booze (coroner's report shows BAC of 40%)
07-25-12: Did The Jews Spend 400 Or 430 Years In Egypt? (there are no discrepancies in the Bible)
07-25-12: Is This Of Thy Whoredoms A Small Matter, That Thou Hast Slain My Children? (Ezekiel 16:21)
07-25-12: The Sad Testimony Of George Carlin (the fool hath said in his heart, there is no God)
07-25-12: Mexican Drug Cartels Have Infiltrated All Of These U.S. Cities (the invasion of the drug cartels)
07-24-12: Who In Heaven And Hell Knows You? (do the demons and angels know you?)
07-24-12: This Time The World's Not Buying It (by Dr. Paul Craig Roberts)
07-24-12: Why I Believe The Bible Is God's Word (by Pastor Curtis Hutson)
07-24-12: The Sin Of Idolatry In America's Rock Music Culture (sexual lust is driving people crazy)
07-23-12: What's A Life Worth (Ecclesiastes 3:11, “God has made everything beautiful in His time.”
07-23-12: Walt Disney Is Of The Devil (the sexualization of America's teens)
07-23-12: Infowars Drops Religious Bombshell On Listeners! (religious humanism verses Christianity)
07-23-12: Monsanto's GMO Corn Linked To Organ Failure (tampering with God's creation for profits)
07-22-12: The Jaws Of Hell Are Opening Wide For America! (Isaiah 5:14)
07-22-12: 30 GM Human Babies Born With Genes from 2 Lesbians and 1 Man (freak alert!)
07-22-12: The Truth Behind Job Losses In America (shocking truth on Communist Wal-Mart, 2,3,4)
07-22-12: When Kids Get Life (2,200 kids serving life in America's prisons; only 12 kids outside of U.S.!)
07-21-12: Chicago's New Fruitcake Mayor Says: Gang-bangers Should Stand Away From Kids While Being Shot At
07-21-12: Chicago's Had 275 Murders Just In Past 6 Months (guns will likely be confiscated in Obama's 2nd term)
07-21-12: Woman Convicted Of Battery For Patting Down TSA Worker (tyranny goes one way!)
07-21-12: The United States Is In Deep Trouble (here's the story of a foolish farmer that illustrates why)
07-20-12: Genetically Engineering Trees — The Increasing Threat (a 46 minute video documentary)
07-20-12: Synthetic Biology Will Dominate The Future (there are now 5,000 new genetically engineered things!)
07-20-12: Insects Are Adapting To Genetically Produced Pesticides In Vegetables (man verses nature!)
07-20-12: The Property Tax Lien Scam: Homeowners Lose – Banks and Local Governments Win
07-20-12: Major Progress At Eliminating Fluoride in Water Supplies (fluoride is more toxic than lead)
07-19-12: Scranton Is So Broke That They're Paying Fire-fighters And Cops Minimum Wage ($7.25/hour)
07-19-12: Baltimore Is So Broke That They're Selling Advertisements On Fire-Trucks
07-19-12: Biblical Christianity Verses Secular Humanism (beware of spirituality without the Bible)
07-19-12: Bill Gates Funds Research Into ‘Flying Syringe’ Mosquitoes to Deliver Vaccines (frightening)
07-18-12: The Good Man Is Perished From Out Of The Earth (Micah 7:2)
07-18-12: Everything They're Telling Us About Syria... Is False! (Hillary Clinton & globalists are lying on Middle East)
07-18-12: President John F. Kennedy Murdered By Banking Cartel Over Presidential Directive 11110
07-17-12: Home Raided In Arizona, Christian Sentenced To 60-Days In Prison For Home Bible Study!
07-17-12: Overweight? Didn’t You Know There’s a Vaccine For That Too?
07-17-12: Biblical Salvation Verses Lordship Salvation (a comparison chart showing 25 differences)
07-16-12: Cheney Family 'Delighted' As Lesbian Daughter Marries Partner
07-16-12: Texe Marrs Tells The Plain Truth About Homosexuality (listen to this week's streaming audio)
07-16-12: 65% Of Japanese Don't Believe In God (less than 0.5% profess to have any faith in Christ)
07-15-12: Alex Jones And Led Zeppelin Verses God And “Bible-Thumping Devils”!!!
07-15-12: The Horrifying American Roots Of Nazi Eugenics (the WWII holocaust began in the U.S.)
07-15-12: Census Learns 8.2% Of Americans Report Committing Homosexuality (Woe unto America!)
07-14-12: Freemason's 'Great Architect' Is Satan (an organization within an organization)
07-14-12: History Of 501c3 Government Licensing Of Churches (churches bought and paid for in 1954)
07-14-12: GERALD CELENTE - Top Trends 2012 - .PDF File (martial law, war and tyranny coming)
07-13-12: Gerald Celente - Alex Jones Nightly Infowars 08 June 2012 (Obama likely to be reelected)
07-13-12: New Vaccinations Killed 47,500 Children In India Over The Past Year (medical fraud)
07-13-12: The Hypocrisy Of The Critics Of Eternal Security (if saved, always saved)
07-12-12: TEARS IN HEAVEN (You'll weep like never before when loved ones go into the Lake of Fire)
07-12-12: Alex Jones Does NOT Preach The Gospel (I love Alex, but he is confused on the Gospel)
07-12-12: Heart-Touching, Bizarre And Fascinating Photos of Life, People and Things (very interesting)
07-11-12: Our World Has Changed - Nobody Trusts Anybody Anymore - Paranoia, Suspicion and Slander
07-11-12: Government Wants More People On Food Stamps (Gingrich calls Obama “the food stamp president”)
07-11-12: U.S. Plans Military Buildup Of 13,500 Troops In Kuwait Around Iraq (gearing up for war)
07-10-12: They Are Turning Our Crops, Animals And Even Our Babies Into Freakish Genetic Monsters
07-10-12: TSA To Start Fondling Drivers On Highways (criminals have taken over the government)
07-10-12: Prosthetic Hands And Fingers For Some Returning Iraqi Vets
07-10-12: Beware Of 'ParentalGuide.com' Website's False Gospel (heresy everywhere we turn)
07-09-12: The Buddha - 1:53 Hour PBS Video (a bizarre look at world's 4th largest false religion)
07-09-12: The Christian's Happiness In Heaven (a Christian's life on earth determines future happiness)
07-09-12: Christian Books Are Priceless (don't rely upon the internet for all your knowledge)
07-09-12: Larry Harrison's Christian Book Gallery (reprints of rare and out-of-print Christian classics)
07-08-12: Redeeming The Time (life will be over before we know it; what are we doing for Heaven?)
07-08-12: Is It Time To Lock Up The Banksters? (criminals fined 1/34,482th of what they stole!)
07-08-12: People Will Soon Be Walking Around Like Zombies Wearing Internet Eye-Glasses!
07-07-12: IN THE LAST DAYS (by Evangelist Phil Kidd - Stay faithful to God in these Last Days!)
07-07-12: Awesome MP3 Sermons by Evangelist Phil Kidd (39 life-changing sermons)
07-07-12: I Apologize To You God (we're an undeserving nation of wicked ingrates)
07-06-12: Chinese Elderly And Families Survive In Cages In Hong Kong (they're called 'coffin dwellers')
07-06-12: I Shall Not Be Moved (Dr. Jack Hyles - There's no vote over what the preacher preaches!)
07-06-12: Repentance Is 'A Change Of Mind' (believing the Gospel is the only object of repentance)
07-05-12: The 'Holman Christian Standard Bible' Exposed (SHAME on the Southern Baptist Convention!)
07-05-12: Who Can Forgive Sins? | PDF (The Lutheran minister, the Catholic priest, or Jesus Christ?)
07-04-12: YOUR CHILD | MP3 sermon (the worst thing you'll ever do is enroll your kids in public school)
07-04-12: Evil 'Breastaurants' On The Rise In America (sex degenerates exploit women for profits)
07-04-12: NIV 2011...Feminist's Bible Removes The Word “Obey”! (new NIV caters to lesbian feminists)
07-03-12: The Virgin Birth And The Incarnation (by Dr. Arthur C. Custance)
07-03-12: Thank You For Your Continued Prayers (Even so, come, Lord Jesus!)
07-03-12: Great Tribulation (by Evangelist Phil Kidd - Saints will be removed before the Tribulation!)
07-02-12: College Conspiracy Scam USA (absolutely unreal... you've got to see this!)
07-02-12: The College Trap By ABC News (college education is 2nd largest scam in U.S. history!)
07-02-12: Federal Reserve Bank Is Biggest Scam In U.S. History (banks profit from student loan debt)
07-01-12: Anti-foaming agent found in Chicken McNuggets (Dimethylpolysiloxane and TBHQ added)
07-01-12: The Trinity In The Old Testament | Library (by Dr. Arthur C. Custance, 1910-1985)
07-01-12: Fallen Angels And Lucifer Prove Old Earth (Jeremiah 4:23-28 will amaze you!)
06-30-12: EVOLUTION: THE BIG HOAX! (If men came from apes, then why are there still apes?)
06-30-12: Caution About 'Creation Science Evangelism' Ministry (teach you must 'endeavor' to be saved)
06-30-12: Louis Farrakhan—A Black Person's Worst Nightmare! (quotes Bible while rejecting Gospel)
06-30-12: Martin Luther King Jr. Denied Christ's Deity, Virgin Birth and Resurrection (a Communist)
06-29-12: Abuse Of The Elderly (elderly WWII vet hero abused and robbed by family, court and bank)
06-29-12: Bank Steals 89-Year-Old Man's Land And Home (judge gives 30-days to exhume wife's body)
06-29-12: Scientists Genetically Engineer Cows to Produce Human Breast Milk | Alex Jones On Toxic Foods
06-29-12: FCC To Spy All Electronics; World War III Coming (Alex Jones: “we're going into bondage!”)
06-28-12: The 'Big Bang' Lie Of Satan (see how a $150,000 Swiss watch is assembled by hand)
06-28-12: The Bible Teaches An Old Earth; But A Young Human Race (Gap Principle is accurate)
06-28-12: HELL IS REAL | PART II (Life will soon be over for all of us... where is your soul going?)
06-28-12: Alex Jones Tortures I-Pad To Show That People Care More About I-Pads Than People Being Tortured
06-27-12: FDA Proposes Rules For Nanotechnology In Food (can of worms produces unknown risks)
06-27-12: The Coming Economic Hell For American Families (jobs are not coming back from overseas!)
06-27-12: A NATION IN PERIL (a patriotic 1:45 hour film I made. America is set for destruction!)
06-27-12: Only One Continent Until After The Flood | MP3 (by Pastor Max D. Younce)
06-26-12: With All Thy Getting Get Wisdom (MP3 sermon by Dr. Jack Hyles, 1926-2001)
06-26-12: How We Got God's Words (a needful Bible study by Dr. Jack Hyles MP3| Listen)
06-26-12: The 'Romans Road' Must Include The Resurrection (beware of teaching a false gospel)
06-26-12: America's Government Is Hated By The World Today (by Lew Rockwell on Alex Jones)
06-25-12: Retards At National Geographic Claim Moon Broke Off Earth From Massive Impact
06-25-12: All Republican U.S. Presidents Since Roe v. Wade Have Funded Planned Parenthood (more)
06-25-12: Available Original 1611 King James Bible (The original 1611 edition, word-for-word)
06-25-12: Obama Administration Plans Attack On First Amendment If Reelected (critics to be silenced)
06-24-12: Lord Willing (James 4:15-16 teaches it's a sin not to include the Lord in all our future plans)
06-24-12: God Is A Miracle Working God (narrator of Ten Commandments movie doesn't think so)
06-24-12: The False Gospel Of 'THE APPOINTMENT' Film (most religious films propagate a false gospel)
06-24-12: The Case For Killing Granny (cash bonuses offered to pull plug on loved ones; 2,3,4,5,6,7,8)
06-23-12: Same-Sex Divorce Challenges The Legal System (the freak show is just beginning)
06-23-12: Adam Lambert Wants To Play Judas In New Movie (Judaizers love to betray the Lord)
06-23-12: Apostate Baptist Churches In Hawaii Today (girls in pants, Rock music, dancing... very sad)
06-23-12: Salvation Is By Grace Through Faith Plus Nothing (it is simple to go to Heaven)
06-22-12: Rand Paul Sells Out! (son of Congressman Ron Paul now endorses globalist Mitt Romney!)
06-22-12: The Ultimate Mitt Romney Flip Flop Collection (a total deceiver and servant of evil)
06-22-12: Enoch Had This Testimony... That He Pleased God (we were created to please God)
06-22-12: Ten Things You Must Do If CPS Targets Your Family (never let CPS into your home)
06-21-12: 12 Year Old Explains How Banks Commit Fraud (why can't the adults figure it out?)
06-21-12: Mass Suicides In Greece As Government Fails (trusting government instead of God brings doom)
06-21-12: Calvinism's 5 Points... Refuted! (Lordship Salvation heresy is rooted in lies of Calvinism)
06-21-12: Homeland Security Wants To Fly Spy Drones Across America (high-tech spy society coming)
06-20-12: What To Expect When The Secret Service Knocks At Your Door (justice goes one-way in America today)
06-20-12: America: What Went Wrong? (by Donald L. Bartlett and James B. Steele)
06-20-12: China-made U.S. Military Chip Has Security Backdoor (China controls our high-tech weapons)
06-20-12: 75% Of Oklahoma High School Students Can't Name First President Of The United States
06-19-12: U.S. Families' Wealth Plunged 40 Percent During Recession, Fed Says (major depression ahead)
06-19-12: Gay And Lesbian Liaison Unit? (gays in Sodom and Gomorrah have their own pink police)
06-19-12: Wisconsin Pastor Sentenced To 2-Years In Prison For Spanking Children (but abortion's ok)
06-19-12: Eastern Verses Western Cultures (Americans are a spoiled bunch!)
06-18-12: 'The Jonas Brothers' Speak For Satan (parents and teens are unaware of backward masking)
06-18-12: South Koreans Being Taxed On Weight Of Garbage (RFID chips are used to track what people buy)
06-18-12: Indiana First State to Allow Citizens to Shoot Law Enforcement Officers (citizens tired of police brutality)
06-17-12: Bilderberg 2012 Archive (Alex Jones recaps coverage of criminal Bilderberg 2012 meetings)
06-17-12: I Go To Prepare A Place FOR YOU (the Lord is preparing a place just FOR YOU if saved)
06-17-12: Good Always Brings Evil (MP3 from the Bible study series, JUSTICE, by Dr. Jack Hyles)
06-16-12: Video Games & Pornography Are Destroying The Next Generation Of Young Men In America
06-15-12: The Madness Of The Human Heart (foolishness is bound in the heart of Americans)
06-14-12: Crime Town Chicago Honors Hollywood Whore With 26-Foot Statue Looking Up Her Skirt
06-13-12: Centuries Old Secular Prophecy Says Next Pope After Benedict XVI Will Be The Last
06-12-12: Fascinating Biblical Prophecy Concerning Coming World War III In The Middle East
06-11-12: Special Report: Widespread Abortion Abuses In Texas Exposed (epidemic botched abortions)
06-11-12: Here's What These Monsters Never Tell The Public When Abortions Go Bad (abortion pill?)
06-10-12: New York City To Outlaw Large-Sized Sugary Drinks! (Drop the soda, you're under arrest!)
06-10-12: Human Trials Planned After Swiss Scientists Help Paralyzed Rats Walk Again (short video)
06-10-12: Obama Rothschilds Choice (full movie; Sarah Silverman pretends to have sex with Jesus)
06-09-12: America's LGBTQ Trash Culture (was prayer and the Bible really all that bad?)
06-09-12: Matt Damon To Smooch With Michael Douglas In Upcoming Homosexual Film 'Liberace' (sick)
06-09-12: The Samaritans (God winked at their ignorance before Christ came, but not today)
06-08-12: It Is A Sin For Unmarried People To Kiss On The Lips (Did you see daddy kissing Santa Claus?)
06-08-12: Brothers In Arms (2nd Amendment is only thing preventing a brutal takeover here in U.S.)
06-08-12: Edward Griffin: The Truth About Communism (a 2 hour documentary; It Can't Happen Here!)
06-07-12: Only 44% Of Americans Think Homosexuality Is A Sin (God's opinion is the only opinion that matters!)
06-07-12: Who Was Jane Roe? (America's holocaust began with a broken home, alcohol & lesbianism)
06-07-12: Man Shall Not Live By Bread Alone (God led the Jews into scorpions, hunger, thirst & peril)
06-06-12: Christians Called Ignorant, Prejudiced & Evil For Believing The Bible That Homosexuality Is A Sin
06-06-12: 1 Million Workers. 90 Million iPhones. 17 Suicides. Who’s to Blame?
06-06-12: Uncovering The Pedophile World Of “Bacha Bazi” (the sexual trade of Afghan's boys)
06-05-12: Beware Of Interfaith Apostasy (How long halt ye between two opinions, 1st Kings 18:21)
06-05-12: Listen To The Entire Bible In 75 Hours (audio King James Bible by Alexander Scourby)
06-04-12: Though Hand Join in Hand, the Wicked Shall Not Be Unpunished (homosexuality is a sin!)
06-04-12: Hundreds Of Christians Killed In Nigeria (President Obama overlooks Christian persecution)
06-04-12: ABC's Shameful Sitcom “Good Christian Bitches” (how long before Christians fed to lions?)
06-03-12: Baptist Missionary's Wife Gang-Raped By Muslims In Bangladesh (Christians are being killed)
06-03-12: Buried Alive: The Horrifying Reality Of Hell (a confined, dark, lonely place with no way out)
06-03-12: The Cross-less Gospel (faith alone in Jesus alone is not the way of salvation)
06-02-12: The Rockefeller Bloodline And The Occult (subverting a nation with the love of money)
06-02-12: Life Changing MP3 Sermons By Brother Lester Roloff (1914-1982; Reach Us To Pray)
06-02-12: The Sin Of Worshipping The Land Of Israel Instead Of The God Of Israel (worship Jesus!)
06-01-12: Carrie Underwood's Sexy Videos War Against The Souls Of Men (BEWARE: homewrecker!)
06-01-12: In Adolescents, Addiction to Tobacco Comes Easy (teen addiction is becoming epidemic)
05-31-12: Armageddon (download MP3 | by Dr. Max D. Younce - Revelation Study)
05-31-12: How Much Money Do Cigarette Companies Make Per Year? (they produce 50 packs for every human being)
05-31-12: Luke Bryan—Singing For Satan! (sings “Pray About Everything” and then fornicating in a pickup truck)
05-30-12: Television Is The Enemy Of All Righteousness (Brother Roloff)
05-30-12: Disgraceful Wicked President Obama Breaks Promises To Everybody Except Homosexuals (Isaiah 5:20)
05-30-12: America Is Unraveling (click on Podcasts and then listen to sermon #1912 at the top)
05-29-12: DC Comics Superhero To Come Out As ‘Prominent’ Gay Character
05-29-12: What Our Kids Need In This Generation (download MP3 | By Pastor Danny Castle)
05-29-12: Saving U.S. From Corrupt Media That Serves As Ministry Of Truth For Corrupt Government
05-29-12: Homosexuals Want Ernie and Bert to Get Married On TV (say it isn't so Bert!)
05-28-12: GAP Now Displaying Homosexual Ads On Billboards Throughout The City Of Los Angeles
05-28-12: Brother Lester Roloff Preaches Concerning The Sins Of Divorce And Remarriage
05-28-12: Carrie Underwood—Destroyer Of Families! (sexually immoral music videos in Jesus' name?)
05-28-12: Fear The Lord (download MP3 | By Pastor Danny Castle)
05-27-12: The Shocking Truth Behind The Abortion Industry (do you know where your fetus is at?)
05-27-12: IF I WERE THE DEVIL (1965 radio broadcast by Paul Harvey, 1918-2009)
05-27-12: SDA's Works-Based Assurance Of Salvation (being born-again is a new birth, not a process)
05-27-12: The Sin Of Increasing Atheism In America (removing the Bible causes sin and atheism)
05-26-12: Can-A-Baby, Family Fetus Food, Cream Of Fetus (this is pure Satanism... SOYLENT GREEN!)
05-26-12: Oklahoma Senate Bill 1418 Bans Aborted Fetuses In Foods (what has our nation turned into?)
05-26-12: Pepsi: Aborted Baby Cells in Drink Research (Campbell's Soups says “no” to lunatics)
05-25-12: USA Today Poll Paving Way For Obama/Supreme Court To Legalize Gay Marriage In 2013
05-25-12: Two Women Agreed To Eat Their Babies (they ate one, but the other mama hid her baby)
05-25-12: Desperate Man Commits Suicide Over Adjustable Rate Mortgage (criminal banks use ARM's to steal homes)
05-24-12: Baptist Missionaries Martyred In Mexico After Receiving Death Threats From Catholics
05-24-12: Secular Professor Sees Dangers Of Ever-Changing Bible Versions! (God only wrote one Book!)
05-23-12: THE METH EPIDEMIC (how and why 1,500,000 Americans have become addicted to speed)
05-23-12: THE STUDY OF SATAN, PART ONE | PART TWO (MP3 Bible study by Dr. Curtis Hutson)
05-22-12: America's True Heroes—Godly Fathers (many helpful articles)
05-22-12: TV PREACHERS EXPOSED! (Charismaticism is demon-possession in churches)
05-22-12: America's Holocaust Compared To Our War Dead! (a picture is worth 1,000 words)
05-21-12: Jamal-Harrison Bryant Pimping for TBN with Steve Munsey (TBN: Satan's unholy trinity!)
05-21-12: Mothers Of 53,000,000 Aborted Babies! (every aborted child has a mother)
05-20-12: HILLSONG 'Church' Music Cult Is Of The Devil (God's power unto salvation is the Gospel, not music)
05-20-12: I NEVER KNEW YOU (an excellent book exposing Lordship Salvation and other false gospels)
05-19-12: Freakish Mutant Seafood Now Abundant In Gulf Of Mexico From BP's 2010 Oil Spill
05-19-12: 110,000 U.S. Troops Taking Psychotropic Prescription Drugs Making Them Go Lunatic!
05-18-12: “HOOTERS” So-Called Family Porn Restaurants (straight out of the pits of Hell)
05-18-12: Industrial Facilities Dumped 226,000,000 Pounds Toxic Chemicals Into American Rivers 2010
05-17-12: NASA Says Mile Width Asteroid To Pass Near Earth in 2027 (may hit 2045; Impact Risk Chart)
05-17-12: City Remains Of Sodom And Gomorrah Found Located Beneath Sea of Pure Sulfur
05-17-12: THE HOTTEST HELL OF ALL (Deuteronomy 32:22, “and shall burn unto the lowest hell”)
05-16-12: Beware of Dr. Robert B. Thompson and His 'Trumpet Ministries' (denies the Godhead)
05-16-12: Assurance (By Dr. Curtis Hutson, 1934-1995. An awesome sermon on assurance of salvation)
05-16-12: A Woman's Place Is In The Home (the wife is the head of the family. Also, a poem I wrote)
05-15-12: Whosoever Believeth On Him Shall Not Be Ashamed (Jesus won't let you down!)
05-15-12: The Honorable Ron Paul for President (read Dr. Paul's writings | Ron Paul 2012)
05-15-12: Congressman Ron Paul: America's #1 Defender Of Liberty! (Dr. Paul is a born-again Christian and Baptist)
05-14-12: U.S. Military Planning To Microchip Troops With Nanotechnology (Beast mark drawing near)
05-14-12: Lumel Online (lots of Christian articles and helpful resources)
05-14-12: Steps In The Degeneration Of Our Nation (Brother Lester Roloff, 1914-1982)
05-13-12: The Evils Of Television (Brother Roloff, audio clip preached in 1967)
05-13-12: Breakthrough Raises Possibility Of Genetic Children For Same-Sex Couples (insanity!!!)
05-13-12: Vote For The Blood (On March 18, 1990, 5,099 people received Jesus as Savior in one day!)
05-12-12: Let's Go Soul Winning (Dr. Jack Hyles, originally recorded on LP record 45-years-ago, 1967)
05-12-12: Christ And His Coworkers (an awesome sermon on soul-winning by Dr. Curtis Hutson)
05-12-12: Some On Broken Pieces (pull someone to shore on the pieces of your shipwrecked life)
05-11-12: The Unisex Movement (by Dr. Jack Hyles)
05-11-12: Old Paths Preaching TV (hundreds of awesome video sermons by fundamental preachers)
05-11-12: Sodom Would Have Repented... But Not America!!! (Woe unto America!)
05-10-12: The Test Of Spiritual Maturity (Jesus called Judas, “friend.” Love all or you love none!)
05-10-12: Salvation Army Receives Government Funding (cannot require anyone they help to hear the gospel)
05-10-12: Where Are The Nine? (a red-hot sermon by Dr. Jack Hyles back from 1956)
05-09-12: Fornication And Adultery (a red-hot sermon by Dr. Jack Hyles back from 1956)
05-09-12: Christians In Jerusalem Want Jews To Stop Spitting On Them (literally)
05-09-12: The Rapture of the Saints (only 8 people survived the flood)
05-08-12: Peace—Satan's Greatest Tool For Destruction (the peace sign is an occult symbol)
05-08-12: Apostate Baptist Churches Invite Open Lesbian Singer Back To Entertain (Jennifer Knapp)
05-08-12: God Is Still On His Throne (a video sermon by Pastor Jack Hyles)
05-07-12: Bible Study (updated with new items)
05-07-12: Your Answer To Whatever (help for married couples; living for the needs of others)
05-07-12: Nahum (The umbrella of sin blocks out the sunshine of God's love)
05-06-12: Sealed With The Holy Spirit Of Promise (thank God for the eternal security of the believer)
05-06-12: Senator Nancy Schafer Murdered by the New World Order for Exposing CPS Pedophile Ring
05-06-12: CPS Steals Children for Profit — Your Tax Dollars in Action! (converting children into cash)
05-06-12: The Book Of Zephaniah (examining the dark side of God's love)
05-05-12: Alcoholism Is Not A Disease (booze is a choice... the wrong choice!)
05-05-12: New Mexico Fat Cat Weighs In At Nearly 40 Pounds (Meeoowww!)
05-05-12: Listen Freely Online To Pastor J. Vernon McGee's 5-Year “Thru-The-Bible” Study
05-05-12: The 12 minor prophets by Dr. J. Vernon McGee: (Joel, Jonah, Amos, Hosea, Micah, Nahum, Zephaniah, Habakkuk, Obadiah, Haggai, Zechariah, and Malachi. Click on playlist to hear entire Bible sermons)
05-04-12: A Fork In The Road (two men crucified with Christ; one went to Hell, the other to Heaven)
05-04-12: The Sacrifice Of Praise | MP3 Sermon by Dr. Jack Hyles (Praise God anyhow!)
05-04-12: Songs From My Heart (I recorded another song today on pedal steel guitar for my visitors)
05-03-12: Fascinating Biblical Archaeological Discoveries Are Being Made Every Day in Jerusalem
05-03-12: 53 Percent Of All Young College Graduates In America Can't Find A Decent Job
05-03-12: United Church Of God Exposed (water baptism is NOT required for salvation!)
05-02-12: Ezekiel 18:24 Explained (God will forget all the good done by any who die without Christ)
05-02-12: Who Are The Seven Kings Of Revelation 17:9-11? (it is later in time than you may think)
05-02-12: Seeking God's Face (God turns His face toward those with whom He is pleased)
05-02-12: 2012 — Newest 9/11 Documentary — Proof 9/11 Was An Inside Job!
05-01-12: Jerry Garcia's False View On Christianity (didn't believe in a supernatural being)
05-01-12: Hear The Actual Voice Of Pastor Dwight L. Moody (1837-1899) Preaching (made before 1899)
05-01-12: The Antichrist's Big Problem (MP3); Problem Solved! (MP3); All About Antichrist (MP3)
05-01-12: Jesus The Teenager | MP3 (America's freedom was paid for mostly with teenage blood)
04-30-12: Destroying Innocence: Sexualization of Children by HBO (Time Warner exploits kids)
04-30-12: Your Exceeding Great Reward | MP3 (the wealth of the sinner is laid up for the just)
04-30-12: The Young People Shouted While The Old People Wept (a really great MP3 sermon)
04-29-12: New ABC Sitcom TV Series, “GCB” (Good Christian Bitches) Debuted On March 4th
04-29-12: Pastor Texe Marrs Exposes Christian-Bashing “GCB” Sitcom and New Gay-Muslim Bible (PP)
04-29-12: “GCB” Jewish “HATE CRIME” Against Christians (truly we are living in the end times)
04-29-12: Hasty Fruit (God's divine order; most people are miserable because of needless financial debt)
04-28-12: TSA Will Ride Buses, Perform Forced Bag Searches Of Citizens (police state grid is going into place)
04-28-12: The Science Of Calling A Pastor (make sure he believes the King James Bible is inspired!)
04-28-12: This is the Crazy World's Alternative Solution Instead of Teaching Children the Word of God
04-28-12: Studying History is More Important Than Studying Prophecy | Download MP3
04-27-12: The Plot Against Mothers (Henry Kissinger's plan to reduce mothers... get them in a career!)
04-27-12: BEWARE WhoJesusIs.com Website (teaches Lordship Salvation and prayervation heresy)
04-27-12: Martin Luther King Jr.'s Works EXPOSED! (denied Jesus' deity, virgin birth & resurrection)
04-27-12: Sycophantic Praises in Our Churches Today (most churches are now entertainment centers)
04-26-12: Forget Chip in Your Forehead: 'Mark of The Beast' is The Cell Phone
04-26-12: LUCIFER TRUST (founded by Alice Bailey in 1922, today 'Lucis Trust,' spiritual base of the UN)
04-26-12: LUCIFER Magazine (founded by theosophist Helen Blavatsky in 1887)
04-26-12: Why The Antichrist Must Come Soon | All About The Antichrist | The Antichrist
04-25-12: Spirit-Filled Sermons By Pastor Max D. Younce (here's many more excellent resources)
04-25-12: How To Destroy The Human Race (destroy godly mothers... get them into the workplace!)
04-25-12: Songs From My Heart (I recorded pedal steel guitar on two gospel songs for my visitors)
04-25-12: Feminism Has Women Freezing Eggs (endlessly searching for the non-existent Mr. Right)
04-24-12: Prescription Drugs And Sewage Found In Drinking Water Across The World
04-24-12: President Obama Seizes Control Over Food, Farms, Livestock, Equipment and Fertilizer
04-24-12: Godly Mothers, The Devil's Greatest Fear (that's why Satan shut down the Roloff homes)
04-24-12: Cancer So Epidemic in U.S. That 'Barbie' Rolls Out ‘Cancer Doll’ With Bald Head, Chemo Side-Effects!
04-23-12: Blinded By Religion (the hardest part about getting people saved is getting them lost)
04-23-12: AGENDA 21 (the shocking grim future of the world under insane ECO laws)
04-23-12: Seven Part MP3 Bible Study On 'John The Baptist' (right click sermons to download MP3's)
04-23-12: Baltimore Man Knocked Out, Stripped Naked And Robbed As Crowd Of Onlookers Laugh
04-22-12: Mormonism & John MacArthur Have Another Gospel (they share false views on repentance)
04-22-12: The Marketing Of Madness (psychotropic drugs are being prescribed for everything!)
04-22-12: There Are No Secrets In Biblical Christianity (the Mormon church has much to hide!)
04-22-12: Serving God with Fastings, Prayers, and Soulwinning
04-21-12: State of Georgia Bullies Innocent Man to Commit Suicide Over Chickens
04-21-12: Thinking Outside The Box (the lying globalists have people running in circles of deception)
04-21-12: How Angry Is God Over Sin? (God will inflict the horrors of the Tribulation upon the world)
04-21-12: Medical Madness: Genetically Engineered Embryos (animal-plant-humans have no rights)
04-20-12: 7,100,000 Americans Are Now Incarcerated In Prison Because Of The Bogus War On Drugs!
04-20-12: U.S. Military Funds Effort To Hack Video Game Consoles (don't invite spies into your home)
04-20-12: Why Aren't You Upset Over Sin? (Jesus got upset, Hebrews 1:9, and so should we!)
04-20-12: Heroin Afghan Drug Wars 1 of 4 (global elite use troops to support pedophilia and heroine)
04-19-12: Alex Jones - Genetic Armageddon: Humanity's Greatest Threat! (babies grown for organs)
04-19-12: Cell Phone Makes You A Prisoner Of A Digital World (anyone can hack you & track you)
04-19-12: You Can't Legislate Morality (either teach children God's Word or suffer a brat Police State!)
04-19-12: Goldman Sachs Caught Investing In Sex-Trafficking Ring (Mitt Romney's wife invested too)
04-18-12: Goldman Sachs' CEO Honored After Stealing Billions (lying thief, Bernanke called 'Hero')
04-18-12: 38,000 Montana Farmers Cheated By John Corzine and MF Global (crime does pay on Wall Street!)
04-18-12: NSA Is Building The County's Biggest Spy Center (beast computer will record EVERYTHING!)
04-18-12: Power Of Prophecy (Pastor Marrs discusses many issues, drones, Goldman Sachs & strange sounds)
04-17-12: Catholic Priest's PC Autoplays Gay Porn Slideshow To Congregation (gay priests epidemic!)
04-17-12: North American Union Will Attempt To Disarm The People Of The United States!
04-17-12: Another Wisconsin Town Reports Strange Booms, Flashes of Light (four cities so far)
04-17-12: Slavery By Another Name (1:24 hour video, new forms of slavery after the Civil War)
04-16-12: PBS: Watch “The Man Who Knew” Online (John O'Neill murdered by globalists on 911)
04-16-12: Power-Down Before WTC Demolition On 9/11 & Marvin Bush was Director of Security!
04-16-12: New Program Spreading Across the U.S. Takes Neighborhood Watch to Scary New Level
04-16-12: Woman Goes Hysterical After Being Molested By TSA (Hitler would have loved this power)
04-15-12: New TSA Pat Down Runs Up Inner Thigh, New Thrill For Travelers (fascist Amerika!)
04-15-12: Supreme Court Ruling Allows Strip Searches For Any Arrest (you're the enemy America!)
04-15-12: Lesbian Pastor Convinces Baptist Church in North Carolina To Support Gay Marriage
04-15-12: New Nuclear-Powered Military Drones Will Stay In The Air For Months
04-14-12: Homeland Security Unites with Abortion Industry (pro-life Christians charged with stalking)
04-14-12: Top Secret America (how the CIA used the 911 attacks to create a Police State)
04-14-12: Opium Brides (heroin & 7-year old girls taken in Afghanistan for pedophile global elite)
04-14-12: Death Investigation In America (WARNING: Don't die in the wrong state!)
04-13-12: Free PBS Frontline Films Online (Digital Nation - Internet Rescue Camps for Addicted Kids)
04-13-12: Church Of Satan High Priest, Peter Gilmore, Says America is 'Absolutely a Satanic Nation!'
04-13-12: Every Man Did That Which Was Right In His Own Eyes (Satan wants you to have 'rights')
04-13-12: Why Christians Shouldn't Support Ray Comfort's Film '180' (Lordship Salvation has gone viral)
04-12-12: Conan O'Brien Officiates Same-Sex Jewish Marriage on Late Night TV (brink of destruction)
04-12-12: Redeeming The Time (1st Corinthians 9:16, “woe is unto me, if I preach not the gospel!”
04-12-12: Why Does Homeland Security Need 450,000,000 Bullets? (preparing for mass civil unrest)
04-12-12: THE CURSE OF CRYSTAL METH (SPEED) (the cause, curse and cure of Meth addiction)
04-11-12: God Loves People (Jesus loves even me and you friend)
04-11-12: The Shocking Face Of China’s Brutal One Child Policy (forced abortions will come to U.S.)
04-11-12: What If I Am Not Saved? (My testimony and 7-year battle with the assurance of salvation)
04-11-12: Chronological Order Of Christ In The Old Testament (physical appearances of Christ in OT)
04-10-12: Christ In The Old Testament (seven Old Testament teachings concerning the Messiah)
04-10-12: THE FIVE MOST MISERABLE MEN (great video sermon by Pastor Danny Castle) MP3 Download
04-10-12: Christ And His Coworkers | Download (Dr. Curtis Hutson) Saved people ought to be busy!
04-10-12: 25 Major Signs We Are In The End - Part 1 | Part 2 (Jesus may come today!)
04-09-12: The Second Coming Of Christ | Download (MP3 sermon by Pastor Tom Malone)
04-09-12: Meeting God In The Fire | Download (MP3 sermon by Pastor Tom Malone)
04-09-12: How We Got God's Word (God didn't choose holy men; He chose men and made them holy)
04-09-12: How We Got God's Words (beware of those who deny a perfect English Bible | Download)
04-08-12: JESUS FIRST (1970 sermon by Pastor Jack Hyles, 1926-2001)
04-08-12: Everything Is Spying On You (so-called “smart homes” will spy on every aspect of you)
04-08-12: Are You Ready For His Coming? (by Pastor E.L. Bynum)
04-08-12: THEN CAME JESUS (a song by 'The Marshall Family' with me playing pedal steel guitar)
04-07-12: The False Gospel Of Eric Ludy (film titled, THE GOSPEL, teaches a false plan of salvation)
07-07-12: Alcohol Ruins Lives! (booze is public enemy number one)
04-07-12: Signs Of Satan (Page 2 - Page 3 - Page 4 ...Satan has many friends in these Last Days)
04-07-12: Gerald Celente Blasts Jon Corzine, Goldman Sachs and MF Global for Being Thieves
04-06-12: Gerald Celente - Imbecile People Continue To Vote For Evil (George Orwell would be shocked)
04-06-12: A NATION IN PERIL (a patriotic 1:45 hour film. America is no more!)
04-06-12: My Health Update — March 2012 (thank you to all who pray for me and this ministry)
04-06-12: THE CHRISTIAN'S HATE LIFE | Listen (by Pastor Jack Hyles | More Sermons by Dr. Hyles)
04-05-12: NIV 2011... The Feminist's Lesbian Bible! (Holy Spirit no longer referred to as “He”)
04-05-12: There Are Now More Americans In Jail Than There Were In Stalin's Gulag Archipelago
04-05-12: Should Christians Love Their Homosexual Neighbors? (Yes, unconditionally!)
04-05-12: Medical Study Suggests That Religious Beliefs Shrink the Brain
04-04-12: Thermonuclear War Is Coming! (Lyndon Larouche says thermonuclear war is imminent)
04-04-12: Babies from Forced Abortions Are Being Ground into Powder to Make Aphrodisiac Pills
04-04-12: Japanese Scientists Have Grown Human Teeth in Mice for Transplant
04-04-12: Scientists Are Growing Teeth from Embryonic Cells and Bone Marrow
04-03-12: The White (Goldman Sachs) House (Goldman Sachs in the White House)
04-03-12: List Of 37 Names of GOLDMAN SACHS People in the Obama Government
04-03-12: Police State 4: The Rise of FEMA (video exposing the Military Industrial Complex)
04-03-12: New Televisions Will Watch and Listen Inside Homes Using Smart Technology
04-02-12: CIA Chief Confirms That New Household Appliances Will Be Used To Spy On Citizens
04-02-12: 'SMILE TRAIN' Children's Charity Pays CEO $678,058 for 2009 (21 BBB complains in 3-years)
04-02-12: Beware Of Fat Cat Charities (the average big charity pays CEO's over $600,000 per year!)
04-02-12: Roman Catholicism—The Deadliest Religion! (don't be caught dead without Jesus)
04-01-12: A Picture Says It All (Catholics make giant statue of pope with little tiny Jesus on crucifix)
04-01-12: SLAYER Sings... “God Hates Us All” (band openly calls Satan 'lord' in their heavy metal music)
04-01-12: Nazis: The Occult Conspiracy (1998)—Full Length Documentary (wild stuff!)
04-01-12: Rock Music's Dead End In The Lake Of Fire (Van Halen won't be Running With The Devil much longer)
03-31-12: MEGADETH, Dave Mustaine, SLAYER & Satan Worship (who's kidding who?)
03-31-12: Obama Implementing Martial Law Coup (NDAA is the death knell of freedom in America)
03-30-12: Ozzy Osbourne Admits That Rock Music Is “My Religion And My Law” (diary of a madman)
03-30-12: Britney Spears Hires Sicko Satanist (video producer played with serial killer tribute band)
03-30-12: Dr. Ron Paul Blasts President Obama for Killing Americans (treason, treason and more treason!)
03-29-12: The Coming Genetics Nightmare (giant ants, mutant mosquitoes, spider-goats... scientists playing God!)
03-29-12: Whore Mae West Used ESP, Psychic Readings & Demons to Guide Her Lascivious Career
03-29-12: Elton John, Bernie Taupin and Witchcraft (Elton John's songs written by satanist)
03-28-12: Julia Roberts Converts to Pagan Hinduism (fairytale religion leads billions into fires of Hell)
03-28-12: Wrongly Dividing The Word of Truth Concerning The Jews (James Modlish teaches Zionism)
03-28-12: The Capitalist Conspiracy: An Inside View of International Banking (download | Dr. Griffin)
03-27-12: Repent! Repent! Repent! (the true meaning of 'repentance' unto salvation)
03-27-12: Dr. John R. Rice Refutes Lordship Salvation (the simplicity of salvation has never changed)
03-27-12: Kony 2012 Hoax Exposed! (genocidal UN being sold as 'humanitarian' military aid)
03-26-12: Arrest Angelina Jolie For War Crimes: Kony 2012 (celebrities promote bloodthirsty wars)
03-26-12: Rihanna, Jolie & Clooney Support Kony 2012 Fraud (fabricating a reason to conquer Africa too)
03-26-12: Obama Agency Rules Pepsi Use of Cells Derived from Aborted Fetus ‘ordinary business’
03-25-12: World War 3 Set Up By the Elites (Iran attack is imminent; sits between Iraq & Afghanistan)
03-25-12: THE ALIGNMENT OF THE NATIONS FOR THE END TIME WAR | Listen (by Dr. Jack Hyles)
03-25-12: 33rd Freemason Albert Pike Predicted 3 World Wars in Detail Before His Death in 1892
03-25-12: Supreme Court Ruled in 1988 That a Father Has No Rights Over His Child in Mother's Womb
03-24-12: Abortion is Genocide by Definition (Gregory's Stanton's '8 Stages of Genocide' expose it)
03-24-12: Another Gospel (Dr. Curtis Hutson exposes Lordship Salvation. More MP3 sermons)
03-24-12: Ray Comfort Corrupts Matthew 7:22,23 (butchers the Scriptures to teach Lordship Salvation)
03-24-12: You'd Better Take Life Seriously (everything's a big joke to most people these days)
03-23-12: God Will Forgive Anybody (for those who will come by way of the cross of Jesus Christ)
03-23-12: Adolf Hitler Publicly Claimed That He Was Doing God's Will By Murdering Others
03-23-12: Born Gay? (Godless Rachel Maddow thinks so, but God doesn't make mistakes!)
03-22-12: The Two Witnesses - Who Are They? (prophetic Bible study by Pastor Max D. Younce)
03-22-12: “They Have No Rest Day Nor Night” (Hell will be 24/7 for ever and ever)
03-22-12: Marilyn Manson Exposed - Part 3 (Pastor Danny Castle - Part 1, Part 2)
03-22-12: THE SONG OF FOOLS (Dixie Chicks have sold over 36,000,000 albums blaspheming God!)
03-21-12: Americans Get What We Deserve (was the Bible and prayer so bad in our schools?)
03-21-12: ROCKUMENTARY (Rock 'N' Roll has produced a nation of immorality, abortion & apathy)
03-21-12: Anton LaVey and Hotel California (Eagles sing tribute to the 'Church of Satan')
03-21-12: Official 911 Story is False (mainstream newsmedia has succeeded in suppressing the truth)
03-20-12: Salvation Is Of The Lord (Jonah thought about this truth in the whale's belly, Jonah 2:9)
03-20-12: America Needs Voices! (you are welcome to copy/paste from this website elsewhere)
03-20-12: A NATION IN PERIL (a patriotic 1:45 hour film I made... volume up, full-screen, lights out!)
03-20-12: Except Ye Repent Ye Shall All Likewise Perish (95 tornadoes kill dozens; not God's judgment)
03-19-12: Ricky Martin Sinfully Says God Meant for Him to Be Gay (God doesn't make mistakes)
03-19-12: God Has Not Forgiven Tiger Woods (there's no forgiveness in the name of Buddha!)
03-19-12: C.S. Lewis Was An Unsaved Modernist (Believes Buddhists are unknowing Christians)
03-19-12: Beware of False Prophet David Icke (unsaved scholar denies Jesus as the Christ)
03-18-12: Iran War Will Be Used to Activate Police State in U.S. (pawns are being moved into place)
03-18-12: Homeland Security Now Recruiting Students On College Campuses (fascist indoctrination)
03-18-12: Divorce is a Sin (God never forsakes us, Hebrews 13:5... exemplify Christ, never forsake!)
03-18-12: 'FACEBOOK' a Top Cause of Relationship Trouble and Divorce in America
03-17-12: Why It Is So Important That You Care (caring and morality are synonymous)
03-17-12: 200 People Jumped to Their Death On 911 (what if that had been your loved ones. I care!)
03-17-12: The Apostate Salvation Army Has Gone Charismatic! (demonic speaking-in-tongues)
03-17-12: What Is Modernism and Religious Liberalism? (unbelievers masquerade as true Christians)
03-16-12: What Should Christians Do About Modernism, Religious Liberalism? (Dr. John R. Rice)
03-16-12: TSA Now Sticking Their Hands Down Citizen's Pants On Trains and Buses (Police State USA)
03-16-12: THE ILLUMINATI AND THE COUNCIL ON FOREIGN RELATIONS (educate yourself to the truth)
03-15-12: Jack Chick's Zionist Superstition (religious Zionism is a false doctrine of devils!)
03-15-12: America Has Become An Oppressive Society (had your crotch searched lately by TSA?)
03-15-12: Visit My Updated Miscellaneous Page for This Website (I just repaired the old dead links)
03-15-12: Alcoholics Victorious (a Christian alternative to the occult based 'Alcoholics Anonymous')
03-14-12: Nebuchadnezzar's 9 x 90 Foot Image (same ratio as the Washington Monument)
03-14-12: Understanding The Times (this article has been censored by search engines... Here's why!)
03-14-12: All Modern Corrupted Bibles Remove the All-Important Word 'Godhead' (Trinity)
03-14-12: 10% of U.S. Parents Are Drunks! (Booze is a menace to every society!!! Public Enemy #1)
03-13-12: The Hypocrisy of American Society and Wikipedia (they gnash upon the righteous)
03-13-12: Sick Control Freaks Destroy Elderly Veteran's Home (the touching story of Joe Campagna)
03-13-12: Medical Journalists Call for ‘After-Birth Abortions,’ Say Infants ‘Aren’t People’
03-13-12: Roman Catholic Church Teaches Doctrines of Devils Concerning Mary (Christians must expose this evil)
03-12-12: Whitney Houston's Tragic Death (queen of the cocaine crack house)
03-12-12: Romans 13 (most people are woefully ignorant of what Romans 13 really means)
03-12-12: Separation From Good Christians (Yes, you read it right!)
03-12-12: Where The Burden Rests In Salvation (Biblical salvation rests solely upon Jesus Christ)
03-11-12: JACK HYLES SPEAKS ON BIBLICAL SEPARATION (divide over truth; don't unite in error!)
03-11-12: CCM Band 'THIRD' DAY is of the Devil (perverts the meaning of being 'born-again')
03-11-12: 'THIRD DAY' Apostates (their admitted goal is to tear down denominational walls)
03-11-12: Catholics Teach the Exact Same False Meaning of “Born Again” as Lordship Salvationists!
03-10-12: 'PRAYERS FOR BOBBY' Film is Demonic Propaganda (teaches that homosexuality is not a sin)
03-10-12: The Sinful World Wants to “Party” (Isaiah 13:11 says God will punish the wicked)
03-10-12: The Entire System is Paranoid and Insane (father jailed over child's drawing of a gun)
03-09-12: THE SIN OF VIOLENCE | MP3 Download (a needful sermon by Pastor Jeff Owens)
03-09-12: Congress and the Fed are to Blame for the Dollar's Decline (by Congressman Ron Paul)
03-09-12: The Guilty Fed and Feds (Wall Street criminals are ravishing our nation's economy)
03-08-12: The Creature From Jekyll Island (by G. Edward Griffin; the creation of the Federal Reserve)
03-08-12: SIGNS OF SATAN (why the Antichrist must come soon and the pretribulation RAPTURE)
03-08-12: The Movie “SAVED” Blasphemes God (makes sexual joke about Jesus being “hung” on cross)
03-07-12: Why Parents Should Ban 'Hannah Montana' (slutty Miley Cyrus says, “I do everything for Jesus.”)
03-07-12: God's Word Verses Communist State Laws (here's why Brother Roloff refused a license)
03-07-12: God Will Punish Evildoers for What They Did to Brother Lester Roloff and His Ministry
03-06-12: If You Won't Rebuild, Reconcile and Restore; then Shut-Up and Sit Down!
03-06-12: Hail Mary! Hail Satan! (Mariolatry is sin. Mary was a dirty, rotten, filthy sinner! Romans 3:23)
03-06-12: Peter Is Not The Foundation Of The Church (Jesus is the foundation, 1st Corinthians 3:11)
03-05-12: Here's My Recipe and Photos for Homemade Chinese Egg Rolls (and Chinese Fried Rice)
03-05-12: The Purpose Of Going To Church (from the excellent book, THE CHURCH by Dr. Jack Hyles)
03-05-12: END GAME (a powerful 2:19 hour eye-opening documentary by Alex Jones)
03-04-12: The Philosophy Behind Prayer And Fasting (fasting increases our faith)
03-04-12: Set Your Affection On Things Above (redeeming the time, because the days are evil)
03-04-12: The King James Bible is Inspired (don't believe any liar who says it's not!)
03-03-12: Many Will Seek to Enter Heaven, But Few Will Enter (most church-members are not saved)
03-03-12: Disturbing Truths (updated with new articles and repaired previously dead links)
03-03-12: Katy Perry's 'Teenage Dream' is a Hellish Teenage Curse and Nightmare!
03-02-12: Privatized Prisons and the Capitalist Drug Syndicate (hurting citizens from the top and the bottom)
03-02-12: No One Listened to Noah for 120 Years (Jesus said those times would return, Matthew 24:37-38)
03-02-12: Texas School Punishes Student with 14-Day Suspension for Opposing Homosexuality
03-01-12: Before I formed thee...I knew thee (abortion does not make you unpregnant, only mother of a dead baby)
03-01-12: Why The Blood Saves (by Pastor Jack Hyles, 1926-2001)
02-29-12: Massachusetts' Public Schools Continue to Give Out Condoms to Kindergarteners
02-29-12: Government Pays $181,406 to Study How Cocaine Enhances Sex Drive of Japanese Quail
02-28-12: Establishment Media Ignores Massive Ron Paul Veterans March
02-27-12: Congressman Ron Paul #1 With Troops (voter fraud attempts to block out Ron Paul)
02-26-12: Where Be All His Miracles? (Here's why everything is so messed up in America today!)
02-26-12: Genetically Modified Humans: Children With Three Parents (three-parent babies are insane)
02-25-12: Gender Rights Insanely Moving 14,000 Women to Frontlines in Army and Marines
02-25-12: POOR AMERICA (hundreds survive in storm drains under Las Vegas. Wall Street Injustice!)
02-24-12: Faith Cometh By Hearing the Word of God (listen to the King James Bible on DVD)
02-24-12: U.S. Cities Going Broke, Tearing Out Thousands of Streetlights to Save Money
02-23-12: The Price For The Church (“purchased” means “the right price applied to the right place”)
02-23-12: Tomorrow's Guarantee of God's Provision ('tis grace hath brought me safe thus far)
02-23-12: The God Of All Comfort (despairing even of life. You can't be resurrected until you die)
02-23-12: Alex Jones' Archived Shows (There is a war on for your mind! What are you doing to unlock minds?)
02-22-12: Marilyn Manson Asks: “If Jesus loves everybody, then what is the value of love?”
02-22-12: Architects & Engineers — Solving the Mystery of WTC 7 — AE911Truth.org
02-22-12: Where Is The Promise Of His Coming (endtimes video sermon by Pastor Max D. Younce)
02-22-12: Nobody Is Laughing In Hell (a needful MP3 sermon by Evangelist Phil Kidd)
02-21-12: Jesus' Blood is In Heaven Today On the Mercy Seat! (the blood had to be applied)
02-21-12: Doctrine is Most Important (forget praise & worship services without the Doctrine of Christ)
02-21-12: Dozens of Life-Changing Videos by Pastor Max D. Younce (new YouTube channel)
02-21-12: Jesus' Own Loved Ones Were Unsaved (Do you believe on Jesus, the Christ?)
02-20-12: Why We Don't Speak in Tongues (by Pastor Danny Castle) - PART 2 | PART 3 | PART 4
02-20-12: The One Thing That Determines Salvation (by Pastor Curtis Hutson, 1934-1995)
02-20-12: Southern Seams (aprons for cooking ladies; custom aprons available. Awesome Vintage Sewing Patterns)
02-20-12: THE 700 CLUB (demonic clairvoyants claim to heal people through the television)
02-19-12: SOME GOLDEN DAYBREAK (excellent book on prophecy by Pastor Lee Roberson)
02-19-12: Modernism Betrayed Me (searching for God in all the wrong places)
02-19-12: Banking: The Greatest Scam On Earth (a clip from my recent movie, A NATION IN PERIL)
02-18-12: They're All On a Highway to Eternal Hell (Matthew 7:13-14)
02-18-12: Bestiality On the Rise Worldwide (lock up your dogs, pigs, goats and cows!)
02-18-12: 'Animal Brothels' On the Rise as Bestiality Becomes 'Lifestyle' of Choice (what next?)
02-18-12: Animal Brothels Legal in Norway & Denmark (farmers prostituting farm animals for profits)
02-17-12: Evil Supreme Court Upholds Gay Marriage (Moral Wrong Can Never Be a Civil Right!)
02-17-12: Contending For The Faith (printed sermon by Pastor Lee Roberson)
02-17-12: Beware of SoundChristian.com Website That Teaches Demonic Works Salvation
02-17-12: Beware of ENDTIME.com's False Gospel by Irvin Baxter (teaches Baptismal Regeneration)
02-16-12: Obama Signed Executive Order Declaring War On Iran (the saber-rattling will eventually end)
02-16-12: CCM's Phony Culture of Worship (leading the churches into repetitious mumbo-jumbo)
02-16-12: Sycophantic Praises in Our Churches Today (it's all a bunch of wood, hay and stubble)
02-16-12: Christian Rock Exposed - Part 1 (by Dr. Terry Watkins) Part 2 | Part 3
02-15-12: “They Have No Rest Day Nor Night” (the flames of torment will be eternal)
02-15-12: Hundreds-of-Millions of Muslims are Going to Burn in Hell Forever for Rejecting Jesus Christ!
02-15-12: Free AVG Anti-Virus Program (I like to share things with others; I've used AVG for 10-years)
02-14-12: Pilgrim Fundamental Press (awesome 'Gospel of John' Booklets available)
02-14-12: Download Free Awesome King James Bible Program That I Use for My Website (WinZip file)
02-14-12: E-SWORD (free King James Bible study software for looking up word meanings)
02-14-12: Hollywood Sexual Abuse of Children (Hollywood is the child-molesting capital of America)
02-13-12: Confrontational Evangelism (soulwinning is a command, not a method)
02-13-12: President Obama's Monster-Hole Administration Calls U.S. Veterans “Dogs” and “Jackals”
02-12-12: $9 TRILLION Missing from Federal Reserve, Fed Inspector General Can't Explain Anything
02-12-12: Ruthless Wall Street Criminals Steal $23,700,000,000 from Americans!
02-11-12: Alan Grayson: Congressman With Guts! (exposes criminals Bernanke, Pelosi & Coleman)
02-11-12: Interesting Facts About the Civil War (soldiers ate worms, dogs and mules to survive)
02-10-12: Unpunished War Crimes (the victims are not forgotten)
02-10-12: Feminism is Destructive (Satan comes only to kill, steal and destroy)
02-09-12: So You Are Out of God's Will (chapter 27 of 'Blue Denim and Lace')
02-09-12: Blue Denim and Lace (an awesome and practical book by Pastor Jack Hyles)
02-08-12: The Real Reason Why Abraham Lincoln Was Assassinated (the evil money powers)
02-08-12: UN Wants World Tax To ‘Help The Poor (just the beginning of massive NWO taxation plan)
02-07-12: Government School: Six Year Old Guilty of Sexual Assault After Playing Tag
02-07-12: Big Brother Internet (by Dr. Paul Craig Roberts... internet censorship has already begun!)
02-06-12: Gay and Lesbian Mormons (Mormonism is a sex-sicko cult of Christ-rejecters!)
02-06-12: TSA Trains Hot Dog Vendors to Watch for Terrorists at Ball Games (terrorism is a big scam!)
02-05-12: Stop STERICYCLE Before the Playgrounds are Empty! (are you eating Soylent Green?)
02-04-12: The Death of the Passover Lamb Wasn't Enough (the Lamb's blood had to be applied!)
02-03-12: Eternal Life is a Free Gift Based Upon the Promise of God, Paid for By Jesus' Literal Blood
02-03-12: John MacArthur Falsely Teaches it's the Life We Live that Determines Our Eternal Destiny
02-03-12: ALCOHOL PUBLIC ENEMY #1 (video - you can't take two drinks if you don't take the first!)
02-02-12: Laying Aside the Commandments of God (Roman Catholicism's fabricated traditions)
02-02-12: Persevering Prayer (Jesus said to pray briefly for our self and then persevere for OTHERS!)
02-02-12: One Million People Dead in 30 Seconds (urbanization has paved the way for mega-disaster)
02-01-12: NWO is Watching Every Move You Make! Infowars Nightly News
02-01-12: WHEN I FALL | MP3 (this is how I have kept going all these years for the Lord)
02-01-12: Ron Paul Slams “Out Of Control Police State” After Rand Paul Detained By TSA
01-31-12: Satan's Church—Unitarian Universalist (this false World Religion denies Jesus' deity)
01-31-12: Old Time Christianity (classic sermon clips from mighty men of God)
01-31-12: ONE BOOK STANDS ALONE (by Dr. Douglas Stauffer) | Chapter 2, 3, 4 and 17 18
01-30-12: One in Four New Marriages in New York City is Gay (say it isn't so!)
01-30-12: 'DANCE MOMS' Promotes Child Exploitation and Pedophilia! (photos edited for decency)
01-29-12: THE WORLD IN 2012 (video sermon by Pastor Danny Castle - a nation gone insane! MP3)
01-29-12: U.S. War Woe: Suicide Kills More Soldiers Than Combat (no homes or jobs for U.S. vets)
01-29-12: PAWNS IN THE GAME (how the Illuminati began and their goals | Read the Introduction)
01-28-12: A NATION IN PERIL (a patriotic 1:45 hour film I made... volume up, full-screen, lights out!)
01-28-12: How to Make Your Own Films (it's simple, inexpensive and a great tool to reach others)
01-28-12: New York Moves to Deploy Body Scanners on Street in Search for Guns (it's getting crazy)
01-27-12: If SOPA Becomes Law it Will Be Like a Nuclear Bomb to Internet Freedom
01-27-12: Iran War is Only a Matter of Time (China and Russia vow to defend Iran)
01-27-12: America's Last Chance (by Dr. Paul Craig Roberts)
01-26-12: Why We Don't Speak in Tongues (a needful video sermon by Pastor Danny Castle) | MP3 - Part 2
01-26-12: German Built, NASA and Vatican owned and funded, Infrared Telescope called LUCIFER
01-26-12: What Does “bodily exercise profiteth little” Mean? (1st Timothy 4:8)
01-25-12: GOG AND MAGOG - PART 2 | MP3 (by Pastor Max D. Younce) - GOG AND MAGOG - PART 1
01-25-12: Children 'dumped in streets by Greek parents who can't afford to look after them any more'
01-25-12: An Otherworldly Discovery: Billions of Other Planets (God's greatness is unsearchable!)
01-24-12: JESUS PAID IT ALL! (Are you ready for the Rapture?)
01-24-12: Why Doesn't God Answer My Prayers? (awesome quote from Brother Lester Roloff)
01-24-12: LET'S TALK ABOUT JESUS (“...Even so, come, Lord Jesus,” Revelation 22:20)
01-23-12: Congressman Ron Paul Said by Enemies to Be Unelectable (Dr. Ron Paul For U.S. President!)
01-23-12: Dr. Ron Paul On the Issues (pray for God to work to restore truth and justice in America!!!)
01-23-12: Mr. Barack Obama Tells 7 LIES IN 2 MINUTES (liar, liar, liar! Wake up America!)
01-23-12: Senator Barack Obama Lies His Way into the Presidency (Obama's 16 BROKEN PROMISES!)
01-22-12: There is a Way Which “Seemeth Right” Unto a Man (man jumps to death from Eiffel Tower)
01-22-12: Mormonism's Temple of Doom (THE LIBERATOR by William Schnoebelen | website)
01-22-12: Fox News Mocks Us Sheeple (just like the globalists mock us with the 9-11 Memorial)
01-22-12: This Ministry Has Had More Visitors Than I Could Have Imagined (God's Spirit is working!)
01-21-12: Women's Rights Are Destroying America! (a picture is worth 1,000 words)
01-21-12: An Engineered Doomsday (manmade deadly virus could kill 100,000,000 people if it escapes)
01-21-12: Pope Benedict: Jewish People Not Guilty for Jesus' Death (Matthew 27:25 says they are!)
01-20-12: Nigerian Christians Warn of Cleansing (Christians are being killed for their faith)
01-20-12: Freemasonry and Judaism (the secret powers behind revolution and communism)
01-20-12: NDAA Is A Hoax: You Can't Legalize Tyranny (National Defense Authorization Act is treason)
01-19-12: The Bible Teaches A Pre-Tribulation Rapture (the Abomination of Desolation proves it!)
01-19-12: Dumb Americans Cheer Wanna-Be Dictator President Obama Who Wants to Bypass Congress
01-19-12: DIE AMERICA DIE! (eye-opening sermon by Pastor Texe Marrs | Archives)
01-19-12: The Jewish Hand Behind Internet - Google, Facebook, Wikipedia, Yahoo!, MySpace, eBay (media control)
01-18-12: Wicked Newsmedia Deliberately Exclude Dr. Ron Paul from Campaign Coverage
01-18-12: New Jersey Will Pay You $1,000 to Rat Out Your Neighbor for Having a Gun!
01-18-12: Walking With God (walking with God means allowing God to walk with us)
01-18-12: President Jimmy Carter Teaches Baptist Sunday School, yet says We Need a Gay President!
01-17-12: Do Not Exalt the Jewish People (the promise is not by race; but by grace... Galatians 3:29)
01-17-12: Vaccine Tests Kill 14 Babies (Argentina company fined $92,940 for human experimentation)
01-17-12: Recent Census Shows 13,000 Same-Sex Couples Live in Wisconsin (Woe unto America!)
01-17-12: Mad Genetic Scientists Create Freakish Monster Ants With Huge Heads and Jaws!
01-16-12: Chimera Monkeys Made from DNA of SIX Different Animals!!! (...AFTER ANOTHER KIND!)
01-16-12: International Churches of Christ EXPOSED! (84,262 churches teach Baptismal Regeneration)
01-16-12: America & Iraq = Jezebel & Naboth (U.S. made false witness, killed Iraqis & stole their oil)
01-16-12: 90% of Germans Do Not Believe Official 9-11 Story (84% of Americans suspect 911 cover-up!)
01-15-12: The Christian's True Enemy (the Bible says our fight is against the New World Order)
01-15-12: Thousands of U.S. Troops Deploying to Israel (war machine building up against Iran)
01-15-12: Open World Government Being Established by The Big 6 Mega Banks
01-15-12: Videos Sermons by Pastor Max D. Younce (MP4 sermons which you can also download)
01-14-12: THE INSIDERS (Architects of the New World Order)
01-14-12: A Poem From My Heart About War (just some thoughts that I put together in the rain)
01-14-12: U.S. Armed Forces Receive Smallest Pay Raise Since 1973 (but billions go to war and foreign aid!)
01-14-12: The Capitalist Conspiracy: An Inside View of International Banking by (G. Edward Griffin)
01-13-12: 33 Conspiracy Theories That Turned Out To Be True (what every person should know)
01-13-12: Weighed And Found Wanting ('The Toronto Experience' ...Charismatic Chaos EXPOSED!)
01-13-12: Americans Buy Record Number of Guns in December (gearing up for what's ahead!)
01-13-12: Globalists' Takeover of Argentina is Blueprint for America (artificial economic depression)
01-12-12: Conan O'Brien Officiates Same-Sex Jewish Wedding on TV (Woe unto America!)
01-12-12: Conan O'Brien Sings... “I'm a Gonna Go to Hell When I Die!” (hell is nothing to joke about)
01-12-12: Media Lies and the Onset of War (how the media deceives the public to accept war, again!)
01-12-12: Chinese Billionaire Dies After Eating Poisoned Cat Stew (cat stew is a delicacy in China)
01-11-12: 'The Eagles' Horribly sing: 'GOOD DAY IN HELL' (Rock music boasts of going to Hell)
01-11-12: The Outlook for the New Year: Tyranny in the Forecast (by Paul Craig Roberts)
01-11-12: I NEVER KNEW YOU (false gospels of Osteen, Stanley, Robertson, Warren, Hagee, Dobson, Swaggart)
01-11-12: Pentagon Warns China Preparing for War Against Taiwan (Iraqi oil going to China)
01-10-12: The Importance of Repeating the Truth | Download MP3 (sermon by Pastor Jeff Owens)
01-10-12: Motherhood is the Higher Purpose (education and career are a lower purpose)
01-10-12: The Sad Truth About Marilyn Manson (rips apart the Bible in his Rock-concerts)
01-10-12: NDAA Law Says Military Can Now Have Sex With Animals (soldier can now marry his camel)
01-09-12: Happy New Year: Obama Signs NDAA, Indefinite Detention Now Law of the Land
01-09-12: Cancer-Stricken Teen Mother Willingly Dies to Give Her Baby Life (a precious but sad story)
01-09-12: Couple Fined $300 for Having Bible Study in Home Without Permit (Communist U.S.A.!)
01-09-12: The Sad Truth About 911 (Beware of the Red Cross racket! 911 Was an Inside Job!)
01-08-12: Evangelist John Hagee Exposed (says he's not trying to get Jews saved)
01-08-12: Catholics Teach “Make a Personal Commitment to Christ” just as Lordship Salvationists!
01-08-12: God Stretcheth Forth the Heavens (God's awesome greatness is unsearchable!)
01-08-12: Love the Arab People (Galatians 3:29, “if ye be Christ's, then are ye Abraham's seed”)
01-07-12: The Jews: Scapegoat for Freemasonry (Zionism is synonymous with occult Freemasonry)
01-07-12: SIGNS OF SATAN (the pretribulation RAPTURE cannot be far away)
01-07-12: Lutheran Church is Straight Out of the Pits of Hell (Martin Loser was a heretic!)
01-07-12: John MacArthur's Deadly Gospel (Kirk Cameron and MacArthur... making salvation hard!)
01-06-12: Is John MacArthur a Seventh Day Adventist? (he teaches the same EXACT heresy as SDA!)
01-06-12: The Core of the Lordship Salvation Issue (Satan has redefined the meaning of many words)
01-06-12: John MacArthur, Paul Washer and Ray Comfort... Making Salvation Hard!
01-06-12: What Does “do works meet for repentance” Mean? (Acts 26:20)
01-05-12: Solid Evidence Against the Fable of Evolution (Berkeley University tells teachers how to lie)
01-05-12: PAWING IN THE VALLEY (by Brother Lester Roloff; Job 39:21 & 23:10 | Download MP3)
01-05-12: The Honorable Ron Paul for President (read Dr. Paul's writings | Ron Paul 2012)
01-05-12: Congress To Fund Massive Expansion Of TSA Checkpoints
01-04-12: THEY SOLD THEIR SOULS (red-hot audio sermon | Download MP3 | Complete Video)
01-04-12: Satan's Rock 'N' Roll Lifestyle (Rick Danko and son sadly both die of substance abuse)
01-04-12: A REAL BURNING HELL (this may be your last chance to get saved)
01-04-12: Listen to the King James Bible on DVD (you can listen to the entire Bible in 75 hours)
01-03-12: PAWNS IN THE GAME (by William Guy Carr, 1895-1959)
01-03-12: NIV Butchers Psalm 9:17 (wicked translators change 'hell' to 'grave' and 'realm of the dead')
01-03-12: Macy's Fires Christian for Protecting Women's Dressing Rooms from Cross-dresser
01-02-12: Military to Designate U.S. Citizens as Enemy During Collapse (your the enemy America!)
01-02-12: The Chemistry Of The Blood (by Pastor M.R. DeHaan, 1891-1965)
01-02-12: Bible Home Church (ministering to those who cannot find a local Bible-believing church)
01-01-12: Salvation is of the Lord (Jesus said Jonah was swallowed by a 'whale' in King James)
01-01-12: The End Game Approaches (we see and hear the roaring train coming toward us!)
01-01-12: It Can't Happen Here (Congressman Ron Paul has been warning us for many years)
Does Calvinism Change The Gospel?
(Pastor Ralph Yankee Arnold)
My Gospel Tract
(a .PDF brochure I made in 2018, that you can
print and share with others)
My Book:
(a .PDF book I wrote in 2000. I updated it in 2016 and added 6 more
“You can't give the right answer, if you don't know the right answer!”
(MP3 by Dr. Hyles:
“The King James Bible crowd is
going to come out on top!”)
Jack Hyles (a great quote from the classic sermon, “
“The only inspired Words of God
are in the King James Bible!”
Jack Hyles (an
awesome quote from, 'THE
* * * * * * *
† † † ARCHIVES † † †
I love all of you in the Lord whoever you may be.
Galatians 5:22-23, “But the fruit of
the Spirit is love, joy, peace, longsuffering,
gentleness, goodness, faith, Meekness, temperance: against such there is no
III John 1:8, “We therefore ought to receive such, that we might be fellowhelpers to the truth.”
Psalms 146:2, “While I live will I praise the LORD: I will sing praises unto my God while I have any being.”
Isaiah 26:3, “Thou wilt keep him in perfect peace, whose mind is stayed on thee: because he trusteth in thee.”
The King James Bible is Not One of Many, it is One of a Kind!