By David J. Stewart | September 2007
The Great Pyramid of Giza was Built Unfinished
It appears that The Great Pyramid was never finished since the top is flat, and not pointed, as it should be. It has a truncated summit which is coarse and uneven and measures about 30 square feet. Most pyramids were crowned with a top-stone that completed their structure. This pyramid does not currently have one and it appears that it never did. One of the earliest references to the missing top-stone (or capstone) is from Diodorus Siculus (60 BC).
He tells us that in his day, when the Pyramid stood with its casing stones intact, the structure was "complete and without the least decay, and yet it lacked its apex stone". Since the top-stone could not have been dismantled without first demolishing the smooth casing-stones, so that the core masonry formed steps of approach to it, this statement of Diodorus supports the theory that the top-stone had never been added to the structure.
Also it appears that between the different courses of stones there is a thin cement which is absent on the upper surface of the highest course. Why the pyramid was never finished remains a mystery.
ABOVE: From an old Italian newspaper showing
the Summit
a Helicopter (date unknown)
When you look up at the Great Pyramid, it's apex seems to be missing. It is flap topped and not pointed like a pyramid should be. Usually, when a pyramid was constructed, the top part, or capstone (also called top-stone), was the last thing to be placed on it.
It was considered the most important part of the pyramid and was made of special stone or even gold. The capstone was usually highly decorated.
The fact that the Egyptians DIDN'T finish The Great Pyramid is clear evidence that the New World Order has been in planning for thousands of years. It is surely more than mere coincidence that the back of every U.S. one dollar bill has an incomplete pyramid on it.
An example of a capstone in the Cairo museum
Was the great pyramid always without a capstone or was it stolen, destroyed, etc? No one knows but the accounts of visitors to the pyramid from the ancient past (as far back as the time of Christ) always reported that the pyramid lacked a capstone.
It is possible that it was never finished. Another possibility is that capstones were sometimes made of gold and maybe the first thing looted.
The only problem is that this would be a very large capstone. If you climbed to the top, you could walk around very freely on the pyramid as many have done. It is about 30 feet in each direction. Thus, this capstone would have been huge and weighed a tremendous amount. Also on the summit you would see something that looks like a mast or flagpole. Actually it was placed there by two astronomers in 1874 to show where the Pyramid's actual apex would have been if finished.
On the back of a dollar bill, you can see a pyramid with a flat top. No one has been able to explain why the Great Pyramid would have been built without a capstone. This is an interesting story associated with a visit to the top of the great pyramid. Many tourists have climbed to the top, which is not an easy journey. One such person was Sir Siemen's, a British inventor. He climbed to the top with his Arab guides.
One of his guides called attention to the fact that when he raised his hand with outspread fingers, he would hear an acute ringing noise. Siemen raised his index finger and felt a distinct prickling sensation. He also received an electric shock when he tried to drink from a bottle of wine that he had brought with him. Being a scientist, Siemen than moistened a newspaper and wrapped it around the wine bottle to convert it into a Leyden jar (an early form of a capacitor). When he held it above his head, it became charged with electricity. Sparks then were emitted from the bottle.
One of the Arab guides got frightened and thought Siemen was up to some witchcraft and attempted to seize Siemen's companion. When Siemen's noticed this, he pointed the bottle towards the Arab and gave him such a shock that it knocked the Arab to the ground almost rendering him unconscious. When he recovered, he took off down the pyramid shouting loudly. What kind of natural phenomena on the top of the Great Pyramid could produce such an electo-static effect? It would be interesting to conduct additional physics experiments on the top of the Great Pyramid.
“Of all the means I know to
lead men, the most effectual
is a concealed mystery.
The hankering of the mind is irresistible.”
—Adam Weishaupt, founder of the ILLUMINATI
The Mysterious All-Seeing Eye
(Five aspects
of the All-Seeing Eye)
Meaning Of The All-Seeing Eye & The Great
Phoenix Pentagram The Great Pyramid
And The Occult
SOURCE: The New World Order,
back cover, by Ralph A. Epperson; 1990; ISBN: 0-9614135-1-4; publisher:
PUBLIUS PRESS, Tucson, Arizona. Carefully notice that the
capstone is separated from the pyramid. The pyramid base
represents mankind, as incomplete and wanting. The capstone
represents the enlightened few, i.e., the Illuminati, who reign in
power over the world, and control the masses through the occult. Biblically, Satan is the god of this sinful world (2nd Corinthians
4:4), and appears as an angel of light (2nd Corinthians
11:13,14). The Bible teaches that Satan was previously,
Lucifer, one of the archangels in Heaven. Lucifer rebelled
against God, demanding equality (just as the feminists do), and was
cast down to the earth.
America's Secret Destiny
(by Ralph A. Epperson - Full Length documentary) We read concerning the name, Lucifer:
is a Latin word meaning "light-bearer" (from lux, lucis,
"light", and ferre, "to bear, bring"), a Roman
astrological term for the "Morning Star", the planet
Venus. The word Lucifer was the direct translation of the
Septuagint Greek heosphoros, ("dawn-bearer"); (cf. Greek
phosphoros, "light-bearer") and the Hebrew Helel,
("Bright one") used by Jerome in the Vulgate, having
mythologically the same meaning as Prometheus who brought fire
to humanity. If you understand that
Satan is a master deceiver and liar, and always appears in a
deceptive form, then it becomes much easier to understand the
occult, and how they operate. Many of today's top U.S.
politicians are occult members, attending Satanic ceremonies
annually at the
Bohemian Grove in California. The occult is rich in
symbolism, that the average person doesn't understand, and
tragically has no desire to understand. The Illuminists
blatantly mock the woeful ignorance of society today. The
masses are as sheeple, headed for certain destruction.
What does all this mean? It means that the New World Order is here, i.e., the Beast
system of the coming Antichrist. The New World Order was
launched on 09-11-01, when the Trade Towers were attacked in New York
city. Don't believe it, listen to the eerie words of David
Rockefeller 7-years earlier...
“This present window of opportunity, during
which a truly peaceful and interdependent world order might be built, will not
be open for too long - We are on the verge of a global transformation. All we
need is the right major crisis and the nations will accept the New World Order.”
Rockefeller speaking at the UN, Sept. 14, 1994 There you have it. The
Great Pyramid of Giza represents the evil New World Order—a
World Government, world economy, world court, world language and a
united religious philosophy uniting the churches. The purpose of the
New World Order is to prepare the world stage for the coming man of
sin, the Antichrist (aka, the BEAST). We see the BEAST being
worshipped in rock and roll music, Hollywood, major corporations,
learning institutions, apostate churches
and the entire world today.
Consider the Rock band ACDC who openly brag of going to Hell and
worship the BEAST!
ABOVE: Notice the loyal
MAIDEN fans flashing satanic hand signs. This sign is
called “El
Diablo” (Spanish for “the Devil”). Anton LaVey
teaches in his The Satanic Bible that the El
hand sign (with or without the thumb extended) shows
allegiance between satanists and occultists. Please
watch SIGNS OF
SATAN! Look at the heart's devotion that these fans
have for some bums who've never done any good thing for
them! Please listen to the life-changing MP3 sermon by
Pastor Jack Hyles titled, “IT
JUST DOESN'T MAKE SENSE!” (What has the Devil
ever done for you? What has Iron Maiden ever done for
you except take your money and corrupt your soul,
leading you into the New World Order to worship Satan?) Please read, Occult Symbols in
Washington D.C.
Rap singer, JAY Z
Infamous sleazy whore,
Guitarist virtuoso,
STEVE VAI The Rock band, PEARL
JAM, the album, NO CODE What Does the
Great Pyramid Really Represent?
Symbols are used throughout the occult. Harpers'
Encyclopedia of Mystical
& Paranormal Experience (p.594)
"Symbols are important to all esoteric teachings,
for they contain secret wisdom accessible only to the
Encyclopedia of Mystical
& Paranormal Experience
(p.594). Isn't it very interesting that God's people, the
Jews, were in bondage in Egypt before and during Moses time; but
today, thousands of years later, we see the Egyptian All-Seeing Eye
and The Great Pyramid of Egypt everywhere—symbols showing that humanity is
being enslaved by a Luciferian, occult-controlled, New World Order,
criminal mob of corrupt corporate elite and Godless Globalists? Just as the lamb's blood
in the Old Testament tabernacle was symbolic of the coming Messiah's blood that would
wash away our sins (1st Peter 1:18-19); so also are the Egyptian
symbols of The Great Pyramid and the All-Seeing-Eye representative
of the Luciferian powers that control the world (or as the Bible
call it in Ephesians 6:12, “spiritual wickedness in high
"No one will
enter the New World Order unless he or she will make
a pledge to worship Lucifer. No one will enter the
New Age unless he will take a Luciferian
Spangler, Director of Planetary Initiative, United
Nations What is it with Egypt? Why
did Freemasons choose Egyptian symbols to represent the New World
Order? Or did they? Why didn't the Egyptians finish
The Great Pyramid? They left off the capstone, which is 30-foot squared
(900 square feet) at
the base. That's a BIG capstone! I am going to share with
you my opinion, which is something that God put in my heart. I've
never heard this taught anywhere; but I'm going to share it with you
now, and I think it is worthy of your consideration, as I believe it
to be the truth. Do you know why the
pyramid is missing the capstone? It's because the
Tower of Babel was never finished.
I think The Great Pyramid represents the unfinished tower and city
of Babel. Genesis 11:4, “And they said, Go to, let us build us
A CITY AND A TOWER.” Terry Melanson wrote for
the Illuminati Conspiracy Archive on July 2001 and article titled
“The All-Seeing Eye, The President, The Secretary and The Guru”: The
centerpiece of this mandala is the All-Seeing Eye – an important
symbol within freemasonry and Rosicrucian traditions for hundreds of
years. So it is not surprising to find pride among occultists who
understand the significance of this emblem: “Our beautiful seal is
an expression of Freemasonry, an expression of occult ideas.”
(Wyckoff, H. S. The Great American Seal. The Mystic Light, the
Rosicrucian Magazine, p.56) Source: Terry
Melanson; The All-Seeing Eye, The President, The Secretary and
The Guru; 2001 Interestingly, we always
hear about the tower, but never the city. People rely too heavily
upon childhood stories told in Sunday School, and don't study the
Bible for themselves. I think The Great Pyramid symbolizes Satan's
unfinished work, and it has become an icon amongst occultists who
are working to carry about Satan's unfinished business. This is why
Freemasonry and all the occults today are rooted in Egyptian and
Babylonian mysticism and occult writings. Freemasonry is not only
rooted in Egyptian and Babylonian pagan religion, but is the
fulfillment of it. Babylon had an extensive
library of occult materials from Egypt, evidenced by their worship
of the Queen of Heaven (Jeremiah 7:18), which
originated with Nimrod and Semiramis in Egypt. The occults are all linked
back to Egypt, which was the first world power nation, i.e., Egypt
ruled over the entire world at one time. Then Assyria, Babylon,
Medo-Persia, Greece, and Rome. There are no world powers today, only
super power nations, like Russia, China and the U.S. The next world
power will be the Revived Romans Empire, a confederacy of 10 nations
(Revelation 17:12). The Antichrist will rise up and conquer 3 of
those nations, leaving only 7 (Daniel 7:24). Notice that Genesis 11:8
mentions a “city” as well as a “tower” ... Genesis 11:8, “So the LORD scattered them abroad from thence upon
the face of all the earth: and THEY LEFT OFF TO BUILD THE CITY.”
Genesis 11:1-9 teaches us about the Tower of Babel, when men
attempted to unite together against the Lord. Genesis 11:6 tells us
WHY God stopped them... Genesis
11:6, “And the LORD said, Behold, the people is one, and they
have all one language; and this they begin to do: and now
nothing will be restrained from them, which they have
imagined to do.” This is exactly why God
destroyed the world by flood in Genesis 6, because of the wickedness
of mankind...
Genesis 6:5, “And GOD saw
that the wickedness of man was great in the earth, and that
every imagination of the thoughts of his heart was only
evil continually.” The pyramid on the back of
your dollar has the capstone detached. That is not just any ordinary
pyramid, it is THE GREAT PYRAMID,
which is estimated to have been built around 2600 BC. Amazingly, the
pyramid was never finished when it was built. The capstone was left
off. One of the earliest references to the missing top-stone (or
capstone) is from Diodorus Siculus (60 BC). This evidences that the
New World Order has been in the planning for thousands of years my
friend (unofficially). God stopped them in the
process of building in Genesis 11:1-9. Why did God stop them? Genesis 11:6 tells us
why, “And the LORD said, Behold, the people is one, and they have
all one language; and this they begin to do: and now nothing will be
restrained from them, which they have imagined to do.” Consider
again the disturbing words of Mr. Spangler...
"No one will enter the New World Order unless he or she will
make a pledge to worship Lucifer. No one will enter the New
Age unless he will take a Luciferian Initiation." SOURCE: Satan failed at the Tower
of Babel, because God stopped men in their tracks. It wasn't in
accordance with God's prophetic timeline and sovereign plan for the
universe. The future was
a mystery
to Old Testament saints, even to the prophets who penned God's
Word. I believe that the mystery of the Illuminati's unfinished
Great Pyramid relates back to the unfinished city of Babel. We often hear
about the Tower of Babel, and there was a great tower; but Genesis
11:8 teaches that they were also building a “city” at
Babel. God saw that the people were uniting together against the
Lord, having one speech.
Genesis 11:1,
“And the whole earth was of one language, and of one speech.” Notice that the people
were not only of one language, but also of one SPEECH.
That is, they all thought the same. They were all heading in the
wrong direction, against God. God did not like when He saw, and so He put an end
to their building. It was just a few chapters earlier in Genesis
chapter six that every imagination of man's heart was continually
evil, and so God destroyed the world with a massive flood. As a
safeguard to protect the human race, the Lord segregated mankind
across the planet, confounding him. Only in recent centuries has God
permitted Satan and humanity to continue where they left off,
building a world government. This diabolical world
government is prophesied in Daniel 2:1-45 about Nebuchadnezzar's
dream. In Daniel chapter three we read about king Nebuchadnezzar's
golden image (an erect male phallus, an obelisk, Baal's shaft, or
reproductive organ). Our nation has this very nasty occult symbol
today overlooking the White House, known as, The
Washington Monument. Freemasons are phallic worshippers! America
was founded was a secret destiny, that is, to achieve world
government. It is true my friend, as bizarre as it may sound. The
evidence is abundant. Please read,
The New World Order (a great eye-opening .pdf book by prolific
author Ralph A. Epperson). Also, please watch,
SECRET DESTINY (a 3:59 hour video revealing America's true
purpose by Ralph A. Epperson). I hate the obelisk symbol, because it
represents Satan's worldly kingdom. This was what Nebuchadnezzar's
golden 90 x 9 foot image represented, i.e., occult power. This image
was first used in the
ancient mystery religion in Egypt, which is
Luciferianism. To simplify the matter,
it's all about the Devil preparing the masses of humanity to receive
the coming man of sin, the Antichrist. That's all you really need to
know. Satan (or the Devil, Lucifer, Baphomet) is the god of this
wicked world (2nd Corinthians 4:4). The Devil is behind the world's
wars, murders, soldier gang raping, genocide and other senseless
monstrous acts. The Holy Bible prophecies that one day in eternity,
we will look upon the Devil with narrowed eyes, marvelling that such
a pathetic looking wimp could wreak so much havoc to mankind.
Isaiah 14:16-17, “They that see thee shall narrowly look upon thee,
and consider thee, saying, Is this the man that made the earth to
tremble, that did shake kingdoms; That made the world as a
wilderness, and destroyed the cities thereof; that opened not the
house of his prisoners?” Isaiah 14:12 (if you have a King James
Bible) accurately identifies this “man” as Lucifer, the son of the
morning. We also read about this
New World Order kingdom in Revelation 17:10-11, which is the 7th
kingdom from which the 8th (the Antichrist) arises. Ladies and
gentlemen, we are living in the end times of Bible prophecy. These
are the times of the feet and toes of iron mixed with clay. This
mixed iron and clay symbolizes the broken kingdom. Whereas past
ancient world powers (Egypt, Assyria, Babylon, Medo-Persia, Greece
and Rome) controlled the entire world, today we have several super
powers (Russia, China, United States, France, United Kingdom,
Turkey, Israel, Germany, South Korea, India), but no world powers. I
don't know about you, but I am excited to see Bible prophecy
unfolding before my very eyes. It is happening right now! Thousands of years later
mankind (under the influence of Satan) is at it again...
"God's plan is
dedicated to the unification of all races, religions, and
creeds. This plan, dedicated to the new order of things, is to
make all things new—a new nation, a nonsectarian religion that
has already been called the religion of 'The Great Light'
unfold the New Age of the world—A Novus Ordo Seclorum."
—by C. William Smith, The
New Age Magazine; 'God's Plan in America" (September 1950, p.
551) It's not God's plan, but
rather, the Devil's plan. Nevertheless, God in His sovereign plan
allows for it (as evidenced by the Scriptures that prophecy of such
end time things). Officially, some say that the New World Order
began in 1775 with Adam Weishaupt's group, THE ILLUMINATI.
Others says the NWO officially began with the 911 attacks on 2001.
Infamous Freemason,
Pike predicted the social breakdown of American society and
World War II fought between the Jews and Arabs. Today, thousands of years
later, we once again see humanity coming together. English is now
the universal language, being taught worldwide. The apostate
Ecumenical Movement is leading the world's religions into a
one-world Luciferian New Age religion rooted in “feeling” and
“experiences.” America's churches, and in Canada, Europe and
Australia, have embraced the hellish doctrine of
Salvation; which is exactly what Catholicism teaches. Lordship
Salvation is Catholic doctrine, and it has crept into all our
churches, like rats infesting a vacant building. Our churches are
becoming spiritually vacant of the truth of God's Word. The Great Pyramid is now
in the process of being completed. The capstone is soon to be set in
place, when they Antichrist appears. The all-seeing eye represents
Lucifer, the angel of light (2nd Corinthians 11:15). Light enter the
body through the eye. The coming of the man of sin, the Antichrist,
will be the culmination of the New World Order, the completion of
The Great Pyramid. This is the big picture my friend.
Luciferians Are Behind The New World Order! But don't fret, God is
still on His throne. I love what 1st Corinthians 15:24
teaches, “Then cometh the end, when He shall have delivered up
the kingdom to God, even the Father; when He shall have PUT DOWN
DOWN all rule, all authority and all power, human and demonic. Amen
and amen!!! 1st
Corinthians 15:25-26, “For He must reign, till He hath put all
enemies under His feet. The last enemy that shall be destroyed
is death.” Praise God! Jesus will
literally reign as King over the earth from Jerusalem, upon
the throne of David. This will happen during the Millennium
Period, after the 7-year Tribulation Period and
Christ's Second Coming. But first, the Rapture must happen,
which is imminent, when all believers shall be CAUGHT UP
(1st Thessalonians 4:17) to meet with Jesus Christ in the air. The
Apostle Paul taught this doctrine 2,000 years ago, writing under the
inspiration of the Holy Spirit of God. Although the word “Rapture”
began to be used extensively a couple centuries ago, the teaching of
the Rapture was in the Bible 2,000 years ago in 1st Thessalonians
4:17. We are living in the Last
Days. That pyramid on the back of every U.S. dollar is everywhere
today. It is Masonic, a demonic cult that operates as
an organization within an
organization to deceive the public and ignorant lower-level
members. Charles Russell (founder of the Jehovah's witnesses), and
Mary Baker Eddy (founder of Christian Science) both have giant
Illuminati pyramids parked atop their graves. Ellen G. White
(Seventh-Day Adventism's most influential figure) has a giant occult
obelisk on her grave; which U.S. President George Washington also
has on his grave (i.e., the Washington monument). The big common
denominator is Freemasonry. There is a clear
occult connection between all
mainstream religions today. Sadly,
this includes Baptists (Southern
Baptist Convention men compromise 37% of U.S. freemasonry
membership). It is unfathomable. How can this be?
Freemasonry is a
Satanic cult! The Great Pyramid was
built unfinished, because Satan has desired to unite mankind once
again in rebellion against God, since his plot was thwarted at Babel
in Genesis 11:1-9. It certainly seems plausible that the reason why the
Illuminati pyramid on the back of every U.S. dollar is unfinished,
represents Satan's plot and desire to finish what was begun at the
Tower of Babel. Genesis 11:8 says they were building a CITY, and not
just a tower. God stopped them not only from building a tower, but
also the entire city. I firmly believe that city to be the New World
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•The pyramid base represents the whole of human civilizations.
Note that the top capstone of the Pyramid
is not in place, thus denoting an unfinished situation (the
Capstone is detached from the bottom portion).
Interestingly, The Great Pyramid
of Egypt was never finished. This unfinished situation
was planned to remain in effect until the Old World Order
was destroyed and replaced with The New World Order. In
Genesis 11:7-9, God stopped the tower and city of Babel from
being built. Satan wants the work to continue, which will
usher in the reign of the man of sin (the Antichrist) and
World Dictatorship.
•Annuit Coeptis – “Announcing The Birth”
•Novus Ordor Seclorum – “New World Order”
•Capstone – Eye of Horus [Theocracy of Egyptian Mysticism] =
Eye of Satan or Lucifer
•MDCCLXXVI on the bottom layer of stones = 1776 [May 1,
Beltaine, Second High-Holy Day of the Year] On May 1, 1776,
a New World Order was born when the Masters of the
Illuminati was founded, whose foundation would be built upon
depravity and rebellion. Its leader would be Satan.
•Thirteen Layers to the Pyramid = The number, ’13′ is the
occult number of Depravity and Rebellion. Heavy Metal Rock
bands that are infatuated with death, like
MEGADETH, idolizes the number 13. All such bands
blaspheme the holy name of Jesus Christ, because their
purpose and goal is to lead as many youth into Hell with the
Devil as possible. This is why trash bands like SLAYER,
sing trash songs like GOD HATES US ALL (2003).
A mysterious mythological bird, which is sacred to
witchcraft. The witches and Illuminists believe that this
spiritual bird has a lifespan of 500 years. At the end of
500 years, it bursts into flames and is reduced to ashes,
and from the ashes rises a new phoenix.
Star with two sides. The side (here the bottom) with one
points to the “good” Lucifer, while the two points point to
the evil “Satan. They believe good and evil exist in equal
measure in the world. This particular orientation is the
“Goats Head of Mendes”, which is one of the Infernal Names
of Satan within Satanism. Also called Samael by Black Magick
Satanists (not a misspelling).
Witches wear the pentagram with the point up (“good”), while
Satanists reverse it with the point down (“evil”).
“Historian/author Ralph Epperson
has spent many years researching the history of the Great Seal, and has
discovered that those who designed the two circles committed America to what
has been called 'A Secret Destiny.' This future 'destiny' is so unpleasant
that those who wanted the changes it entails had to
conceal that truth in symbols.”