Why Parents Should Ban
“Hannah Montana”
Slutty Miley Cyrus: “I'm not
trying to be slutty”
"I do everything for
Jesus." —Miley Cyrus
By David J. Stewart
Disney's “Hannah Montana,” played by
Destiny Hope "Miley"
Cyrus, is a horrible role-model for teenagers today. She's sleazy! In December 2007, she was ranked #17 in the list of
Forbes' top twenty earners under 25 with an annual earning of US
$3.5 million. Serving the Devil pays well. Miley Cyrus promotes devilish Rock 'N' Roll, acts like a whore, dresses like ghetto
trash, and now she's posing with the appearance of being completely naked
for everyone to see her body (AT AGE 15!!!)...

revealing picture of Hannah Montana star Miley Cyrus that
forced the 15-year-old to apologise to fans
28th April 2008
Miley Cyrus,
the squeaky-clean Disney star, has accused a celebrity
photographer of manipulating her to pose for pictures in
which she appears nude.
15-year-old star of U.S. TV series Hannah Montana, which is
shown on the Disney Channel, has apologised to fans for the
suggestive photographs, which were taken by Annie Leibovitz
for Vanity Fair.
She said the pictures, in which she appears to
be topless with only a cream silk sheet wrapped
around her body, were an "embarrassment".
"I was so honoured and thrilled to work with
Annie," Miley, who is worth around £500million,
"I took part in a photo shoot that was supposed
to be 'artistic' and now, seeing the photographs
and reading the story, I feel so embarrassed.
"I never intended for this to happen and I
apologize to my fans.
"The pictures of me on the Internet were silly,
inappropriate shots.
"I appreciate all the support of my fans and
hope they understand that along the way I am
going to make mistakes and I am not perfect.
"I never intended for any of this to happen and
I am truly sorry if I have disappointed anyone.
"Most of all I have let myself down. I will
learn from my mistakes and trust my support
"My family and my faith will guide me through my
life's journey."
Although the star's parents, country singer
Billy Ray and Tish Cyrus, attended the photo
shoot, they left before the final shot.
However, Miley's grandmother and teacher were
there to see it taken.
source close to the star said: "Annie convinced
them it was going to be artistic. Her parents
are mortified. But they know this is a learning
moment for Miley.
"Originally she was in a flesh-coloured tank top
but was asked to remove it."
The revealing picture of Hannah Montana star
Miley Cyrus that forced the 15-year-old to
apologise to fans | the Daily Mail
Miley's apology is crap! The photos are out
there! Ok Miss Cyrus, then file a lawsuit against
Vanity Fair magazine for exploiting you. You publicly accuse
someone of taking indecent photographs of you, and "manipulating" you; BUT
then you expect us to believe that you never knew those pictures were going
to get published? Right! If you knew that
Annie Leibovitz took inappropriate photos of you, then why didn't you forbid
Vanity Fair from publishing them? Your story has loopholes in
it. The bottom line is that you willingly, of your own free will, took
your clothes off to be photographed. It's evil. And then they fabricate
the story that Miley's parents left the studio before the lewd incident
happened, so no one could question their sanity and integrity as parents?
Anything for fame and fortune. It reminds me of the sicko mother who
stripped her teenage daughter naked in front of the gates of Holywood,
pleading for them to make her a star.
Miley's character, Hannah Montana, is
expected to bring in $1,000,000,000 (ONE BILLION) for Walt Disney this year.
"Cyrus IS 15, with a fan base that
begins in preschool. And it's what the photo suggests rather than shows
— the idea that she might be nude, perhaps even in bed — that bothered
some parents who poured their feelings onto blogs over the weekend."
Miley Cyrus photo 'scandals' reveal phenom's growing pains - Yahoo! News
It should bother all parents! Only an
apostate parent, who has abandoned God and morality in their own personal
life, would allow their child to idolize such a horrible role-model as Miley
Cyrus. The issue is not about making mistakes, nor even about forgive and
forget—it's about what kind of person do you want your daughter to become
one day? Your child won't grow up to be a spoiled-rotten brat worth
millions-of-dollars like Miley Cyrus; no, rather, your daughter will just grow up
to be a spoiled feminist brat.
Again, the bottom line is that no one forced Miley
Cyrus to remove her clothes... she did it voluntarily (knowing that she was
being photographed for a magazine). Who do you think you're kidding
Ms. Cyrus?
Miley was also provocatively photographed with
her father, Billy Ray Cyrus, in Vanity Fair...
"In one of the photos, Cyrus is shown from the
side, with most of her back bare, clutching what
appears to be a satin sheet loosely around
herself. In another, she's draped over the
lap of her dad, baring her midriff."
[emphasis added]
ABC News: Leibovitz Defends Provocative Miley
You people are weird. What is the purpose
of such a photo? It's creepy to say the least.
The False Faith of Billy and Miley Cyrus
This is all so sickening! According to
ChristianityToday magazine...
"Billy Ray, who plays Hannah's dad on the
TV show, says his daughter's success is all "part of God's plan" for
God's plan? Since when is Rock 'N' Roll,
immodest clothing, and worldliness part of God's plan?
"I feel that I'm here
in Hollywood because of faith and God's will." —Miley Cyrus
You mean “UNHOLYwood.” How could any
professed “Christian” dare claim that it is God's will for her to join
Hollywood? It is utter apostasy!!! It is Satan's will Miley. Hollywood is synonymous with nudity, violence, adultery, lasciviousness,
taking God's name in vain, homosexuality, sinful pride, and nearly every
other sin imaginable.
It gets even
“Hannah Montana” star
Miley Cyrus and her best friend Mandy Jiroux have
dedicated their Easter installment of "The Miley and
Mandy Show" on YouTube to Jesus, saying everything they
do is for him.
In the video, Jiroux, 20,
who performs as a back-up dancer for the popular teen
star, reads a question from a fan who asked if the girls
were Christian.
The squeaky-clean duo
emphatically respond, "Yes!"
"Yes! We love Jesus!"
says Cyrus, 15, as she nods her head in agreement.
"Happy Easter, by the way. He died for our sins. That's
how awesome he is.
"Jesus rocks! That's why
we do what we do," the Hannah Montana star adds. "She
(Mandy) dances for Jesus. I sing, dance and act for
Jesus! ... Now that I think about it, I do everything
for Jesus. We make the YouTube videos for Jesus. We’re
all about it."
Her comments should come
as no surprise to fans who have been following her
Cyrus, who plays a high
school teen with an alter-identity as a pop singer on
the hit Disney Channel show, has been very vocal about
her faith. [emphasis added]
'Hannah Montana' Star: I Do Everything for Jesus |
Jesus rocks? Dancing for Jesus? Gyrating sensually to Rock music in tight pants? I don't think so Miley. If Jesus physically returned to earth today,
He wouldn't start rocking to the Devil's music. He certainly wouldn't
approve of the sexually suggestive filth of Country Music Television
(CMT) and the entire Godless country music industry. God's music is
NOT screeching guitars, with rockish rhythms that make you want to start
swinging your hips. The line between Rock and Country music has
greatly blurred in the past 20-years.
Jude 1:17-19 state: "But, beloved, remember ye the words which were
spoken before of the apostles of our Lord Jesus Christ; How that they
told you there should be mockers in the last time, who should walk
after their own ungodly lusts. These be they who separate
themselves, sensual, having not the Spirit."
HEEHAW used to honor Playboy magazine
founder, Hugh Hefner, on their show,
featuring provocatively undressed women with bulging breasts and skimpy
clothing, lying on the floor in suggestive positions. Then at the end
of the show they'd all hypocritically sing a Gospel song such as "Power In
The Blood." This is the epitome of the entire country music industry
today, and it's straight-out-of-the-pits-of-Hell. Sexual lust on TV
and holiness are diametrically opposed to each other. Miley Cyrus is
an imposter. It is NOT God's will for anyone to partake of the
cesspool of iniquity in Hollywood.
Billy Ray Cyrus and
Destiny Hope "Miley" Cyrus claim to have strong faith in God, while
simultaneously yoking together with the sinful world. James 4:4 states: “Ye adulterers and adulteresses, know ye not that the friendship
of the world is enmity with God? whosoever therefore will be a friend of
the world is the enemy of God.” “Friend” in the Greek means
"to assist." In other words, if you're pulling on the same rope as the
Devil—you're no friend of God.
Satan's goal is to corrupt the
remaining bastion of Christianity in America—the Bible Belt. Country
music is a vehicle by which Satan is corrupting the Bible belt. Country Music today is more dangerous than Rock 'N' Roll because many of the
artists falsely profess to be "Christians." This misleads many people
into thinking it must be good music. The end result is always
APOSTASY, i.e., a turning away from the God of the Bible.
Today's professed
"Christian" Country artists all support the sale and consumption of booze,
dirty dancing, sexually provocative CMT music videos, immodest dress on
women, feminism, and
doctrine ought to be the most important thing in a Christian's life. Tragically, many people's philosophies are formed by the music they hear on
the radio, or from the worldly philosophy of their favorite Country "star." Instead of quoting Scriptures to themselves throughout the day, they spend
their time singing the most retarded and meaningless lyrics.
Church to the Nightclub in Jesus' Name
According to
ChristianityToday magazine...
He [Billy Ray Cyrus] adds, "We also had a great church, and when you
give up your church, your pastor, and the community you are involved in,
you're making a big sacrifice. Let's face it, Hollywood is a completely
different environment than Franklin, Tennessee." ... By all accounts,
Miley is a level-headed young lady. Her parents work hard to keep their
daughter's life as normal as possible.
Hosanna, Montana! | Today's Christian
So the Cyrus family
left their "great church" to move to the vile filth of Hollywood, and where
is Miley now in February of 2008...
Thursday night, Best of Both
Worlds baller Miley
Cyrus was spotted
straddling the curb leaving Club
Social in Hollywood. Are her
high heels just getting stuck in the
grass, or do you think she had a few
too many vodka and tonics in the
club filled with much older,
attractive men?
From what we've seen with
Lindsay Lohan and
other fallen starlets, it's obvious
that celebrities can drink at any
age in Hollywood. Do you think
Miley is
already getting tipsy?
Oh listen my
friend—the Devil always takes you farther than you wanted to go, keeps you
longer than you planned to stay, and costs you more than you intended to
pay. The Devil is a liar (John 8:44). The Devil comes only to
kill, steal and destroy (John 10:10). You can't eat at the Devil's
table without getting food-poisoning. You can't play with the Devil's
fire without getting burned.
"I feel that I'm
here in Hollywood because of faith and God's will." —Miley Cyrus
The Cyrus family are
kidding themselves to think that Miley won't go down the same perilous path
as Britney Spears or Lindsay Lohan—she's already there!!!
Cyrus Chose to Remove Her Clothes to Be Photographed
According to Miley
Cyrus' own testimony Miley, she stripped naked to be photographed "for
Jesus." Miley said:
"I do everything for
Jesus." —Miley Cyrus
'Hannah Montana' Star: I Do Everything for Jesus |
Jesus stated in
Matthew 5:28... "But I say unto you, That whosoever looketh on a woman to
lust after her hath committed adultery with her already in his heart"
(All Scriptures are quoted from the King James Bible). Why
would you remove your clothes Miley for others to see? Did you do this
for Jesus too?
Cyrus is known for her good-girl image.
In 2007, she told USA Today that her Christian faith is "the main thing"
and what helps her stay grounded in Hollywood.
Do you think it is pleasing to God Miley when
you take your clothes off to be photographed? You could have refused.
A person need look no further than Wikipedia to learn that Annie
Leibovitz has a history of photographing NUDITY...
Another issue whose
cover image courted controversy was the March 2006 Tom Ford's Hollywood
Special Edition: the cover, shot by Annie Leibovitz, featured
Keira Knightley and
Scarlett Johansson, both nude, accompanied by
a fully-clothed Tom Ford, a last-minute replacement for
Rachel McAdams, who had backed out of the
shoot after refusing to appear nude.
You could have refused Miley, but you exposed
yourself for all to see. You ought to be ashamed. Personally, I think Miley Cyrus is a liar. I firmly believe she knew exactly what she was doing. The reason is
because only a complete moron would voluntarily remove their clothes and
allow them self to be photographed nude, and then blame the photographer. You've got to be kidding Miley. Miley
Cyrus has no one to blame BUT HERSELF. No one manipulated you into
getting naked. You wanted it that way or else you would have done the
Christian thing, i.e., keep your clothes on!!!
Your lewd and sexually suggestive photos in
Vanity Fair magazine were deliberate—you KNEW exactly what was going on
and what you were doing. No 15-year old teenage girl is so stupid that
she'd remove her blouse to be photographed and then claim she was
manipulated. How much did they pay you? How many
millions-of-dollars did you get for those photos?
Miley Cyrus is a fake, a false Christian. The Word of God warns us against fellowshipping with any professed
"Christian" who is covetous, idolatrous, or worldly (1st Corinthians
5:10-11; 2nd Corinthians 6:14-17). Again, James 4:4 states: "Ye
adulterers and adulteresses, know ye not that the friendship of the world is
enmity with God? whosoever therefore will be a friend of the world is the
enemy of God."
The Truth
The truth is that Satan requires allegiance. You don't make-it-big in the world of Godless entertainment unless you
sell-your-soul to the Devil. Posing naked is one such way to show
who's side you're on. This is why many of today's so-called "Christian Rock"
bands appear on the Godless Jay Leno show. This is why many bands
display New Age art on their album covers, or express blasphemy against God. The world's music is saturated with sin and Satan. Now that Miley has
posed naked, her career will soar (and she knows it)...
Miley Cyrus Career On 'Britney
Fast Track'
By Samantha Chang
Just to prove that controversy (and
sex) sells, Miley Cyrus has emerged as today's No. 2
Google search (see chart below left) after semi-nude photos of
the 15-year-old Disney star surfaced on the Internet Sunday.
And as the day goes on and more people comment on Cyrus' photos, her
popularity will no doubt continuing to surge.
The truth is that Miley Cyrus needed to rid
herself of the "good girl" image in order for her career to advance in the
Satanic music industry. Don't believe it's Satanic? Dolly Parton recently sang Led
Zeppelin's demonic "Stairway To Heaven" song on her album. Johnny Cash sang Satanist Glen
Danzig's blasphemous song "Thirteen." This is just the
tip-of-the-iceberg. Look at the garbage they've got old
Willey Nelson singing. The
demonic New World Order gang owns the music industry, and their
ultimate goal is the destruction of Christianity, America, and freedom.
Finding An Excuse to Sin
The Devil is using country music to deceive
people into thinking that they can be right with God while living in
horrible sin. Billy Ray Cyrus, as do most people involved with country
music, have a tolerant attitude towards committing sin...
“I think a lot of people think that
Christianity is about always being perfect,” Billy Ray says. “It’s
actually the opposite of that. It’s realizing that we’re all humans, and
that’s why God sent his Son to this earth -- to save people like us.”
Billy Ray Cyrus: Healing an 'Achy Breaky Heart'
I've met an innumerable amount of people in my
lifetime who use such mentality as an excuse to sin. Billy Ray Cyrus
is correct in his statement, i.e., that God sent His Son to save sinners;
however, this does not give us a license to sin nor be tolerant of booze,
dancing, Rock 'N' Roll, immodest clothing on women, fornication, et cetera. Country music is synonymous with adultery.
Billy Ray Cyrus sings, looks, and acts the same
as the sinful world. The same is true of Miley Cyrus. Women
dress immodestly at their concerts, booze is sold, there's dirty dancing and
lasciviousness. This is all of the Devil. 1st Peter 1:16
commands all believers... "Be ye holy; for I am holy." Holiness
is moral perfection. Only God is truly Holy.
Although we cannot
be perfect, we ought to at least attempt to live right in the power of the
Holy Spirit as Christians (Romans 12:1,2; Galatians 5:16). God expects
His children to make an attempt to live right. Most professed
"Christians" today are phonies, having no desire whatsoever to live a holy
life pleasing to the Lord. They are not genuinely saved. Billy
Ray Cyrus sings, dances, and acts just like the Devil's crowd. There
is NO discernable difference. Yet, he claims to have faith in God.
Billy Ray's daughter is just as much a phony as
he is. No Christian woman who loves the Lord Jesus Christ would
willfully remove her blouse to be photographed by a magazine photographer. What have Miley's parents taught her? There is no excuse for such
indecent exposure. The sad fact is that if you "follow-the-money,"
Miley Cyrus is going to become even more filthy rich by her pornographic
"art." Yeah, I remember when a freak "artist" named Andres Serrano
urinated in a bottle, placed a picture of Jesus in the urine, and then
called it "Piss Christ." The creep received $15,000 of taxpayer money for his "art." I'm
certain the world will be seeing more of Miley's sinful "art" after she's
The Cyrus family aren't fooling everyone—those pictures were
planned, deliberate, and their too ashamed of their sinfulness to admit the
truth. Apostasy is a gradual process that moves a person, family, or
nation farther away from God one step at a time. Watch and see where
Miley Cyrus is 10 years from today in her "Christian" life.
You can't straddle-both-sides-of-the-fence and
be pleasing to God (Revelation 3:16). God wants us in or out, on or
off, hot or cold. Billy Ray Cyrus and Miley Cyrus shame the name of
Jesus Christ by their worldliness. It is a denial of one's so-called
"Christian faith" when the sinful world praises a professed "Christian" who
acts, sings, and looks exactly like the world. Jesus said the sinful
world would receive their own... "If ye were of the world, the world
would love his own: but because ye are not of the world, but I have chosen
you out of the world, therefore the world hateth you" (John 15:19).
The world hates true Christians, because we stand against it with the Word
of God... "Yea, and all that will live godly in Christ Jesus shall suffer
persecution" (2nd Timothy 3:12). But, the world loves Billy Ray
and Miley Cyrus, because they are of the world, and sing the Devil's music,
and condone sinful living.
Billy is correct in saying that Jesus came to
save us sinners, but to go around using that mentality to justify living in
unrepentant sin is an even greater sin. It is a sin for women to dress
seductively, start drinking beer, and become total heathens at Billy Ray's
concerts. This is NOT Biblical Christianity.
Hannah Montana is of the Devil
Disney's Hannah Montana (Miley Cyrus) is everything that God
doesn't want a young Christian girl to be. Miley dances around on
stage, strutting back-and-forth in skin tight blue jeans, arousing the lusts
of any normal males watching her. A young woman in tight jeans
gyrating her hips on stage causes lasciviousness (strong sexual lust). It is a sin for women to wear tight pants, as this causes men to lust. Jesus condemned lust in Matthew 5:28 as adultery. 1st Timothy 2:9
commands Christian women to wear "modest apparel." Miley Cyrus is a
little whore, deliberately causing men to lust upon her body by the tight
pants, miniskirts, and other provocative clothing (that should only be worn
by a wife in the presence of her husband in the bedroom).
American women today are sex pigs—They spread
their legs on stage with seducing imprudent looks on their faces, gyrating
like complete idiots, jumping around in sensual positions, sticking their
tongues out of their mouth like dogs, exposing their bodies and causing men
to greatly lust upon them. Sadly, this is a commonly accepted practice
nowadays in cheerleading, theatre shows, plays, skating, and by Country and
Rock performers. It's a disgrace upon America. We are a nation
of pornographic filth, lewd women, and sexual perversion. No wonder
sexual sins are at epidemic levels in America. Those little whores are
driving men crazy!
Say what you will about Muslims, I greatly
admire the way their women "cover up." This is the way it should be. Sinful Americans have attempted to demonize the Islam culture, by portraying
Muslim women as "victims" of a male-chauvinist society. In reality,
most Muslim women approve of their strict clothing rules, and still honor
their husbands with reverence, as part of their religious faith. In
sharp contrast, American women have big mouths, bad attitudes, whorish ways
about them, a ton of stubborn sinful pride, and have little (if any) respect
for God-ordained masculine authority. Woe unto America!!!
Hannah Montana is everything I just described—a
whorish little seductive brat, flashing her Satan sign on stage, gyrating
her body in tight pants for everyone to lust upon, shaming the name of
Jesus, and rebelling against God's Word. Walt Disney is of the Devil,
and they are working relentlessly for the New World Order to corrupt
America's youth. The Devil is trying to introduce young people to a
"new-kind-of-family," and a new-kind-of-god as well. The god which
Billy Ray and Miley Cyrus follow is a god without morals, without
boundaries, a Hollywood god that paid for our sins so we could continue
living in sin. This is NOT Biblical Christianity.
As is typical of the average spoiled
materialistic American today, Miley sings... "I'm a lucky girl... I've got
everything I've always wanted." Hannah Montana and Miley Cyrus are one
and the same—spoiled brats. God hates Rock 'N' Roll music, because it
promotes rebellion against authority. Is it any wonder why America's
women are filing for divorce at more than
TWICE the rate of men? It's
because women today refuse to submit to their husband's authority. Miley, in her song "Who Said," states... "Every girl has her choice... I do
it my way." Shouldn't we do it God's way Miley? In an interview
you stated that you "do everything for Jesus"; Yet, in your music you state
that you do things "my way." Which is it?
"I do everything for
Jesus." —Miley Cyrus
'Hannah Montana' Star: I Do Everything for Jesus |
Miley, do you also jump around in sexually
suggestive clothing for Jesus? I think not. The hand-sign you
flash while singing and dancing is used by the most demonic rockers, like
Ozzy Osbourne. You may fool many young people Miley, but you aren't
fooling us Christians who still truly love the Lord Jesus Christ.
Hannah Montana is everything Satan wants your daughter to become—selfish,
sinful, stupid, sensual and self-righteous.
The glamour of Hannah
Montana's musical message is not reality! There is a euphoria (a
feeling of great exaggerated elation) that surrounds country and rock music,
Hollywood, and the neon lights of Sin City; but in the end, it's what we do
with the precious Word of God that ultimately matters. You cannot
serve God and mammon (i.e., money). Matthew 6:24 reads: "No man can
serve two masters: for either he will hate the one, and love the other; or
else he will hold to the one, and despise the other. Ye cannot serve God and
mammon." Billy Ray and Miley Cyrus are serving money, which is why
Miley just stripped naked to be photographed. Shame! Anything
for more money.
Walt Disney's movies and TV shows have become
increasingly immoral—portraying appetizing teenage girls in immodest
clothing, having sexually suggestive behavior, and rebellious attitudes
towards authority. Disney's shows are saturated with devilish Rock 'N' Roll
and New Age doctrines. In essence, Walt Disney is setting the standard
for what they think teenagers ought to be like today—selfish, self-centered,
sinfully proud, dirty-minded, arrogant, feminist, snobby, idolatrous, and
Godless. Katy Perry is
another Teenage Nightmare!!! She's a total
Where's the Gospel Message?
Go to Miley Cyrus'
official website, or to
Billy Ray Cyrus' website. Good luck finding anything about Jesus or the Gospel. They both boast
about their "Christian faith," but they're eerily silent about the Gospel of
Jesus Christ. Don't be deceived, Billy Ray and Miley Cyrus are
imposters to Christianity. They hypocritically talk about Jesus,
exploiting His holy name, while their music, lives and websites deny their
faith. Where is the Gospel message?
"This know also, that in
the last days perilous times shall come. For men shall be lovers of
their own selves, covetous, boasters, proud, blasphemers, disobedient to
parents, unthankful, unholy ... Having a form of godliness, but
denying the power thereof: from such turn away." (2nd Timothy
"For I am not ashamed of
the gospel of Christ: for it is the power of God unto
salvation to every one that believeth; to the Jew first, and also to
the Greek."
I am not trying to be unkind, and
I certainly do not hate anyone. However, as a born-again Christian who
loves the Lord Jesus Christ, it is our duty to contend for the Christian
faith. Every believer is commanded to hate evil (Psalm 97:10). 1st Timothy 2:9 commands Christian women to dress in "modest apparel."
1st John 2:15-17 states... "Love not the world, neither the things that
are in the world. If any man love the world, the love of the Father is not
in him. For all that is in the world, the lust of the flesh, and the lust
of the eyes, and the pride of life [i.e., Hannah Montana], is not
of the Father, but is of the world. And the world passeth away, and the lust
thereof: but he that doeth the will of God abideth for ever."
Hannah Montana (Miley Cyrus) is influencing
tens-of-millions of young girls...
Her two
soundtrack albums have sold 3.5 million and 3
million copies respectively in this country,
according to Nielsen SoundScan. And according to
People, "Hannah Montana" merchandise — from
bedding to handbags to toys to shoes — is
expected to rake in $1 billion this fiscal year.
Janet Koch has
made her own contribution to that sum. The
mother from
Weston, Conn., has bought her 9-year-old
daughter, Cayla, a Hannah necklace, wig,
hairband, and a microphone that plays Hannah
songs. Pocketbooks in every color. A cute black
hoodie. A belt. Posters to cover the walls. "I
draw the line at the bedding," she quips. But
Cayla can forgive that, because Mom managed to
score a pair of tickets to the Cyrus concert in
Like so many
other young girls, Cayla adores Cyrus, says her
mother, "because she's someone she could see
going to school with. She's not a diva. She's
"She wants to be
Miley," her mom says. "She wants to do exactly
what Miley's doing." [emphasis added]
Miley Cyrus photo 'scandals' reveal phenom's growing pains - Yahoo! News
Miley Cyrus claims to be a Christian who does
everything for Jesus. Since Miley is promoting devilish Rock 'N' Roll,
immodest clothing on women, unladylike behavior, worldly pride, nudity,
selfishness, and materialism... someone needs to call her a liar. Don't you dare tell me that you commit all those sins for Jesus. It is
a sin for any woman to wear tight jeans (Matthew 5:28; 1st Timothy 2:9; Jude
Shame on Miley Cyrus for influencing young girls to become
whores. Should it be surprising in a society that laughs at the
Biblical teaching of modesty, that such a society would also approve of the
brutal murder of 52,000,000 children by abortion? Not at all. Americans are utterly blinded by their own sinful pride. We actually
still believe that God is going to bless America. No Sir! I
agree with Pastor Jeremiah Wright...
"God damn America!" We certainly deserve what we are going to get.
Instead of
elevating Christians who obey the Bible and love God, Americans elevate immoral
people—homosexuals, adulterers, nudists, rebels, and feminists—praising them
as gods. Just look at any typical Country Music concert and see who
gets all the glory and praise. Watch a Hannah Montana video on
YouTube and see thousands of screaming kids praising Miley Cyrus as a
god. It's idolatry!!! America is
an idolatrous land.
The fans aren't cheering for Jesus—they're
cheering for some brat who dresses like a tramp, dances like a whore,
shamelessly exposes her body in lewd photographs, sings about selfish pride
and materialism, and dares claim that God is inspiring her to do it. Increasingly, heathen society is raising it's young girls to be nude, lewd
and crude.
Jeremiah 7:9,10: "Will ye steal, murder, and commit adultery, and swear
falsely, and burn incense unto Baal, and walk after other gods whom ye know
not; And come and stand before me in this house, which is called by my name,
and say, We are delivered to do all these abominations?" God is
not behind Miley's career anymore than He's behind
this foolish woman's career.
Miley Cyrus is of the Devil.
Sicko Walt Disney Says
Lewd Miley Cyrus' Has “godliness” and her “Raunch is relative”