Feminism—A Communist Agenda
How the Rockefellers Engineered Women
“The hidden goal of feminism is to destroy the family, which interferes with state brainwashing of the young.”[1]
By David J. Stewart
Truth is stranger than fiction. The average American only knows what they were taught in a heathen public school system as a youth; and what they've learned ever since from the lying mainstream newsmedia, brainwashing movies, demonic music, and corrupt television programming. As predictable with human nature, the American people have fallen hook, line and sinker for numerous Communist agendas which have ruined our nation.
Here are the truthful words of prolific author, Dr. Henry Makow, explaining how the Rockefellers have engineered women to be feminists:
People do not realize that feminism is mass indoctrination because they cannot identify the perpetrator, the means or the motive.
Recently Aaron Russo, the producer of Bette Midler's movies and "America: From Freedom to Fascism" identified all three confirming what I have been saying.
While trying to recruit Russo for the CFR, Nicholas Rockefeller told him that his family foundation created women's liberation using mass media control as part of a long-term plan to enslave humanity. He admitted they want to "chip us." Google "Rockefeller Foundation" and "Women's Studies" and you'll get a half million citations.The hidden goal of feminism is to destroy the family, which interferes with state brainwashing of the young. Side benefits include depopulation and widening the tax base. Displacing men in the role of providers also destabilizes the family.
A drastic paradigm shift is required to make sense of the world. The Rockefellers are part of the private world central banking cartel that also controls media, defence, pharmaceutical and other cartels. To protect their monopoly of credit and wealth, they are instituting a world police state ("world government") using the bogus 9-11 attack and endless war as a pretext. Rockefeller told Russo about this plan a year before 9-11.
The poet Charles Peguy said, "Everything begins in faith and ends in politics." The banking cartel needs a philosophy to justify enchaining mankind. That philosophy is Satanism. The cartel controls the world through a network of occult societies linked to Freemasonry, Communism, the Vatican and organized Jewry (Bnai Brith, ADL, AJC, Zionism.) The highest occult rank is known as the Illuminati.Modern Western culture is Masonic. Based on Luciferianism, Freemasonry teaches that man and not God determines reality. (Naturally, they need to overrule natural and spiritual laws in order to assert their own control.) They have noticed that people are diffident malleable creatures who prefer to believe what they are told than trust their own reason or perception. Thus, for example, the media successfully promotes homosexual values that conflict with our natural instincts.
Every facet of the mass media (movies, TV, magazines, music, commercials, news) is used for indoctrination and social control with the ultimate goal of enslavement. There is a connection between what happened in Communist Russia and what is happening in America today. In both cases the central banking cartel is asserting its totalitarian control.The mass media's function is to distract us from this, and the imminent Iran war and North American Union. Currently they are using the global warming fracas for diversion.
In order to destroy the family, the media convinced women that they could not rely on the heterosexual contract.
Myrna Blyth was the editor in chief of Ladies Home Journal from 1981 to 2002. In her book "Spin Sisters" (2004) she says the media sold women "a career in exactly the same drum banging way that the Happy Homemaker had been ..sold to their mothers." (38)
The Illuminati undermined women's natural loving instincts using the following mantras:1. Men can no longer be trusted. Using the Lifetime Network as an example, Blyth concluded "all men are 1) unfaithful rats 2) abusive monsters 3) dishonest scumbags, or 4) all of the above. Women on the other hand were...flinty achievers who triumph despite the cavemen who...want to keep them in their place." (62-63)
2. Women are victims by virtue of their sex. Blyth says the media sends "one message loud and clear. Because we are women, we remain victims in our private lives, at work, in society as a whole." (156) Thus women must have a sense of grievance, entitlement and rebellion. The same tactic was used to manipulate Jews, Blacks, workers and gays. (See my "Victim as Moral Zombie" )
3. Women should be selfish. "Liberation and narcissism have merged," Blyth says. Leisure now means, "time for yourself, spent alone, or perhaps with one's girlfriends but definitely without spouse and kids...Endless articles preached the new feminist gospel, that indulging yourself is an important part of being a healthy, well adjusted woman." (65)
4. Sex is not reserved for love and marriage. Magazines like Glamour and Cosmopolitan urge young women to "put out on their first date," ogle men openly" and be an athlete in bed. There is no discussion of marriage or family. (160) Such women can't trust a man enough to surrender themselves in love.5. Self-fulfillment lies in career success and not husband and family. "The social rewards of holding down a job are critical to one's sense of dignity and self worth," Betty Friedan pontificated. In fact, "most work is deeply ordinary," Blyth observes (35-36.) (I'm not saying women can't have jobs, only they shouldn't be tricked out of having families if they want them.)
Thus many women are schizophrenic as they attempt to reconcile their natural instincts with constant exhortations to do the opposite. The wreckage -- broken families and dysfunctional people -- is strewn everywhere.
At the same time, Playboy Magazine etc. aimed a similar message at men. You don’t need to get married to have sex. Marriage and children are a bore.
CONCLUSIONThis consistent media drumbeat is organized brainwashing. Society has been totally subverted by the central banking cartel, using a Satanic cult, Freemasonry as its primary instrument. Most masons are unaware of the truth but the owners of the mass media certainly are.
We used to say, "as American as motherhood and apple pie." Only satanists would trash motherhood. Far from empowering women, feminism has unsexed many. It has deprived them of a secure and honored role and reduced them to sex objects and replaceable workers.
Luciferians promote rebellion because they are defying what is natural and conducive to happiness. Like their symbol, Lucifer, they wish to play God.
God's love can be seen in a woman's dedication to her husband and children. Thus the bankers must destroy it.
SOURCE: http://www.savethemales.ca/001904.html
Articles by Henry Makow Ph.D.END QUOTE
Feminism Has Women Freezing Eggs (endlessly searching for the non-existent Mr. Right)
Feminism Will Destroy Your Marriage, Children & Family
The Sinister Agenda Behind the Moral Corruption of American Society
It is not by coincidence, nor by natural occurrence, that America is plagued today with whorish singers and actors who are being featured on Prime-time TV, Sesame Street, Nickelodeon, and everything pertaining to teenagers. It's all deliberate, intended to eliminate courtship, replaced by sexual promiscuity. Teen girls are being conditioned to behave like homosexuals, who don't marry and have children...
Feminism, our official gender ideology, masquerades as a movement for women's rights. In reality, feminism is a cruel hoax, telling women their natural biological instincts are "socially constructed" to oppress them.
Feminism is elite social engineering designed to destroy gender identity by making women masculine and men feminine. Increasingly heterosexuals are conditioned to behave like homosexuals who generally don't marry and have children. Courtship and monogamy are being replaced by sexual promiscuity, prophesied in Aldous Huxley's Brave New World.
The Rockefellers and Rothschilds created feminism to poison male-female relations (divide and conquer.) Their twin objectives are depopulation and totalitarian world government. Why? These bankers create money out of nothing and think they are God.
"Cruel Hoax" shows the connection between feminism, Communism and 9-11. It examines male-female relations and shows how we can take back our heterosexuality.SOURCE: Dr. Henry Makow, Ph.D.; CRUEL HOAX: Feminism & The New World Order.
In Miley Cyrus' vile song, CAN'T BE TAMED, she promotes fornication, rebellion, being whorish and lewd, promiscuousness, partying all night long, getting down, acting crazy, et cetera. This is exactly what the perpetrators behind the New World Order want, i.e., to create a sexually-degenerate society through the use of sexually-degenerate celebrities, movies, music, magazines and television.
In so doing, gender identity is erased, courtship and marriage are eliminated, and parents become mere incubators of servants of the Police State. Moral corruption ALWAYS leads to political subversion! An immoral nation devoid of God cannot maintain it's social integrity. We are witnessing the breakdown of American culture, into chaos and ruin, from which will emerge a dictator—the Antichrist!
America is doomed. I believe we are at the point of no return, because of the filthy trash who own and control the television networks, Hollywood and Walt Disney. People sit in front of their TVs as if worshipping a god. As long as people get all their information from the TV, they will become more foolish, dumbed-down and brainwashed. The moral decline in America will continue it's downward spiral into the abyss of Hell and damnation.
There will be fewer marriages because of fear of divorce and all it's woes. There'll be a lot more shacking up because of sexed pigs like Katy Perry and Miley Cyrus (teaching teens to fornicate and forget about marriage). I dare you to name one sleazy whore singer today who praises the institution of marriage in her music. Name one! It would hurt their sin-glorifying career. You don't become rich and famous in the Pop music industry today unless you're a worldly, compromising, filthy piece of trash. You MUST be supportive of gay rights to make it in Hollywood, music or Broadway.
Parents will become mere incubators, producing servants of a Godless Global Communist Totalitarian Police State. Our nation has gone to Hell. While feminists, CPS and a rigged court system work relentlessly to destroy families over trifle matters; massive government crimes are completely ignored by the media, overlooked and no one is brought to justice. In fact, we have no country anymore because we have no borders anymore.
Divorce is An Evil Agenda
The government provides free welfare, food-stamps, section-8 housing, and other free welfare benefits to women who are willing to play the role of a “victim” in a marriage. Men who as much as raise their voice or name call are demonized by “the system,” and consequently lose everything. The truth is that the evil scum behind the agendas of feminism, abortion, homosexuality, and divorce have plotted to destroy American families in order to achieve world government. This is not my opinion; this is the stated philosophies of many degenerates, the architects themselves behind the New World Order, such as George Brock Chisholm, the first leader of the World Health Organization.
From reading the quotes of many famous and powerful men; it is not difficult to learn that the New World Order gang hates the family, hates Christianity, hates freedom, hates America, hates the Bible, and hates God.
The government is the biggest financial supporter of Planned Parenthood, an evil organization that has no other plan than to talk as many women into having abortions as possible. It's a government-supported agenda. Our taxpayer money is being stolen and used for evil purposes, even to destroy us. Can you imagine? Literally, our own money is being used against us, to ruin us! Planned Parenthood primarily targets minority groups. Biblical Christianity builds strong families; but the teaching of evolution in public schools, feminism, divorce, abortion and the homosexual agendas destroy families.
Every program on TV today teaches teenagers to sass, disobey, and view their own parents as out-of-touch with reality. Parents are increasingly being punished by the courts for being strict, overbearing and good parents. This is also an agenda, clearly evidenced. I'm not making this stuff up. It is sad, but true, that most people would rather believe what someone else tells them, than to think for themselves. America is a society of agendas, which are ruining us!
What is an agenda? An “agenda” is something that didn't just happen, it was made to happen. Homosexuality didn't just happen in America. Our society didn't just decide one day that God created Adam and Steve, instead of Adam and Eve. Abortion didn't just happen because a women named “Jane Doe” wanted to murder her baby. Feminism didn't just happen, indoctrinating women to ruin their marriages, kill their babies, and pursue a career working as a man. These are evil Communist agendas that were MADE to happen.
What is Communism? In its simplest form, Communism is a vehicle created by Freemasons to achieve a New World Order. This was the same reason for the Nazi Movement, started by Karl Ritter. BOTH Communism and Nazism have the same goal—world domination and the enslavement of humanity. Since Satan failed to unite humanity against God at the tower of Babel in Genesis 11, he has desperately tried to unite men ever since segregated humanity (Genesis 11:6-8); by breaking down all barriers of race, language, culture, religion, and location. This is why we have open borders, the ecumenical religious movement, outsourcing jobs to foreign slave labor, hundreds of corrupt Bibles; it's all intended to destabilize society. One cannot possibly fathom the broadness of the attack against America.
Communism is the opposite of Capitalism. In Capitalism, a man keeps what he earns, in a free market society. In Communism, the government takes from the haves and gives to the have nots. Communism always ultimately fails, because when free market is suppressed, so is personal work ethic and individual ambition. Someone has to pay the bills.
But a more sinister purpose behind Communism is the moral decay and subversion of society through government supported immoral agendas, lewd and violent TV programming, welfare and section-8 housing for divorcees, banking and real estate fraud, the lies of evolution in public schools, the newsmedia brainwashing of society, et cetera; with the ultimate goal of destroying the family unit, thus enabling the take over of society by criminals. Their intent is to achieve a unified global government, all under the dictatorship of a global ruling elite group (The Council On Foreign Relations). Through the agendas of feminism, abortion, divorce, homosexuality, 501c3 tax-exempt charities, liberal religion, and many others, America is being completely devastated. God is an authoritative God; but He's not a thug Communist.
The Plot Against Mothers
Here, as you will read for yourself, monster Henry Kissinger says that higher education and careers for women are being used as WEAPONS against having families, literally causing women to have fewer children. No wonder God said in 1st Timothy 5:14-15 that career women have TURNED ASIDE AFTER SATAN. Women are actually having less children because of prosperity. This is so tragic and sad! Here is blatant evidence of the criminal globalist's evil agenda to limit the size of families...
Some of the reasons that increasing the standard of living naturally leads to families having less children are listed below:
• Greater Urbanization. An increased standard of living usually leads to greater urbanization. When a family lives in a rural area, each child can do necessary agricultural chores and can earn more than it costs the family to raise the child. When the family moves to urban areas, children cannot work at early ages and do not make the family more prosperous, as they would in the countryside. They are perceived as a financial liability in the cities.
• Lower Infant and Child Mortality. Most developing countries do not have a national retirement plan such as Social Security. This means that most elderly people must be supported by their children. The daughter usually goes to live with her husband’s family, so the only chance for an elderly person to have income is to have a living son in his or her old age. To make sure one son survives, parents have two or three. As child mortality has declined, it has become less necessary to have several sons.
• Education of Women. Educated women begin childbearing at an older age and have fewer children overall. Better-educated women tend not to marry less-educated men so that a relatively high percentage of educated women never marry, reducing the number of potential mothers.
• Job Opportunities for Women. Employment outside the home usually is associated with smaller families. Women employed outside the home tend to have responsibilities, opportunities, and distractions which decrease factors that might otherwise lead them to have more children.
• Higher Expectations. Television and radio bring people in developing nations a knowledge of how the wealthy (especially Americans and Europeans) live and give them expectations that their living standard can become more similar to the wealthy. Many opt for the material rewards that more money brings instead of the non-material and emotional rewards of parenthood.SOURCE: KISSINGER REPORT 2004, A Retrospect on NSSM-200; EXPOSED: How U.S. Foreign Policy Uses Population Control to Exploit Third World Economies; by Brian Clowes, Ph.D.
It's Working According to TIME Magazine
If you believe the Bible is God's Word, and you want to please God; God wants women to be mothers and to care for the home, and to stay out of trouble (not causing reproach for their husbands). So many women today are a major embarrassment to their husbands, dragging strangers into the marriage, filing for divorce, bringing evil upon the husband. God will punish such women for being fools and ruining their families. The Bible says what it says. Just because the times have changed doesn't mean that the Bible has changed. God never changes (Malachi 3:6). God's Words are as valid and applicable today as they were 2,000 years ago. 1st Timothy 5:14-15 teach motherhood...
1st Timothy 5:14-15, “I will
therefore that the younger women marry, bear children, guide the house, give
none occasion to the adversary to speak reproachfully. For some are already
turned aside after Satan.”
"Those who want to destroy the family will continue to urge mothers to leave the home and 'become fulfilled in the workplace.' When the mother goes into the workplace to become 'fulfilled,' or to increase the family's income, she leaves the care of the children to others. Those who warn against such practices will continue to be scorned by the feminists and others who have a hidden agenda: they want to destroy the family."
SOURCE: The New World Order, pg. 245-246, by Ralph A. Epperson; 1990; ISBN: 0-9614135-1-4; publisher: PUBLIUS PRESS, Tucson, Arizona.
The following truthful words are from the eloquent author, Dr. Henry Makow . . .
“Mary is one of millions of men and women (including myself) who do not have families because of a covert campaign of psychological warfare waged against heterosexual society. This Rockefeller-sponsored program of social engineering and eugenics is waged under the guise of 'feminism' and 'equality.' The pill, sexual liberation and the mainstreaming of homosexuality are all part of it.
The aim is to degrade, depopulate and destabilize humanity by divorcing sex from procreation and by pretending gender roles are social and not biological in origin.
Women have been brainwashed to usurp the male role and abandon the female. The resulting conflict and confusion leads to a breakdown of marriage and family. This produces dysfunctional people who are obsessed with sex and look to the corporate media and state for values and direction.”
savethemales.ca - When Love is a One-Night Stand