“It is the duty of the patriot to protect his country from his government.” —Thomas Paine
—Evils in Government Page 1 (Page 2 | Treason)—
“If thou wouldst rule well, thou must rule for God, and to do that, thou must be ruled by Him... Those who will not be governed by God will be ruled by tyrants.” —William Penn
Police State U.S.A. Our rights, freedom & liberty do NOT come from the government, President, Governor, County Exec, Mayor or the CDC. They are endowed by our CREATOR!
The fast becoming prison state government wants to play Russian roulette with our children. Forced Mental-Health Screening! There is to be separation of Church and State, not separation of God and State. God is not sharing power with the State, God is to be over the State. The American people have been lied to, robbed, and betrayed by multitudes of our leaders. When I speak out against the evils in government, I am NOT speaking about government itself, for government is ordained of God; I am talking about those criminals who have betrayed their oath of office, swindling the public, sinning against God in Heaven by oppressing the citizens they were entrusted to serve.
"Resistance To Tyranny Is Obedience To GOD" —Thomas Jefferson
This powerful sign illustrates the horrible similarity between Hitler's murder of 6 million Jews, and America's murder of over 30 million pre-born babies since 1973. Let your community know about AMERICA'S holocaust by showing them the truth about this horror. It is available in 36"x21" and 63"x36" sizes, fully laminated. Please see the order form for pricing & ordering info. Abortion is cold-blooded murder! Abortion is a sin against God and the child. Abortion is Genocide! (Women considering abortions need to look at these gruesome photos of baby parts. Read For Love of Money.) In 1973, the U.S. Supreme Court found that the word 'person,' as used in the [Constitution], does not include the unborn. Since 1972, over 55,000,000 people have been executed by abortion. Our government gives hundreds-of-millions of dollars to the Godless Planned Parenthood organization. Planned Parenthood is the largest abortion provider in America. Tests on blood and tissue samples
collected in Central Africa from 1964 - 1975 showed no evidence of HIV
infection. "Something
dramatic happened in 1975,"
said leading AIDS scientist Dr. Jay Levy.
Emerging Viruses, by Dr. Len Horowitz (a frightening 204 minute MP3 audio presentation, 114 MB. Dr. Horowitz exposes the evil conspiracy behind AIDS, Ebola, and other emerging manmade viruses. Learn how your own government has conspired against you. AIDS didn't just happen!) “I believe there are more instances of the abridgement of the freedom of the people by gradual and silent encroachments of those in power than by violent and sudden usurpations.” —Patriot James Madison
"The people never give up their
liberties but under some delusion." —Edmund Burke
Grand Deception
SANDY HOOK Was A Massive Fraud,
The Real Truth 2:56 Hour Documentary
(another lying wonder)
Sand Hook (Official) - Video Only Shows If You Give Permission, Because
“If I had my way, not one gun control
law would ever be passed in the United States so that only thieves and
crooks would have guns and the common citizen would be at their mercy.”
—Pastor Jack Hyles (Chap. 17,
Teaching on Preaching)
Satanic sexual abuse, ritual
murders, child pedophile rings, money-laundering—could these horrors be
happening today, in middle America? John W. DeCamp, attorney and former
state senator from Nebraska, affirms that it is, indeed occurring! In DeCamp’s riveting book you’ll learn of the terrible pedophile priests
at Boy’s Town who had “parties” with kids. You’ll discover how top
Washington, D.C. politicians (including George Bush Sr.) and savings and
loan executives were involved; and you’ll be angered about the media
that covered it all up. Also included: John DeCamp’s insightful
analysis of the patriot movement and the police state tactics of the
federal government. Alex Jones Interviews the Author.
“Our safety, our liberty, depends upon
preserving the Constitution of the United States as our Fathers
made it inviolate. The people of the United States are the
rightful masters of both Congress and the Courts, not to
overthrow the Constitution, but to overthrow the men who pervert
the Constitution.” - Abraham Lincoln
Terrorism Information and Prevention System
is EVIL!
“If you tell a lie long enough, loud enough, and often enough, the people will believe it.” —Adolf Hitler
The Patriot Act: "Most people prefer to believe their leaders are just and fair even in the face of evidence to the contrary, because most people don't want to admit they don't have the courage to do anything about it. Most propaganda is not designed to fool the critical thinker but only to give moral cowards an excuse not to think at all"--Michael Rivero How the Illuminati is Destroying America! Is it Evil to Join the Armed Forces? Biblical Submission to Government
Barack Obama:
“From the
sarcastic standpoint of those who rule us WITHOUT OUR CONSENT, in violation of
the U.S. Constitution, America is becoming too populated for there to be
supposedly guaranteed rights. Remember, the Bill of Rights is heavily packed
with the word NO. It is a shield against a tyrannical central government. At the
hands, however, of a corrupt and venal federal judiciary and a treasonous
central government, and a bought off and blackmailed Congress, the Bill of
Rights is a worthless, useless piece of paper. The cowardly mass media are mere
scriveners, writing down what they are dictated.
"I just hope and pray that we can wake
up enough people," said Congressman Ron Paul,
noting that Texans in his own backyard were more aware of Bush selling
out the country for an American Union than anyone in Washington.
The Hopeless Stupidity
of Mankind
thinking about moving to Minneapolis, it just somehow has that that
special kind of city charm!
The Church & The State
More U.S. Troops Headed For Saudi Arabia
War III was
Planned by Luciferian Elite during 19th Century!
The Devil We Know
The Life of an American Jew
Above link: The truth behind the New World Order.
Please understand that I love Jewish people, and I don't believe that
the Church replaces Israel in prophecy. Albeit, present-day wicked
Israel is
a counterfeit nation looking for their counterfeit Messiah, that is,
the Antichrist.
Federal Reserve
central bank is the worst thing to ever
happen to America! They are the
true criminals,
the worst
gangsters of the 20th century.
Americans have to pay for
two homes just to get one, and then
the banks steal it. America is in
deep trouble!
Federal Reserve is EVIL!
Abolish the Federal Reserve
central bank is an institution of the most deadly
hostility existing against the Principles and form of our Constitution. I
am an Enemy to all banks discounting bills or notes for anything but Coin. If
the American People allow private banks to control the issuance of their
currency, first by inflation and then by deflation, the banks and corporations
that will grow up around them will deprive the People of all their Property
until their Children will wake up homeless on the continent their Fathers
conquered." —Thomas Jefferson
“From now on, depressions will be
scientifically created.”
—Congressman Charles A. Lindbergh Sr., 1913
"Government spending is always a
“tax” burden on the American people and is never equally or fairly
distributed. The poor and low-middle income workers always suffer
the most from the deceitful tax of inflation and borrowing."
Ron Paul
often stumble on the Truth, but usually dust themselves off and
hurry away..." —Winston Churchill
Wake-up America! You The
founder of the weather channel has publicly stated that 'Global
Warming is the Greatest Scam in History.'
The Great Global Warming Swindle
Global Warming Scam Videos
Climate Chaos? Don't Believe It! According
to Dr. Richard Lindzen, professor of meteorology at the Massachusetts
Institute of Technology, “We are shifting away from science and into the
realm of religious fanaticism, where the followers of the creed,
brimming with self-righteous fury, believe that they are in possession
of a higher truth.”
“Climate control is about
controlling people, it always has been and always will be.”—climatedepot.com
911 Cover-up! Though some people believe the 911 terrorist act was God's judgment upon America, I think not. Is God judging you if you leave your bicycle unattended and someone steals it? No, you were foolish to leave your bike vulnerable. Likewise, we have become complacent in America. We must now realize that war, scandal and corruption are a fact of life. Therefore, we must defend our God-given freedoms. God gave us freedom, we must keep it! God has blessed America!!! But for how long? Many of the following articles are shocking! As Christians, we need to know what is going on in our nation and in the world. We all need to Wake Up!!!
The Hypocrisy of Alcohol Laws! “Benedict Arnold was a petty traitor compared to our present traitors in Washington” —Myron Fagan
RELIGION is what you believe; Christian Haters "I believe we have a deficit of moral courage in the United States Congress. We have many learned individuals who know what is right but have not the courage to stand against the moral corruption that is now attempting to undermine our republic." —Dr. Tom Coburn, Republican candidate for Oklahoma's Senate seat It is obviously good and proper to respect the U.S. flag, perpetuated with the blood of American heroes. On the other hand, it can be a fatal mistake, a nuking of the Bill of Rights, not to recognize scoundrels who wrap themselves in the same flag to cover up their crimes against the American common people. -Sherman Skolnick Theft of the American People! Federal Income Tax is Unconstitutional “Dissent is the highest form of patriotism” —Historian, Howard Zinn Read the complete book HERE Bible Called “Hate Speech.” Preacher (Michael Marcavage) Assaulted by Chief of Police (Daniel Kortan) for Quoting Bible!
News HoundsWe watch FOX so you don't have to!
OUTFOXED: Rupert Murdoch's
If we do not believe in freedom of speech for those we despise, then we do not believe in it at all.
MP3 Human Testing Is Legal In U.S. Dare to Think for Yourself! “The evils of tyranny are rarely seen but by him who resists it.” —John Hay, 1872
Why Does America's
“If we stuck to the Constitution as written, we would have: no federal meddling in our schools; no Federal Reserve; no U.S. membership in the U.N.; no gun control; and no foreign aid. We would have no welfare for big corporations, or the "poor"; No American troops in 100 foreign countries; no NAFTA, GATT, or "fast-track" no arrogant federal judges usurping states rights; no attacks on private property; and no income tax. We can get rid of most of the cabinet departments, most of the agencies, and most of the budget. The government would be small, frugal, and limited.” —CONGRESSMAN RON PAUL U.S.!
How the Rockefellers
Playboy and the (Homo) The VOICE of the
People! Land of the cowards, home of the slaves!
Why Ignorant Americans
“When all government, domestic
and foreign, in little as in great things, shall be drawn to Washington as
the center of all power, it will ... become as venal and oppressive as the
government from which we separated.” —Thomas Jefferson BLACK WATER (XE) Sadly, in our American culture, reality TV has become the real world and what's being done with our dollars and our soldiers are buried on page 7 of the daily newspaper. Black Water, also called XE, operates today in America under the Washington D.C. front organization, American Police Force, a private army for hire, employed mostly by the U.S. government. The details are alarming. No laws govern their Iraqi activities.
Al Qaeda Doesn't Exist!
U.S. Pentagon/CIA Taking Over Seven Countries (ISIS
Brother Lester Roloff Preaches Against Marijuana The way that people can effectively lie is through words, and it's through our own belief in these words, that makes it take control of our lives. So an understanding of these essential aspects of how they control us, we can learn individually to become free and to communicate amongst each other how to do that more efficiently! —a quote from the documentary, “STATE OF MIND CONTROL.”
Attorney General Eric Holder QUITS!
President Obama's Top Lawyer Fears Arrest Over Illegal 'Fast & Furious'
Gun-Running False Flag
America's Friend: The Honorable Congressman Dr. Ron Paul
“Congress has generously ignored the Constitution while the President flaunts it, the courts have ignored it and they get in the business of legislating so there's no respect for the rule of law.” —Congressman Ron Paul (2006) “Waiting periods are only a step. Registration is only a step. The prohibition of private firearms is the goal.” —U.S. Attorney General Janet Reno, December 1993 “I'm against sin.” “I'll kick it as long as I've got a foot, and I'll fight it as long as I've got a fist. I'll butt it as long as I've got a head. I'll bite it as long as I've got a tooth. And when I'm old and fistless and footless and toothless, I'll gum it till I go home to Glory and it goes home to perdition!” —Billy Sunday YOU'RE NEXT AMERICA!
The Torture and | MP3 (Pastor Steven L. Anderson) Prison is a fraud! It is a privative industry that makes money by taking advantage of people's suffering. God never wanted prisons. Locking a person in a cage ruins their life! Many of the inmates go insane, losing their minds and reentering society messed up. A lot of people go to prison for not obtaining a fishing license, smoking a plant, or other stupid things! Prisons need to be destroyed! DON'T JOIN THE U.S. MILITARY!!!
Allow Americans To “Opt
Out” Of Abortion And War! “Great wisdom comes from studying history because humans do the same thing over and over again.” —Alex Jones, Infowars
I Am Against Government Corruption, But I Thank God For Our Veterans
44 Veterans Memorial Photos I Took At 'Admiral Mason Park' In Pensacola, Florida
MUST WATCH: Senator John Kennedy (I love this guy!) Scolds Yellen, Garland, Wray & More Top Government Officials | 2023
To fight for freedom without a desire to obey God is anarchy!
“200 of us can shake this city spiritually; 200 of us at their ballot box in their rigged game, is a joke, it's meaningless. So I'm not going to spend my time playing some game, back n' forth between the Republocrats and the Demicans. Ya know, trying to get this guy in office, and he's going to solve our problems. Folks let me tell you something—we are doing something that other people can't do! Can an unsaved person go campaign for so-and-so as a candidate? Sure! Can an unsaved person donate money to that, and do that political campaigning? Yea, but can an unsaved person go out soulwinning? Ya know, we're basically like elite troops in the LORD's army!” —Pastor Steven L. Anderson; YouTube: “The Dechristianization Of Our Nation” | MP3
“The older I get, the more I'm convinced, that politics is just one of the things that the Devil wants to use to distract people like us, from what's really important, which is that which is spiritual.” —Pastor Steven L. Anderson; YouTube: “The Dechristianization Of Our Nation” | MP3
“God gives us FREEDOM so we can use it for HIS GLORY, and if we're not going to use it for His glory, guess what, He might take it away from us!” —Pastor Steven L. Anderson; YouTube: “The Dechristianization Of Our Nation” | MP3
“Evil triumphs when good men do nothing.” —Thomas Jefferson (1743-1826)
“Military men are just dumb stupid animals to be used as pawns in foreign policy.” SOURCE: Henry Kissinger, quoted in "Kiss the Boys Goodbye: How the United States Betrayed Its Own POW's in Vietnam"
Leading the pro-family movement since 1972 - Get Informed! |
Supremacists, The The Tyranny of Judges and How to Stop It! The gravest threat to American Democracy is the supreme power of judges over political, social, and economic policy. Dr. Phyllis Schlafly exposes the courts’ fifty-year conquest of legislative authority, made possible by presidents, congressmen, and voters who surrendered without a fight. The Supremacists is both a warning that self-government is in peril, and a plan of action for ending the tyranny of judges. —Dr. Phyllis Schlafly |
America In Its Last Days
Dr. Paul Craig Roberts | February 7, 2021 |
“So, as an honest Bible preacher, obeying the plain commands of God, I must speak out against corruption and immorality. Waste, corruption, the taking away of men's freedom and the seizing of men's property, these sins every honest preacher must condemn and every honest Christian must disavow.”
SOURCE: Dr. Rice... Here Are More Questions; Question: Should politics and religion be mixed?; by Dr. John R. Rice, pg. 249, Sword of the Lord Publishers; 1973, ISBN: 0-87398-157-X
The Diabolical 'NEW WORLD ORDER'
“The NEW WORLD ORDER is run by absolutely ruthless individuals, hellbent on dehumanizing the entire human community. Obsessed with total control. These megalomaniacal Satanists are absolutely sworn to the creation of a worldwide tyranny called the "New World Order." This is the evidence and it is conclusive, 911:The Road To Tyranny! War, empires are built and maintained by it! Populations rally during time of war. Nothing centralizes power like it on earth. All throughout history leaders have used this unifying force to control populations. Humans instinctively shift into mindless group-think when faced by an outside threat, whether real or manufactured. But now in the 21st century, the system of control continues, but with more sophistication. You see, if there isn't an enemy to fight, you have to manufacture one!” —The truth, by Alex Jones; a clip from 9/11: The Road To Tyranny
The Real Reason Why Abraham Lincoln Was Assassinated
"On moral matters where right and wrong are involved, and where the Bible clearly speaks, many preachers have so compromised and sold out, and are so afraid of their congregations, that they cannot give the clear Word of God. God pity the preacher who is afraid to preach against sin just because somebody will cry 'politics'! "
SOURCE: Dr. Rice... Here Are More Questions; Question: Should politics and religion be mixed?; by Dr. John R. Rice, pg. 250, Sword of the Lord Publishers; 1973, ISBN: 0-87398-157-X
"The interests behind the Bush Administration, such as the CFR, the Bilderberger Group, and the Trilateral Commission—founded by Brzezinski for David Rockefeller—have prepared for and are now moving to implement open world dictatorship within the next five years. They are not fighting against terrorists. They are fighting against citizens."
SOURCE: Dr. Johannes B. Koeppl, PhD, former German defense ministry official and advisor to former NATO Secretary-General Manfred Werner
“The half-truth is the most dangerous form of lie, because it can be defended in part by incontestable logic.” —Manly P. Hall, 'The Secret Destiny Of America,' p. 195; 1944; ISBN: 0-89314-388-X; publisher: The Philosophical Research Society, Inc, Los Angeles, California.
"It does not require a majority to prevail, but rather an irate, tireless minority keen to set brush fires in people's minds." —
Senator John Kennedy
(I love this guy!)
Wake Up America — Marshall Law | ROMANS 13
"Restriction of free thought and free speech is the most dangerous of all subversions. It is the one un-American act that could most easily defeat us." —Supreme Court Justice William O. Douglas, "The One Un-American Act." Nieman Reports, vol. 7, no. 1 (Jan. 1953): p. 20.
People listen to those who continually cry, as they did in Spain, "Communism can never cause a revolution here." They listen to those who give them a sense of false security. The majority of citizens are like children, who hide their heads under the blankets when they fear danger. It should be remembered that pulling the bedclothes over one's head never saved a person from an assassin, a rapist, or an exploding bomb. (SOURCE: PAWNS IN THE GAME, page 128, by William Guy Carr, 1958).
“Why war? Simple, the only excuse for a One-World Government is that is will supposedly ensure peace. The only thing can make people cry for peace is war. War brings chaos, destruction, exhaustion; the winner as well as the loser—it brings economic ruin to both. Most important it destroys the flower of the young manhood of both. To the saddened and heartbroken oldsters—the mothers and the fathers, who are left with nothing but memories of their beloved son, peace becomes worth any price. And that is the emotion upon which the conspirators depend for the success of their Satanic plot.”
SOURCE: Myron Fagan, The Illuminati and the Council on Foreign Relations.
All that is necessary for evil to succeed is for good men to do nothing!!!
"Men often stumble on the Truth, but usually dust themselves off & hurry away..." —Winston Churchill
Why Was John F. Kennedy Really Murdered? (I firmly believe this is the answer!)
- The Digital Police State Is Being Institutionalized Throughout the Western World (Paul Craig Roberts)
- Liberty Churches Verses Establishment Churches (awesome truth by Pastor Chuck Baldwin)
- ROMANS 13 (Pastor Chuck Baldwin refutes heresy of blind obedience to criminal government)
Tons of Information on the Waco COVER-UP! - Why Waco? | The Waco Massacre
- Russia’s President Vladimir Putin Warns That Censorship Is Killing American Democracy (unbelievable)
- President Biden Cancels President Trump's Ban On Transgendered Homosexuals In The Military (sad)
The Pearl Harbor Deception (Lots of information) - Theft of the 2000 Presidential Election
PATRIOT ACT II - Terrorizing the American People (there goes our Bill of Rights!) Should Christians Get a Marriage License? (Don't marry the State!) Government Stealing and Abuse (property seizures are unconstitutional) Can the Camera Lie? (Reporters used to report the news, now "journalists" promote liberal heathen agendas.) "Cuomo the Homo" and Rudia (when I saw this photo of Rudolph Giuliani, I was saddened) - New York Man Fined $50 for Feeding Pigeons (Greedy for money, cities are fining people for everything!)
- US National Debt Clock
- The Social Security Scam
- Congressman Ron Paul - We've Been Neo-Conned!
- America is Going to Hell (According to retired FBI agent Gary Aldrich, in his book, Unlimited Access: An FBI Agent Inside the Clinton White House, pg. 105-106, when First Lady Hillary Clinton was in charge of the White House Christmas tree, her idea of festive ornaments included crack pipes, condoms and various sex toys.)
- ORIGINAL Versus CORPORATE America (US vs. USA, very interesting) Concentrate of China?
- No Guns = No Freedom
- The Club of Rome
- Empty Seat # 666 in the European Parliament
- The Bill of Rights (The first 10 Amendments to the US Constitution- 1791) (Do you know your 1st amendment rights? A survey of 339 U.S. colleges and universities found that more than three-fourths of students and administrators did not fully understand their 1st amendment rights! We are slowly, but surely, losing our rights! Jesus became angry over evil, and so must we as Christians!)
- The Christian Law Association—CLA (It's purpose is to provide free legal assistance to Bible-believing churches and Christians).
- Exploring Constitutional Law (Excellent study, do you know your rights?)
- Federal Reserve System-Banking Fraud!
- Basic Understanding of the New World Order
"As an honest Bible preacher, obeying the plain commands of God, I must speak out against corruption and immorality. Waste, corruption, the taking of men's freedom and the seizing of men's property, these sins every honest preacher must condemn and every honest Christian must disavow.
SOURCE: Dr. Rice... Here Are More Questions, by John R. Rice, pg. 249, Sword Of The Lord Publishers (1973)
Beware Of 'Red Cross' Charity Scam!
Fat Cat Charities Pay CEO's $600,000 Annual Salary!
The Red Cross is a disaster 'racket' in the business of making money from people's misery, especially with totally engineered disasters such as 9/11. So-called 'charities' are nothing more than a means of extracting even more money from the masses to swell the already overflowing coffers of the mega-rich.
America's shameful churches are just as bad...
Dr. John MacArthur's Disgusting Money Machine (his total income is over $500,000 per year)
...And the hall of shame goes on and on, ministers taking money from those less fortunate than themselves in the name of Jesus Christ. Ironically, the word "minister" means "servant," but they serve their own bellies. It is unethical, a shame, and the sin of covetousness, for any professed servant of God to pay himself (and those in his so-called “ministry”) 6-digit salaries, which is generally 3 to as much as 100 times what the average American worker makes per year! Shyster Benny Hinn has a net worth of $42,000,000!
“The evils of tyranny are rarely seen but by him who resists it.” —John Hay, 1872
I do not necessarily endorse that the information on the following websites is correct or beneficial. Do your own research, make your own decisions, and ask God to guide you. There are a lot of pieces to the puzzle. Some websites will have more pieces than others. There is only one puzzle where all the pieces fit together. It is up to you to find the pieces and put them together the best way you can. Some truth is mixed in with lies. Some pieces will not fit. When you find pieces that fit, make copies and share it with others. There is much truth to what you are about to read. Save the sites you like and read a little each day, there's months of reading here.
- Info Wars (Alex Jones' website, also see www.prisonplanet.com)
- Greg Palast (Greg reports to us the things that the mainstream news media won't)
- Conspiracy Planet (lots of articles explaining what is going on in America today!)
- Skolnick's Report (some very interesting articles by a man who's been around for a long time)
- Bilderberg (many startling articles)
- www.texemarrs.com (Pastor Texe Marrs)
- Conspiracyworld.com (lots of shocking information by Texe Marrs)
- www.911research.com | www.wtc7.net
- Give Me Liberty or Give Me Death (many articles)
- End Time (a few items of interest)
- The New American (news)
- www.georgegordon.net (very interesting)
- Prison Planet (by Alex Jones and Paul Joseph Watson)
- Information Clearing House (news, a bit wild but many revealing articles)
- Independent News (news from Europe)
- What Really Happened (Many good articles, read about Operation Garden Plot)
- Conspiracy Archives (Illuminati)
- Propaganda Matrix (9-11 facts and more)
- Mike Ruppert (Former LAPD Narcotics Police Officer exposes how the CIA is illegally smuggling drugs into America. He was fired when he spoke up. He was shot at, denied employment, forced into bankruptcy, lost his house, threatened repeatedly—all because he took a stand against corruption in the US government. Mr. Ruppert has been on many talk shows, et cetera. Every American should hear what this man has to say! I listened to a video of his speech as given at Portland University in November of 2001. After hearing Mike Ruppert's factual presentation, you will be awakened to many things. You can subscribe to his Newsletter HERE (as 35 members of congress have). If nothing else, buy the video. “If we can face it, God can fix it!"” —Los Angeles Narcotic's Detective, Mike Ruppert
- Survivalist Skills (What if a national disaster interfered with the trucking industry? There would be no food in the stores. Then what? What if an economic collapse caused massive riots? Something to think about. The day will come in the United States when food will NOT be readily available.)
Evidence will be produced to prove that Modern Communism was organized in the year 1773 by a group of International Money-Barons who have used it since, as their manual of action, to further their secret plans to bring about a Totalitarian Godless State. Lenin made this clear in his book Left Wing Communism. On page 53, he said: "Our theory (Communism) is not a dogma (Settled Doctrine); it is a manual of action. Many modern leaders have said and done the same things as Lucifer did during the heavenly revolution. There is no appreciable difference between Red and Black Atheism. The only difference is in the plans used by the opposing leaders to ultimately win undisputed control of the world's resources, and bring into being their ideas for a Totalitarian, Godless Dictatorship.
SOURCE: PAWNS IN THE GAME (.PDF file), page 4, by William Guy Carr, 1958 (Read HTML INTRODUCTION)
Forget everything you ever learned about history and read this book, starting with chapter 16.
According to William Guy Carr, a diligent historian and Commander in the U.S. Navy, every war and revolution since 1776 has been financed on BOTH SIDES by the monstrous International Banking Cartel...
"While the general public has been led to believe that Communism is a movement of the workers (Soviets) to destroy Capitalism, "Pawns In The Game" and "The Red Fog Over America" prove that both British and American Intelligence Officers obtained authentic documentary evidence which proved that internationalist capitalists operating through their international banking houses had financed both sides in every war and revolution fought since 1776. Those who to-day compromise The Synagogue of Satan direct our governments, whom they hold in usury, to fight the wars and revolutions so they further Pike's plans to bring the world to that stage of the conspiracy when Atheistic-Communism and the whole of Christendom can be forced into an all-out war within each remaining nation as well as on an international scale. [emphasis added]
There is plenty of documentary evidence to prove that Pike, like Weishaupt, was head of the Luciferian Priesthood in his day."
SOURCE: 'PAWNS IN THE GAME' (.PDF file), Introduction, page XVI, by Commander William Guy Carr, 1958 (Read HTML INTRODUCTION)
Wake-up America! You need to hear Alex Jones!
"Men often stumble on the Truth, but usually dust themselves off
& hurry
—Winston Churchill
200,000,000 War Victims in Just 2 Centuries!
Which Mass-Murder Will Time Honor Next?
to our pledge in 1954 to thwart Communism)
If America's military were used properly to uphold liberty and defend freedom, then I would recommend that young men join the military. However, as long as our military is controlled by corporate criminals to do their dirty work, killing innocent foreigners and stealing their oil, being used as heroine farmers in Afghanistan, and policing patriots on American soil... I am 100% against partaking of such wickedness and so should you!!!
"Experience has shown that, even under the best forms [of government], those entrusted with power have, in time and by slow operations, perverted it into tyranny." —Thomas Jefferson (1779)
It's Official, say goodbye to your Freedom!
Basic human rights secured to us by the Bill of Rights are no longer considered necessary by your government. While the Patriot act completely shreds the Bill of Rights, HR 6166 goes even further. HR 6166 grants the President unlimited, unchecked Dictatorial power. It gives the President and the Secretary of Defense power to accuse, detain, convict and punish whomever they personally declare “the enemy.” No more public trials.
No more writ of Habeas Corpus. Military tribunals (as small as one man) are to be appointed by the President and/or Secretary of Defense, and granted the power to decide the fate of the accused. This literally allows cases of one man judge, jury and executioner.
And H.R. 254 is next!
Please compare and contrast these new U.S. laws to Adolf Hitler's Enabling Act, passed in 1933. You will be alarmed by the similarities. Remember, HISTORY REPEATS ITSELF.
U.S. Patriot Act compared to the Hitler's Enabling Act
"We are apt to shut our eyes against a painful truth... For my part, I am willing to know the whole truth; to know the worst; and to provide for it." —Patrick Henry
Liberty is the right to choose. Freedom is the result of making the right decisions.
"The man who reads nothing at all is better educated than the man who reads nothing but newspapers." —Thomas Jefferson (1743-1826)
we stuck to the Constitution as written, we would have: no
federal meddling in our schools; no Federal Reserve; no U. S.
membership in the U.N.; no gun control; and no foreign aid. We
would have no welfare for big corporations, or the "poor"; No
American troops in 100 foreign countries; no NAFTA, GATT, or
"fast-track"; no arrogant federal judges usurping states rights;
no attacks on private property; and no income tax. We can get
rid of most of the cabinet departments, most of the agencies,
and most of the budget. The government would be small, frugal,
and limited." —The
"Most people prefer to believe their leaders are just and fair even in the face of evidence to the contrary, because most people don't want to admit they don't have the courage to do anything about it. Most propaganda is not designed to fool the critical thinker but only to give moral cowards an excuse not to think at all"--Michael Rivero
The marvel of all history is the patience with which men and women submit to burdens unnecessarily laid upon them by their governments.
I Love America!
by David J. Stewart
I love my country; but I don't like what I see happening to it. I believe God wants us as Christians to obey the laws of our land (Romans 13:1-7); but also to rise up against the evildoers (Psalm 94:16). I am NOT anti-government. However, I am unalterably opposed to the government's corruption and the stealing of American taxpayer's money. I am 100% opposed to "illegal" aliens flooding our nation. I am 100% against the evil banking cartel and the fraudulent Federal Reserve System. OUR government does what they do in OUR name, with OUR money and with the power that WE give them. We have every right to ask questions, demand answers and enforce justice. It is our Bill of Rights.
I do NOT endorse revolt or overthrow of government; BUT this is what our founding fathers needed to do to secure justice and freedom. It takes good men to overthrow bad government. Daniel rightfully broke the law in the Old Testament, when he kept on praying 3-times a day to his God (Daniel 6:10). We must fight to preserve our rights and freedoms or we will lose them. America is already largely Communist today.
I do NOT hate anyone, I simply hate what God hates... EVIL. If the shoe fits, wear it. If something on this website offends you, then so be it. I do not say this to be unkind, but because you need to know the truth! America is going to hell. We are losing our freedoms! We are losing our homes! Our economy is being hallowed out! We are losing our manufacturing jobs in America! We are losing our right to privacy! Do you think this is all a big coincidence? Not on your life! We are bringing judgment upon ourselves in the United States, by our own complacency and woeful ignorance, which is what sin does to a nation. To the same degree that the American people continue to walk into the dark depths of wickedness, to that same degree America is headed for imminent destruction! Please read, Faith and Freedom.
I aim to speak the truth in LOVE, not in any unkind words or mean intentions. I hope not to offend people, but I realize that the TRUTH is difficult for some people to accept. For example: I hate abortion, but not the people performing or having the abortions (they simply need God). I believe in taking a stand against evil and wrong, but in a legal and acceptable manner. This is our freedom of speech. I do NOT endorse revolt or overthrow of government.
I am a patriotic American and love my country, which is exactly why I am upset over the crime, recklessness and corruption that exists in many government departments today, especially at the highest levels. I am NOT anti-government, I am simply anti-evil and anti-wrongdoing.
The alleged government evils which appear on this web page and website are simply opinions based upon research. I am exercising my 1st Amendment rights. I believe everything on this web page is 100% true to the best of my knowledge.
Thank you again for visiting my website.
Resistance to tyranny is obedience to God!
Evils in Government, Page 2 | Treason
"Ye that love the LORD, hate evil..." —Psalm 97:10