Conspiracy Of Silence (55 minute video documentary) | Backup
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United Nations Is Normalizing Pedophilia: The Deep State Is Free to Prey Upon Your Children
The Franklin Child Sex Ring Implicating the Bush Whitehouse!
“Conspiracy Of Silence” with Extras, including John DeCamp Interview
Conspiracy of Silence: The Franklin Cover-Up! (high quality video)
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Peculiar Ties Connect Boys Town to CIA
Although the national media have focused on pedophilia and abuse committed by Catholic priests in the Boston area and elsewhere, the media have consistently suppressed an even more explosive and related story.
For years, former Nebraska State Sen. John DeCamp has spearheaded an inquiry into a massive pedophile ring with a base of operations in Omaha, Nebraska, that has been linked to high-ranking political figures in Washington. Recently, DeCamp won a $1 million civil judgment against former big-name Republican Party figure Larry King (an Omaha credit union founder) on behalf of a young man, Paul Bonacci, who charged that King had molested him and brought him into the pedophile ring.
DeCamp was the guest on the February 24 broadcast of Radio Free America, the weekly talk forum sponsored by AFP (American Free Press) with host Tom Valentine. Valentine’s questions are in boldface. DeCamp’s responses are in regular text. Caller’s comments are in italics.
When your client, Paul Bonacci, filed a law suit against Larry King of the Franklin Credit Union in Omaha, you also named the Catholic Arch diocese of Omaha as a co-defendant. Why?
The reason was that my client said that it was because of a couple of Catholic priests there started doing improper things to him at a very young age that started him into the tragic life that he led. The federal judge ruled that it was not possible to name the archdiocese—that it couldn’t possibly be guilty of anything, because how would they know what individual priests had been doing. In other words: “How would the bishop have known anything to stop it?”
This sounds just like the current controversy in Boston, except this happened long before the Boston scandal.
That’s right. It was exactly like Boston. I took it so seriously at the time that I went to Rome and met with Cardinal Ratzinger. He’s the one who has been in charge of this systemic problem in the church of priests involved in pedophilia. Ratzinger is now in the limelight over this issue, but he couldn’t get anyone to do anything 12 or 13 years ago when I was writing about this and filing my lawsuit.
I appealed the decision removing the diocese from my lawsuit. I went before the Eighth Circuit Court of Appeals and they upheld the judge’s decision in favor of removal of the diocese.
I went on to win the rest of the lawsuit against Larry King, but I was always bitter because I knew that I was right. This problem of priests abusing their position and abusing young children was a serious problem and not being properly dealt with by the church.
Of course, there have been some major cases in recent years, but these cases trace back to events many years ago. So now we have the Catholic Archdiocese in Boston paying out millions to settle claims. But my case in Omaha was thrown out.
When in the course of your investigations did you begin to realize that Boys Town in Omaha was essentially a “farm” for what you determined to be a national network of pedophiles that extended well beyond pedophilic priests?
When the children I was representing—and in the course of interviewing others—brought the role of Boys Town up as a central point. At least certain elements of Boys Town were being improperly used.
How did you get the British Broadcasting Company [BBC] interested in coming over and doing the explosive documentary that they produced on Boys Town (but which was never aired)?
I did nothing to get them interested. Somehow the BBC got a copy of an early edition of my book. They sent over a preliminary team and, for whatever reason unknown to me, the BBC sent over an entire investigative mission. Over a period of nine months or so they produced the program entitled Conspiracy of Silence. It was scheduled in all of the TV guides to appear on the Discovery Channel on a particular date and at the last minute it was pulled and never saw daylight.
I called the individual who handles the Discovery Channel programming and he told me that the program had been bought up and sealed and was never to be seen. However, a copy of the video was sent to me from parties unknown, who were obviously concerned that the program was not going to be aired.
Some $500,000 was paid to buy the airtime for the program. So, whoever bought it at the last minute was able to prevent it from being shown. However, the copies of the videotape are out there and are being widely distributed.*
Now you have picked up a new client and it ties directly into Boys Town.
My client is the former head of Boys Town. He was the head longer than anyone in the history of Boys Town. His name is Monsignor Robert Hupp. In 1976, he was appointed as a U.S. delegate to the United Nations, the only clergyman ever appointed to that position.
He contacted me. He’s 87 years old. I met with him and he needed some help. He felt, I guess, at his advanced age that he wanted to correct some problems and abuses that he had tried to years ago. Just after I was asked to represent him, he completed a major recorded deposition in the presence of many church lawyers, and also attorneys for a number of altar boys who had been abused by priests.
Did he come to you because there were suits against Boys Town?
There were lawsuits against the Catholic Archdiocese of Omaha and Boys Town is a part of the archdiocese. The position of the church, which was very public, was that they knew nothing about the abuse and, if they had known, they would have done something about it.
That’s very important to understand. They are saying, “We didn’t know, so how can we be held responsible. If we had known, we would have done something about it.”
However, the essence of what Monsignor Hupp asked me to do was to help get the true story out, because what he had to say was rather shocking and would totally disprove that claim here in Omaha and probably in a lot of other places.
I made the arrangements so that he could get his story out under oath. The deposition that he gave in this case may be sealed, but one way or another the story he had to tell will come out.
Let me give you some background on Monsignor Hupp so that it will all probably make sense. In 1969, Hupp became was what is called the “vicar general” of the Catholic Archdiocese of Omaha. A vicar general is the second-in-command, just below the bishop. When the bishop is gone, the vicar general acts in his place. He held this post until 1973.
During that time he became aware of the problem of sexual abuse. He officially notified the bishop at the time, Bishop Sheehan, and said, “This is terrible. You have to do something.” From 1969 to 1973, Hupp was making an issue of this but the bishop did nothing but move the priest to another parish.
So, we overcame the first defense that “We didn’t know and if we did know, we would have done something.”
Then, Hupp gave an ultimatum to the bishop, saying, “I am resigning as vicar general,” and the bishop tells him that he can’t do it. Hupp said, “I will either resign and you will accept my resignation or I will go to the Omaha World-Herald newspaper and we’ll see what happens then.” So the bishop let him resign. Shortly thereafter, Hupp was appointed to be the head of Boys Town. Today Hupp believes this was sort of a reward for keeping quiet.
He served as head of Boys Town until 1985 and, of course, went on film with the BBC acknowledging that he was like the wife who was the last to know. He is now determined to do what he can to correct the problem. He sees this as a failure to address the issue which caused it to get worse.
Are you able to determine how many boys from Boys Town got dragged into these national pedophile rings?
I know there were many. I did not realize how serious and widespread it was until about the last six months.
I had a visitor from the federal public defender’s office in Las Vegas. They called me and said: “I think we have a common interest.” They said: “Well, you know about a place called Boys Town.”
I responded: “You federal prosecutors have been part of the problem, helping to cover up what’s going on there.”
They said, “Would you be willing to meet with us?”
I agreed and they were there the next morning waiting at my office door.
They were representing a fellow named Paine who is on death row in Las Vegas. He had a bad habit of killing taxi drivers. This Paine had a number of brothers and they had all been raised in Boys Town. When Paine was convicted it turned out that, as they explained it to me, he was a multiple personality that was deliberately created.
In other words, someone had used psychiatric techniques and sexual abuse to alter this young man’s mind.
Yes, and this happened at Boys Town. The story he told was that all of these mind control experiments were being carried out.
Now, the first time you hear this, you think, “Oh, they are in la-la land.” However, the federal public defender went on to explain that Paine had revealed to them a host of very serious problems going on at Boys Town. Both he and his brothers had been involved, and Paine’s attorneys wanted me to share with them any information that I had come up with. They are appealing Paine’s death sentence and hope to use this information in the appeal.
The attorneys told me that this boy had another brother, Andre, who lived in Omaha. It turns out that many years before, on the very night the Franklin Credit Union was raided and closed by the federal authorities, he and a group of boys were taken out of Boys Town in the middle of the night and moved to an institution out of state.
I told these federal public defenders, after giving them a copy of my book: “I predict that after you read the book and before we get very far into this case that you will suddenly get intimidated and lose your interest. You’ll find that the FBI was involved in the cover-up of all of this.”
They said, “Oh no, no, no.”
So they lined up the brother, Andre, who is now in his early 20s, to meet with me. Andre told me all of the same things that my previous client, Paul Bonacci, and others had told me. But he had never had any contact with any of them. They had the same stories, the same information, the same people. However, Andre gave me some more information on how organized it was at Georgetown and how he was taken out of Boys Town on a regular basis to participate in sexual parties where they did pornographic films. They would say he was being taken on a visit to his mother, but, in fact, he was not visiting his mother.
It wasn’t 24 hours later I got a call from the kid and he told me that he was heading out of town. The reason why was because the FBI had shown up at the place where he was registered to go to computer school and seized the computers and told them the boy was involved in all kinds of things. He was kicked out of school. The FBI then went to his apartment and scared his landlord into evicting him. And they went to the place where he worked as a clerk and that place fired him.
The kid knew he was in trouble and he said, “If they come after me again, I’m going to kill myself.” But I’ve put this young man in touch via e-mail with Noreen Gosch, whose son Johnny was kidnapped and brought into these sex rings. They’ve been exchanging information.
What’s happened with the federal public defenders representing Andre Paine’s brother?
They stopped contacting me.
Another one of your clients who was involved in the Boys Town affair in the early days also ran for his life under similar circumstances.
Yes, that was Rusty Nelson, who had been a photographer at some of these sex parties. I found him in an Oregon prison after the authorities said that he never existed. I got him out of prison and brought him as a witness. He brought pictures that proved the Larry King connection in the case against King and in the same case where the judge threw out the archdiocese of Omaha as a defendant.
Your research has focused on Omaha, but this whole sex ring involving Larry King and Boys Town extends nationwide, all the way to Washington and involves the CIA and parts of the military.
I only focused on Omaha because it happened to be an important staging ground for so much of the intrigue that I documented. There was a confluence of institutions here in the Omaha area that are linked to all of this pedophile network. One of those institutions is Offutt Air Force Base, which, of course, is where the head of the Strategic Air Command (SAC) is located.
The SAC is the most secure place in the world. That’s where they took President Bush on Sept. 11.
As a Nebraska senator, I was in there. They have, beneath the ground, more of a secure barricaded facility that could take a nuclear hit.
What’s interesting—and this came out after the fall of the Soviet Union—is that there were more CIA people stationed and operating out of Omaha and Offutt than at CIA headquarters in Langley, Va.
Your research (and that of others) indicates that, for a variety of reasons, this national pedophile network is tied to the mind control and mind-altering experiments that have been conducted by the CIA under such names as MK-ULTRA. These have been acknowledged by the CIA and written about even in such mainstream publications as The New York Times. This mind control programming includes get ting small children and confusing them with sex and drugs.
As I pointed out in my book, many of the kids taken out of Boys Town and who were part of the sex ring being operated by Larry King were often taken out to Offutt Air Force Base. I believe that Offutt was the military component, so to speak, or contact point, for what we now know were mind control experiments in the MK-ULTRA mode.
Here’s a caller, Ken:
Are you familiar with the name John Jubert?
Yes, he was executed for the murder of two small boys.
I knew John Jubert and have been in correspondence with his mother. I was a senior at the same small military college in Vermont when he was a freshman. He was a good follower, but not a leader. He was always looking to please other people. He left school and went into the Air Force and ended up at Offutt. He killed two little boys. That wasn’t the John that I knew.
I had heard some stories about Offutt and know about the goings-on. As I learned more, it was clear that he was all wrapped up in this child sex ring. It seemed as if he were trying to impress somebody by committing this crime.
In your research, John DeCamp, have you been able to link this Jubert to what you’ve been investigating?
John Jubert had some other links that go directly into what we are talking about here. But I don’t think this is the time or the place to go into that right now. He was proved to have skinned alive two little boys from the Omaha area.
I know when you tell people about things like this, they think you are nuts. Are people in denial or does this system go so high that if you challenge those responsible you just disappear or what?
I will say that my client, Monsignor Hupp, had turned over to the bishop the name of a member of the clergy from the Omaha area who had killed a boy and they wouldn’t do anything about it. Again, I can’t go into that now.
I wrote my book at the suggestion of William Colby, the former director of the CIA. He said: “Write it for your own protection. Tell the story and nobody will have any reason to do you in, since you’ve already said it. They may try to make you sound like a kook, but at least they won’t have to kill you to shut you up.”
*Those interested in obtaining a copy of the BBC’s documentary along with a copy of Mr. DeCamp’s book, The Franklin Cover-Up, for just $20 can call 1-800-578-7854 or write AWT Inc., PO Box 85461, Lincoln, Nebr. 68501. Let the order taker know that you read about Mr. DeCamp in American Free Press.
Source of Article: American Free Press
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