“I believe there are
more instances of the abridgement of the freedom of the people
by gradual
and silent encroachments of those in power than by
violent and sudden usurpations.” —James Madison
The American people have been lied
to, robbed, deceived and betrayed by multitudes of our treasonous leaders. When I speak
out against the “evils in government,” I am NOT speaking about
government itself, for government is ordained of God; I am talking
about those criminals who have betrayed their oath of office,
swindling the public, committing high treason, sinning against God in Heaven by
and hurting the citizens they were entrusted to serve.
Our troops aren't fighting
for freedom, they're fighting for
Dick Cheney's Halliburton.
Police brutality is epidemic in America. The corporate
State is a fascist State! On the day before the September 11,
2001 World Trade Center and Pentagon attacks, dirty-bag Donald
Rumsfeld, said
$2,300,000,000,000 (2.3 trillion) were MISSING from the
Pentagon! Yeah right... missing! The next day a bomb blew up
(there was no jet plane) that totally destroyed the financial
records which could have indicted Rumsfeld and the culprits who
stole that taxpayer money!!! We have entered into the Twilight
Zone ladies and gentlemen!
The New World Order is the corporate
criminal takeover of governments.
U.S. President Kennedy tried to warn us, 10-days before he
was assassinated. Resistance to tyrants is obedience to God (Daniel
3:17-18). We are living in perilous times (2nd Timothy 3:1-5) of
unprecedented evil.
Pentagon May Let Artificial Intelligence
Drones Kill Humans Autonomously (Skynet
is coming!)
Evil New World Order Scumbag Criminal
Klaus Schwab Wants Everyone To Start Eating Insects
Churches Verses Establishment Churches (awesome truth by
Pastor Chuck Baldwin)
We Need To Talk About Sandy Hook
(I can't wait until God judges these LIARS and CRIMINALS who
pulled off this false flag terror attack. Not one child died at
Sandy Hook! Wolfgang Halbig makes too much sense! Read the
questions for yourself! It was a false flag terror attack,
orchestrated by the Luciferian elite, who want to disarm
Americans as part of their quest for a New World Order. Sandy
Hook was staged with paid actors! Sandy Hook is surrounded by
several dozen oddities and white flags! The ungodly newsmedia
have been key players in deceiving the public!)
Official Sandy Hook Video (NOTE: Video is active, you must click
for permission to view it!!!)
NOBODY DIED AT SANDY HOOK! (an excellent, eye-opening, .PDF
book exposing the 2012 fraudulent Sandy Hook shootings)
Bless America??? |
U.S. Oppressive
Society |
TSA Now Putting Hands Down Fliers’ Pants
Now Under Communist Regime in 2018 (President imposes 7-12
years in prison now for proclaiming the truth)
The American People are Tired of
Lying Officials! |
President George W. Bush Jokes About No
AS HELL NEWS! (Exposing criminals in government;
I'm not going to take it
NYPD Exposes Hillary Clinton: Money Laundering, Sex Crimes With
Children, Child Exploitation, Pay To Play, Perjury
Bad Times Ahead for America!
(It's just beginning!) | The Means
Of Communism
ID 2020 Launch Program To Provide Digital ID With Vaccines (a
Trojan Horse of
Americans Are Oppressed Too (by Paul Craig Roberts; Police
brutality epidemic in America)
What Really Happened on 911? | NWO
Basics |
Watch 911 ILLUMINAZI Video |
Conspiracy |
911 Archives
(tons of information)
The Birth of the U.S. Federal Reserve Bank (by
Dr. G. Edward
Griffin; please, you'll be educated, listen to this!)
Professor G. Edward Griffin Exposes Privately Owned Federal Reserve
Banks (it is high treason since 1913).
Was 9-11 the
Beginning of World War III? |
(someone's got a lot of explaining to do!)
Needs VOICES! (Our country is going to hell in a wheel-barrow,
let's defend it!!!)
What About WTC 7 Building? (Most
people don't know about the THIRD building that crumbled just
one block north of the trade towers hours later. No planes hit
it and there were only a few small fires, so why did WTC 7 crumble
wholly to the ground exactly as an imploded building would?
Research WTC 7 Building.)
The Northwood Documents (In 1962 our government planned to
deliberately shoot down a civilian airliner.)
Killers Masquerade as Right-Wing Evangelical Christians
Which god
Will Bless America? (the apostate
new ecumenism)

Pray for those
gullible and foolish souls whose fat rear-ends sit on their
entertainment living room
cushy furniture and who actually believe everything the Network
News and their local news media toss them!
“The best way to control the
opposition is to lead it ourselves.”
―Vladimir Lenin
I am NOT a
REVOLUTIONARY, I am a RESTITUTIONALIST; that is, I do not want
violent overthrow of government, I want to see our federal
government restored to once again follow the U.S. Constitution
and our Bill of Rights.
(2:19 shocking video)
State 4: The Rise of FEMA
“Centralized power is always a substitute for God.”
Jack Hyles

Who is running America?
Have you ever asked
that question?
Under the doctrine of Parens Patriae, “Government As Parent,” as
a result of the manipulated bankruptcy of the United States of
America in 1930, ALL
the assets of the American people, their person, and of our
country itself are held by the Depository Trust Corporation at
55 Water Street, NY, NY, secured by UCC Commercial Liens, which
are then monetized as “debt money” by the Federal Reserve. It
may interest you to know that under the umbrella of the
Depository Trust Corporation lies the CEDE Corporation, the
Federal Reserve Corporation and the American Bar Association,
the legal arm of the banking interests.
Now you know
who is running America!
You might want to take exception to the name on the marquee at
the entrance to 55 Water Street:
??? . . . “Tower of
Power” . . . ???
Celente—Speaking of the globalist suckups, corrupt
corporate leaders, sellout Washington D.C. politicians, and
the Wall Street white shoe boys—said concerning their
stealing, hypocrisy, and blatant abuse of government power:
“The real rulers in Washington are
invisible and exercise power from behind the scenes”
Frankfurter, U.S. Supreme Court Justice during the FDR
Future Is Now in the Hands of Two Psychopaths at 1600
Pennsylvania Ave: President Barack Obama, Israeli Agent “Rahm
the Cruel” Emanuel, and a Leninist America by 2012:
On January 20, 2009, President Barack
Obama takes possession of the Oval Office. “Rahm the Cruel”
Emanuel takes over as White House Chief of Staff. Obama and
Emanuel are both in the employ of the Israeli Mossad, and "Rahm
the Cruel,” a former Wall Street manipulator and Chicago
Mafioso, actually served in the Israeli military. Together,
Obama, our charming and charismatic young President, and Rahm,
his Stalinist overseer and Mossad controller, will lash and
steer the American Republic ever forward into the morass of a
Leninist dictatorship of the elite. Unless something incredible
intervenes, by 2012 we shall experience the final, irrevocable
“Sovietization of America.”
Power of Prophecy: America's Future Is Now in the Hands of Two
Psychopaths at 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue
America's Future Is Now in the Hands of Two Psychopaths at 1600
Pennsylvania Avenue
It is impossible to have
liberty in a two-party system.
If voting could change
anything it would be illegal!
“A conspiracy
theorist is anyone who pays attention to facts or analysis.” —Dr.
Craig Roberts
You can't be politically
correct and right with God!
Gerald Celente Blasts Jon Corzine, Goldman Sachs and MF Global for Being
Gerald Celente - Imbecile People Continue To Vote For Evil
(MP3, George
Orwell would be shocked)
is complete dependence upon the state.”
Jack Hyles

“You mean
the government's gonna stick their hands down my pants and
put me in a microwave oven? You mean the TSA's setting up
checkpoints on the highway?
You see you've
got to really let it sink in and just wake up to how crazy
it is. I'm not 'the crazy guy on the radio' as the corporate
media calls me because I cover real news and get freaked-out
over real issues (and don't cover fluff and mindless
garbage). I'm a normal person who the mind-control doesn't
work on. The only way it works on me is making me frustrated
and angry, because once you're awake and once you've studied
it, it's everywhere!”
Wednesday, January 18th, 2012
What Hast Thou Done
Fall of the Republic
(Full-length video)
cannot defend freedom abroad by deserting it at home!
“In a time of universal
deceit, telling the truth is a revolutionary act.”
—George Orwell
—Speaking Out Against Evils in
Titus 3:1-2,
“Put them in mind to be subject to principalities and powers, to obey
magistrates, to be ready to every good work, To speak evil of no man,
to be no brawlers, but gentle, shewing all meekness unto all men.”
I Concerning the above
Scripture, I recently heard a pastor of a very large church
foolishly state that it's wrong to criticize U.S. President
Obama for any reason. The pastor used the Biblical text, “speak
evil of no man” from Titus 3:2. Unfortunately he took the verse
out of context. The Bible does not prohibit Christians from
speaking out against evil; but rather, not speaking evil. To
abstain from speaking out against the blatant fraud of the
Federal Reserve banking system, the endless criminal theft of
taxpayer money, property asset forfeiture (theft), illegal wars,
open borders and high treason is COWARDLY!!!
WARNING to Pastors!
God, Guns and
are not as they appear...

Detention of Americans
is fascist
Syndicated radio talk show host,
Alex Jones, stated on The Alex Jones Show on
February 1st,
2010 . . .
“All the new World Order is, is powerful offshore
corporations and banks that combine forces to bring in tyranny
on a society-wide basis. All the New World Order is, is private
corporations paying off your government to sign treaties with
them, granting them government power to create monopolies and
cartels, to control the free market and society. They have
stolen us blind. They have stolen Iceland and England and Europe
and Canada and Australia and the United States blind. It is
fraudulent. It is based in fraud. They can create unlimited
derivatives, unlimited currency and credit for themselves, but
they need fake environmentalism to actually get your property.
They need fake government rules to seize all the major highways
and roads and turn them into toll-roads for offshore
corporations like Centra of Spain. This is looting. This is
the general public is only focused on football and on Hollywood stars
and on diversions, the establishment is able to get away with this. But
they have gone so far in their crimes. They have done so much evil, that
if we simply stand up and point out that the emperor is wearing no
clothes, and point out the crimes they have committed, and that Geitner
and Paulson and all these people have given themselves
hundreds-of-millions of dollars individually to themselves out of the
banker bailout money, and that the number is really $28,000,000,000,000
(not $700,000,000,000), and that they engineered this and then McClatchy
Newspapers wrote a five part series in December exposing that this is
premeditated; if we expose them, if we point out what they've done, if
we simply have the energy to point out that they are the harbiture, the
progenitor, the engine behind our economy falling apart; they want to
destroy the economy; Ron Paul has said that, because when they bankrupt
you, you go under government control.
More than
half the population now work for the government or get government
contracts. That's not enough. It's their job to bankrupt. It's their job
to bankrupt the states. It's their job to take over society. It's a
monopoly game. It's a game of absolute domination and control.”
SOURCE: Alex Jones, The Alex Jones Show;
February 1st,
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