The Vacant Seat Number 666 in the European Parliament
The Tower Building
(named after the Tower of Babel) houses the Fifth Parliament
of Europe. It is certainly a
building of the Space Age. The seats are designed like the crew
seats in the Star Trek space machines.
The legislative
amphitheater is arranged in a massive hemicircle and has 679 seats,
each assigned to a particular lawmaker. For example, Seat 663 is
assigned to Rep Souchet, 664 to Thomas-Mauro, 665 to Zizzner and 667
to Rep Cappato. While these seats are allocated to Members, one seat remains unallocated and unoccupied. The number of that seat is 666. The relevant section of the seating-plan provided to each Member reads as follows:
Revelation 13:18 states: "Here is wisdom. Let him that hath
understanding count the number of the beast: for it is the number of
a man; and his number is Six hundred threescore and six." That
is 666. The Brussels EU Parliament Building The European Union (EU) parliament, consisting of 785 members, is in Brussels, Belgium. Quite magnificent, is it not? Interestingly, the seat numbered 666 is never occupied. Perhaps they are leaving it open for someone special? ... The Antichrist!
Photo above: The Brussels, Belgium EU Parliament Building Interior ![]() Photo above: Known officially as the Tower Building and unofficially as the "Crystal Palace." Here's something really bizarre. The E.U.'s chosen symbol is a Woman Riding the Beast...
The above
statue is located outside the EU office in Brussels
The depiction of the same symbol was reproduced on the centenary stamp of the E.U. and in a huge painting in the Parliament’s Tower Building in Brussels. Photo below: Second Election European Parliament postage stamp issued in 1984 Below: European Poster promoting all the languages of Europe working on a modern Tower of Babel...
![]() ![]() Here's a photo below of Condoleezza Rice at the United Nations in 2005 with the numbers 666 behind her. Notice how the logo below was cleverly designed, celebrating the UN's 60th anniversary, to appear as 666 above...
![]() http://www.un.org/un60/media_oct24.html
RECOMMENDATION # 666 The purpose of the European Union's creation was and is, ultimately, to create a European super-state or “United States of Europe,” as some have suggested naming it, that would eventually rival the United States in influence and military might. In 1999, Javier Solana became the High Representative for the European Union’s foreign and security policy, and through recommendation number 666, he was given emergency powers over the military wing of the European Union in 2000. All that currently remains to create a truly revived Roman Empire is the creation of a permanent executive branch of government and the full integration of the new Euro currency. With the introduction of the new European Union constitution, the groundwork is being laid for just such an executive branch and economic system.
"And they worshipped the dragon which gave power unto the beast: and they worshipped the beast..." — Revelation 13:4 CONCLUSION Clearly, the European Union is preparing the way for the Man of Sin—The Antichrist! Few people realize just how saturated the United Nations and the European Union are with Satanism. The United Nations has all of their materials printed by The Lucis Trust, originally founded in 1922 as The Lucifer Trust. Please read Basic Understanding of the New World Order. Also, please read A comparison of Javier Solana and the Antichrist (very interesting). Signs of Satan! (12 minute video) The Woeful Luciferian Religion 13 BLOODLINES OF THE ILLUMINATI |