—Treason In The United States—
“People who wish to remain
FREE can follow only one plan of action. They must support
Christianity against
ALL forms of atheism and secularism.” (SOURCE:
IN THE GAME, page 178, by William Guy Carr, 1958).
Al Qaeda is
LAWYERS: THE PRIMARY ECONOMIC RAPISTS Every Crime is Terrorism in the new America!
Scam City: Jails, Prisons And Criminal Checks Exposed
The Subversion of American Sovereignty (Volume 1)—Gun Control (a police state is rising up!) The Subversion of American Sovereignty (Volume 2)—Free Speech (please listen to this truth) Nazis The Occult Conspiracy (1998)—Full Length Documentary (Hitler's insane polygamous breeding plot!)
America's Government Is Hated By The World Today “No man survives when freedom fails, the best men rot in filthy jails, And those who cry ‘appease, appease’ Are hanged by those they tried to please.” —Hiram Mann America's love for sin has caused the blessings of God to depart. To the same degree that America continues to indulge in wickedness, to that same extent a police state is rising up around us, robbing our liberties. In July of 2011 same-sex marriage was made legal in New York state. Gays nationwide are flocking to New York to get married. In January of 2012 Conan O'Brien performed the first Late Night Jewish same-sex marriage on national television in New York. Sexual perversion is so bad that Time Warner has produced shameful recent shows like DANCE MOMS and GCB (Good Christian Bitches). God will not bless that blatant wickedness and hatred against Christians.
“The love of liberty is the love of others; Couple Fined $300 for Having Bible Study in Home Without Permit (Communist U.S.A.!)
President JFK Warned Us Of Secret Societies (note: if above
YouTube link goes dead, as often they do,
Sodomite Strategy
Kidd, 'We're in a mess
Immigration Destroys Obama has
promised to give
"Take away the heritage of a people and I love all people in the Lord. The issue is national sovereignty, which doesn't mean anything to most people anymore. America is GONE! Illegal immigration has helped to destroy our economy, at the expense of U.S. citizens. Violent crime, drugs and street gangs are epidemic all across America because of the deliberate open borders. The Mormon owned Marriott hotel chain employs thousands of illegals, hiring bilingual managers to communicate with them. They can't speak any English. Illegals are privileged to receive government handouts that even U.S. citizens can't get. We're paying the bill! There needs to be trials and hangings in Washington and Wall Street, because the stench of their wickedness and crimes is blatant.
President Obama's Administration
America's First Jewish President!
Obama Rothschild's Choice
(Full Movie) The Jewish Hand Behind Internet - Google, Facebook, Wikipedia, Yahoo!, MySpace, eBay (media control) Dr. Ron Paul Blasts President Obama for Killing Americans (treason, treason and more treason!) How the Illuminati is Destroying America!
The White (Goldman Sachs) House
List Of 37 Names of GOLDMAN SACHS People in the Obama Government!
The Lester Roloff Children's
Official Sandy Hook Hoax Video
“Having heard
all of this, you may choose to look the other way... but you
can never say again that you did not know.”
—William Wilburforce, 1759-1833
"Fascism will come to
this country and it will come disguised as Americanism." —Governor Huey Long
CCTV Cameras So Powerful,
How Much
Longer Does America Have Left?
“The penalty good men pay for
indifference to public affairs is to be ruled by evil men.” —Plato
What a bunch of
Federal Reserve
Gerald Celente Blasts Jon Corzine,
192,000 Holocaust Survivors Treated Like Garbage In Israel (IFCJ
made $106,697,118 in 2011)
In a few generations Americans
“The most dangerous revolutions are not
those which tear down everything, and cause the streets to run with
blood, but those which leave everything standing, while cunningly
emptying it of any significance.” —Soren
Kierkegaard (1813-1855)
“When injustice
becomes law resistance becomes duty.”
15,000 Aborted Babies Burned To Heat
Hospitals In UK
MAD AS HELL NEWS! (Exposing criminals in
The Road To Tyranny Is
Paved With Your Liberties
Injustice: HSBC Above Laws
Faith In God Is
The Only Hope Of America |
Habakkuk 1:4, “Therefore the law is slacked, and judgment doth never go forth: for the wicked doth compass about the righteous; therefore wrong judgment proceedeth.”
When Should You Shoot A Cop?
Carolina Criminal Cop Michael Blake What the hidden Masonic Luciferian powers ruling over our nation are doing to Alex Jones is just the beginning. If Alex cannot express his views, then it is just a matter of time until no one can. Homosexuals and other Godless reprobates can say anything they want today without censure, but Christians cannot. YouTube is censoring Christians and conservatives. Google owns YouTube. Over the past few years, between 50 to 75% of my ministry's web traffic has been lost due to Google's censorship of Christians and rightwing conservatives. This ought to be a big concern for Americans, because effectively it means that Google is controlling public opinion, because 90% of all searches go through Google! Google/YouTube Are Censoring Faithful Christians, Conservatives, Anti LGBTQ & Alex Jones.Alex Jones Has No Right To His Opinion ,But Boston Globe Can Defame And Destroy Tom Scholz
The new law also permits the military to have sex with animals (bestiality) and commit homosexuality. What has our nation deteriorated into when our military can have sex with animals? And sadly, now same-sex PERversion is legal in all 50 states, since the Godless U.S. Supreme Court ruled on June 26, 2015 in favor of Sodomy. America is now officially a modernized Sodom and Gomorrah! Rape, pillage and plunder, they're taking the United States under! There is to be separation of Church and State, not separation of God and State. God is not sharing power with the State, God is to be over the State. Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama are not liberals, they are criminal kleptocrats (to “rule by thieves”) . . .
The sheep pretend that the wolf will never come, but the SHEEPDOG lives for that day!!! I am not a wolf or a sheep, bless God, I AM A SHEEPDOG!!!
Sticking Their Hands Down
Citizen's There's nothing any more repulsive and tyrannical than TSA sticking their hands down American citizen's skirts, blouses and pants under the bogus pretense of security, while our nation's border deliberately remain wide open. The thug Globalists are successfully destroying America's sovereignty (that is, our self independence, national pride and identity as a country). This is deliberately being done, as planned by the Globalists, in order to achieve world government, beginning with a North American Union without national borders. Through blackmail, illegal gifts, threats and intimidation, the Globalists who've hi-jacked The White House have overthrown the U.S. Congress.
Congresswoman Says America Has
TSA Trains Hot Dog Vendors to Watch for
Congress To Fund Massive Expansion Of TSA Checkpoints
There Are Now More
Americans In Jail Than The power to tax is the power to destroy!
200 People Jumped to
Their Death On 911
Why It Is So Important That You Care |