Hillary's Rise to Political Power
by David J. Stewart
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I first posted this webpage back in November 24, 2004. It was clear back then, as it still is today, that Hillary Clinton (a Jezebel of Jezebel's) was headed for Washington D.C. to be a key influence in America's future. To no surprise, Barack Obama has chosen Hillary Clinton to be his Secretary of State
The Secretary of State has an important diplomatic role, but perhaps more significantly, a direct line of communication with the President. Remember Bill Clinton's Secretary of State, Janet Reno, who said she wanted to take away everyone's guns? Well, Hillary is going to do it! Secretary of State is the highest ranking cabinet position.
Beginning in January of 2009, will be a sad day in America, and a time of evil like none other. Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton will attack the family, parental rights, freedom of speech, and promote sinful agendas like never before. If you thought George W. Bush was bad, let me tell you... evil has entered The White House. With a Communist U.S. President and a lesbian rebellious witch entering The White House, America is going to get more of the rotten leadership it deserves.
Granted, Pastor Texe Marrs' prediction didn't come true in 2008 that Hillary would be the 44th U.S. President, but I believe Texe deserves lots of credit for the fact that Barack Obama has chosen Hillary Clinton to be his Secretary of State, which gives her MUCH power. In fact, it gives her incredible power, perhaps even more than U.S. President...
Here's a photo of former Secretary of State, Condoleezza Rice (2nd from right), at the United Nations in 2005 with the numbers 666 behind her. Notice how the logo below was cleverly designed, celebrating the UN's 60th anniversary, to appear as 666 above. Hillary is taking her place.
http://www.un.org/un60/media_oct24.htmlThis is no coincidence. World leaders are sold out to Satan and express their allegiance to him continually. Here's another example that should raise the hair on your neck if you're not familiar with the New World Order, whose god is Satan...
The above statue is located outside the EU office in Brussels — A WOMAN RIDING A BEAST!
"...and I saw a woman sit upon a scarlet coloured beast, full of names of blasphemy, having seven heads and ten horns." —Revelation 17:3
Clinton to be New UN Secretary General?
London Times | March 27, 2005
By Sarah Baxter
KOFI ANNAN, the United Nations secretary-general, is said to be struggling with depression and considering his future. Colleagues have reported concerns about Annan ahead of an official report this week that will examine his son Kojo’s connection to the controversial Iraqi oil for food scheme.
Depending on the findings of the report, by a team led by the former US Federal Reserve chairman Paul Volcker, Annan may have to choose between the secretary-generalship and loyalty to his son.
American congressional critics of the UN are already pressing him to resign over the mismanagement of the oil for food programme, and even his supporters have been dismayed by the scandals on his watch, including the sexual abuse of children by UN peacekeepers in Congo.
One close observer at the UN said Annan’s moods were like a “sine curve” and that he appeared near the bottom of the trough.
Kojo, 29, was employed by a Swiss company, Cotecna, but left before it won one of the contracts under the oil for food programme. Last week it emerged he received up to $400,000 from the company. The UN confirmed that Kofi Annan three times met executives of the firm, twice before the award of the oil for food contract and once afterwards.
Mark Malloch Brown, Annan’s British chief-of-staff, said the meetings were brief and had nothing to do with Cotecna’s contract. If some of the allegations against Kojo were confirmed, that would create “a very different situation, but for Kojo — not the secretary-general”.
Kojo and Cotecna insist he had no part in securing the oil for food contract and that his work related to activities in Nigeria and Ghana.
New scandals continue to erupt, however. One revelation last week was that the UN had agreed to pay legal fees for Benon Sevan, the disgraced head of the oil for food programme, out of the funds raised from the Iraqi oil sales.
“Kofi Annan is going to find his position increasingly untenable,” said Nile Gardiner, an expert on the UN at the conservative Heritage Foundation. “There is a strong possibility he will resign voluntarily because of his declining credibility.”
In the end Annan’s feelings may be more decisive than the facts.
SOURCE: Clinton to be New UN Secretary General?
Oh listen my friend, the Devil wants to kill, steal and destroy your life, your family and lead you into the flames of Hell to suffer forever (John 10:10). Is this what you want? If not then you need HIS RIGHTEOUSNESS, i.e., the righteousness of Jesus Christ!
2nd Corinthians 4:4 informs us that Satan is the god of this world. The illuminati are his most loyal followers and servants. Many students of the New World Order are foolishly led astray, like David Ike, because they are unsaved and view the world from an unbiblical perspective. Satan is a liar and the father of all liars (John 8:44). As such, he must operate in secrecy lest he be exposed, hence THE OCCULT.
In sharp contrast Jesus said, "I spake openly to the world; I ever taught in the synagogue, and in the temple, whither the Jews always resort; and in secret have I said nothing" (John 18:20). As Christians, we have nothing to hide. God's gift of eternal life is freely given and freely received to those who are willing to repent, i.e., acknowledge their guilt of sin and believe upon the Lord Jesus Christ for forgiveness (Acts 10:43, 16:30,31).
Many people today are desperately searching the internet, looking for anything and everything to connect Hillary Clinton with witchcraft, Freemasonry and Satanism (and there's plenty to read!); however, the most evil character trait of Hillary is her REBELLION against God... "For rebellion is as the sin of witchcraft, and stubbornness is as iniquity and idolatry. Because thou hast rejected the word of the LORD..." (1st Samuel 15:23). Hillary is of the Devil. She represents everything that is wrong with American women today. Hillary is a God-hating rebel, a staunch feminist. As such, she shares the unbiblical belief of her fellow feminists that the United States is a sexist society and that in order to defeat “sexism,” we must defeat the mentality that perpetuates it.
"I'm not some Tammy Wynette standing by my man." —Hillary Clinton
"In the Bible it says they asked Jesus how many times you should forgive, and he said 70 times 7. Well, I want you all to know that I'm keeping a chart." —Hillary Clinton
Hillary is a strong supporter of abortion rights, same-sex marriage, the gay agenda and nearly every other form of wickedness. Like it or not, a woman's place is in the home (1st Timothy 5:14,15).
Hillary Clinton and some Administration associates have been wearing a lapel pin that is clearly an ancient symbol used by the Masters of the Illuminati. This illustrates the contention that Hillary and Bill Clinton are practicing Illuminists. The public use if this pin gives credence to the concept that the New World Order is very, very close. The New World Order is coming! Are you ready?
Hillary Shall Be President of the United States!
It has been decided and Power of Prophecy has confirmed: Hillary Rodham Clinton shall become the 44th President of the United States. The 9-man inner circle of the Illuminati, meeting in closed executive session conducted in the exclusive resort community of Jackson Hole, Wyoming, on May 1, 2000, voted unanimously to sponsor and back Ms. Clinton in her quest for maximum political power.
The Master Plan approved by the Illuminati elite calls for Hillary Clinton to first be chosen U.S. Senator from the State of New York in the upcoming November 2000 elections. Then, eight years later, in 2008, she will be the consensus choice of the national Democratic Party for the presidency.
Media to AssistThe strategy adopted is for the media to continue to tout the “overwhelming popularity” of Hillary. Her smiling image will constantly be pictured on the covers of Good Housekeeping, McCalls, Redbook, and other women’s magazines. Hillary will be lauded for her intelligence and ideas in Parade, Newsweek, and Time magazines and in top newspapers across the country. She’ll be interviewed and given gushing, glowing praise by Katey Couric, Barbara Walters, and all the other talking heads of live network TV.
Opinion Polls RiggedAs usual, opinion polls will be rigged and skewed to persuade the dumbed-down public that Hillary is a beloved favorite of the people. Her opponents, on the other hand, will be caricatured as insensitive, immoral, ignorant, political wannabes lacking the brains, the political acumen, and the good sense necessary for high office. Hillary will be viewed as the wise, all-knowing, caring candidate who loves families, women, and little children. She’ll be shown as the great, benevolent, virtuous brain who deeply feels the pain of the hurting, downtrodden masses.
Hillary’s Republican opponents will be smeared and fall victim to FBI and CIA “dirty tricks” operatives. All the smut and dirt in their private life will be exposed and given bright-light treatment by the obedient lap-dog media. If no dirt and mud exists, some will be created.
Opponents Killed OffIf necessary, Hillary’s opponents will be bought off. In difficult cases, they’ll be killed off. The assassination of John F. Kennedy, Jr., is illustrative of the extremes to which this conscienceless woman will go to achieve total political power. The youthful JFK, Jr. had let it be known to Democratic Party operatives in New York that he fully intended to be on the ballot for the U.S. senatorial race. His cult-like following made Kennedy a political threat to Hillary, so…exit JFK, Jr. His plane went down and John F. Kennedy, Jr,’s body was never seen again; no, not even at a public wake or funeral.
What happened to New York Mayor Rudy Giuliani is also instructive. Considered Hillary’s chief Republican opposition in the race for U.S. Senator, the Mayor’s decadent private life of adulterous sexual affairs—including an ongoing affair with a Jewish staffer—was made the glaring topic of New York’s tabloids and the national press. His X-rated, philandering activities were also confidentially blabbed to Giuliani’s wife, who promptly went public, then filed for a legal separation. Courtesy again of Hillary’s “dirty tricks” department at the Clinton White House.
Hillary’s CoronationHillary’s “coronation” as President is thus set for January 20, 2005, following her acclaimed win at the polls the previous November, 2004. Her four years in the U.S. Senate will be simply Hillary’s biding her time until she is crowned as our imperial President. Then comes eight more years of Clinton corruption and evil, an era of drilling the final nails in the coffin of the late, great U.S.A.
This means, of course, that whoever wins the current presidential election, George W. Bush or Al Gore, will be only a one-term President. In fact, the Illuminati do not care which of these two men succeeds. They control both: Tweedledum and Tweedledum.
International Playboy and PredatorAnd what of the future of Bill, Hillary’s husband and co-partner in political crime? Not to worry. Bill has proven himself a valuable asset to the global conspirators. His secret bank accounts and vaults at banks in Shanghai, Red China, and in Indonesia, Cuba, Romania, Israel, Russia and elsewhere, are bulging with billions of dollars in cash, jewels, and gold bullion. For awhile, Bill will play the role of international playboy and sexual predator, hobnobbing with his Hollywood Jewish pals and bedding down with movie starlets and other silly liberal women.
But in due time, William Jefferson Clinton will become Secretary-General of the United Nations—ostensibly, ruler of the world.
Hillary and husband Bill toast each other’s success with champagne after Bill Clinton’s inauguration to the presidency, January 20, 1993. If the Illuminati get their way, this crafty and cruel woman, who has secretly run the White House for almost eight years, will once again sample a festive glass of champagne—following the inaugural swearing in of President Hillary Rodham Clinton on January 20, 2005.
A Great World CrisisThe Master Plan of the Illuminati envisions a great cataclysmic world crisis, focused militarily in the Middle East. America is to have an economic meltdown, followed by civil turmoil, riots, terrorism, and internal rebellion. Hillary Clinton, America’s first Jewish, woman, lesbian President, will quickly call on the United Nations military “peacekeepers” to step in and take control through brutal martial law. Her husband Bill, the UN’s Secretary-General, will be happy to oblige.
The U.S. Constitution will be neglected, concentration camps will go into full-scale operation. The biblically prophesied time of “Job’s troubles” will be at hand. Hillary’s wicked, Jezebel spirit will be on a rampage. The Whore of Babylon (“Mother of Harlots”—see Revelation 17) will become drunken with the blood of the saints. Likewise, the Jews, too, will be betrayed and shall suffer immensely.
Then, true Christians everywhere—persecuted but not defeated, battered but not broken—will cry out in unison, “Dear Jesus, Lord and Savior, Deliverer and King, please, come quickly!”
“And the Spirit and the bride say, Come. And let him that heareth say, Come. And let him that is athirst come. And whosoever will, let him take the water of life freely.” (Revelation 22:17)
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I am fully convinced that Hillary Clinton is going to one day become the President of the United States. I believe Texe Marrs is correct. Bill and Hillary Clinton are evil people. Bill Clinton was U.S. President when the Alfred P. Murray building was blown up in Oklahoma in 1995. The evidence is overwhelming that it was an inside government job, just as was the 911 attacks in New York during the Bush Administration. The American people have been betrayed!