Sinful Turning Points In American History
By David J. Stewart
There are certain events in America history that define WHO WE ARE as a people, as a nation, and where our nation is headed morally, economically, and in many other ways. These are but a few evil events in our nation's sad history, certainly hundreds more could be recognized and listed . . .
1913 - The diabolical scam of the Federal Reserve Act began in 1913 in Jekyll Island, Georgia. In summary, this scheme (called fractional reserve banking) took the dollar 90% off of the gold standard. In other words, a dollar became worth one-tenth of it's prior value. This scam allowed the nation's leaders (puppets of The Council On Foreign Relations, who are the true power over America), to fund World Wars I and 2, amongst other evil ventures. Only God knows the full-extent of the ruined lives and sorrows caused by these evil Banksters. They caused The Great Depression, the recent housing market crisis, and there's a massive depression on the way. The criminals who own and control the Federal Reserve are neither federal nor have they any gold reserve; we have been duped as a nation! They stolen $23.7 trillion in just 2009-2010, refusing to tell congress where the money went. And sadly, congress cannot do anything about it because they are being blackmailed and threatened with death by the criminals who have taken control over Washington D.C. We literally lost our government in 1913, betrayed by U.S. President Woodrow Wilson, who is the Benedict Arnold of Benedict Arnolds (i.e., the traitor of traitors).
- 1935 to 1972 - Appointing J. Edgar Hoover over the F.B.I. This scumbag blackmailed hundreds of U.S. politicians in order to steal control over The White House and our government. Hoover was a closet homosexual, leaving all of his earthly wealth to his live-in husband of decades. His daughters got nothing. J. Edgar Hoover was a thieving thug criminal, a crime-boss kingpin for the criminal elite behind the takeover of America, explained in detail in the shocking documentary, The 13 Bloodline of the Illuminati. These people would eat their young if in their own best interests. They admittedly have betrayed U.S. citizens. It is treason and they're all in bed together as criminals.
Did you ever stop to think that the Illuminati could have quietly killed President John F. Kennedy with poison or some other silent way? Why did they execute him in high-visibility in front of all the public and cameras? It's because the evil Banksters and criminal barons behind the New World Order wanted to send a message to everyone to either go along or die. Kennedy's executive order 11110 was a major threat to the treasonous banking establishment and they murdered Kennedy to send a message to any other would be heroes. It is highly likely that F.B.I. director, J. Edgar Hoover, was instrumental in having Kenny assassinated for the criminal banking elite. The common denominator is Freemasonry, which controls America. Few Americans grasp this curse upon America. The true power in the United States does not abide at 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue where The White House stands; but rather, at The Grand Orient Lodge in Washington D.C. just down the street.
To eliminate this type of political threat, the establishment begun to only put into power those candidates who were blackmailable, i.e., the Illuminati has some dirt on them to remove them from office immediately if they fail to be the puppet of the puppeteers behind the scenes in Washington D.C. It was the infamous J. Edgar Hoover (unquestionable lifelong homosexual and 33rd degree Freemason who for 37-years founded and headed the F.B.I. between 1935 and 1972) who masterminded the illegal technique of spying and collecting dirt on thousands of politicians and other high-ranking officials. It worked like a charm and is the reason why Hoover was able to maintain his position for as long as he did. Hoover was a Luciferian worshipping criminal thug!
- 1962 and 1963 - God and His Bible were thrown out of the public school system forever. If you ask Jesus to leave, as did the entire town of Gergesenes (Matthew 8:34), then you're inviting the Devil to come in. That's as simple as the matter gets. That is what we've done in America. Instead of teaching children about faith in God; we have taught them that they evolved from stardust and slime. Then you've got the dumbest people in the world asking WHY so-and-so did thus-and-so to who-knows-who? We are a retarded society, turned mentally-ill because of our love for wickedness and tyranny. Americans are always for war, just so long as we're not the target of the attack. Abortion is tyranny, a war against humans beings in the womb!
- 1973 - Roe vs. Wade (legalized torture and murder of precious children from God). In this landmark court ruling, Americans proved that they're an irresponsible, pleasure-seeking, fornicating, selfish society. Abortion preaches the message, "Who cares who I hurt, just so long as it all works out for me." If people would keep their clothes on and behave like a civilized and Christian society, then there wouldn't be millions of unwanted pregnancies. The U.S. became a Rock 'N' Roll society of fornicators back in the Roaring 1920's, which has only escalated since. With the British Invasion of The Beatles, The Rolling Stones, Ozzy Osbourne and other demonic bands, America was doomed morally. It is insanity that Americans go to extremes to save the lives of a few children per year, while ruthlessly murdering over 4,000 babies EVERY DAY. Terrorists have killed 3,000 Americans since 1990; Abortionists have killed 4,000 Americans since YESTERDAY!!! You'll never hear a word from the heathen newsmedia. I stopped watching TV 2-years ago, and it has been wonderful. I don't have cable either. I hate what television has become!!!
“Bible discipline is the answer! ... Let me ask you a question: How would we ever memorize what we memorize, have the convictions we have, if we watched the boob tube? How would we ever do all we're doing out here if we ever had all the modern junk that people have across this country?”
—Brother Lester Roloff (1914-1982)
- 2001 - The 911 attacks proved the cowards that we are as a nation and just how gullible, foolish and susceptible we are to a Communist takeover and tyranny. What do you expect from a child-murdering community... people of integrity? I think not! The criminal elite literally have the public begging for more abuse, more tyranny, and more pillaging. We keep voting for liars, criminals and fraudsters! Suckers! There's no law against lying your way into office. A politician can break every one of his campaign promises and there's NOTHING you can do about it. That should change. Politicians who blatantly and flagrantly break campaign promises should be immediately removed from office. We are a sicko masochist society who love being criminally abused by our government. They give our jobs to foreigners. They steal our money by the trillions. They swindle our homes from us. Yet, we continue to idiotically believe that the next Republican or Democratic liar and criminal will save us from imminent economic destruction. They're all opportunistic liars, and most are either lawyers or former Wall Street executives. They're lying, thieving, crooks. What a bunch of swine! They're the scum of the earth! If voting could change anything, it would be outlawed.
- 2005 - The brutal torture and murder of Terri Schiavo. This horrific crime proved that Americans have no value whatsoever for human life anymore. After 32-years of legalized abortion, such tyranny has succeeded in rendering human life completely worthless in the minds of Americans. If the value of one life means nothing to a society, then no one's life is sacred, no one is safe and no one is worth saving in this New World Order. A society's spiritual condition can be measured by how they treat the individual. We did nothing as the State criminally, unethical, immorally, sinfully, and inhumanely murdered an innocent women by starving and dehydrating her to death over a 2-week extended period of excruciating torture and pain. Governor Jeb Bush did nothing. The Supreme Court did nothing. It was a turning point in American history, proving ourselves to be a barbaric and cruel society of selfish, sinful and self-righteous people. The murder of Terri Schiavo was the nails-in-our-coffin as a nation.