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To fight for freedom without a desire to obey God is anarchy!
If you DO, this may become
your New Home! ...
Don't worry, the government
has a book for you to read! ...
At least we still have the Bill of Rights?
What will the government
think of next? ...
Homeland Security Brainwashing
“The interests behind the Bush Administration, such as the CFR, the Bilderberger Group, and the Trilateral Commission—founded by Brzezinski for David Rockefeller—have prepared for and are now moving to implement open world dictatorship within the next five years. They are not fighting against terrorists. They are fighting against citizens.”
SOURCE: Dr. Johannes B. Koeppl, PhD, former German defense ministry official and advisor to former NATO Secretary-General Manfred Werner
Patriot Act II works something like this . . .
Surveillance Cameras Everywhere
National Loss of Freedoms Card
“The half-truth is the most dangerous form of lie, because it can be defended in part by incontestable logic.” —SOURCE: The Secret Destiny Of America, pg. 195, by Manly P. Hall; 1944; ISBN: 0-89314-388-X; publisher: The Philosophical Research Society, Inc, Los Angeles, California
The government is going to keep breaking the system until they can say, “We have to take over the system.”
War is the health of the State! See, PAWNS IN THE GAME by William Guy Carr (1895-1959)
“World events do not occur by accident. They are made to happen, whether it is to do with national issues or commerce; and most of them are staged and managed by those who hold the purse strings.”
―SOURCE: Denis Healey, British Defence SecretaryThe Capitalist Conspiracy: An Inside View of International Banking (by G. Edward Griffin)
“The problem with socialism is that you eventually run out of other people's money.” —Margaret Thatcher
PHOTO ABOVE AND BELOW: Sacramento's state capitol, June 23, 2003. Police in the U.S. have been militarized, with many new weapons that even include sights on riot guns, painful taser guns, and crowd dispersing sonic blasters. With the fast approaching police state, Christians, Constitutionalists, and patriots have much reason for concern. Like it or not, local law enforcement is increasingly being militarized and controlled by the federal government. It is just a matter of time before Christians are arrested and prosecuted for speaking out against sin and evil, charged with hate speech. Sadly, government-controlled law enforcement will increasingly be viewed as the enemy of the people.
Sweating in an Airport -Suspect?
The Psycho State
(by Congressman Ron Paul)
Wake Up America — Marshall Law
Here's what the government wants from us!
Land of the free? I think not.
Supreme Court Of Canada Has Ruled That Using A Bible To Expose Homosexuality Is Hate Speech
Waiting periods are only a step. Registration is only a step. The prohibition of private firearms is the goal.” —U.S. Attorney General Janet Reno, December 1993“
The Police State is Here Folks!
“The high office of the President has been used to foment a plot to destroy the American's freedom and before I leave office, I must inform the citizens of this plight.” —U.S. President John Fitzgerald Kennedy - In a speech made to Columbia University on Nov. 12, 1963, ten days before his assassination!
—Senator Daniel K. Inouye, during the Iran Contra Hearings and former chair, U.S. Senate MKULTRA-era hearings in 1977“There exists a shadowy Government with its own Air Force, its own Navy, its own fundraising mechanism, and the ability to pursue its own ideas of national interest, free from all checks and balances, and free from the law itself.”
It took the deaths of millions of people to secure our freedoms in America, but it only took the death of 2,7521 people on 911 to surrender our rights to the New World Order.
It Can't Happen Here! (by Dr. Ron Paul)
"It is the duty of
the patriot to protect his country from his government." —Thomas Paine
Congresswoman Says America Run By Criminal
Wake-up America! You need to listen to Alex Jones!
(Sinful Times Ahead for
FEMA Purchases Over 500,000 Coffins
Christians Face Threat Over Bible
Halliburton is Building U.S. Concentration Camps!
Hypocrisy of Anti Hate Speech Laws
ONE NATION UNDER GOD! (added to our pledge in 1954)
The marvel of all history is the patience with which men and women submit to burdens unnecessarily laid upon them by their governments.
“...ONE NATION UNDER GOD” was added to our U.S. pledge in 1954 to thwart Communism!
Halliburton is Building the Camps!
Operation Urban Warrior and Garden Plot
"Experience has shown that, even under the best forms [of government], those entrusted with power have, in time and by slow operations, perverted it into tyranny." —Thomas Jefferson (1779)
It's Official, say goodbye to your Freedom!
WWII Baptists in Germany Supported Hitler as a Champion of Religious Liberty Who Was Doing God's Will.
Basic human rights secured to us by the Bill of Rights are no longer considered necessary by your government. While the Patriot act completely shreds the Bill of Rights, HR 6166 goes even further. HR 6166 grants the President unlimited, unchecked Dictatorial power. It gives the President and the Secretary of Defense power to accuse, detain, convict and punish whomever they personally declare "the enemy." No more public trials. No more writ of Habeas Corpus. Military tribunals (as small as one man) are to be appointed by the President and/or Secretary of Defense, and granted the power to decide the fate of the accused. This literally allows cases of one man judge, jury and executioner.
And H.R. 254 is next!
Please compare and contrast these new U.S. laws to Adolf Hitler's Enabling Act, passed in 1933. You will be alarmed by the similarities. Remember, HISTORY REPEATS ITSELF.
WAKE UP America!!! Though some people believe the 9-11 terrorist act was God's judgment upon America, I think not. Is God judging you if you leave your bicycle unattended and someone steals it? No, you were foolish to leave your bike vulnerable. Likewise, we have become complacent in America. We must defend our God-given freedoms with integrity and honor. God gave us freedom, we must keep it! God has blessed America!!! But for how long? As Christians, we need to know what is going on in our nation and world. We all need to Wake Up!!!
Biblical Submission to Government Should Christians Obey Criminal Government? The Faith of Our Founding Fathers? Which god Will Bless America? (the new Ecumenism) Was 9-11 the Beginning of World War III? 911? (someone's got a lot of explaining to do!) 911, Hundreds of Unanswered Questions (why won't the government give us the answers?) What About WTC 7 Building? (Most people don't know about the THIRD building that crumbled just one block north of the trade towers hours later. No planes hit it and there were only a few small fires, so why did WTC 7 crumble wholly to the ground exactly as an imploded building would?) Charlie Sheen is Right About 911!
OKLAHOMA CITY BOMBING COVER-UP EPA Approves Pesticide Experiments on Humans Police Officer Murdered to Cover-up OKC Bombing The Oklahoma City Bombing: 30 Unanswered Questions CNN Transcripts Evidencing Bombs Found in Murrah Building
Newsmedia Reports There Were BOMBS in the Murrah
Building! (right-click to
download - 2.8 MB Windows Media)
Pawns in the Game: The Events Leading up to World War II (by William Guy Carr) World War One and the Illuminati (Winston Churchill was a Druid Witch!) Churchill’s Druids and Britain's Satanic Prime Minister Pawns in the Game (Read the entire .PDF book online free) The Northwood Documents (In 1962 our government planned to deliberately shoot down a civilian airliner.) America Needs VOICES! (Our country is going to hell in a wheel-barrow, let's defend it!!!) Bush’s War at Home: A Creeping Coup D’état (Our government has been hijacked by the globalist elite.) The Best Democracy Money Can Buy by Greg Palast (This book reveals just how diabolical the Bush Family really is! Read how the 2000 Presidential election was stolen, mass murder, theft of billions, pollution, etc. The truth about corporate cons, globalization, and high-finance fraudsters! BUSH IS NO CHRISTIAN!) Project Megiddo (FBI report vilifies all Bible believers, home schoolers, 2nd Amendment rights advocates, and freedom-loving Americans as domestic terrorists). Read the complete "Megiddo Report" The United States is in Deep Doodoo! (hardly anything is made in America anymore, debt is sky high)
Odds are Growing for Economic Recession Quotes by Movers and Shakers to Make Us Think! In Your Face! (David Rockefeller: no friend to America!) Why Lawyers are the Scum of the Earth! (The most dangerous sharks aren't in the ocean!) The United States has Been in a State of Declared National Emergency Since 1933! (These proclamations give force to more than 470 provisions of Federal law. Read Senate Report 93-549. Here's Some Amazing Facts About Hemp! Evils of the U.S. Invasion of Iraq (warning: gruesome photos) Sacrificing America's Youth for the Communist New World Order! (Stealing Iraqi Oil) Depleted Uranium (warning: gruesome photos) U.S. Government Pays for "Piss Christ" Art The Truth About Depleted Uranium (As of May 2002, the U.S. Government has awarded permanent disability for combat injuries to 159,238 soldiers from Gulf War 1. In a January 7, 2003 article, Toxic Threat for Troops in New Gulf Way, Robert McMahon of Soldiers for the Truth said: "A 100 hour ground campaign that saw 148 Americans KIA and 467 wounded in Gulf War 1 produced 159,238 veterans receiving a medical disability payment monthly.) Every Generation Must Rediscover the Truth! (societies' blinded fools) New York Times editor John Swinton on the "Independence" of the press The Writings of Texas Congressman Ron Paul (America is in big trouble! Read, The Unpatriot Act) Government Internment Camps (Federal concentration camps for Americans! Halliburton Receives Contract to Build Detention Camps is U.S. "Christian Communism" EXPOSED! From The Wilderness (FTW) Publications (If you dare learn the truth!) FTW - Index Hitler -TIME's 1938 Man of the Year! Terrorism Information and Prevention System (TIPS) Operation Garden Plot (gulags for Americans?) More Garden Plot (It could happen folks!) U.S. Constitution: First Amendment USA PATRIOT Act (UN-Patriot Act now permanent)
Todd (the Illuminati
Witchcraft) PAWNS IN THE GAME (.PDF) Forget everything you ever learned about history and read this book, starting with chapter 16. "Restriction of free thought and free speech is the most dangerous of all subversions. It is the one un-American act that could most easily defeat us." —Supreme Court Justice William O. Douglas, "The One Un-American Act." Nieman Reports, volume 7, number 1 (January 1953): page 20. People listen to those who continually cry, as they did in Spain, "Communism can never cause a revolution here." They listen to those who give them a sense of false security. The majority of citizens are like children, who hide their heads under the blankets when they fear danger. It should be remembered that pulling the bedclothes over one's head never saved a person from an assassin, a rapist, or an exploding bomb. (SOURCE: PAWNS IN THE GAME, page 128, by William Guy Carr, 1958). CONGRESS SHALL MAKE NO LAW RESPECTING AN ESTABLISHMENT OF RELIGION, OR PROHIBITING THE FREE EXERCISE THEREOF; OR ABRIDGING THE FREEDOM OF SPEECH, OR OF THE PRESS; OR THE RIGHT OF THE PEOPLE PEACEABLY TO ASSEMBLE, AND TO PETITION THE GOVERNMENT FOR A REDRESS OF GRIEVANCES. SOURCE: The Bill of Rights to the U.S. Constitution was ratified on December 15, 1791 All that is necessary for evil to succeed is for good men to do nothing!!!
Only God knows the whole truth and He WILL judge all mankind (Ecclesiastes 12:14; Matthew 12:36; Romans 14:10-12). As believers, we must keep in mind that God is still on His throne!!! God has the final Word concerning world conditions. You may be rest assured that God knows exactly what is going on in the minds of the rulers of earth. God will only allow men to go so far. No one is going to get away with sin! Judgment Day is coming! It is important not to get side-tracked from our main duty as believers--soul-winning! Nevertheless, I believe we need to know what is happening in the world in which we live. We must be sober and vigilant because Satan wants to destroy us and remove our God-given freedoms (1st Peter 5:8). If you don't think our freedoms as Americans are in jeopardy, wake up! “...the time cometh, that whosoever killeth you will think that he doeth God service” —John 16:2. The average person lives in complete darkness concerning the world today. It's 2007, do you know where your government is at?
Subverting youth
away from their homes, their country, and their religion . . .
SOURCE: PAWNS IN THE GAME, page 127, by William Guy Carr, 1958)
Wake-up America! You need to listen to Alex Jones! A Quote by John F. Kennedy (which indicates who may have killed him, and why) Also The Pornography of Power (lots government corruption and the polluting of our lands) Chinese Mobile Death Vans - Americans are Using Chinese Prisoners as Spare Parts Death of the Industrial Civilization?
"Who will rise up for me against the evildoers? or who will stand up for me against the workers of iniquity?" (Psalm 94:16)
Money" - Foundation of U.S. Growth and Empire (money
laundering by U.S. banks!) The Council on Foreign Relations and The New World Order FDA Burns Alternative Health Books (The American Medical Association and friends in the drug industry have relied upon their allies in the Food and Drug Administration to aggressively assault the advocates of natural treatment methods. They want to cut, burn and poison you for all the money they're going to make, while natural remedies are burned and hidden from the public). FDA Orders Herb Books Destroyed! FDA Destroys Books (a warning from the Aspartame Consumer Safety Network) Bible Verses and Natural Healing Abortion Kills By Torture (Learn the horrifying truth!) Man gets Nine Months in Prison for Killing Eagle (but you can legally kill your child through an abortion) American War Dead (shocking!) See Inside an Abortion Death-Camp! DCFS Monsters! (The government thinks they own your children, and that they can play Russian-roulette with your children! Read what happened to us, because it can happen to you!) US Vaccinations - Deceptions and Tragedy (Children are dying and being given diseases!) Part 2 Vaccinations Killing Children! (Why are American infants and schoolchildren being forced to submit to hepatitis B vaccinations even though the French Health Ministry has suspended them in schools because of evidence they can cause neurological disorders or multiple sclerosis? (New York Times, Oct. 3, 1998) Books to Read on the Vaccine Controversy Vaccine Safety (In just 7 years by August 31, 1997, the U.S. government spent more than $802 million compensating moms and dads for brain injuries and deaths inflicted on their children by mandated vaccines). Ritalin can cause death (don't let schools bully you into using it) Homosexual Activists Solidify Hold on Schools Dumbing Down Our Kids (an excerpt from the book, "Dumbing Down Our Kids") The Declaration of Independence (1776) The United States Constitution (1787) Biographies of the Founding Fathers (the 55 delegates to the Constitutional Convention) Amendments to the Constitution The Bill of Rights (the first 10 amendments - 1791) Quotations From the Writings of Thomas Jefferson (Index) Money Down The Drain (government's wasteful spending) Slaves in America? (the theft of our country) The Pork Page (your tax dollars going down the drain) The Disappearing Dollar (Congressman Ron Paul) The United States is in Deep Doodoo! (hardly anything is made in America anymore, debt is sky high) Hard Facts that Nobody Knows About the Federal Reserve and the National Debt The Bankruptcy of the United States! (It's coming, the financial collapse of the richest nation on earth!) "When all government, domestic and foreign, in little as in great things, shall be drawn to Washington as the center of all power, it will ... become as venal and oppressive as the government from which we separated." —Thomas Jefferson
The Federal Reserve System: A Fatal Parasite What is the relationship between the Federal Reserve Act and the Federal Income Tax? (Paying medical schools NOT to train doctors. In an attempt to relieve a doctor glut without reducing funding for teaching hospitals, Congress agreed to pay medical schools $400 million -- not to train doctors. A Dr. Seuss memorial. The HUD funding bill contains $400,000 for a memorial to the author of Green Eggs and Ham and other children's books -- a classic case of Pork-I-Am. Read this article and prepare to be upset when you learn where much of your tax dollars are being wasted)Billions For The Bankers, Debt For The People (greedy bankers are destroying America!) America - Land of Injustice! (A man gets 50 years in prison for stealing $153 in video tapes, but Enron Executives steal hundreds of Billions of dollars and not one of them goes to prison - sickening!) The Coming Great Food Shortages in America! Canadian Farmers FORCED to buy Seeds and Herbicides from the Monsanto Corporation (Yes, the Evil Aspartame company! This article should scare you real bad, I know it gives me cold shivers. Just think what the New World Order could do with this! They are taking over our food supply!) Don't Get Married? (The government punishes people for doing the right thing, getting married. If you can read this man's story without feeling sorry for him, you have no heart. Marc's not a Christian, but his story is sadly true of marriages all across America, including Christian marriages. Be careful before you say, "I Do!") Marriage License? (You don't need the government's permission to marry!) From Homemakers to Corporate Mistresses (The home is under attack!) DCFS Monsters (The government thinks they own your children, God says they don't!) New York Man Fined $50 for Feeding Pigeons (Greedy for money, cities are fining people for everything!) Congressman Ron Paul - We've Been Neo-Conned! ORIGINAL Versus CORPORATE America (US vs. USA, very interesting) The Bill of Rights (The first 10 Amendments to the US Constitution- 1791) (Do you know your 1st amendment rights? A survey of 339 U.S. colleges and universities found that more than three-fourths of students and administrators did not fully understand their 1st amendment rights! We are slowly, but surely, losing our rights! Jesus became angry over evil, and so must we as Christians!). The Christian Law Association—CLA (It's purpose is to provide free legal assistance to Bible-believing churches and Christians). About the CLA | Receive the Legal Alert, CLA's monthly newspaper Exploring Constitutional Law (Excellent study, do you know your rights?) Receive the Legal Alert, CLA's monthly newspaper ACLJ (Christian equivalent of the ACLU) | Repent America (An excellent website!) Kjos Ministries (serious articles on the New World Order, from public schools to government programs and media). Illuminati Conspiracy Archive (I try not to be a conspiracy buff, I really do! But every time I decide NOT to believe something, I hear something new that reinforces my previous suspicions (like kids being fed radioactive cereal or the communism behind Martin Luther King Jr. or the Bush/Enron Scandal or the Bush/Bin Laden connection or the CIA & Drugs or poor black people being injected with deadly radiation in the 1970's). These are all well-documented facts. It is obvious that much of the legislative/judicial and executive branches of government are corrupt. "Politics" is a very dirty and unethical business. Many so-called "Christians," would prefer to sweep such things under the carpet, until their freedoms are gone. I refuse to wear horse-blinders. I'm not exactly sure what to believe when it comes to the government's involvement in the Oklahoma City bombing, 911, Enron, drugs, etc, etc. (but something smells to high heaven). I believe the evidence is disturbing to say the least. So much of the news we read and hear is manufactured propaganda (that is—lies designed to distort the truth). Only God knows the truth and He WILL judge! As believers, we must keep in mind that God is still on His throne!!! God has the final word concerning world conditions. You may be rest assured that God knows exactly what is going on in the minds of the rulers of earth. God will only allow men to go so far. No one is going to get away with sin! It is important not to get side-tracked from our main duty as believers, soul-winning! Nevertheless, I believe we need to know what is happening in the world in which we live. We must be sober and vigilant because Satan wants to destroy us and remove our God-given freedoms. Following is a list of several interesting websites where you'll obtain news you'll NOT hear on CNN, et cetera. If you don't think our freedoms as Americans are in jeopardy, wake up! "...the time cometh, that whosoever killeth you will think that he doeth God service"--John 16:2. The average person lives in complete darkness concerning the world today. It's 2003, do you know where your government is at? Note: I do not necessarily advocate that the information on the following websites is correct or beneficial. Do your own research, make your own decisions, and then pray a lot. There are a lot of pieces to the puzzle. Some websites will have more pieces than others. There is only one puzzle where all the pieces fit together. It is up to you to find the pieces and put them together the best way you can. Some truth is mixed in with untruth. Some pieces will not fit. When you find pieces that fit, make copies and sharing with others. There is much truth to what you are about to read. Save the sites you like and read a little each day, there's months of reading here. Info Wars (Alex Jones' website, also see Greg Palast (Greg reports to us the things that the mainstream news media won't) Conspiracy Planet (lots of articles explaining what is going on in America today!) Skolnick's Report (some very interesting articles by a man who's been around for a long time) Bilderberg (many startling articles) Give Me Liberty or Give Me Death (many articles) End Time (a few items of interest) The New American (news) Conspiracy World (by Texe Marrs -One of my favorite websites) Prison Planet (by Alex Jones) Information Clearing House (news, a bit wild but many revealing articles) Independent News (news from Europe) The Patriotist Archives (this site also defends the King James Bible - More - Links) What Really Happened (Many good articles, read about Operation Garden Plot) Conspiracy Archives (Illuminati) Propaganda Matrix (9-11 facts and more) Mike Ruppert (Former LAPD Narcotics Police Officer exposes how the CIA is illegally smuggling drugs into America. He was fired when he spoke up. He was shot at, denied employment, forced into bankruptcy, lost his house, threatened repeatedly—all because he took a stand against corruption in the US government. Mr. Ruppert has been on many talk shows, et cetera. Every American should hear what this man has to say! I listened to a video of his speech as given at Portland University in November of 2001. After hearing Mike Ruppert's factual presentation, you will be awakened to many things. You can subscribe to his Newsletter HERE (as 35 members of congress have). If nothing else, buy the video. “If we can face it, God can fix it!” —Mike Ruppert Survivalist Skills (What if a national disaster interfered with the trucking industry? There would be no food in the stores. Then what? What if an economic collapse caused massive riots? Something to think about. The day will come in the United States when food will NOT be readily available. Stock up!) "Men often stumble on the Truth, but usually dust themselves off & hurry away..." —Winston Churchill (1874-1965) Liberty means responsibility. That is why most men dread it. |
“You may choose to look the other way but you can never say again that you did not know.” ―William Wilberforce