Joe Camel & Sex Perversion!
Needs VOICES! (Our country is going to hell in a wheel-barrow,
let's defend it!!!
America Is So
Messed Up Morally, Straights Are Divorcing Twice The Rate As
Same-Sex Couples
I Love America (Please don't
mistake this webmaster as anti-American... I love America! Which
is exactly why I am trying to defend her against the greatest
enemy of all... complacency!)
Are You In Your Right Mind? (an excellent MP3 sermon by
Pastor Jeff Owens)
Starving Terrorism or
Children? (While Rwanda suffered, the UN and America did
absolutely NOTHING!)
Greenwood's Fantasy
Starving Children Eat
Eating Mud
Cookies in Haiti to survive! (This is so sad. Yet,
researchers have found that the average American family
throws away 1.28 pounds of food per day, for an annual total
of 470 pounds per household, or 14 percent of all food brought
into the house.)
The World Has Gone
Rational Response Squad
Nationally Known Handwriting
Expert Encourages Adultery
The Big Money Behind Population Control (e.g., The Gates
Foundation gave 2 billion to Planned Parenthood, an
extremely pro-abortion agency. Read
the sick truth about
Planned Parenthood's founder.)
World Health Organization
(WHO) uses Tetanus Vaccinations
to Secretly Sterilize Millions of Women
Mass Murderer Margaret Sanger (Meet the evil mother of
abortion, birth control and planned parenthood.)
Abortion is
Genocide! (Women considering abortions need to look at these
gruesome photos
of baby parts. Read
For Love of Money)
How The United
States Keeps Africa Poor (Africa loses an estimated
$50,000,000,000 a year because of U.S. subsidies to American
farmers. American wheat sells at only 54% of the cost to produce
it. African farmers can't compete on world markets. Bush's 15
billion AIDS package to Africa is just another front for the
Globalist elite's true intent, to conquer and control the world,
while reducing the population.)
Trafficking of Women and Children (slavery in America and abroad, see the trafficking routes!)
DynCorp Disgrace
(Young girls age 12 to 15 are being sold as sex-slaves through
Sex-Trafficking is a Multi-billion Dollar Business!
Pentagon Sex-Slaves!
The World Has Gone Insane!
Internet Landover Baptist Church
(fraudulent God-hating website
claims to be a church)
The Horrible Term "Indian Giver"
We Don't Need Petroleum Oil!
—Diesel engines can actually run just fine on
straight vegetable oil (SVO) . Hemp (believe it or not) is an even better alternative fuel source,
and it is renewable! As a matter of fact, hemp has over 25,000 known uses.
Here's Some Amazing facts
About Hemp!
So Why
is Hemp Illegal?
Legalizing Industrial
Hemp versus Decriminalizing Marijuana (Legalizing industrial
hemp production is a completely different issue than legalizing 'or
decriminalizing' marijuana. Confusing these issues robs the
farmers and consumers of this country of an extremely valuable
cash crop that can do the environment and the economy a world of
good. Hemp alone could supply ALL of the energy needs of the
United States. So why do greedy men kill for oil? For the same reasons they outlaw hemp, a plant which was legal for
the first 162 years of this nations history.)

“There's only one
power greater than the newsmedia and that's the power of God.”
Lester Roloff
Sermons by Brother Lester Roloff...
Ecclesiastes 7:17, “Be not
over much wicked, neither be thou foolish:
why shouldest thou die before thy time?”

will with the
temptation also make a way to escape, that ye
may be able to bear it." —1st Corinthians 10:13
Blake Shelton's Song Admits Evils Of Booze
This Sodomite
Nation Is
Going Straight To Hell
I Apologize
To You God
There's No Such Thing
Absolute Freedom
(don't be
deceived by the Communists)
Divorce Is Always Wrong!

More Deadly Than War...
The Communist Revolution In America!
(by Dr. G. Edward Griffin)
Rock Music Hall Of Shame!

The Rolling Stones &
The Truth About Tattoos &
American Way?
America Must Be Destroyed (out of America's CHAOS will arise a
New World Order!)
Their Foot Shall Slide
in Due Time
Honorable Judge Roy Moore
Gay Rights Activists To Hold Kiss Protests At Chick-fil-A
How To Keep Yourself From Becoming Evil (by
Pastor Jeff Owens |
(Science is taking us where no man has gone before)
How to Take
Action Against Television Indecency
Virginia Tech Massacre
America's Sex Sicko Society
Parts for Sale (The abortion industry is becoming a lucrative
money maker)
Kills By Torture (Learn the horrifying truth!)
Partial Birth Abortion Scam
America's Rotten Society
Do What Thou Wilt Shall Be the Whole of the Law (Satan wants you
to do your own thing)
Exposing Satanism In Society
Part One |
Part Two |
Part Three
The American
Boy Scouts And Homosexuality (little boys and homosexuals don't
War Dead (shocking!)
The Secret Agenda of the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation!
Inside an Abortion Death-Camp!
Kills 1,400 Students a Year
Killed 16,000 people in 2001
The Hellishness
of Beer!
Smoke, Drink and Die — Responsibly, Please!
God Against Drunk Drivers!
Alcohol is
a Drug (also information on many other drugs: cocaine,
ecstasy, GHB, heroin, steroids, et cetera)
Deceitfulness of Liquor (everyone thinks they can handle it,
they can't)
Dr." Jack Kevorkian awarded $100,000 "Citizen
Activist Award" by
Foundation for humanitarianism (for helping people commit
suicide?) Serial Killer?
Vaccinations Killing Children! (Why are American infants and
schoolchildren being forced to submit to hepatitis B vaccinations
even though the French Health Ministry has suspended them in
schools because of evidence they can cause neurological disorders
or multiple sclerosis? (New York Times - October 3, 1998) Backup
The Bill of Rights
(The first 10 Amendments to the US Constitution- 1791)
(Do you know your
amendment rights? A
survey of
339 U.S. colleges and universities found that more than three-fourths of students and administrators
did not fully understand their 1st amendment rights! We are slowly, but surely,
losing our rights!
Jesus became angry over evil, and so must we as Christians!)
The Christian Law
Association—CLA (It's purpose is to provide free
legal assistance to Bible-believing churches and Christians.)
Exploring Constitutional Law (Excellent study, do you know your
“Men often stumble on the
Truth, but usually dust themselves off and hurry away...”
—Winston Churchill
does not require a majority to prevail, but rather an irate,
tireless minority keen to set brush fires in people's minds.”
—Samuel Adams (1722-1803)

to our pledge in 1954)

Fred Phelps' Westboro
Baptist Church—Front Organization
Nahum 3:19,
“There is no healing of thy bruise; thy wound is grievous: all that
hear the bruit of thee shall clap the hands over thee: for upon whom
hath not thy wickedness passed continually?”
“When all government, domestic and
foreign, in little as in great things, shall be drawn to Washington
as the center of all power, it will ... become as venal and
oppressive as the government from which we separated.” —U.S.
President Thomas Jefferson

(Salvation Is By Grace Through
Faith Plus Nothing)
Where The Burden Rests In Salvation
salvation rests solely upon Jesus Christ)
Playboy Philosophy In America |