Royal Idolatry

The entire royal family of Luxemburg is pictured below from HOLA magazine worshiping the Pope.  This is really sickening.  Isaiah 42:8 declares that God will NOT share his glory with anyone.  Exodus 20:3-5 plainly warns us NOT to BOW to anyone or anything other than God.  The foolish people in the photo below are committing wicked idolatry by worshipping the Pope, a sinful man who is a false prophet.

PERVERT ALERT!!!                 PERVERT ALERT!!!

The Roman Catholic church is a cesspool of homosexual perverts and pedophiles Pedophilia and homosexuality are inseparable (as many as 50% of all Catholic priests are Sodomites). 

Catholicism is a lie of the devil.  If I didn't sincerely care about people, then I wouldn't take the time to WARN you.  The Catholic religion is all a bunch of Satanic lies based upon traditions and ridiculous manipulations of the Word of God.  I plead with you as a friend, obey the Bible by turning to the Lord Jesus Christ in faith and forsaking the Mother of Harlots.  The Great Whore of the Catholic Church will take you to hell with them if you're foolish enough to follow them.  Don't do it.  Salvation is NOT found in a religion, but in a Person--the Lord Jesus Christ!  You need Christianity friend, NOT churchianity.

The Roman Catholic Teaching on Salvation and Justification

How to go to Heaven from the Bible



Accepting Different Religions

It Pains Me

Catholic Blasphemy!

Catholics Remove 2nd Commandment (and split the 10th)

Catholic Idols

Homosexual Priests

Orthodox Catholic Idolatry

Icon Worship is Satanic

Satanism in Orthodox Catholicism

Homosexuality and Pedophilia

Hundreds of American Priests Have Died from AIDS

AIDS Epidemic Amongst Catholic Priests

Vatican to Officially Allow Gay Priests

Priests and Boy Scouts

One Mediator!

Internet Idolatry

A Picture Says It All

Immaculate Conception Exposed

Inside the Catholic Catechism

Pope John Paul II - Burning in Hell

The Catholic Church is a Big Hoax!

Will the Catholics Ever Make Up Their Minds?

Satan Hates the Little Children

Fifty Years in the Church of Rome (by Charles Chiniquy, a former Catholic priest)

Thirty Years in Hell (by Bernard Fresenborg, a former Catholic priest)

Pope Worships Mary!

Devilish Mary Worship

Pope Calls for a New World Order

The Pope, the Devil, and the Masonic Lodge

Pope Commits Idolatry

Why Catholicism is So Popular?

Nations Religious Leaders Praise Pope John Paul II (Apostasy)

List of Catholic Heresies and Human Traditions (What new doctrine will they invent next?)

The Hoax of Our Lady of Fatima (One of Catholicism's Biggest Scams)

The Lie of Roman Catholicism

The Great Whore

Miracle or Lunacy?

Catholic Devil Worship

A Woman Rides the Beast

Praying to Mary

Roman Catholicism Exposed!

To Whom Do Catholics Pray?

Rosary From Hell

The Catholic Church is NOT Christian

The Satanic Eucharist and Mass

The Assumption of Mary Refuted

Billy Graham Exposed!


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"He answered and said unto them, Well hath Esaias prophesied of you hypocrites, as it is written, This people honoureth me with their lips, but their heart is far from me.  Howbeit in vain do they worship me, teaching for doctrines the commandments of men.  For laying aside the commandment of God, ye hold the tradition of men, as the washing of pots and cups: and many other such like things ye do.  And he said unto them, Full well ye reject the commandment of God, that ye may keep your own tradition." -Mark 7:6-9

Ye Must Be Born Again!


Keyword: Hail Mary