Ask just about any Roman Catholic apologist if Catholics pray to saints or the pictures, medals, statues, etc., that bear their likeness and the answer you are most likely to receive will be a resounding, "No!" Forget the fact that Catholic Mary is a saint, Queen of Heaven and Earth, Co-Redeemer, Mediatrix, Advocate and Dispenser of God's Grace, she is still a saint. Forget all the countless books, booklets, leaflets and cards that bear words to use when invoking the aid/intervention of some one of the thousands of demigods who make up the pantheon of Catholic saints. Forget the millions of offertory candles burning before the images of Mary, Michael, Anthony of Porras, Judas Thaddeus, and the like. Forget all the sightings of men, women and children kneeling before such an image with heads bowed, hands clasped in prayerful attitude, as they fervently mouth heartfelt pleadings or tender sincere thanks to the spirit of the person the image represents. Catholics do not pray to saints. Forget the two "miracles" attributed to one of Roman Catholicism's fast-track candidates for sainthood. As reported in today's newspaper, both so-called miracles were the result of prayers to the spirit of the not-so-long- dead candidate.
Okay, that's the second of the two required miracles. So what was the first miracle attributed to Drexel? Why, it was another deafness cure.
At this point, I do not doubt, at least a few Catholics might stand up to declare that there is nothing wrong in asking someone to pray for you. I could not agree more. At various times throughout every day, I offer intercessory prayers for my family and friends. There certainly is biblical precedent aplenty for intercessory prayer. For example:
The difference between intercessory prayer such as the kind I offer (biblical) and Catholic intercessory prayer (non-biblical) has to do with to whom the prayers are offered. When I pray, I pray only to God Almighty for, as a blood-bought child of God, I can go boldly into His presence. And when I do so, my High Priest stands with me.
Looks to me like the families of Amy and Robert sure prayed to someone other than God. When they prayed they weren't even praying to one of the demigods Catholics call saints. Not much difference between Catholic offering of prayers to the ordinary spirit of dead Katharine Drexel and what we see New Age channelers, gypsy "mediums" or itinerant media faith healers doing. All are invoking powers not of God, despite their claims, and this is is something Almighty God has clearly told us is a no-no. Need help with your prayers? God knows that all His children have needs, some of which they may not even be aware of. Being a loving and nurturing Father to His children, He provides that help in the form of a divine Intercessor.
In other words, every Christian has God the Holy Spirit as his "prayer partner." Seems to me that is about as good as it gets, as far as our needs are concerned. And when we pray for others, we direct those pleadings not to some pale spirit but to Almighty God Himself. Catholics, please put down your Catechism and pick up your Bible. WARNING: The Catholic Church is a Big Hoax! The Assumption of Mary Refuted |