Devilish Mary Worship
you will be blessed with numerous facts as well as links you can share with your Catholic friends as to the open and evident acts of "Mary Worship" that the Church of Rome teaches its flock. Please understand this information and all the information on this website has been compiled as a tool to help herald the three Angels message to those still trapped within the grasp of Rome. Please also understand that not only Catholics are trapped in the Roman grasp. For all those that embrace the inventions of Rome are in danger of eternal damnation as well.
"Membership in the Militia means complete dedication to the Kingdom of God and to the salvation of souls through Mary Immaculate." -Pope John Paul II
"We have an advocate in Mary that the father, Son, and Holy Spirit cannot say no to. It is impossible for them to say no to her! -Fr. Stephan Scheier
Pope John Paull II has 'dedicated himself and his Pontificate to Our Lady.' He bears the letter "M" for Mary in his coat of arms. And his personal motto, which is embroidered on the side of his robes in Latin is the following: "TOTUS TUUS SUM MARIA", which in English translates to: "MARY, I'M ALL YOURS."
For those that think the "Totus Tuus Sum Maria" is a fictitious proclamation of Pope John Paul II, see this excerpt from a Los Angeles Times News Article.
"By awarding the Virgin a central place in the cathedral's narrative, the archdiocese is keeping faith with a long, if fluctuating, Catholic and Orthodox tradition of devotion to Our Lady, a tradition enjoying a resurgence under Pope John Paul II. (The pope's personal motto, "Totus tuus sum, Maria," or "I am all yours, Mary," reflects his belief that the Virgin intervened to save his life from an assassin's bullet in 1981 so that he could help defeat European communism.)" Sept 1, 2002
Also notice the official "Coat of Arms" of John Paul II...
I got this pic off the Vatican website. Notice the huge letter "M" signifying John Paul II's desire to glorify MARY as his god in his pontificate.
Below table can be found on ""
The following table compares the Mary of Roman Catholic theology and religious practice with the Biblical portrayal of Mary and with the goddess which is worshipped by Wiccans and modern pagans. My information about Wicca comes from the book "Wicca: Satan's Little White Lie" by Bill Schnoebelen (who was the high priest of a Wiccan coven before he became a Christian), the "World Book," the on-line version of "The Encyclopedia Brittanica," and numerous web sites.
Humble and obedient. Calls herself "the handmaid of the Lord."
The Pope officially gave Mary the title "Queen of Heaven" and established a feast day honoring Mary, Queen of Heaven.
Wiccans call their goddess the "Queen of Heaven".
Knew she needed a savior: "And my spirit hath rejoiced in God my saviour." (Luke 1:47)
"Immaculate Conception" (Mary was conceived sinless, without original sin) and "All-Holy" (Mary lived a sinless life).
Goddesses don't need salvation. They make the rules.
Normal wife and mother who had other children.
"Perpetual Virginity" (Jesus' brothers and sisters are considered to be cousins).
Goddesses don't have human children.
No biblical evidence that Mary didn't die like a normal person.
"Glorious Assumption" (Mary was bodily taken up into Heaven).
Goddesses don't die.
Jesus told John to take Mary into his home and take care of her as if she was his own mother.
Catholics are the adopted children of Mary. "Woman behold your son" (John 19:26) is taken to apply literally to every Catholic.
Witches are the adopted, "hidden children" of the Queen of Heaven.
Normal woman.
Sometimes pictured standing on a crescent moon, wearing a crown or with a circle of stars around her head.
Moon goddess.
Normal woman.
Supernatural (apparitions accompanied by miracles and healings).
Points people to Jesus. Mary said, "Whatsoever he saith unto you, do it." (John 2:5)
Can make Jesus do things. A full page newspaper ad showing Mary and Jesus says, "He hasn't denied her anything in 2,000 years. What would you have her ask Him?" This is not official Catholic doctrine but it is a widespread attitude which is encouraged by pious literature.
Points to herself.
Wants to be worshipped.
Knew that she needed a savior. (Luke 1:47)
Apparitions of "Mary" have promised that if people wear certain objects (such as a Scapular or Miraculous Medal) or say certain prayers then they are guaranteed to go to Heaven. The Catholic Church has not officially approved of these practices, but it has also not discouraged them.
Invoked to make supernatural things happen through witchcraft (the use of special objects and special verbal formulas).
Goddesses don't need a savior.