“Nothing is happy until it fulfills the purpose for which it was created by God ... A man's main business is God; a woman's main business is the man.” — Pastor Jack Hyles
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on plane, God's Power Can Save Your Marriage!!! Most people who file for divorce attempt to claim that Jesus allows for divorce in situations of adultery; but that is not what Jesus taught. What about all the other sins that one's spouse may commit? Does that provide a grounds for divorce? No, not according to the Lord. Jesus taught in Matthew 18:22 to forgive, 70 times 7. Divorce is the sin of hate, unforgiveness and hypocrisy. So many people are woefully ignorant of the Scriptures, just as Jesus said: Matthew 22:29, “Jesus answered and said unto them, Ye do err, not knowing the scriptures, nor the power of God.” God's power can save your marriage, if you will trust God and not quit.
Marriage Bible Study
Angie Berg's Website Courageous Mothers Who Cared For Their Families (They ate canned weeds to survive in The Great Depression!)The Bible plainly teaches that a woman should focus on inner beauty. 1st Peter 3:4, “But let it be the hidden man of the heart, in that which is not corruptible, even the ornament of a meek and quiet spirit, which is in the sight of God of great price.” Most women are concerned about the size of their breasts, but God is concerned about the size of your heart. Your flesh will eventually rot, but your heart doesn't have to be corrupted and can go with you to Heaven if you are saved.
SOURCE: Dr. R.G. Lee, from the sermon, Payday Someday “I always cheer up immensely if an attack is particularly wounding because I think, well, if they attack one personally, it means they have not a single political argument left.” ―Margaret Thatcher (video by Dr. John R. Rice on Winning souls!) Alexander Scourby Holy King James Bible" on DVD (Signature Edition)
What Immodest Dress (Listen to the King James Bible while working, resting, or sleeping. I can't recommend listening to the King James Bible enough.) Proverbs 31:30, “Favour is deceitful, and beauty is vain: but a woman that feareth the LORD, she shall be praised.” (MP3, Pastor Randy King; we must give account to God!) |
ON VIRTUE... “Give not that which is holy unto the dogs, neither cast ye your pearls before swine, lest they trample them under their feet, and turn again and rend you.” —Matthew 7:6 BEWARE LADIES!!! U.S. Government Now Views Citizens Naked at Airports (Can you imagine? Virtuous Christian women, who save themselves only for their husband, are now being unknowingly viewed completely naked by male security airport police. Drive, don't fly ladies! Can you imagine a group of Christian women, adorned in modest full-length dresses, being viewed completely naked, having your private areas viewed by make security officers? It's evil.) WARNING!!! (March 2012): TSA are now putting their hands down women's skirts!!! ... New Revealing Airport Scanner Shows Sweat On Your Back! Woman Goes Hysterical After Being Molested By TSA (Hitler would have loved this power!) “Happiness is not a destination you arrive at, but it's a matter of travel.” —Mrs. Beverly Hyles 1st Peter 3:5-6, “For after this manner in the old time the holy women also, who trusted in God, adorned themselves, being in subjection unto their own husbands: Even as Sara obeyed Abraham, calling him lord: whose daughters ye are, as long as ye do well, and are not afraid with any amazement.”
If we are to better the future, Hooray For Job's Wife! What if Job's wife had abandoned him and left him in his dire condition? Give Job's wife some credit, she stayed. Can you imagine how Job would have felt is his wife filed for divorce and quit their marriage, going her merry selfish way? Would Job have still made it? Job didn't have it so bad, he still had a companion through his suffering. Job and his wife suffered together, the way a marriage is supposed to be; she didn't turn tail and quit as the wicked do (Jeremiah 3:20).
A Woman's heart should be so lost in God that a man needs to seek Him in order to find her.
Marriage is two people
The Way A Woman The Bible says that if you are as a young wife abandoned by her husband (or a husband forsaken by his wife), God wants you for Himself. God loves to receives the rejects and misfits of life, thankfully... Isaiah 54:5-7, “For thy Maker is thine husband; the LORD of hosts is his name; and thy Redeemer the Holy One of Israel; The God of the whole earth shall he be called. For the LORD hath called thee as a woman forsaken and grieved in spirit, and a wife of youth, when thou wast refused, saith thy God. For a small moment have I forsaken thee; but with great mercies will I gather thee.” |
The Dangerous Rise of Sexual Politics
Proverb 17:6, “...the glory
Two Greatest Sins
Greatest Sins Defensive Spirit Vs. Submissive Spirit 1st Samuel 15:23a, “For rebellion is as the sin of witchcraft." You'll become what you decide to be around. Women Who Blaspheme The Bible! Remember ladies, your husband must always come first. I know a lot of mothers want to put their children first, but that's a sure recipe for disaster. One day your kids are going to grow up, but your husband will still be there, if you haven't drove him away or abandoned your own marriage. If you fail as a wife, you are a failure in life, period. God did NOT create a woman to be a mother. That is one of her duties, certainly, but the PRIMARY reason God created a woman was to be a HELP MEET to her husband (Genesis 2:18). Your first and foremost priority is TO YOUR MAN. This is Biblical. Your husband's needs must come first. Your husband must never be ignored or neglected for the sake of your children. If you disagree, then you are not a Biblical wife and may likely end up divorced someday. (by Mrs. Marjorie Younce - loyal wife of Pastor Max Younce) What To Do When We Sin As Christians
1at Samuel 12:20, “but serve
Trust upon the Lord, for He has promised in Hebrews 13:15 never to leave nor forsake us.
The Most Precious Double Negatives In The Bible “In dealing with people who have inflicted hurt, would it not be wise to go to extra lengths to understand that “hurting people hurt people.” —Mrs. Beverly Hyles“Someone has said, 'Don’t steal tomorrow out of God’s hands. Do not run impetuously ahead of God. Wait His time. The hour and the minute hand must point the exact moment for action.' Do you have an answer too long in coming? Wait on God; no one else sees the whole picture. —Mrs. Beverly Hyles, December 8th, 2014.Why So many Women Are LOSERS!...
Why A Christian Lady Ought Not Wear Pants
(God deserves better
than how we treat Him!!!)
* * * * * * *
(The Online and Offline Adventures
* * * * * * *
Department of Social Services (DSS) Dirty Tricks
“Those who want to destroy the family will continue to urge mothers to leave the home and 'become fulfilled in the workplace.' When the mother goes into the workplace to become 'fulfilled,' or to increase the family's income, she leaves the care of the children to others. Those who warn against such practices will continue to be scorned by the feminists and others who have a hidden agenda: they want to destroy the family.” SOURCE: The New World Order, pg. 245-246, by Ralph A. Epperson; 1990; ISBN: 0-9614135-1-4; publisher: PUBLIUS PRESS, Tucson, Arizona. * * * * * * * (an informational 3:59 full documentary by Dr. Ralph A. Epperson) * * * * * * * Modern Western culture is Masonic Based on Luciferianism, Freemasonry teaches that man and not God determines reality. (Naturally, they need to overrule natural and spiritual laws in order to assert their own control.) They have noticed that people are diffident malleable creatures who prefer to believe what they are told than trust their own reason or perception. Thus, for example, the media successfully promotes homosexual values that conflict with our natural instincts. MEDIA ERADICATES
LOVE The mass media's function is to distract us from this, and the imminent Iran war and North American Union. Currently they are using the global warming fracas for diversion. In
order to destroy the family,
the media convinced women
that they could not rely on
the heterosexual contract.
Men can no longer be
Using the
Lifetime Network as
an example, Blyth concluded
"all men are 1) unfaithful
rats 2) abusive monsters 3)
dishonest scumbags, or 4)
all of the above. Women on
the other hand were...flinty
achievers who triumph
despite the cavemen
who...want to keep them in
their place." (62-63)
5. Self-fulfillment lies in career success and not husband and family. "The social rewards of holding down a job are critical to one's sense of dignity and self worth," Betty Friedan pontificated. In fact, "most work is deeply ordinary," Blyth observes (35-36.) (I'm not saying women can't have jobs, only they shouldn't be tricked out of having families if they want them.) Thus many women are
schizophrenic as they
attempt to reconcile their
natural instincts with
constant exhortations to do
the opposite. The
wreckage -- broken families
and dysfunctional people
-- is strewn everywhere.
SOURCE: Dr. Lee Roberson, from the sermon, THE DETOURS OF LIFE. |