Mitt Romney Is NOT A Christian

By David J. Stewart | April 2012

       No Mormons are Bible-believing, born-again Christians. As deceivers, the Bible says that Satan's ministers of unrighteousness would falsely claim to be Christians, appearing instead as servants of righteousness (2nd Corinthians 11:13-15). Don't believe Satan's lie, Mormonism!

God forbid the day that America has a demonic Mormon as U.S. president. Mormonism is a massive sex-cult. With one of their own elite members in the White House, it is frightening to think how much the Mormon religion will gain power and influence.

Despite the denial and downplay of the sexual nature of their religious cult, Mormons are Mormons are Mormons. A person cannot even become a Mormon without attesting that they recognize Joseph Smith as God's true prophet. Smith was married to at least 19 wives and had a minimum of 27 known children.

The Mormon cult is infamous for raping, torturing and murdering entire towns in order to eliminate potential enemies. They are wicked people. Say what you will, every Mormon is saturated in the demonic philosophies of Joseph Smith. Before 1930 Mormonism didn't exist.

If you are an honest researcher, then you will find that the Freemasonry cult started a bunch of false religions in the 19th century in an attempt to lead the world's masses one day into World Religion. To understand the New World Order, you must first realize that it has been in the works for centuries recognizably, and even millenniums as a satanic plot since the city and tower of Babel in Genesis 11:7-9.

Truth is truly stranger than fiction. The biggest conspiracy is that there are no conspiracies. A “conspiracy” is defined as two or more people plotting to do evil; yet most people's brains cannot process the very word conspiracy, because they've been taught by the lying and mocking newsmedia that there are no conspiracies.

While the wicked newsmedia spent one year talking about the O.J. Simpson court trial, and one year talking about a missing U.S. teenage girl on the island of Aruba, and several months talking about indecent pictures online of Congressman Anthony Weiner; the media doesn't spend even 5-minutes exposing the criminal Federal Reserve banksters who have stolen trillions-of-taxpayer dollars and tens-of-millions of American's homes. The stench of the rotten wickedness has not been overlooked by God (Ecclesiastes 12:14).

Oh, that righteous judgment would flow as a cleansing river through America!!! Even so, come, Lord Jesus!

False Religions