Billy Ray
Cyrus is waking up and realizing just like many other parents that we are
living in perilous times (2nd Timothy 3:1-5), when things are increasingly
becoming more and more wicked (Matthew 24:37-38). I admire Billy Ray Cyrus
for being honest about the Hannah Montana nightmare, which God also hates...
Proverb 8:13, “The fear of the LORD is to hate evil: pride, and
arrogancy, and the evil way, and the froward mouth, do I hate.” It's
good to see a father come forward and side with the Lord God on this issue.
God hates everything Hannah Montana represents.
Billy Ray Cyrus regrets
the whole Hannah Montana ordeal, because of what it has done to his daughter
and their family...
Everything About Hannah Montana is Wrong
Patriotic America regrets Hannah Montana. Hannah Montana represents everything wrong with
American girls and women—spoiled, sassy, and bratty—everything that brings
shame upon a child's parents.
There is no honor in leading young girls to be sassy whores—like Hannah
Montana does—mentoring them to become total fools, selfish-minded, immodest,
and destined for divorce and failure in life. It's sickening and tragic to
helplessly witness Taylor Swift and
Katy Perry
indoctrinate and train teen girls by example worldwide to be nude, lewd, and
crude. These freaks and God-haters are our children's heroes, promoted on
sesame street and everywhere.
Satan's Attack Against Families Today
Perry has been featured (dressed like a whore) on Sesame Street,
singing with Elmo. Clearly, Katy Perry's smut and evil is being targeted
even at the youngest age girls. It is tragic that 8 and 9 year old girls
want to grow up to be whores like Katy Perry, wearing no clothes, acting
bizarre, and blaspheming God. In one photo of Perry, she is holding a
razor-point knife up to her right eye. Katy Perry is representative of the
sicko California culture that worships sin, mental insanity, and rebellion
against God.
Perry's latest album,
TEENAGE DREAM, comes with a cotton-candy scent mixed into the print
varnish, producing a cotton-candy sweet smell when the CD is opened. It
ought to smell like sewage and have maggots crawling out of it instead,
because that is the condition of Katy Hudson's (Perry's) heart spiritually.
This is the new morality in America, which is NO morality at all. YouTube
features umpteen videos of Katy Perry immodestly clothed and behaving like a
whore. In one concert video her fans are stroking their fingers on her
private places. The same YouTube videos all have religious ads leading
people to websites that teach the heresy of
Lordship Salvation (another California plague). This is the sick-minded
world that we live in today.
It's all part of the
Communist subversion of America. Don't laugh, the
UN is serious about stealing your kids. The evil powers behind the
moral decay of America are doing so to
destroy families. The future Communist Police State wants parents to be
mere incubators, not a real family. The State wants to
brainwash children, and a strong family hinders that from happening.
Don't believe me, listen to the first head of the World Health
George Brock
Chisholm. There are hidden powers of darkness (Ephesians 6:12), which
hide behind puppet politicians in Washington D.C.,
whose goal is to
totally destroy America, no matter what
the cost to Americans. It is all
so evil.

With a cellphone, you can destroy
a family, or your own family in seconds, just dial 911. Local police have
been militarily trained to be
thugs, shoot the family pet, be intolerant, humiliate your family, abuse
you, and most of all... GET YOU INTO THE SYSTEM. Once you're
in the system, your family is toast. Read about
this poor mother. Why do you think cellphones are being shoved down
everyone's throats? We're becoming a spy society!
Turn your neighbor in! Think I'm kidding?
Homeland Security
Telescreens to Encourage Wal-Mart Shoppers to Spy On Each Other! America
is becoming worse than Nazi Germany. We are now being oppressed by a
private-corporate world government!
You See Something, Say Something Spy Society is Here!!!
What does this all have to do with
Katy Perry? Everything! The evil
Luciferian-worshipping criminals who are behind the demise of America's
sovereignty and freedom are using sensual music and television as their
primary weapons to INDOCTRINATE our youth with SEX, SEX, SEX!!! The average
teenage girl in America has been trained via Walt Disney and she-devils like
Katy Perry to become little whores. That's EXACTLY what Hudson's song,
TEENAGE DREAM is all about, i.e., being a teenage sex object.
Katy Perry's wickedness has paid
off in this temporal world of sin. She bought a penthouse apartment in New
York City for $2,700,000!!! You can have all this world's sinful fame and
fortune that Satan has to offer (Matthew 4:9). No thanks, just give me Jesus
Christ (John 1:12; 3:16; 16:33). “Ye that love the Lord, hate evil”
(Psalm 97:10).
There is No Fear of God in People's Eyes
The Bible has much to say about fearing the Lord. Fearing God is the
beginning of wisdom. That is very important. Proverbs 2:1 and 5, “My son,
if thou wilt receive my words, and hide my commandments with thee... Then
shalt thou understand the fear of the LORD, and find the knowledge of God.”
The fear of God begins with the Word of God. The reason why adults don't
fear God these days is because they grew up in a generation that banned the
Word of God from all public (government) schools. Of course few people fear
God nowadays, the Word of God has been removed from our society. It is to
our own demise as a nation.
The entire concept of Hannah Montana is rooted
is the sinful agendas of feminism, immodest clothing, idolatry, selfish
pride, self-glorification, arrogance, having a haughty attitude, Rock "N"
Roll music, lesbianism, fornication, a free-liberation attitude (no rules),
and rebellion against God and the holy Bible. Miley Cyrus' father is not the
only one who regrets Hannah Montana. Every decent person in America does
too. Every God-fearing Christian despises the sinful lewdness, rebellion,
and demonic spirit of Hannah Montana. A lot more people are going to regret
Hannah Montana on Judgment Day when they stand before God in eternity. They
will fear God then I assure you.
Marriage is ignored and scoffed at by Walt
Disney. Courtship is not even addressed. Walt
Disney promotes worldly dating, sensual dancing, “scoring” sexually
(fornication), immodesty, witchcraft, New Age philosophies, and a host of
lewd and sexually suggestive filth. Instead of being taught courtship,
commitment, and responsibility; teens are being taught to do their own thing
without regard for what the Bible teaches. These are perilous times in which
we live. In Acts 2:40, the Apostle Peter warned everyone under the sound of
That is, run to the Lord Jesus to be saved from this crooked and perverse
generation before it's too late.
You Cannot Serve God and Money
The Bible says we must all choose between God
or money. Luke 16:13, “No servant can serve two masters: for either he
will hate the one, and love the other; or else he will hold to the one, and
despise the other. Ye cannot serve God and mammon.” The love of money is
the root of all evil according to 1st Timothy 6:10 and just as the
Bible warns about money, it will bring you many sorrows and pierce through
your heart... “For the love of money is the root of all evil: which while
some coveted after, they have erred from the faith, and pierced themselves
through with many sorrows.” The love of money causes people to ERR
Feminism is the rot of society, indoctrinating
women to declare war against God-ordained masculine authority; whether it be
an authoritative father, an authoritative husband, an
authoritative pastor, or an authoritative God. Public school
children are being sinfully indoctrinated, as are women's groups all across
America today, to errantly believe that authoritative men are abusive. In
case you haven't notice lately, most
people hate God and accuse Him of being a malign thug for the world's
suffering. They hate an
authoritative God Who says, “It's My way or the highway to Hell” (John
14:6). God is an authoritative God. If you don't like it, then you'll burn
in Hell one day for your foolish sinful pride. It's Jesus or Hell. Make your
choice! There is only one way, and that is God's way... SALVATION BY JESUS
People are selling their souls these days for
the almighty dollar. The newsmedia will eat their young for higher ratings
and higher profits. We live in a culture of vultures, preying upon the
working man. In a Communist system, people who work the hardest lose the
most and eventually give up. Why even try they say, the government will just
steal everything one way or another. The system goes after people with a
home, a retirement, money in the bank, and assets to rob.
Those who love money will err from the faith
and be pierced through with many sorrows. That is exactly what 1st Timothy
6:10 says, and that is what Billy Ray Cyrus is now saying has happening to
his marriage and family because of the Hannah Montana billion-dollar
franchise. My heart goes out to Billy Ray Cyrus; he is doing the right thing
to take a stand for what is right, better late than never. Eventually,
hopefully, Miley Cyrus will wake up. Living for money is a sure path to
destruction. Living for money will gain you absolutely NOTHING in
eternity... NOTHING!!!
The Evils of Feminism
Feminism has destroyed more families than Adolf
Hitler ever did. Feminism is an insane form of thinking that invades a
female's mind, convincing her of her superiority over God and the
God-ordained authorities in her life. Hannah Montana is all about training
young girls to be arrogant, sassy, disrespectful, and to have attitudes.
They live like death will never happen, like they'll live on earth forever
young. It's all a big lie of Satan. The world's music creates a euphoric
type of atmosphere for teens, portraying a bigger-than-life fantasy image in
their minds that reality simply cannot and does not live up to. Reality is
sickness, tragedy, loss, and death.
1st John 2:15-17 warns that this temporal life
will soon fade away and nothing will matter then except whether or not we
did God's will. The fear of God begins with the Word of God. Oh how America
needs the Scriptures today! Oh how we need preaching preachers!!! The Bible
is a friend and instructs us in all matters of life. Romans 1:20 teaches
that no one will have an excuse on Judgment Day, because all the proof of
God you need is right outside your front door.
America's Barnyard Morality
This wicked, barnyard-morality, feminist,
generation hates God. They murder their own children, dressing like
prostitutes in public, dancing sensually, fornicating, doing as they please,
disobeying every command of the Bible, cursing in God's holy name, et
cetera. America is a nation of barnyard-morality. We are dwelling in a
morally-toxic society. Americans go virtually nude in public and then
hypocritically sing God Bless America. The average America is so brainwashed
by Hollywood and the television that they don't fully realize just how
wicked our society has become. Demonic influences are everywhere these
days... everywhere!!! We are living in horribly evil times, in a generation
of sexually immoral whores and whoremongers, who won't keep their clothes
on, and then they somehow expect this decadent society not to have serious
moral problems. It's an insane asylum is what it is! Welcome to the
The Christian life is a personal choice. Groups
don't choose to serve God. God always raises up an individual to lead
others. Are you that individual? If you want to be, then that is God dealing
with your heart. If you desire to serve God, it is only because God put that
desire into your heart (Philippians 2:13). Volunteer!!!
“As for me and my house, we
will serve the Lord...” (Joshua 24:15).
Walt Disney's “Hannah Montana,” played by
Destiny Hope “Miley”
Cyrus, is a horrible role-model for teenagers today. She's sleazy! In December 2007, she was ranked #17 in the list of
Forbes' top twenty earners under 25 with an annual earning of US
$3.5 million. Serving the Devil pays well. Miley Cyrus promotes devilish Rock 'N' Roll, acts like a whore, dresses like ghetto
trash, and now she's posing with the appearance of being completely naked
for everyone to see her body (AT AGE 15!!!).
Hannah Montana is of the Devil
Disney's Hannah Montana (Miley Cyrus) is everything that God
doesn't want a young Christian girl to be. Miley dances around on
stage, strutting back-and-forth in skin tight blue jeans, arousing the lusts
of any normal males watching her. A young woman in tight jeans
gyrating her hips on stage causes lasciviousness (strong sexual lust). It is a sin for women to wear tight pants, as this causes men to lust. Jesus condemned lust in Matthew 5:28 as adultery. 1st Timothy 2:9
commands Christian women to wear "modest apparel." Miley Cyrus is a
little whore, deliberately causing men to lust upon her body by the tight
pants, miniskirts, and other provocative clothing (that should only be worn
by a wife in the presence of her husband in the bedroom).
American women today are sex pigs—They spread
their legs on stage with seducing impudent looks on their faces, gyrating
like complete idiots, jumping around in sensual positions, sticking their
tongues out like dogs, exposing their bodies and causing others to lust upon them. Sadly, this is a commonly accepted practice
nowadays in cheerleading, theatre shows, plays, skating, and all public
entertainment and concerts. It's a disgrace upon America.
We are a nation
of pornographic filth, lewd women, and sexual perversion. No wonder
sexual sins are at epidemic levels in America. Katy Perry has videos of
herself online in concert, where her fans are touching her genitalia while
passing her around the crowd. Hannah Montana is the filth of society.
Say what you will about Muslims, I greatly
admire the way their women cover up.” This is the way it should be.
Sinful Americans have attempted to demonize the Islam culture, by portraying
Muslim women as “victims” of a male-chauvinist society. In reality,
most Muslim women approve of their strict clothing rules, and honor
their husbands with reverence, as part of their religious faith. In
sharp contrast, American women have big mouths, bad attitudes, whorish ways
about them, a ton of stubborn sinful pride, and have little (if any) respect
for God-ordained masculine authority. Woe unto America!!!
Should it be surprising that American women
have aborted over 51,000,000 unplanned pregnancies, caused by irresponsible
men and women who deliberately disobey God's commandments not to fornicate
and commit adultery (Colossians 3:4-5). Planned Parenthood is a big
misnomer; because their entire organization only exists due to all the
millions of unplanned pregnancies resulting from sexual immorality in
Hannah Montana is everything I just described—a
whorish little seductive brat, flashing her Satan sign on stage, gyrating
her body in tight pants for everyone to lust upon, shaming the name of
Jesus, and rebelling against God's Word. Walt Disney is of the Devil,
and they are working relentlessly for the New World Order to corrupt
America's youth. The Devil is trying to introduce young people to a “new-kind-of-family,” and a new-kind-of-god as well. The god which
Billy Ray and Miley Cyrus follow is a god without morals, without
boundaries, a Hollywood god that paid for our sins so we could continue
living in sin. This is NOT Biblical Christianity.
Miley Cyrus Has Sold Her Soul to
As is typical of the average spoiled
materialistic American today, Miley sings... “I'm a lucky girl... I've got
everything I've always wanted.” Hannah Montana and Miley Cyrus are one
and the same—spoiled brats. God hates Rock 'N' Roll music, because it
promotes rebellion against authority. Is it any wonder why America's
women are filing for divorce at more than
TWICE the rate of men? It's
because women today refuse to submit to their husband's authority. Miley,
in her song “Who Said,” states... “Every girl has her choice... I do it my
way.” Shouldn't we do it God's way Miley? In an interview you
stated that you “do everything for Jesus”; Yet, in your music you state that
you do things “my way.” Which is it? You cannot serve God and money
Miley, you must choose.
“I do
everything for Jesus.”
—Miley Cyrus
'Hannah Montana' Star: I Do Everything for Jesus |
Well Miley, you can start by putting your
clothes back on (as the
demon-possessed maniac of Gadarenes did when he came into his right mind
at Jesus' feet). Peter put his clothes back on
when he saw Jesus on the shore. The sad truth is that Miley Cyrus does
everything she does for Satan, evidenced by her sleazy public appearances,
nude photos in Vanity Fair, and her dishonoring of her father. 2nd
Timothy 3:2 forewarned that teens would become “disobedient to
parents” in these perilous Last Days.
Lindsey Lohan's father has likewise been
pleading with his daughter to go get the serious help she needs, because she
is ruining her life with alcohol and drugs. This is typical of the Hollywood
lifestyle, which claimed singer Andy Gibb's life at only age 30. The Devil
is a beautiful liar. Satan always pays with counterfeit money, and all his
apples have worms.
Miley Cyrus states that she does everything for
Jesus!!! Miley, do you also jump around in sexually
suggestive clothing for Jesus? I think not. The
hand-sign you
flash while singing and dancing is used by the most demonic rockers, like
Ozzy Osbourne. You may fool many young people Miley, but you aren't
fooling us Christians who still truly love the Lord Jesus Christ. Hannah Montana is everything Satan wants your daughter to become—selfish,
sinful, stupid, sensual and self-righteous. The glamour of Hannah
Montana's musical message is not reality! There is a euphoria (a
feeling of great exaggerated elation) that surrounds country and rock music,
Hollywood, and the neon lights of Sin City; but in the end, it's what we do
with the precious Word of God that ultimately matters. You cannot
serve God and mammon (i.e., money).
Matthew 6:24 reads: "No man can
serve two masters: for either he will hate the one, and love the other; or
else he will hold to the one, and despise the other. Ye cannot serve God and
mammon." Billy Ray and Miley Cyrus are serving money, which is why
Miley just stripped naked to be photographed. Shame! Anything
for more money.
Look, there is
a satanic plot to destroy your child, evidenced by the music and
behavior of the singers themselves; but it goes much deeper if you do your
research... on every level Satan is working relentlessly to steal your
child's innocence and claim them for the Beast System of the coming
Antichrist. Walt Disney has promoted their billion-dollar profiting, moral
boy-band from new Jersey; but few parents realize that
Aleister Crowley's backward
masking is incorporated into KIDS OF THE FUTURE by The
Jonas Brothers. You don't have to play the song backwards for
the damage to be done, your brain automatically does that for you; but
you'll have to hear it backwards to consciously detect what Satan's crowd is
doing to indoctrinate your children. Just as no one believed Noah for
120-years until they were drowning, neither will 99% of the world's
population listen until it is too late. The End Times are approaching!
Walt Disney's movies and TV shows have become
increasingly immoral—portraying appetizing teenage girls in immodest
clothing, having sexually suggestive behavior, and rebellious attitudes
towards authority. Disney's shows are saturated with devilish Rock 'N' Roll
and New Age doctrines. In essence, Walt Disney is setting the standard for
what they think teenagers ought to be like today—selfish, self-centered,
sinfully proud, dirty-minded, arrogant, feminist, snobby, idolatrous, and
Where's the Gospel Message?
Go to Miley Cyrus'
official website, or to
Billy Ray Cyrus' website.
Good luck finding anything about Jesus or the Gospel. They both boast
about their "Christian faith," but they're eerily silent about the Gospel of
Jesus Christ. Don't be deceived, Billy Ray and Miley Cyrus are
imposters to Christianity. They hypocritically talk about Jesus,
exploiting His holy name, while their music, lives and websites deny their
faith. Where is the Gospel message?
"This know also, that in
the last days perilous times shall come. For men shall be lovers of
their own selves, covetous, boasters, proud, blasphemers, disobedient to
parents, unthankful, unholy ... Having a form of godliness, but
denying the power thereof: from such turn away." (2nd Timothy
"For I am not ashamed of
the gospel of Christ: for it is the power of God unto
salvation to every one that believeth; to the Jew first, and also to
the Greek."
I am not trying to be unkind, and
I certainly do not hate anyone. However, as a born-again Christian who
loves the Lord Jesus Christ, it is our duty to contend for the Christian
faith. Every believer is commanded to hate evil (Psalm 97:10). 1st
Timothy 2:9 commands Christian women to dress in “modest apparel.” 1st
John 2:15-17 states... “Love not the world, neither the things that
are in the world. If any man love the world, the love of the Father is not
in him. For all that is in the world, the lust of the flesh, and the lust
of the eyes, and the pride of life [i.e., Hannah Montana], is not
of the Father, but is of the world. And the world passeth away, and the lust
thereof: but he that doeth the will of God abideth for ever.”
I agree wholeheartedly with Billy
Ray Cyrus that Hannah Montana is regretful. Let's be forward here, Miley
Cyrus is Hannah Montana. They're the same person. One brat is no different
than the other. One lewd perverse girl is no different than the other.
Hannah Montana didn't pose nude in Vanity Fair, Miley Cyrus did. Miley Cyrus
is living a regretful life, embarrassing to her parents and to America. I am
embarrassed to say I am an American when foreigners see filth like Hannah
Montana representing our nation.
Wouldn't it be awesome if teen
girls could have ladylike, submissive, feminine, Christ-honoring, virtuous,
role models who taught them to cook gourmet dinners, make homemade unique clothing,
and prepare for motherhood? That's what young girls ought to be learning.
Few people love God these days. Hardly anyone cares about soul-winning. I
feel like the lone ranger oftentimes, and am in the area where I live. Thank
God for my soul-winning sisters and brothers around the world. I told God
when I started this ministry that I would give it my best, even if I only
had 1 web visitors to my ministry. I now have over 15,000 daily, but I still
write articles as if to just one person. God is using this ministry, I
believe, as an End Times ministry to reach people for Christ. I feel like
Noah preaching before the flood. It couldn't be more obvious that the world
is waiting for something big, and it's coming soon. Even so, come, Lord
Instead, sleazy whores are
training your teen daughters to strip naked on the dance floor and have sex,
video tape it with her cellphone and upload it to YouTube for the world to
see; and then when she gets pregnant she tosses the baby into a garbage pail
at a school prom, so she can get back out onto the dance floor and have more
fun. That is America today!!! Aren't you proud to be an American? You've got
to be nuts if you are. We are living in a retarded nation.
Hannah Montana (Miley Cyrus) is influencing
tens-of-millions of young girls...
Her two
soundtrack albums have sold 3.5 million and 3
million copies respectively in this country,
according to Nielsen SoundScan. And according to
People, "Hannah Montana" merchandise — from
bedding to handbags to toys to shoes — is
expected to rake in $1 billion this fiscal year.
Janet Koch has
made her own contribution to that sum. The
mother from
Weston, Conn., has bought her 9-year-old
daughter, Cayla, a Hannah necklace, wig,
hairband, and a microphone that plays Hannah
songs. Pocketbooks in every color. A cute black
hoodie. A belt. Posters to cover the walls. "I
draw the line at the bedding," she quips. But
Cayla can forgive that, because Mom managed to
score a pair of tickets to the Cyrus concert in
Like so many
other young girls, Cayla adores Cyrus, says her
mother, "because she's someone she could see
going to school with. She's not a diva. She's
"She wants to be
Miley," her mom says. "She wants to do exactly
what Miley's doing." [emphasis added]
Miley Cyrus photo 'scandals' reveal phenom's growing pains - Yahoo! News
Miley Cyrus claims to be a Christian who does
everything for Jesus. Since Miley is promoting devilish Rock 'N' Roll,
immodest clothing on women, unladylike behavior, worldly pride, nudity,
selfishness, dishonoring her father, and materialism... someone needs to call her a liar. Don't you dare tell me that you commit all those sins for Jesus. It is
a sin for any woman to wear tight jeans (Matthew 5:28; 1st Timothy 2:9; Jude
1:18,19). The same heathen women who laugh at my preaching are the same
one's who have had abortions or support abortions, and many are lesbian
friendly. Homosexuality is a disgusting horrible sin which God abhors! Those
who commit homosexuality should feel ashamed, guilty, and bad about
themselves; just as anyone who commits any sin should feel about their sins.
Shame on Miley Cyrus for influencing young girls to become
whores. Should it be surprising in a society that laughs at the
Biblical teaching of modesty, that such a society would also approve of the
brutal murder of over 51,000,000 children by abortion? Not at all. Americans are utterly blinded by their own sinful pride. We actually
still believe that God is going to bless America. No Sir! I
agree with Pastor Jeremiah Wright...
"God damn America!" I am not a fan of Pastor Wright, but he
hit-the-nail-on-the-head with that statement!!! We certainly deserve what we are going to get.
Instead of
elevating Christians who obey the Bible and love God, Americans elevate immoral
people—homosexuals, adulterers, nudists, rebels, and feminists—praising them
as gods. Just look at any typical Country Music concert and see who
gets all the glory and praise. Watch a Hannah Montana video on
YouTube and see thousands of screaming kids praising Miley Cyrus as a
god. It's idolatry!!! America is
an idolatrous land. The fans aren't cheering for Jesus—they're
cheering for some brat who dresses like a tramp, dances like a whore,
shamelessly exposes her body in lewd photographs, sings about selfish pride
and materialism, and dares claim that God is inspiring her to do it.
Increasingly, heathen society is raising it's young girls to be nude, lewd
and crude.
Jeremiah 7:9,10: “Will ye steal, murder, and commit adultery, and swear
falsely, and burn incense unto Baal, and walk after other gods whom ye know
not; And come and stand before me in this house, which is called by my name,
and say, We are delivered to do all these abominations?"” God is
not behind Miley's career anymore than He's behind
this foolish woman's career. Miley
Cyrus is serving the Devil.
I'm glad that Billy Ray Cyrus has been honest
about this matter. Fame has ruined his family.
Walt Disney has made 365 times what
Miley was paid annually. Walt Disney is of the Devil. Miley Cyrus has
led a generation of young girls into whoredom, lasciviousness, rebellion and
every form of evil. Miley Cyrus is known mostly for her sinful role as
raking in over a BILLION DOLLARS annually for the Disney corporation. Miley
Cyrus gets paid $3,500,000 a year[2],
bringing in that much money PER DAY for Walt Disney!
The entire Hannah Montana franchise has been a
disaster to America morally. Woe unto Miley Cyrus and the entire Hannah
Montana tragedy in America. Millions of teenager's lives have been
corrupted, indoctrinating them with worldliness and feminist thinking. We
have brought a curse upon ourselves as a people. God will not bless a
sin-loving people who disregard His Word, abort their babies, flock to Las
Vegas to party in SIN CITY, and indulge in every form of wickedness
Sicko Walt Disney Says
Lewd Miley Cyrus' Has “godliness” and her “Raunch is relative”
Acts 2:40,
“...Save yourselves from this untoward generation.”