Turned Aside After Satan!
by David J. Stewart
“For some are already turned aside after Satan.” —1st Timothy 5:15
What an interesting Scripture ... TURNED ASIDE AFTER SATAN!
What group of people might this Scripture be referring to ... the abortionists? Surely there's not a more hideous group of people than those who kill little babies? We know that the abortionists are turned aside after Satan, but is this the group spoken of in 1st Timothy 5:15? Nope!
What group then? Could it be the Catholic Church, that bows to statues in idolatry (Exodus 20:4,5), and falsely teaches that sinful priests have the power to forgive people's sins? (1st Timothy 2:5). The Catholic Church (Roman and Russian Orthodox) teach the traditions of men (Mark 7:6-19), going about to establish their own righteousness (Romans 10:3,4), and require good works for salvation (Ephesians 2:8,9). Billions of people will one day burn in the flames of Hell because of the lies of Catholicism (Matthew 5:20). The Catholic Church is straight out of the pits of Hell. Surely this is the group turned aside after Satan in 1st Timothy 5:15? Right? Nope!
Who could it be then? For anyone to turn aside to follow Satan is a horrible sin. Who is it that turned aside after Satan? Is it the homosexual community, with their pederast NAMBLA organization that goes after little boys? ... Or how about GLSEN in our public schools trying to homosexualize our kids in America, teaching kids how to have "fist sex"? We definitely know this evil group is turned aside after Satan, but is this the group mentioned in 1st Timothy 5:15? It must be! Nope!
Who can it be then? Is it the gambling industry, that milks away $500,000,000,000 from the U.S. economy every year? Is it the booze industry, that causes the deaths of millions of people every year around the world? Is it? Nope!
It must be all the false religions in the world that are turned aside after Satan, right? Well, they're definitely turned aside after Satan, but that's not the group referred to in 1st Timothy 5:15. Nope!
What group then is the Bible referring to, that has "turned aside after Satan?
Is it the Bible corrupters, who pervert the Word of God? Surely there's not a more malicious and godless group on earth than those who deliberately tamper with the very Words of God? They even have a new Bible now for homosexuals, called the New Oxford Annotated Bible. They are definitely turned aside after Satan. Is this the group mentioned in 1st Timothy 5:15? Nope!
Is it the corrupt government politicians, who have sold our nation into financial slavery? How about the greedy money-lenders of the central bank, who are committed to the destruction of America? Surely these people are of the Devil, and they are, but they're not the group referred to in 1st Timothy 5:15.
It must be the child-pornographers, who sexually abuse children and sell that filth all over on the internet. The biggest money maker on the internet is pornography. Is it the godless pornographers and child abusers? I would sure say so, but it's not. These perverts are definitely turned aside after Satan, but they're not the group referred to in 1st Timothy 5:15.
Who then can it be that has turned aside after Satan in 1st Timothy 5:15???
To find out what group has TURNED ASIDE after Satan,
...and you're going to be very surprised,
...we simply need to read 1st Timothy 5:14...
"I will therefore that the younger women marry, bear children, guide the house, give none occasion to the adversary to speak reproachfully."
What? That's it? You've got to be kidding, right? Do you mean to tell me that the evil group who has turned aside after Satan are feminists? You got it!
Feminism is the rot of America! It was the mighty preacher, Dr. R.G. Lee, in his classical sermon PAYDAY SOMEDAY, who stated...
"The spiritual life of a nation, city, town, school, church, or home never rises any higher than the spiritual life of women." -Dr. R.G. Lee (Payday Someday) The Apostle Paul makes it clear who the guilty group is, i.e., those who have TURNED ASIDE AFTER SATAN! It is women who FAIL to fulfil God's ROLE for their life as mothers and wives. Get mad at me if you want to, I'm just preaching the Word. I expect all you career women to laugh and get angry at me, because you've turned aside after Satan. You value money more than you do family. You care more about the riches of this world than you do about pleasing the Lord.
America is filled today with feminist women--who are defiant against their husbands, demanding, self-righteous, and willing to file for divorce. Oh the shame and misery which the sin of feminism has brought upon America's families! Everywhere we go nowadays, we are bombarded with domestic abuse propaganda, but never a word is said about rebellious wives or careless mothers. Instead of women being homemakers (1st Timothy 5:14), dressing modestly (1st Timothy 2:9), obeying their husbands (Ephesians 5:24), and behaving themselves as the Bible commands; they have allowed feminist ideologies to brainwash them into becoming independent, impudent, immodest and irresponsible. Get mad at me if you want, women file for divorce at TWICE the rate of men.
Since I began this website in 2002, I've learned that certain subjects are sore topics with people; namely, Christian Rock, Wicca witchcraft, homosexuality, feminism, and divorce. Of course, I get all kinds of hate mail, but these topics really hit home with the wicked. I've received several letters lately from people who are trying to justify the sin of divorce. Some people just can't stand the truth. Jesus spoke the truth and the Jews tried to kill him (John 8:40). The Apostle Paul spoke the truth and made many enemies (Galatians 4:16). I am telling you the truth. The group which turned aside after Satan in 1st Timothy 5:15 are women who wanted to be INDEPENDENT of their husbands. Feminism can be summed up in one word ... REBELLION! Feminists today have chosen rather to call themselves INDEPENDENT, just as sodomites prefer to be called gay. No, you are wicked and rebellious, turned aside after Satan!
In the Garden Of Eden, Eve made the SAME grave mistake of wanting to be INDEPENDENT (Genesis 3:5,6; 1st Timothy 2:4). Eve wanted to be INDEPENDENT of God's Word and Authority. As a result of Eve's feminism, she sinned, and caused Adam to sin, corrupting Adam and her children, and the entire human race was plunged into sin. Today, 6000 years later, feminist women are still committing the same homewrecking sin of rebellion, by declaring their INDEPENDENCE from their husbands. Feminism is the sin that brought the plague of the sin-nature upon the human race.
Therefore, it does not surprise me that God would refer to such women as having TURNED ASIDE AFTER SATAN. Eve turned aside after Satan, by TAKING BAD ADVICE. What you wives need to do when some dirt mouth hussy shows you a Scripture to permit divorce is tell her to SHUT UP, and then leave before you pluck your house down with your hands. Proverb 14:1 states, "Every wise woman buildeth her house: but the foolish plucketh it down with her hands." What does this verse mean? Here is an explanation concerning this Scripture by the mighty preacher, J. Vernon McGee...
"Every wise woman buildeth her house." This is not talking about the physical building of a home. I think Sarah is an example of a wife who built her house. She was the wife of a patriarch, and she built up the house of Israel. I think we can say that Jochebed, the mother of Moses, built her house. Although she was a slave in a foreign land, to save her son she hid him, watched over him, and finally became his nurse in the service of Pharaoh’s daughter. She is the one who taught him about the Lord and the promise of the Lord to Israel. She was a wonderful mother, and she built her house.
"But the foolish plucketh it down with her hands." Several women in the Scriptures did that. Because of their wickedness, the house they built was destroyed. Let me point out one passage in particular. "Forty and two years old was Ahaziah when he began to reign, and he reigned one year in Jerusalem. His mother’s name also was Athaliah the daughter of Omri. He also walked in the ways of the house of Ahab: for his mother was his counsellor to do wickedly" (2 Chron. 22:2–3). The counsel of his mother really brought the house of Ahab low. This is indeed a true proverb. You can take these into the laboratory of life and see them work out even today. I know of several examples of women whose personal sins have destroyed their homes.
SOURCE: Thru the Bible with J. Vernon McGee
Likewise, many women today are destroying their homes through sin--whether it be lazy idleness, wanting to be independent of an authoritative husband, or placing a career over a family.
My purpose is writing this article is not to hurt anyone's feelings, nor to be unkind, but to uphold the Biblical teaching that being a godly loyal wife and a caring responsible mother are sacred, and to accept any other role in life is a big step down. Those who leave their husbands, and abandon their children, in pursuit of greener pastures in the world of feminist independence, are turned aside after Satan. END
The Plot Against Mothers
Here, as you will read for yourself, monster Henry Kissinger says that higher education and careers for women are being used as WEAPONS against having families, literally causing women to have fewer children. No wonder God said in 1st Timothy 5:14-15 that career women have TURNED ASIDE AFTER SATAN. Women are actually having less children because of prosperity. This is so tragic and sad! Here is blatant evidence of the criminal globalist's evil agenda to limit the size of families...
Some of the reasons that increasing the standard of living naturally leads to families having less children are listed below:
• Greater Urbanization. An increased standard of living usually leads to greater urbanization. When a family lives in a rural area, each child can do necessary agricultural chores and can earn more than it costs the family to raise the child. When the family moves to urban areas, children cannot work at early ages and do not make the family more prosperous, as they would in the countryside. They are perceived as a financial liability in the cities.
• Lower Infant and Child Mortality. Most developing countries do not have a national retirement plan such as Social Security. This means that most elderly people must be supported by their children. The daughter usually goes to live with her husband’s family, so the only chance for an elderly person to have income is to have a living son in his or her old age. To make sure one son survives, parents have two or three. As child mortality has declined, it has become less necessary to have several sons.
• Education of Women. Educated women begin childbearing at an older age and have fewer children overall. Better-educated women tend not to marry less-educated men so that a relatively high percentage of educated women never marry, reducing the number of potential mothers.
• Job Opportunities for Women. Employment outside the home usually is associated with smaller families. Women employed outside the home tend to have responsibilities, opportunities, and distractions which decrease factors that might otherwise lead them to have more children.
• Higher Expectations. Television and radio bring people in developing nations a knowledge of how the wealthy (especially Americans and Europeans) live and give them expectations that their living standard can become more similar to the wealthy. Many opt for the material rewards that more money brings instead of the non-material and emotional rewards of parenthood.SOURCE: KISSINGER REPORT 2004, A Retrospect on NSSM-200; EXPOSED: How U.S. Foreign Policy Uses Population Control to Exploit Third World Economies; by Brian Clowes, Ph.D.
It's Working According to TIME Magazine
If you believe the Bible is God's Word, and you want to please God; God wants women to be mothers and to care for the home, and to stay out of trouble (not causing reproach for their husbands). So many women today are a major embarrassment to their husbands, dragging strangers into the marriage, filing for divorce, bringing evil upon the husband. God will punish such women for being fools and ruining their families. The Bible says what it says. Just because the times have changed doesn't mean that the Bible has changed. God never changes (Malachi 3:6). God's Words are as valid and applicable today as they were 2,000 years ago. 1st Timothy 5:14-15 teach motherhood...
1st Timothy 5:14-15, “I will
therefore that the younger women marry, bear children, guide the house, give
none occasion to the adversary to speak reproachfully. For some are already
turned aside after Satan.”
"Those who want to destroy the family will continue to urge mothers to leave the home and 'become fulfilled in the workplace.' When the mother goes into the workplace to become 'fulfilled,' or to increase the family's income, she leaves the care of the children to others. Those who warn against such practices will continue to be scorned by the feminists and others who have a hidden agenda: they want to destroy the family."
SOURCE: The New World Order, pg. 245-246, by Ralph A. Epperson; 1990; ISBN: 0-9614135-1-4; publisher: PUBLIUS PRESS, Tucson, Arizona.
The following truthful words are from the eloquent author, Dr. Henry Makow . . .
“Mary is one of millions of men and women (including myself) who do not have families because of a covert campaign of psychological warfare waged against heterosexual society. This Rockefeller-sponsored program of social engineering and eugenics is waged under the guise of 'feminism' and 'equality.' The pill, sexual liberation and the mainstreaming of homosexuality are all part of it.
The aim is to degrade, depopulate and destabilize humanity by divorcing sex from procreation and by pretending gender roles are social and not biological in origin.
Women have been brainwashed to usurp the male role and abandon the female. The resulting conflict and confusion leads to a breakdown of marriage and family. This produces dysfunctional people who are obsessed with sex and look to the corporate media and state for values and direction.”
savethemales.ca - When Love is a One-Night Stand