Did The Apostle Paul Hate Women?
by David J. Stewart
“For some are already turned aside after Satan.” —1st Timothy 5:15
No, of course not. The Apostle Paul DIDN'T author the Bible, God did. If you don't like the writings of Paul, than get mad at God, because Paul was only the pen. All Scripture is given by inspiration of God (2nd Timothy 3:16). In these wicked modern times, when the Bible has been banned from America's classrooms, it doesn't come as a surprise that women despise the Biblical teaching of masculine authority in marriage, home and church. The Bible teaches that a woman's place is in the home (1st Timothy 5:14). Verse 15 teaches that career women who forfeit motherhood have turned aside after Satan. Sadly, our culture is so messed up that it's becoming extremely difficult to have a family anymore. It's all by design, oppressing American women so that they have to work and forfeit motherhood. The only way to make it work is to live simple within one's means.
The Bible teaches that it is shameful for women to debate or speak out doctrinally in church. Joyce Meyer and Melissa Scott are two of the biggest heretics on television. Melissa Scott can teach up a storm, but she makes absolutely no sense. Then a jazz band busts-a-move (as they say on the streets) and everyone starts dancing. That's America's churches today! Women are NOT to pastor churches, voice their opinions over men, and reside on a church board of directors.
Women are commanded to be UNDER OBEDIENCE. The Bible plainly explains what is meant...
1st Corinthians 14:34, “Let your women keep silence in the churches: for it is not permitted unto them to speak; but they are commanded to be under obedience, as also saith the law. And if they will learn any thing, let them ask their husbands at home: for it is a shame for women to speak in the church.”
Like it or not, women are prohibited from usurping authority over men. When women rise to power in any culture, so also does homosexuality and every manner of wickedness. Rebellion begets more rebellion. Lewdness, nudity and public promiscuity become prevalent. American television has become saturated with every manner of sexual perversion. TV is saturated with advertisements for online dating, adult toys, Viagra, et cetera. Over 307,000 women had breast enlargement surgery in 2011. No one is content with how God made them. America's infatuation with sex has perverted our culture. This all goes hand-in-hand with feminist indoctrination. Feminism is not about women's rights, but about rebellion. God alone sees every human heart, for He is the keeper of men's souls (Proverbs 24:12).
Many preachers are attempting to reconcile the Bible with feminism, and so they are perverting the truth. It cannot be done! The Biblical command for women to be obedient to their husbands at all times cannot be reconciled with this wicked generation's lust for rebellion. The New World Order cannot succeed without a total breakdown of the family, which is the basic unit of every society. Destroy the home and you've destroyed a nation. America's church pulpits are the only hope of revival. When New Testament churches die, pulpits grow cold and truth is suppressed, Satan takes over a civilization.
I preach much against the sin of feminism because it is rebellion against God-ordained masculine authority. What the feminists do is look for any and every case of abuse they can find, and then demonize all masculine authority as abusive. There is a witch-hunt in America against authority in the marriage, home and church. Lesbian pastors are flooding our churches. It is apostasy!!! I just read this week that author and film producer, Stephen King's daughter, Naomi King is a lesbian minister in Florida. Such wickedness is of the Devil. America's religious scene is a disaster!
Beware Of The Fantasy World On Television That's Not Reality
Television carefully chooses the most beautiful and adept actors, places them in the most romantic settings, spares no expense to create a desired feel for their movie or commercial, and then markets it to the American people. Consequently, men and women alike are frustrated when their reality doesn't measure up to the fantasy that doesn't exist on television. Hollywood's glamorous couples on the screen don't exist in reality. In the real world divorce is epidemic in Hollywood, which is more homosexual than San Francisco. Of all places, Tel Aviv in Israel is the number one homosexual tourist destination in the world in 2013. Go figure, aka, the so-called “Holy Land!” The Bible never refers to Israel as a “holy land.” It's very important for students of the New World Order to understand that false, fake, Marxist, false Jews own and control Israel today (and have since it started in WWII). Those aren't true biological Jews. If you really want to have your mind blown away, research the Nazi roots of Yale university and you'll find that all key officials of the CIA came straight from Yale. Research the Nazi roots of the Bush family. Truth is stranger than fiction.
Television and Hollywood have INDOCTRINATED women with many false ideas of what life is supposed to be like. The Bible warns in 2nd Timothy 3:5-6 about men who have “a form of godliness, but denying the power thereof: from such turn away. For of this sort are they which creep into houses, and lead captive silly women laden with sins, led away with divers lusts.” The LIFE TV channel for women is central headquarters for adultery, rebellion and feminism. Literally, it's a home college course on feminism through movies for all women. Just as the Bible warns, ungodly Hollywood producers creep into people's living rooms via the TV to seduce silly women and men, leading them captive into sin. TV brainwashes, or indoctrinates, women and men alike. Teaching is the transfer of knowledge; whereas indoctrination is the propagating of an agenda. Teaching is beneficial; but indoctrination is detrimental. Children aren't taught in public schools, they are INDOCTRINATED with the bogus lies of evolution.
Women today who sit around watching TV have lost touch with reality. They think that TV is reality, and so they foolishly compare as 2nd Corinthians 10:12 says, “For we dare not make ourselves of the number, or compare ourselves with some that commend themselves: but they measuring themselves by themselves, and comparing themselves among themselves, are not wise.” Television portrays marriages as perfect, except the one's they exploit for profits. TV is a lie, it's all fabricated to make money and sway public opinion. TV is all about the psychological science of human stimuli and how to manipulate those stimuli to sell products or sway opinion.
Deliberately Dumbing Us Down
Americans are taught that bigger and more is better. So our children grow up having unrealistic outlooks, goals and plans for life. Television distorts reality, making people unappreciative of what God has given to them, so people end up divorced and homeless. Across the board, the criminal powers behind the destruction of the United States have succeeded. As just one example, consider how they've deliberately DUMBED DOWN the entire nation through complex, nonsensical, idiotic and confusing methods of so-called education. This adult generation today is one of the most illiterate, dumbest, unthinking, characterless groups in American history. They bought into the lies of 911. They have lost their career to foreign slave labor (deindustrialization of the U.S.). They have lost their home in foreclosure to the thieving big banks on Wall Street.
Yet, Americans keep voting for a useless two-party system that doesn't have a hill-of-beans difference between the two political platforms when it comes to what they are achieving. You've got two separate legs, but they're BOTH walking in the direction of a New World Order. Every Republican U.S. President who said he was against abortion personally, gave billions of dollars to finance the murder of millions more children through abortion in the United States. What lying hypocrites! And you voted for them! So did I when I was woefully ignorant.
Women Are More Vulnerable To Believe False Doctrine
It is Biblical that women are more vulnerable to demonic deception than men. The sinful Roman Catholic Church sinfully worships a sinful woman, Mary. Although women are not allowed into the priesthood, the Catholic church is dominated by women in the marriage and home. Take away women preachers and the demonic Charismatic movement would vanish overnight. This doesn't mean that all women are dumb, God forbid. It doesn't mean that women are inferior to men. It simply means that God created Eve from Adam's rib; thus, the woman is supposed to go to her husband. If Eve had gone to Adam instead of eating the fruit on her own, Adam would have seen through the serpent's lies. Adam chose to sin, choosing Eve over God. However, Eve was deceived, sincerely believing that she would become EQUAL with God when she ate the fruit...
1st Timothy 2:7-14, “Whereunto I am ordained a preacher, and an apostle, (I speak the truth in Christ, and lie not;) a teacher of the Gentiles in faith and verity. I will therefore that men pray every where, lifting up holy hands, without wrath and doubting. In like manner also, that women adorn themselves in modest apparel, with shamefacedness and sobriety; not with broided hair, or gold, or pearls, or costly array; But (which becometh women professing godliness) with good works. Let the woman learn in silence with all subjection. But I suffer not a woman to teach, nor to usurp authority over the man, but to be in silence. For Adam was first formed, then Eve. And Adam was not deceived, but the woman being deceived was in the transgression.”
The average person is woefully ignorant of what the Devil is doing in the world today. Lucifer, the chief archangel, sinned by wanting to be EQUAL with God. Isaiah 14:14, “I will ascend above the heights of the clouds; I will be like the most High.” Notice the word “I.” Satan, like most people today, had “I” problems. One of the most frequently used words on the liberal, new age and feminist Oprah Winfrey Show is “I” (self). Americans are so arrogant that we even have a magazine titled SELF (which millions of people read regularly). We have a popular show called, “American Idol.” Likewise, Eve wanted to be EQUAL with God. Likewise, Americans want to be EQUAL with God, choosing right from wrong for themselves instead of obeying God's Word. The U.S. Supreme Court is evil, flaunting their inferior authority over God's commandments, legalized abortion and very soon, same-sex marriage.
Anyone who accuses me of hating women doesn't know anything about me. I have the utmost respect for virtuous, modest and godly women who obey their own husband. The Bible never commands a woman to obey any man except her own husband. Yet, women should have a general respect for men, while being very careful with her body and eye language. Nearly all American women these days wear pants. Over 55,000,000 American women have had abortions (murder). At least 1-in-8 American women are binge drinkers, and twice as men men are binge drinkers. You can't even watch the news anymore without seeing immodestly dressed women in whorish miniskirts. American men have dirty-minds, having embraced the demonic Playboy philosophy.
Liberal-minded men agree with the feminists, accepting homosexual rights, trashing out the Word of God and living in sin. The Bible warns that even though the wicked join hand-in-hand, God will punish them. Just because everyone's doing it doesn't make it right. Proverbs 16:5, “Every one that is proud in heart is an abomination to the LORD: though hand join in hand, he shall not be unpunished.” I commend every homemaker, mother and Christian woman who still believes that a woman's place is in the home. God never intended for women to fight in the military.
I just read in the news a couple weeks ago that the Pentagon is lifting their ban on women soldiers on the front lines. Tragically, they're going to get brutally raped, tortured and shamed. Already, several hundred female soldiers have been raped by their own peers in the U.S. military. Women respond to battle and trauma differently than men. They don't belong on the front lines. Nurses and the kitchen, ok. I feel sorry for butch women who feel that they have to prove to the world that they can become a real man. Yes, you can, but is that God's will for your life ladies?
The Bible is brutally honest, and very despised by the sinful world. The sin-nature doesn't like rules. It's in our human sin-nature to despise dominion as Jude 1:8 teaches. Ephesians 2:1-3 stereotypes the human race as disobedient and full of wrath. Histories wars prove that! Mankind is hellbent on destruction. People by nature are selfish and sinful. Americans are some of the most spoiled, wicked and sinfully proud people in history. Our culture is saturated with lust, greed and dishonesty. Hatred abounds. Street gangs and drugs are an epidemic problem. It all starts and ends with the home. Country music is leading America's youth into sensuality, sexual immorality and divorce. Country music videos are all extremely sensual and sexually suggestive. It's a domino effect, one sin begetting another, leading our nation into Hell.
This is why the crooked and rigged legal system is attacking fathers and husbands, doing everything possible to cause divorces and broken homes. The easiest way to destroy a home is to remove the father. Got dad? The powers behind the New World Order control everything from the top. They control America's legal system from the top. The U.S. Supreme Court is completely compromised, puppets of the global elite. Each member is blackmailable, as are ALL top politicians. It's a dirty, but very effective, tactic pioneered by thug, 33rd degree Freemason, homosexual, and first FBI director, J. Edgar Hoover. That's how they are controlled. If they don't cooperate, they're instantly attacked and removed by the system.
The Bible is NOT a hateful Book; but rather, Americans are out of touch with reality. I love everybody, with God's unconditional love. I don't hate women, and neither did the apostle Paul. The Bible is not a sexist, chauvinistic Book. Americans are spoiled, having their own twisted concept of right and wrong. American's insanely think that a woman should have total control over her own body, even if it means killing the human being in her womb. That is a totally reckless, selfish and ungodly attitude toward human life. When a woman becomes pregnant, that life in her womb should be protected to the utmost by every law in the land. Instead, our laws protect the rights of selfish mothers who don't respect life.
There wouldn't even be an abortion problem if it weren't for all the sexual immorality in our country. TV has become so sex perverted that only a fool would wonder why the crime rate is so high and climbing. In New York adults can't even play chess or eat a box of donuts near a playground without being fined because of concerns over perverts lurking near children's playgrounds. America's wickedness is causing widespread crime, which consequently is forcing a Police State to rise up around us, which is exactly what the global elite want. Americans are feeding right into the hands of the Devil. Paul hated sin, which God hates, and commands all believers to hate (Psalms 97:10). Sin destroys lives! Romans 1:32 describes television very well, “Who knowing the judgment of God, that they which commit such things are worthy of death, not only do the same, but have pleasure in them that do them.”
I often feel lonely like John the Baptist crying aloud from the wilderness. I pray for God to work in the heart of my web visitors. We are living in the perilous times as foretold in 2nd Timothy 3:1-5. These are hard and difficult times to endure. Jesus said in John 16:33 that we would suffer tribulation in the world, but He said to BE OF GOOD CHEER, because He has overcome the world. JESUS IS RISEN FROM THE DEAD!!! What a precious Savior!
The Plot Against Mothers
Here, as you will read for yourself, monster Henry Kissinger says that higher education and careers for women are being used as WEAPONS against having families, literally causing women to have fewer children. No wonder God said in 1st Timothy 5:14-15 that career women have TURNED ASIDE AFTER SATAN. Women are actually having less children because of prosperity. This is so tragic and sad! Here is blatant evidence of the criminal globalist's evil agenda to limit the size of families...
Some of the reasons that increasing the standard of living naturally leads to families having less children are listed below:
• Greater Urbanization. An increased standard of living usually leads to greater urbanization. When a family lives in a rural area, each child can do necessary agricultural chores and can earn more than it costs the family to raise the child. When the family moves to urban areas, children cannot work at early ages and do not make the family more prosperous, as they would in the countryside. They are perceived as a financial liability in the cities.
• Lower Infant and Child Mortality. Most developing countries do not have a national retirement plan such as Social Security. This means that most elderly people must be supported by their children. The daughter usually goes to live with her husband’s family, so the only chance for an elderly person to have income is to have a living son in his or her old age. To make sure one son survives, parents have two or three. As child mortality has declined, it has become less necessary to have several sons.
• Education of Women. Educated women begin childbearing at an older age and have fewer children overall. Better-educated women tend not to marry less-educated men so that a relatively high percentage of educated women never marry, reducing the number of potential mothers.
• Job Opportunities for Women. Employment outside the home usually is associated with smaller families. Women employed outside the home tend to have responsibilities, opportunities, and distractions which decrease factors that might otherwise lead them to have more children.
• Higher Expectations. Television and radio bring people in developing nations a knowledge of how the wealthy (especially Americans and Europeans) live and give them expectations that their living standard can become more similar to the wealthy. Many opt for the material rewards that more money brings instead of the non-material and emotional rewards of parenthood.SOURCE: KISSINGER REPORT 2004, A Retrospect on NSSM-200; EXPOSED: How U.S. Foreign Policy Uses Population Control to Exploit Third World Economies; by Brian Clowes, Ph.D.
It's Working According to TIME Magazine
If you believe the Bible is God's Word, and you want to please God; God wants women to be mothers and to care for the home, and to stay out of trouble (not causing reproach for their husbands). So many women today are a major embarrassment to their husbands, dragging strangers into the marriage, filing for divorce, bringing evil upon the husband. God will punish such women for being fools and ruining their families. The Bible says what it says. Just because the times have changed doesn't mean that the Bible has changed. God never changes (Malachi 3:6). God's Words are as valid and applicable today as they were 2,000 years ago. 1st Timothy 5:14-15 teach motherhood...
1st Timothy 5:14-15, “I will
therefore that the younger women marry, bear children, guide the house, give
none occasion to the adversary to speak reproachfully. For some are already
turned aside after Satan.”
"Those who want to destroy the family will continue to urge mothers to leave the home and 'become fulfilled in the workplace.' When the mother goes into the workplace to become 'fulfilled,' or to increase the family's income, she leaves the care of the children to others. Those who warn against such practices will continue to be scorned by the feminists and others who have a hidden agenda: they want to destroy the family."
SOURCE: The New World Order, pg. 245-246, by Ralph A. Epperson; 1990; ISBN: 0-9614135-1-4; publisher: PUBLIUS PRESS, Tucson, Arizona.
The following truthful words are from the eloquent author, Dr. Henry Makow . . .
“Mary is one of millions of men and women (including myself) who do not have families because of a covert campaign of psychological warfare waged against heterosexual society. This Rockefeller-sponsored program of social engineering and eugenics is waged under the guise of 'feminism' and 'equality.' The pill, sexual liberation and the mainstreaming of homosexuality are all part of it.
The aim is to degrade, depopulate and destabilize humanity by divorcing sex from procreation and by pretending gender roles are social and not biological in origin.
Women have been brainwashed to usurp the male role and abandon the female. The resulting conflict and confusion leads to a breakdown of marriage and family. This produces dysfunctional people who are obsessed with sex and look to the corporate media and state for values and direction.”
savethemales.ca - When Love is a One-Night StandHow the Rockefellers Engineered Women
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