Get Fired Up!

by David J. Stewart

What America desperately needs in this dark hour is for thousands of it's Christian men and women to GET FIRED UP for God! If God's children don't get on the firing line to fight sin, corruption and the Devil... then who will? 

Tragically, Americans have been DESENSITIZED by the TV, feminism, rock-n-roll, liberal public education, evolution, pornography, Hollywood, ecumenicalism, the modern Bible corrupting movement and the lying newsmedia. 

Prosperity has caused us to become complacent and indifferent as a nation. Hardly anyone in America has cared for decades, but people are finally starting to wake up because the consequences of our nation's Communist policies are seriously starting to hurt us. Tens-of-millions of Americans have already lost their homes. This poor Baltimore woman lost the home her father completely paid for because she couldn't pay a $362 water bill. The criminal bankers took her home and the city let them take it! It is so evil.

As a result of decades of U.S. prosperity since The Great Depression of 1933, we have become complacent as a people, soft and weak, without concern. America has become the land of cowards and home of the slaves!

Sin always undermines a nation! America's love for wickedness has ruined our nation. The handwriting was on the wall in 1962 and 1963 when prayer and the Bible were banned from public schools. The handwriting was on the wall when abortion was legalized in 1973. The handwriting was on the wall when The Beatles became famous in America and their fans didn't care that John Lennon, in his book, A Spaniard in the Works (1965), portrayed Jesus Christ as, "Jesus El Pifico, a garlic-eating, stinking little yellow, greasy fascist bastard catholic Spaniard." (A Spaniard in the Works, p.14). It makes me mad that anyone would blaspheme my Savior! The Pharisees also called Jesus a bastard in John John 8:41, because they didn't believe in the miraculous Virgin Birth (Isaiah 7:14; Matthew 1:23).

Sins of the Government

Over the past few years alone, TRILLIONS-of-dollars have mysteriously disappeared from the Defense Department. Why hasn't the public joined Congresswoman Cynthia McKinney to demand to know where that taxpayer money went? Our government has been taken over by a gang of criminal thugs including the thieving international bankers. They've looted $23.7 TRILLION in just the past 2-years!

One of the smoking guns of the 911 attacks is World Trade Center building # 7, which imploded hours after buildings # 1 and # 2. The disturbing TRUTH is that no plane ever hit WTC 7 like they did WTC's 1 and 2. How do 2 planes bring down 3 buildings? Why did WTC 7 (located one block north of buildings 1 and 2) collapse? In FACT, WTC 7 uniformly crumbled to the ground in only 6.5 seconds. The controlled newsmedia actually reported that building # 7 had imploded 20-minutes before it came down!

The government attributed WTC 7's collapse to several fires in the building. Photos clearly reveal hardly any fires. Furthermore, in the history of skyscrapers NOT ONE STRUCTURE has ever crumbled due to fires (not even partially). So do you really believe that 3 skyscrapers all perfectly crumbled to the ground on 09-11-01 because of fires? If you do, you're an idiot. For more information (and a video of the collapse), go to

Folks, America is racing down the road to hell so fast that you can't even see through the dust. We've gone over a moral waterfall in America, plunging into the abyss of darkness. We are living in a morally-toxic society. Never before in American history has it's citizens been so apathetic and complacent concerning government abuse and corruption. 

The wickedness has been blatant within the past few White House administrations. President George W. Bush signed presidential directive W199-eye prohibiting the FBI and Justice Department officials from investigating the suspect terrorists BEFORE 911. Then over 170 Bin Laden family members were flown out on private jets on the day of 911. 

Faithful leaders like Congressman Ron Paul and Congresswoman Cynthia McKinney are doing an excellent job exposing and fighting government corruption. Unfortunately, there aren't enough patriotic and honorable members of congress to join them. We need a lot more courageous fighters like Congressman James Traficant. It is OUR responsibility as American citizens to petition and protest government corruption and crimes. The federal government has grown too big for it's own britches. If you want to learn the dark truth about our tyrant government, then go to and

The Sins of America

The sins of the American people are woeful. SIN CITY Las Vegas is a shame and disgrace to our country. Americans and visitors from around the world flock to Las Vegas to commit wickedness. What sins you think STAYS in Las Vegas is RECORDED in God's Books in Heaven by which mankind will be judged.

The U.S. has become a smut-filled, perverted, sex-sicko society! Most of the world's pornography comes from the United States. A shocking 25% of the world's child-sex tourism comes directly from the United States. More sleaze and filth spew out of America than anywhere else on earth. The state of Nevada boasts of legalized prostitution. Vermont allows legal homosexual marriages. Gambling casinos have popped up all around the country. 

When I lived in Chicago years ago, I looked in Chicago's white pages one day and counted over 2,000 taverns and night clubs; but I found just 7 Bible stores. Whereas Chicago named a street after multimillionaire whoremonger Hugh Hefner; you won't find anything named after Chicago's mighty Evangelist Billy Sunday. 

The city of Chicago gave landmark status in 2001 to a homosexual who once lived there in the 1920's; but the city denied landmark status to the legendary Pacific Garden Mission where Billy Sunday was saved. In Frank Sinatra's famous song, Chicago, Sinatra mocks God and calls Chicago “the town that Billy Sunday couldn't shut down” Well, I have news for you, God WILL SHUT CHICAGO DOWN (and all wicked cities!) . . .

by Karen Hawkins

The Chicago City Council has unanimously approved landmark designation for the former home of gay-rights pioneer Henry Gerber, who founded the country's first gay civil-rights organization in 1924.

The two-story Queen Anne house, at 1710 N. Crilly Ct., is in the Old Town Triangle District, just off of North and Wells. The neighborhood already has landmark protection status, but the designation for Gerber's home "confers that there's significance beyond the landmark," said Brian Goekin, deputy commissioner for landmarks.

The council voted on the proposal at its meeting June 6. Any further action on the designation, such as the placement of a plaque, is probably more than a year away, Goekin said, and will be in next year's budget.


Pacific Garden Mission, where Billy Sunday found the Lord, wasn't as fortunate. The city tore it to the ground to build a heathen school. If there was a ever a building that deserved landmark status (meaning it can't be torn down), it was the century-old Pacific Garden Mission on south State street in Chicago.

Tragically, America has become one giant sewer! Have you ever stopped to really listen to the lyrics of all those songs you've heard your entire life? I'm not talking about rap or heavy metal rock, we KNOW that noise is from Hell. I'm just talking about those mellow songs... the love songs, the easy going songs that most people hear EVERY DAY in the workplace, stores and office buildings. 

Lyrics such as, “Do that to me one more time.” Songs like, “Me and Mrs. Jones... we've got a thing going on.” A Thing? The Word of God calls it adultery! 

How about the lyrics, “It's sad to belong to someone else when the right one comes alone.” Only God knows how many divorces that song has caused. Divorce is a horrible sin. Just in the state of California, the divorce rate is 75.54%!

Sins of America's Christians

America could be brought back to God by a handful of preachers on fire for God like Billy Sunday was in his time. The great need of our day is preaching preachers and Christian Christians!

America needs THE TRUTH. The average pastor is a coward, woefully and willingly ignorant of the truth of the New World Order that is turning the U.S. into a Police State. With the unbiblical cowardly attitude of most church leaders, we'll all be riding on trains going to Auschwitz before too long (i.e., we're going to lose our freedoms and many of us will be killed). Jesus foretold that Christians would be killed for their faith (John 16:2).

We need Christians who will take an uncompromising stand against sin and government corruption. We need for America's preachers to once again speak out loudly against booze (which kills and injures millions of Americans every year). Thank God for the mothers of MADD, but where are the fathers? 

We need God's men to stand up against the torturous abortion killings of millions-upon-millions of America's babies. It is a hideous American holocaust! We need Christians to rise up against the evil doers, and to stand up against the workers of iniquity (Psalm 94:16). 

Every believer in America who names the name of Jesus Christ should be crying out in anger over the abomination of homosexuality and gay marriage. The only gay marriage is between one man and one woman.

Many people have the erroneous idea that sharing the gospel is only for preachers; but Proverb 11:30 teaches for every believer to be wise and go soulwinning. Psalm 126:5-6 is for every believer. 2nd Corinthians 5:10-11 is for every believer. Matthew 28:19-20 is for every believer.

Amy Grant made the following pathetic statement...

“I’m a singer, not a preacher.  I’M NOT LOOKING TO CONVERT ANYBODY. I feel people come to hear my music, not to hear me talk” (Amy Grant, St. Petersburg Times, Florida, April 7, 1984, p. 4).

And Amy's fans feel the same way, i.e., let the preachers reach the lost masses headed for eternal destruction! Ironically, America's biggest churches are doing the least for God. It is individual believers who do great works for God and motivate others to do likewise.

Get Fired Up!

Get fired up!!! Jesus is coming again my friend and He won't be very happy when He arrives. Will Jesus find any faith upon the earth? Luke 18:8 says He won't.

Even today, it is extremely difficult to find a religious person who is truly saved. Most people have churchianity without Christianity. I talk to people all the time who have been brainwashed with New Age doctrines. They have been misled by the Devil to think that it doesn't matter what you believe as long as you're sincere. However, Jesus proclaimed in John 14:6 that no man could come to the Father except through the Son.

You're only a Biblical Christian if you've been BORN AGAIN by the Word of God (John 3:3; 1st Peter 1:18-23). I hope you'll immediately become a Christian if you're not. If you are a truly born-again Christian, then I hope you'll become aggressive about winning souls to Jesus Christ and taking a stand against the wickedness of our generation.

Ye Must Be Born Again!