Hyles-Anderson College
The Once World's Greatest Bible College!
(an awesome MP3 sermon titled, “I AM A VOICE!,” by Dr. Jack Hyles from Youth Conference)DO YOU KNOW A VOICE WHO...
- Loves his country?
- Desires to become a Soul Winner?
- Is seeking to establish a Christian home?
- Desires to grow as a Christian?
- Wants his life to count for God?
- Desires to be under sound, Biblical Preaching?
- Wants a godly education in a Protected Atmosphere?
- Wants to prepare for full-time Christian Service?
- Wants to be in the Ministry while preparing for the Ministry?
Hyles-Anderson College exists to train soul-winning preachers and teachers to go across America, lifting up their voices and compelling America to turn back to God, so that our great nation might be kept from destruction.
Hyles-Anderson College was established in 1972 so that pastors, assistant pastors, bus directors, missionaries, music leaders, teachers, and principals could be better equipped to do the work of the Lord. The desire of its founders, staff, and faculty is “That the man of God may be perfect, thoroughly furnished unto all good works.” (2nd Timothy 3:17).
Hyles-Anderson College is the largest independent, fundamental, Baptist, Bible college in the world. In the college's brief 35 year history, the Lord has brought forth thousands of preachers and missionaries through it's ministry, doing great works for God all over the world.
The following words are from Pastor Jack Hyles' life-changing sermon “Others” preached on September 29th, 1974 at the great First Baptist Church of Hammond, Indiana...
"I read biographies a great deal. Especially in the early, formative days of my ministry, so very often did I read biographies. I have read about the lives of most great men. One of my favorite characters in all of history is General William Booth. General Booth was the founder of the great Salvation Army, when it was more salvation than it was army. He led in spreading the Gospel over much of the world, as he organized street meetings and evangelistic services.
With the passing of the years, General Booth became an invalid. His eyesight failed him, and one year he was in such bad health that he was unable to attend the Salvation Army Convention in London, England. Somebody suggested that General Booth send a telegram or a message to be read at the opening of the convention. General Booth agreed to do so.
When the thousands of delegates met, the moderator announced that General Booth would not be able to be present because of failing health and eyesight. Gloom and pessimism swept across the floor of the convention. A little light dispelled some of the darkness when the moderator announced that General Booth had sent a message to be read with the opening of the first session. He opened the message and began to read the following:
Lord let me live from day to day,
In such a self-forgetful way,
That even when I kneel to pray,
My prayer shall be for others.
Others, Lord, yes, others;
Let this my motto be.
Help me to live for others
That I may live like Thee."
“Cast thy bread upon the waters: for thou shalt find it after many days.” —Ecclesiastes 11:1
HYLES-ANDERSON ALMA MATER Long these honored halls
of learning have been filled with joys and tears; Hear our prayer for
strength and beauty—both are treasures rich and rare; Girded with the Spirit's
armor, clothed with power from above, As we herald forth the
Gospel in this world of sin and woe, Words by Dr.
Robert J. Billings, |
“The Only Inspired Words Are In The King James Bible!”
Jack Hyles
(an awesome quote from Pastor
Jack Hyles'
1994 sermon titled, “THE
237 countries
6.3 billion people 2/3 have yet to hear. |
Foreign Missions
“Check the history of Christianity in America, and see how well we've done without all these extra Bibles. Check the history of the church in America from 1950 back, before every little preacher had the misfortune to sit at the feet of a college theologian. Do you know what? We won't have people who are just theologians teaching Bible at Hyles-Anderson College. Every teacher of Bible at Hyles-Anderson College is a preacher. We won't hire a theologian. No way! You say, 'Are you opposed to theologians?' No, I'm just leery and wary of them. I am wary of those who dare to sit in judgment on the Bible. Brother, it seems to me if there is any place in the world where you ought to have your faith in the Bible stabilized, it's a Christian college or Christian seminary. Wherever the truth is, that's where you get your faith shaken.”
SOURCE: Pastor Jack Hyles, Logic Must Prove the King James Bible
Thank God for Hyles-Anderson College!
“The purpose of
Hyles-Anderson College is to train men to go out and work in churches.”
SOURCE: Dr. Jack
Hyles, a quote from chapter 2,
IS A CHURCH?” from the awesome book titled,
For more information about Hyles-Anderson College, please visit:
also, please visit...
First Baptist Church of Hammond, Indiana | Quotes by Dr. Jack Hyles | Great Men of God
MP3 Sermons By Pastor Jack Hyles | More MP3 Sermons | Soulwinning.info
Jesusisprecious.org | Free Books and Sermons by Pastor Jack Hyles
I Earned My “Hyles-Anderson College” Diploma!
*BLESS THE LORD!!! I slept in my old beat-up vehicles that got me through college! I lived on the Northside of Chicago and literally drove each day and night, rising up at 5 am and driving over 50 miles to Crown Point, Indiana for Bible college, then 70 miles to work in the western suburbs of Illinois, and then back home after midnight. Some of my many vehicles were: 1972 GM Buick “led-sled”; 1973 GM with a '350' Rocket engine; 77 Dodge Van; 77 Plymouth station-wagon with a slant-6 engine; Toyota with 4 cylinders; Ford Pinto with stick-shift), to name but a few of them. Thank God for those vehicles! They wore out quick, being driven as much as I did. I was driving 700 miles each week!!!
My car broke down one night on the way home on the Dan Ryan Expressway (not the kind of place you want to be at night due to gangs and crime). I blew a cooling hose. I accidentally slipped on the antifreeze and slammed my chin on the asphalt. Blood was running down on my white shirt, covered in antifreeze. I have many such unpleasant memories, but in a sense, I thank God for them, because they make my graduation diploma mean all that much more. I paid a price far beyond money to earn my degree. I braved ice and winter snowstorms innumerable! I braved bitter freezing cold temperatures year after year, for 8 years! I was so tired at night that the instant my head hit the pillow, I was gone!
I used to gladly drive a bus voluntarily for the B' bus ministry at the First Baptist Church of Hammond. The college had a rule that only bus captains could preach on the buses. I was just an expendable bus driver. Oh how I wanted to share my heart! When I asked the college administrator in charge of our ministry division, if I could please be a bus captain, he wrongly judged me and berated me, saying, “You should want the qualifications, not the position.” That hurt! I had driven all the way from Chicago to meet with him at 5:55 am at the college in his office. My first class was at 9 am. He said he was in too much of a hurry to talk with me anymore! God knew my heart, I didn't care about a stupid position, I just wanted to share my heart. I didn't mind driving a bus, but I desperately needed to preach to my own bus family.
Kindly, the bus captains selfishly horded their positions and wouldn't allow a mere bus-driver to share his heart. That went on for a few years. I voluntarily drove that bus for over 4 years, and was never allowed to share my heart with the bus riders. But our God is amazing! Today, all of those bus captains are either out of the ministry or have hardly any influence for the Lord. But God has given to me an international VOICE. Jesus-is-Savior.com alone has received over 100,000,000 web visitors since 2002. By God's grace, literally thousands of people have been gloriously saved through my humble labors, by gladly believing the Gospel of Jesus crucified, buried and risen. God has given me the privilege to preach and share my heart, and now many of my college peers are driving buses somewhere!!! Everything God does is right!
Here's a picture of me from November 27, 2008 playing a 1936 Rickenbacher Hawaiian lap steel. I recently recorded Moon of Manakoora with this guitar and also Rainbows Over Paradise. To you, Aloha, from my heart. “He Came Looking For Me” (I'm playing pedal steel guitar on this song; here's more recordings if you'd like to hear them: heart-warming melodies. God bless!)
Over 1,200 Life-Changing MP3 Sermons by Pastor Jack Hyles
A Trip Down The Trails Of Time (lots of interesting photos of my youth, family & ministry)
I Find No Fault In This Man (Dr. Hyles, “We believe this King James Bible is the ONLY Bible!”)
(Clicking on the above radio button randomly plays one of
2,362 MP3
sermons and Bible studies by Pastor Jack Hyles - Prepare to receive
Here's a treasure trove of my favorite MP3 sermons by Brother Hyles...
JUSTICE (1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 — Dr. Hyles)
Don't Forget The Hindmost | The Gift Of Prophecy | Where Did David Get His Mighty Men?
Our Mixed Up Fundamental Christianity | The Plowman Shall Overtake The Reaper
Steps To Sanctification (or the root of all heresy) | What Is That In Thy Hand?
The Goodness Of God Leadeth To Repentance | If I Perish, I Perish!
Some On Broken Pieces | I Am Just A Voice | What God Wants Most
The Betrayal of Dr. Russell Anderson by First Baptist Church of Hammond
THE IMPORTANCE OF LITTLE THINGS (Dr. Jack Hyles; the most important job is the one that doesn't get done!)
“The only institution in this world that goes from house-to-house begging a bunch of poverty-stricken people that are going to be liabilities instead of assets to come is the New Testament Church. ... The Church wants outcasts. Jesus wants outcasts!” —Dr. Jack Hyles, from the sermon, “Where Did David Get His Mighty Men?”
Isaiah 56:8, “The Lord GOD which gathereth the outcasts of Israel saith, Yet
will I gather others to him, beside those that are gathered unto him.”
PLEASE NOTE: This is my own personal
webpage, in no way
officially sanctioned by Hyles-Anderson College or
First Baptist Church of Hammond. I am a
truly thankful graduate of Hyles-Anderson College (1985-1993).
Dr. Hyles' Five Great Life Principles
In his classic MP3 sermon, “Filled With All The Fulness Of God,” Dr. Hyles tells the story of how he was called to his second pastorate 10-miles outside of Marshall, Texas. None of the men in the church voted for him. He was called as their pastor by a vote of 28-to-27. Everyone who voted for him to be their pastor were the church youth and one lady adult.
Three bigshots in the church—the chairman of the deacon board, the Sunday School superintendent and the treasurer—called him close to midnight, demanding to meet with him immediately at the church. So a young 19-year-old Jack Hyles walked down a dark country road to meet with the three men at the church. As he sat listening in the front pew, those men told him that he wasn't old enough to pastor their church, and that they didn't want him as their pastor. They threatened Brother Hyles that if he did accept the pastorate, the treasurer would never write him a paycheck.
After leaving the meeting, Brother Hyles drove around in the wee hours of the morning in an east Texas pine thicket, praising God and feeling great peace and joy in the Lord. During that drive, the young Jack Hyles made five promises to God; namely:
Nobody will ever tell me what to preach or where to preach. Money will never be an object in my ministry. I will always be a friend to my friends. I will be loyal to principles, and not to Institutions. In the sermon Dr. Hyles states: “Students of Hyles-Anderson College, do not give your loyalty to Hyles-Anderson College. You give your loyalty to what we stand for today, and if tomorrow we don't stand for it, you withdraw your loyalty—loyalty to principle, loyalty to right, loyalty to character, loyalty to integrity, loyalty to conviction, loyalty to truth; not loyalty to institutions.” —Dr. Jack Hyles, from the sermon titled, “Filled With All The Fulness Of God.” I will make the decisions of my ministry on the basis of what I think is right only.
In 1945, Brother Hyles became the pastor at the Grange Hall Baptist Church in Marshall, Texas. They didn't pay him for the first 8-weeks, and when he did get paid, his salary was $20 a week. In his sermon titled “Good Ol' God,” Dr. Hyles says that during those 8-weeks that the church deacons refused to pay him, he bought a push-lawnmower and cut the grass of church members for $1 to $2 to keep food on the table. He faithfully pastored that church and walked with God. Oh, how we need to get back to old-time Christianity in our churches today.
INTERESTING FACTS: In 1945 the average annual salary was $2,900.[1] Minimum wage was 40 cents an hour. The average weekly salary receiving minimum wage was $16 a week in 1945. That's $832 a year. Dr. Hyles got paid 25% more than minimum wage, which today in 2014 in Texas would be $9.06 an hour (minimum wage in 2014 in Texas was $7.25). END
The Hyles-Anderson College I Attended Doesn't Exist Anymore!
David J. Stewart | December 2016
I originally made this webpage in May of 2007 to promote my home Bible college. Little did I know that the next year in 2008, Pastor Jack Schaap would go against Brother Hyles and drastically change the church's (and consequently the college's) position on the inspiration and accuracy of the beloved King James Bible. Dr. Hyles warned about anyone who questions the inspiration and accuracy of the King James Bible...
“And brother, any time anybody ever casts any reflection upon the accuracy and the inspiration—verbal inspiration—of this Bible, I'll guarantee you he was inspired by the demons. I'll guarantee you! I don't care if he's got a 'reverend' in front of his name. I don't care if he has a clerical collar on. I don't care what school he's been to. He's of the Devil if he says that the Bible is not verbally inspired by God!” —Dr. Jack Hyles, a great quote from the awesome MP3 sermon titled, “Satan's Masterpiece”
Respectfully, from the quote you just read, according to Brother Hyles, and I agree with him, Dr. Schaap was inspired by demons! Please read my article, “Was Brother Hyles “Disrespectful” to People for Exposing Satan's Corrupted Bible Versions?” The holy Bible is under attack like never before! Most of the churches are being deceived. Thank God for faithful men of God like Pastor Jack Hyles and Dr. Russell Anderson, who stand firm upon the inspiration and perfection of the beloved King James Bible!!! I have struggled with mixed emotions since 2008 when First Baptist Church of Hammond (FBCH) changed their position on the King James Bible, but I never strayed from what I learned at HAC when brother Hyles was still with us. I know many members of FBCH and HAC have also struggled through all this. Dr. Hyles is correct—a fundamentalist is not someone who simply believes the fundamentals of the Bible; but rather, it is someone who has separated from those who no longer believe the fundamentals...
“It is rather popular to define the term 'fundamentalist' as one who believes the fundamentals; for example, one who believes the verbal inspiration of the Bible, the deity of Christ, the virgin birth, the vicarious death, the bodily resurrection and the second coming. Now, to be sure, such a one believes the fundamentals, but the term 'fundamentalist' probably should not be ascribed to him if he is still a member of an apostate denomination. The term 'fundamentalist' is given not to those who simply believe the aforementioned fundamentals but to those who have separated themselves from those who do not. This brings the doctrine of separation into focus as a vital and necessary part of being a fundamentalist.” [emphasis added]
SOURCE: “What is a Fundamentalist?”; Chapter 15, from the great book, “Jack Hyles Speaks On Biblical Separation”
Praise God for the minority of courageous fundamentalist Christians who have “come out from among them, and be ye separate, saith the Lord” (2nd Corinthians 6:17b). My heart is with FBCH and HAC, and always will be, but as long as they are presently denying the inspiration and accuracy of the King James Bible, I cannot stand behind them. I breaks my heart that my home college no longer stands behind me as one of their graduates, because I am preaching the same exact truth that Brother Hyles taught and preached!!! God help us! I go into full detail in my needful article, Was Brother Hyles “Disrespectful” to People for Exposing Satan's Corrupted Bible Versions?
“Everything born is born dying... Death is inevitable... The length of your life depends on how much you fight the inevitable death... The day will come when Hyles-Anderson College will be liberal. The day will come when this Bible is not believed in Hyles-Anderson College, if the Lord tarries... The day will come when this church will turn.” —Pastor Jack Hyles, from the timeless sermon, “The Church First”
Kindly, the bottom line is that FBCH (who control HAC) must decide who is right, Dr. Hyles or Dr. Schaap. Both men cannot be correct! Dr. Hyles said that the King James Bible is both inspired and accurate. Dr. Schaap said that the King James Bible is neither inspired nor accurate. FBCH today says the originals were inspired, and the King James Bible is preserved. They won't say it's inspired!!! I gladly stand with Dr. Russell Anderson, Brother Hyles, Bob Gray Sr. and Dr. Ray Young, in their stand for the inspiration of the King James Bible!!!
(By Dr. Jack Hyles - A solid
defense of the King James Bible)
“There is a planned, plotted, plot, right now... This isn't over Jack Hyles—This is over fundamentalism! These are evangelicals fighting fundamentalists! That's what it's all about. And their effort is to destroy Hyles-Anderson College! Over my dead body...” —Dr. Jack Hyles, a quote from the May 14, 1989 sermon, “Weathering The Storm!”
FUNDAMENTALIST HERESY (an awesome MP3 sermon by Dr. Hyles about many false Gospels)
We're all living on borrowed time from God...
“And Jesus answered and said, Verily I say unto you, There is no man that hath left house, or brethren, or sisters, or father, or mother, or wife, or children, or lands, for my sake, and the gospel's, But he shall receive an hundredfold now in this time, houses, and brethren, and sisters, and mothers, and children, and lands, with persecutions; and in the world to come eternal life.” —Mark 10:29,30
Brother Lester Roloff; Isaiah 55:2, the world is never satisfied!)
(using all we own to
lay up treasures in Heaven)
“The Only Inspired Words
of God Are In The King James Bible!”
Jack Hyles, a quote
from the
1994 classic sermon titled, “THE