Satan Wants to Steal Your Innocence!
John 10:10, “The thief cometh not, but for to steal, and to kill, and to destroy: I am come that they might have life, and that they might have it more abundantly.”
By David J. Stewart
I received the following junk advertisement in the mail in April of 2004. I was sickened by what I saw and thought I'd comment about it. How wicked! It's bad enough that there's creeps and perverts in this world who prey on innocent people... but now companies like this make a joke out of it. Increasingly, companies are willing to do anything to make more money. This advertisement is from a new health club opening up in Chicago. It is disturbing to any morally concerned person... it's sick! I saw a McDonalds about the same time with a sign in the window, which read “Get your Big Mac RIGHT HERE!” It is tragic that America's trash pop culture has corrupted our once good morals.
Hundreds of virgin machines await you? This advertisement is typical of the message propagated by today's hellish music and movie industry. Read the lyrics below from Madonna's “Like a Virgin.”
Like A Virgin / Hollywood Medley (featuring Christina Aguilera, Britney Spears & Missy Elliott) (Live) Lyrics
Britney Spears:
I made it through the wilderness. Somehow I
Made it through. Didn't know how lost I was
Until I found you. I was beat incomplete.
I've been had. I was sad and blue, but you
Made me feel, yeah, you made me feel shiny
And new. Oh, oh.
Christina Aguilera:
Like a virgin, ooooh, touched for the very
First time, oh. Like a virgin when your
Heart beats next to mine, oh oh oooh yeah.
Christina Aguilera and Britney Spears:
Oooooh. Oooooh. Oooooh.
Everybody comes to Hollywood. They wanna
Make it in the neighborhood. They like the
Smell of it in Hollywood. How could it hurt
You when it looks so good?
Everybody comes to Hollywood. They wanna
Make it in the neighborhood. They like the
Smell of it in Hollywood. How could it hurt
You when it looks so good?
Madonna, Christina Aguilera, and Britney Spears:
Shine your light now. This time it's got to
Be good. You'll get it right now, yeah, 'cause
You're in Hollywood. You're in Hollywood.
Everybody comes to Hollywood. They wanna
Make it in the neighborhood. They like the
Smell of it in Hollywood. How could it hurt
You when it looks so good?
Missy Elliott:
Yo! Yo! Yo! Who that be? Missy Elliott, M.I.C.
I works it and I works it. Can I flip my thing
And reverse it? Come on! Go! Go 'head. Go! Go
'Head! I works it and I works it. Can I flip
My thing and reverse it? Come on! Go! Go 'head!
Go! Go 'head. Party people, we'll show you how
To work that. Where you at, Madonna?
Trip the station! Change the channel!
Hollywood. Hollywood. How could it hurt you
When it looks so good? Hollywood. Hollywood.
How could it hurt you when it looks so good?
Madonna, Christina Aguilera, Britney Spears, and Missy Elliott:
Hollywood. Hollywood. How could it hurt you
When it looks so good? Hollywood. Hollywood.
How could it hurt you when it looks so good?
Music stations always play the same song.
We're bored with the concepts of right and
Trip the station. Change the channel.
Did you read that? "...Hollywood. How could it hurt you when it looks so good?" Where have we heard that before? Do you remember when the serpent came to Eve in the garden of Eden and deceived her with misinformation. The serpent lied to Eve, telling her that God was hiding the truth from her. Eve reasoned that the forbidden fruit looked so good, how could it be wrong? It was wrong, just like Hollywood is wrong. Eve believed the lies of Satan and look at the Pandora's box that she opened. Adam followed in sin by also eating of the fruit. Sin entered the world and death came upon all mankind because all people are sinners.
Adam and Eve lost their INNOCENCE. They didn't know what sin was until they disobeyed God. God wants us to be innocent as much as possible. It is sinful to make fun of decency. It is sinful to make the decisions of our life based upon "what feels good." Just because something looks good doesn't mean a thing. Listen to the solemn warning of Proverbs 14:12 and 16:25...
"There is a way which seemeth right unto a man, but the end thereof are the ways of death."
The road to hell is paved with good intentions and neon lights! Madonna, Christina Aguilera, Britney Spears, and Missy Elliott are all WRONG. Just because something looks good doesn't mean it ok. There's a reason why Pharmaceutical companies make medicine taste bad, so little children won't eat it like candy. Some deadly poisons taste good. Too bad we can't make Hollywood's and MTV's filth sound bad to prevent our young people from destroying their lives from listening to it. These naive teenagers are listening to a bunch of idiots praising sin and spitting in the face of God's Law and morality. Their music is of the devil, straight from hell.
"They like the Smell of it in Hollywood." Now that sounds really stupid. Where do these people come up with these retarded lyrics? In case you don't know friend, Hollywood smells with the stench of rot. Hollywood's ungodly stench is so bad that it wreaks to high heaven. God has to hold His nostrils because it smells so bad. And if you get anywhere near Hollywood, you will smell with the defilement of sin too.
I won't even try to explain the sexually explicit filth in this song. These lowlifes are monsters to our teens who are trying to live for God. Madonna and her predators are disgusting sex pigs that prey upon the innocent ears of young people. Our young people need much better examples to follow. Madonna has spawned two generations of perverts, whores and adulterers. Her sexually suggestive videos and music will follow her into hell (Psalm 9:17).
Notice the phrase, "We're bored with the concepts of right and wrong." Don't you see what's going on? The devil is winning the war for the souls of our young people. No wonder divorce rates are skyrocketing. No wonder the abortion industry is still marching mercilessly, slaughtering millions of little human beings. No wonder sexual sins of every type are on the rise, including godless homosexuality. God hates homosexuality, but he surely loves all sinners.
I recently saw this sickening movie advertisement while reading the Chicago Sun-Times. The devil is really working to destroy our young people. This is no harmless movie. It is another attempt by Satan to steal the innocence of our young people. This movie is of the devil. It surely is an attack against God and all that is holy.
This world is getting worse and worse, just like God said it would in 2nd Timothy 3:13. You wouldn't like someone making "hilarious satire" about your mother or father, so why should you let them treat God that way. I love God! I hate Hollywood! I love Jesus! I hate rock music! I love the Holy Sprit! I hate evil and wrong doing. I hate movies that mock God and make a big joke out of holy things. This country is going to hell. I mean were ready to fall into the abyss. We're already in a deep hole.
If you still have your innocence young person, KEEP IT! Don't let the wrong crowd know how far you will go, you let them know how far YOU WON'T GO! Stay innocent!!!
Your friend,
Brother Dave