Straight From Hell!

Wicca, Satanism, Occult, And Magic Are All Evil

The Bible clearly condemns and warns against the views and practices of witches and witchcraft. (Deu 18:10 NIV) Let NO ONE BE FOUND AMONG YOU who sacrifices his son or daughter in the fire, who practices divination or sorcery, interprets omens, ENGAGES IN WITCHCRAFT. Witches can believe what they want, but they should not delude themselves or others with the notion that their views are alright in the sight of our God Jesus Christ. Witches should not distort the teachings of the Bible or Christianity or tamper with the teachings of Christ to fit their false beliefs and practices. They should simply be informed and honest enough to admit that the two are as far apart as east is from west, and never the two shall meet. If they do not concur with the biblical teaching, then they ought to simply say so and be done with it but not try to turn Christianity's teachings into the mirror image of theirs. (1 Sam 15:23 KJV) For REBELLION IS AS THE SIN OF WITCHCRAFT, and stubbornness is as iniquity and idolatry. Because thou hast rejected the word of the LORD, he hath also rejected thee from being king.

Many witches will not acquiesce to the preponderance of the biblical evidence marshaled against witchcraft. Arnold and Patricia Crowther are indicative of this mentality when they write regarding witchcraft that some "modern writers" who "still believe in the evil of witchcraft...are usually strict Christian writers who want to maintain the evil image of witches. Their books are usually full of quotations from the old witch trials and in their bibliographies they never list any books by pro-witch writers or by witches themselves, though they must have read these books (1)". It seems hardly necessary to mention that this is not the case with this work.

Similarly, many witches appear constitutionally unwilling or unable, perhaps because of bigotry or narrow-mindedness, to admit that many individuals adequately understand their beliefs and practices yet reject them. This rejection is not out of ignorance, bigotry, narrow-mindedness, or any other epithets that witches cast their way. It is because of a sober understanding of the biblical teaching on witchcraft, and the failings, falsehoods, and implications of the witchcraft worldview.

There are numerous other concerns and areas of radical disagreement between witchcraft and Christianity. Witchcraft and the Bible stand in stark contrast with each other. We have concentrated more on the cultic aspect of witchcraft, but as should be evident, Christianity and witchcraft are worldviews apart.

I want to respond to the ones in Wicca that have taken the time to write me. There are many sects of the Christian faith. It is not uncommon to find Satan numbered among them. Satan, in Judas, was numbered with the twelve original Apostles. Many deaths and killings have taken place in the pretense of Christianity. Make no mistake about it, Satan has infiltrated a lot of churches. We know that the Catholic Church and many Protestants have killed many. Let me say up front that killing other people is not of Christ Jesus. All that do not follow Christ Jesus and his true teachings are of the devil. (Mat 6:24 KJV) No man can serve two masters: for either he will hate the one, and love the other; or else he will hold to the one, and despise the other. Ye cannot serve God and mammon.

I know that many in Wicca do state that they do not believe in Satan, and therefore cannot be Satanic. There are only two forces at work in this world, good and evil. Good is obedience to the words of Jesus Christ, the King of kings. Evil is disobedience to his word. Simply stated, if you do not serve Jesus Christ, you serve Satan. There is no in-between and it makes no difference what one claims.

At one time God's kingdom was of this world. It was located in the middle east known as the nation of Israel. This earthly kingdom was abolished by the spiritual kingdom of Israel, the church. In God's kingdom of this earthly world, it was commanded: (Exo 22:18 KJV) Thou shalt NOT SUFFER A WITCH TO LIVE.

If the nation of Israel would have obeyed and killed all that God told them to, there would be no evil in the world today. Heaven would have been of this world and there would have been no need for the spiritual kingdom of the church. However it was not to be and God knew men would fail. Therefore God formed a new spiritual kingdom that would separate themselves from ungodly beliefs. We know we are to preach the truth. It will be Jesus Christ that will cast all unbelievers into hell. All that do not serve Jesus Christ are spiritual whores that are of Satan. This is what the true word of God says. (Rev 20:15 KJV) And whosoever was not found written in the book of life was cast into the lake of fire. We are not to desire any physical harm be done to anyone. We are to pray for our enemies that Jesus will have mercy, and bring all that want to know the truth into his glorious way. (Phil 2:10 KJV) That at the name of Jesus every knee should bow, of things in heaven, and things in earth, and things under the earth.


“Satan hath desired to have you, that he may sift you as wheat.” —Luke 22:31

Letters received from people in Wicca and my answers:

Druidking: Why use this trash then if You did not write it. "Thou shalt not judge"

ANSWER: (1st Corinthians 2:15 KJV) But he that is spiritual judgeth all things, yet he himself is judged of no man.

Druidking: Unless YOU LEARN the fundamentals of what You are talking about, please refrain from "basshing" it. I learned that God takes a spectators seat in life. He allows Us to choose the manner in which We worship Him. Who is to say Yours is the right way, or Mine? Only Him.

ANSWER: (John 14:6 KJV) Jesus saith unto him, I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by me.

Druidking: I have extended the courtesy of linking To Your site on My "Page of Stupidity and Ignorance".

ANSWER: (2 Cor 10:12 KJV) For we dare not make ourselves of the number, or compare ourselves with some that commend themselves: but they measuring themselves by themselves, and comparing themselves among themselves, are not wise.

Druidking: So far Your site is the only listing. If We are going to judge each other, and quote "experts" then I can go on for days giving "absolute proof" that Christianity is a farce. For One, the book was written across the ages, not by one MAN, but by many.

ANSWER: (2 Pet 1:21 KJV) For the prophecy came not in old time by the will of man: but holy men of God spake as they were moved by the Holy Ghost.

Druidking: How about "Witch Hunts" and " The Inquisition" and "Capital Punishment" that Christians have come up with? Does the commandment " THOU SHALT NOT KILL" mean anything? I'm tired of Christians knocking Druids( and other pagans) for Their beliefs and practises when the Christians do the same things.

ANSWER: (Mat 7:22 KJV) Many will say to me in that day, Lord, Lord, have we not prophesied in thy name? and in thy name have cast out devils? and in thy name done many wonderful works? (Mat 7:23 KJV) And then will I PROFESS UNTO THEM, I never knew you: DEPART from me, ye that WORK INIQUITY.

Druidking: I decided to pay honor to God through what He has made, not what man has made Him. The true beauty of God is in this wonderful world, not a book. I have also taken the liberty to begin a documentary of the " Duality of Christianity" which will be posted on the Net. This page will be a page like the one You had with the non-functioning e-mail link that You hid behind.

ANSWER: (Phil 3:19 KJV) Whose end is destruction, whose God is their belly, and whose glory is in their shame, who mind EARTHLY things.

Druidking: Only I can stand up with faith in MY belief and I will NOT HIDE like a scolded dog!

ANSWER: E-MAIL ADDRESS - boanerges54@hotmail.com

(2 Tim 3:8 KJV) Now as Jannes and Jambres withstood Moses, so do these also resist the truth: men of corrupt minds, reprobate concerning the faith.

Anyone wanting to contact Druid King Michael L. Winland e-mail: "thedruid@1st.net"


Merry Meet,

I had privilege to visit your site this evening..having seen a stir on the Witches of ICQ mailing list in dispute to the topics you have written on. Myself ..I can say I do not agree with most of your writings...but there again they are your opinion. You seem to be a very close-minded individual. I have been raised in Family Tradition, and have studied Wicca and Christianity to a great extent..and find many flaws in your information you have offered. You seem to portray a picture that if a person does not follow your God ..they are Satanists. Most I have talked to are upset because you seem to have attacked Wicca...I find disgruntlement in the fact that you attack the Freemasons. This is an organization along with the Shrine (respectively) that offer many services and good things back to the community and it is a shame you should discredit them in the sense that you are.

My Opinion Brightest of blessings in your world,

ICQ# 854532
E-mail address tashuu@dnsonline.net

ANSWER: Tashuu I hope that you viewed the history channel. They just did a historical view and furnished information on the evils of Freemasons.



I have come across a page of yours that has outraged me. I am in full knowledge of the fact that you have received other emails regarding this pages' contents. I am not sure where you have accumulated your 'knowledge' from, but you are highly off!

Answer: Richard Cavendish Man, Myth, and Magic

In my life I have been surrounded by all types of religons and all types of people, and from my experience, every grouping I have come in contact with, has had it's share of "bad representations" of the said religion. So I am curious as to what denomination you are, because I am sure that I too, could generalize about the kind of people you are, by the other folks I know with the same beliefs.

ANSWER: I am of no denomination, I am a true Christian. Christian means someone that is Christ like, not one that believes in Christ. If it was true that someone who believed in Christ was a Christian. Satan also would be a Christian and saved. (James 2:19 KJV) Thou believest that there is one God; thou doest well: the DEVILS ALSO BELIEVE, AND TREMBLE. I am a true believer, because I am a doer in Christ Jesus.

This sir, with all due respect is what you have done to the name of Wicca. I along with many other ways of faith, have studied Wicca, and in no book that I own, or have come across, is there any mention of any of the atrocities you spoke of in the article. Granted, there are some horrible people, that call themselves Wiccan, and do these horrible things. But the majority don't. Because we as a group do not believe in nor condone any human sacrafice, or anything of the sort. We have a beautiful basis for our beliefs and the causes some/all of us stand for, go far beyond the negative and nasty work you have done by printing the falsehoods on that page on your site. You are condoning; and in a way leading the hate-mongers of the world, to continue it's path in prejudism and hatered for the diffrent and misunderstood. I also found that some of the refrences you made to scriptures, we somewhat wrong and others blatently misinterpreted.

ANSWER: Witches are of Satan and not of Christ Jesus. (Deu 18:10 KJV) There shall not be found among you any one that maketh his son or his daughter to pass through the fire, or that useth divination, or an observer of times, or an enchanter, or a witch.

(I do own a bible and I looked them up.) ((And one strange thing I am curious about more than any other, is what is the deal with the comment about redheads!! I mean really!!!!))

ANSWER: Learn to understand it and follow Jesus. Please note I don't feel you are necessarily worth the negative energy I am putting forth by writing you, by let it be known, as soon as I conclude this message, I am going to resume the duties I was put on this earth to do in this lifetime.

ANSWER: All souls are important and you are worth the energy. I hope you will find salvation through Jesus Christ.

And if you are interested, this would include, loving and caring for my family, teaching my children respect for others regardless of our diffrences, teaching them to love and teaching them thier ABC's. kissing my husband on the cheek, just because, and then maybe calling my mom to tell her goodnight, before she goes to bed. Not so much like YOU printed up as we Wiccans run our lives, hmmmm

ANSWER: Satan always makes something sound pleasant, but always kills the soul. (Gen 3:4 KJV) And the serpent said unto the woman, Ye shall not surely die:

Well I think I have said more than I intended to and I hope you can find the time to respond. I do respect your opinion. In a way.

E. Jones

I will call no individual names and belittle them. The word of God has said what needs to be said. It also calls them what they are. I attack all false doctrine that goes against Christ Jesus. The word of God will set you free. May the Lord Jesus lead all of you in Wicca into his precious faith. I wish you no harm and pray that you be saved and accept Jesus Christ as your personnel savior. I truly pray you will find Jesus not just another religion as most Christian sects claim.



What is Wicca?

Wicca is the name for a contemporary pagan revival of witchcraft. Wicca is the name, and witchcraft is the game--and the Devil is laughing his head off. Wicca witchcraft calls itself "white witchcraft." The term "white" supposedly denotes that Wiccans only do "good" witchcraft. According to the Bible, there is no such thing as a good witch, “There shall not be found among you any one that maketh his son or his daughter to pass through the fire, or that useth divination, or an observer of times, or an enchanter, OR A WITCH” (Deuteronomy 18:10). Hence, based on the Bible, ALL witches are wicked--including Wiccans. So if a bunch of confused Wiccans tell you that white witches are good, who are you going to believe? Them or the Bible?  New Age people are always talking about light and spiritual guides. These deceived people are talking about the Devil and his devils! They are not talking with "Ascended Masters" they are talking with the Devil and his minions. People at the lower levels of these groups may not realize the role of Satan, but the higher ups most certainly do.

Interestingly, Wiccans deny the existence of Satan—so they’ll ask, “how can I worship Satan if I don't believe he exists?" If you are NOT serving the Lord Jesus Christ, you are serving the devil whether you realize it or not. Satan's hoof-prints are all over Wicca!!! Although Wicca is new, the forces behind Wicca aren't new. Wicca is the same old wicked devil worship and rejection of God.  It's simply been warmed over and served to a spiritually devastated world.  People would rather believe lies and do what they want to than believe the Lord and surrender to Him. Consequently they will have no peace. 

For those who would progress further in Wicca they get into a relationship with the Lord of the Underworld, the Dark Lord of Death. As the Wiccan progresses, he is told to essentially embrace the dark side of his nature (the Bible calls it sin).

Wicca claims to be "a back to nature" type religion that worships the sky and earth—It is goddess worship.

Wiccans are openly acceptant of sexual sins which are Biblically prohibited.  Witchcraft is infamous for sexual rituals and ceremonial nudity.  Anton LaVey, founder of the CHURCH OF SATAN, wrote a book called, The Satanic Witch, in which teaches women how to take advantage of men.  The book is pure evil and promotes the sins of feminism and sexual immorality.  From researching their own writings and websites, witches are well-known for lesbianism, orgies and sexual licentiousness. No wonder they have such an attraction for the Pagan god, Pan (the world's foremost sexual pervert).

 "Witchcraft" is defined as "the means by which guidance or knowledge is extracted from a pagan god." Wicca is therefore witchcraft. You'll find that there are many similarities in the New Age occults. Wicca is New Age. Kundalini yoga is also New Age (worshipping the mother-power, goddess). Astrology is New Age (worshipping the cosmic god's of the planets). It appears that many of the New Age occults worship a feminine god (a false god). Wicca is of the Devil.


"... the sin of witchcraft..." —1st Samuel 15:23

You are loved by God. Don't play with witchcraft!

How To Go To Heaven

Occult Government



More False Religions

The Ouija Board  |  History of Wicca

Witchcraft Charms Teenagers

Principle of Wiccan Belief  |  Wicca Hellbound

So Ya Wanna Be a Witch?  |  Bewitched

Wicca Witchcraft Exposed  |  Wicca Equals Satan

Wiccan Deities  |  Wicca Beliefs and Practices

Wicca's Untrue History  |  Wiccans Love Pan

Wiccans Worship Hundreds of Pagan gods!

Ye Must Be Born Again


"Ye that love the LORD, hate evil..." —Psalm 97:10