Catholic Heresy

by David J. Stewart

The following paragraph is quoted from

"Protestant groups display a wide variety of different doctrines. However, virtually all claim to believe in the teachings of sola scriptura ("by Scripture alone"—the idea that we must use only the Bible when forming our theology) and sola fide ("by faith alone"— the idea that we are justified by faith only).

The great diversity of Protestant doctrines stems from the doctrine of private judgment, which denies the infallible authority of the Church and claims that each individual is to interpret Scripture for himself. This idea is rejected in 2 Peter 1:20, where we are told the first rule of Bible interpretation: "First of all you must understand this, that no prophecy of Scripture is a matter of one’s own interpretation." A significant feature of this heresy is the attempt to pit the Church "against" the Bible, denying that the magisterium has any infallible authority to teach and interpret Scripture.

The doctrine of private judgment has resulted in an enormous number of different denominations. According to The Christian Sourcebook, there are approximately 20-30,000 denominations, with 270 new ones being formed each year. Virtually all of these are Protestant."

You have just read a bunch of Catholic heresy.  Ironically, the same Roman Catholics who warn about heresy are the biggest perpetrators of heresy on the planet.  The discerning Christian who can "rightly divide" the Word of Truth knows that the Roman Catholic religion is of the devil...

"Study to shew thyself approved unto God, a workman that needeth not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth." -2nd Timothy 2:15

Very few people can "rightly divide" the Word of Truth, simply because most people are NOT saved (they have never been Scripturally born-again).  You CANNOT understand the Word of God (the Bible) until you get saved (1st Corinthians 2:14-16).  Sadly, many people do NOT want to hear the truth...

"For the time will come when they will not endure sound doctrine; but after their own lusts shall they heap to themselves teachers, having itching ears;" -2nd Timothy 4:3

Let's take a closer look at the Catholic allegations made against protestants in the above article.  The article says...

The great diversity of Protestant doctrines stems from the doctrine of private judgment, which denies the infallible authority of the Church and claims that each individual is to interpret Scripture for himself.

No where in the entire Bible did Jesus or anyone ever teach that the church was "infallible."  To claim that the church is infallible is blasphemy.  The "church" is composed of people (sinful human beings), prone to error and corruption.  Only the Word of God is infallible (without error)...

"Being born again, not of corruptible seed, but of incorruptible, by the word of God, which liveth and abideth for ever." -1st Peter 1"23

Only the Word of God is INCORRUPTIBLE!  The church is corruptible because mankind controls the church, but the Word of God cannot be changed.  Evil men and women have tampered with the modern bibles, but God has preserved His Word in the 1611 King James Bible.  Jesus never linked or made any correlation between doctrine and the church.  In Matthew 18:18 Jesus said, "Verily I say unto you, Whatsoever ye shall bind on earth shall be bound in heaven: and whatsoever ye shall loose on earth shall be loosed in heaven."  The Biblical context of this passage is clearly speaking about brotherly restitution and forgiveness, not church doctrine.  Read it for yourself.  If an unrepentant man won't reconcile his wrongs against another church member by making restitution, then God said He would honor a decision by the church to excommunicate the man.  That's all God was saying.  God NEVER gave the church the power to create doctrines of their own as the Catholic religion has done.

The doctrine of "Private Judgment" which Catholics speak of is not found in the Bible.  The above Catholic article goes on to say...

This idea is rejected in 2 Peter 1:20, where we are told the first rule of Bible interpretation: "First of all you must understand this, that no prophecy of Scripture is a matter of one’s own interpretation." A significant feature of this heresy is the attempt to pit the Church "against" the Bible, denying that the magisterium has any infallible authority to teach and interpret Scripture.

Here is 2nd Peter 1:20...

"Knowing this first, that no prophecy of the scripture is of any private interpretation." -2nd Peter 1:20

The above Catholic article conveniently leaves off the next verse...

"For the prophecy came not in old time by the will of man: but holy men of God spake as they were moved by the Holy Ghost." -2nd Peter 1:21

The Bible was not given to mankind because some men decided it would be a good idea and then wrote it.  No, GOD WROTE THE BIBLE!  How?  Look at 2nd Peter 1:21..." they were moved by the Holy Ghost."  God's Holy Spirit inspired those holy men to pen the Written Word.  Man was only the tool, but God is the Divine Author of the Bible.  The Catholic religion on the other hand teaches umpteen doctrines that DID come by the WILL OF MAN, not from God.  The Church of Rome is a cesspool of heresy, manmade traditions and pagan religion.

When God says that the Bible is NOT of any "private interpretation," He simply means that men didn't write the Bible, God did.  There are no portions of the Bible which came by the will of man.  If they did, then the Bible wouldn't be trustworthy or reliable.  2nd Peter 1:19 confirms this by saying..."We have also a more sure word of prophecy..." 

The writer of the above Catholic article is actually trying to lead us to believe that it is wrong for us to interpret the Bible apart from the Catholic church's hierarchy.  According to the article's author, you are guilty of "private judgment" (private interpretation) if you read the Bible for yourself without recognizing the Catholic church's teachings as ALSO being INFALLIBLE.  The Bible never teaches us to recognize the church concerning doctrine.  On the contrary, we are directly straight to the Word of God...

"And that from a child thou hast known the holy scriptures, which are able to make thee wise unto salvation through faith which is in Christ Jesus.  All scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness: That the man of God may be perfect, throughly furnished unto all good works." -2nd Timothy 3:15-17

No mention is made of the church.  It is the responsibility of the New Testament church to preach and teach the Word of God, NOT to make up their own doctrines (Matthew 28:19,20).  There is NO mention in the book of Acts about the church inventing new doctrines.  The Roman Catholic "church" has been inventing doctrines for many centuries.  It wasn't until 1950 that Pope Pius XII finally officially recognized the Assumption of Mary in the Catholic religion (a doctrine not even remotely found in the Bible).  Would the Catholic church actually have us to believe that it is acceptable for them to continue to fabricate new doctrines?  Who do they think they are?  You can't just make up the rules as you go!  God wrote His Word to mankind for a reason, to give us a lamp unto our feet.  We don't need a pastor or a church to teach us the Word of God, we can learn directly on our own through the guidance of God's Holy Spirit (John 16:13).

The teaching that a person cannot understand the Bible on their own is a dirty devilish lie.  You most certainly CAN understand the Word of God on your own!  2nd Peter 1:20-21 is not talking about us interpreting the Bible for ourselves (we must interpret the Bible for our self because we are responsible for our self).  2nd Peter 1:20-21 is instead assuring us of the FACT that the Bible came not by the will of men, but by the will of God.  We have a trustworthy Bible in the 1611 King James.  It is true to the Textus Receptus (the Hebrew and Greek manuscripts from which the King James was translated).  Don't trust the imposters in the Vatican, they will lead you to hell.  The Catholic church is all about show-n-tell...extravagant buildings, expensive decorations, exquisite priestly garb, mystical Latin chants, etc...but God is no where to be found...only Mary worship.

Notice again what the article says...

A significant feature of this heresy is the attempt to pit the Church "against" the Bible, denying that the magisterium has any infallible authority to teach and interpret Scripture.

Excuse me?  Where does the Bible ever say that the "magisterium" has any authority?  The Vatican has no authority from God.  When Jesus said that the gates of hell would not prevail against the church, he was simply promising divine perpetuity to the church who continues to obey God's Word.  The Catholic church is not promised anything because they are NOT a legitimate church.  They DON'T obey the Bible.  They don't even preach the simple Gospel of Christ, but rather a distorted heresy requiring baptism, faithfulness to the Rosary, the Sacraments, etc.  Catholicism is a religion of bondage, requiring much of it's blinded followers.  Jesus never said that the church could claim infallibility on their own manmade doctrines!  It's crazy! You can't just make up your own doctrines and claim them as infallible. 

The "heresy" which the Catholic article speaks of is non-existent.  According to the above Catholic author, it is heresy to teach that only the Bible is infallible, but not the Catholic church.  This is not heresy friend, it is the truth!  The Catholic religion is so screwed-up that they can't even get their heresies correct.  They're wrong on their doctrines and their heresies!  It is sound Biblical teaching that the Word of God is our FINAL AUTHORITY, not any church!  A church is an organization of people, all sinners.  It's often been said that the church is a hospital for sinners, not a museum for spiritual relics.  I like that statement.  We are all sinners (Romans 3:10,23).  God would never leave the power to create doctrine up to sinful men.  Mankind is corrupt, and everything we do on our own ends in futility and failure.  Without a doubt, the Roman Catholic religion is AGAINST the Bible, and the Bible is AGAINST Catholicism.  There is no happy harmony between the Word of God and the many damnable heresies so prevalent throughout the Catholic religion.

The last part of the above Catholic article says...

The doctrine of private judgment has resulted in an enormous number of different denominations. According to The Christian Sourcebook, there are approximately 20-30,000 denominations, with 270 new ones being formed each year. Virtually all of these are Protestant.

Praise God for all those believers who have not bowed their knee to Baal.  The Roman Catholic religion is straight out of the pits of hell.  May we be wise as serpents, and harmless as doves.  Let us stand firm against the Great Whore of Catholicism and warn everyone we know to avoid her.