The Charismatic Movement

"But there were false prophets also among the people, even as there shall be false teachers among you, who privily shall bring in damnable heresies, even denying the Lord that bought them, and bring upon themselves swift destruction." --2nd Peter 2:1

Face To Face With Tongues (By Dr. Max D. Younce.  Without a doubt, this is the best Biblical examination of tongues I have ever read.  Every Christian needs to read this!)

Speaking in Tongues (Biblical tongues versus Silly Jibber-Jabber)

Hearing in Tongues (Peter never spoke in tongues!)

Pentecostal MADNESS

CHARISMATIC CHAOS! ("...will they not say that ye are mad?" -1st Corinthians 14:23)

Pentecostalism is of the Devil

Ten Problems with the Present-Day Tongues Movement

Fifty Things that You Should Know About Tongues and Healing

Apostolic Signs and Wonders - Are They For Today?

The Modern Tongues Movement -An enemy of soulwinning

Speaking in Tongues (by Dr. John R. Rice)

The Tongues Confusion (by Dr. Curtis Hutson)

Satan's Miracles (The Devil can do miracles to!)

How Great Soul Winners Were Filled With the Holy Spirit (by John R. Rice)

Foundation (A Magazine of Biblical Fundamentalism (July/August 1996) - special on Charismatic Movement

Sermons Exposing Speaking in Tongues (by Pastor James W. Knox)

The Pentecostal Error | A Pentecostal Speaks To Pentecostals

Pentecostal Leader Admits Homosexual Relationship (read this to see just how crazy Pentecostals can be)

Can You Lose Your Salvation? (by Robert J. Stewart)

Creflo Dollar -Heretic | The "Sign Gifts"

Pat Robertson and Rome

Speaking in Tongues (by John R. Rice)

The Age of Aquarius (The New Age Agenda)

Sacraments are Unbiblical (by David J. Stewart)

The Bible Believer's Handbook of Heresies (by James L. Melton)

Foundation (a magazine of Biblical Fundamentalism)

Drunk in the Spirit?

Charismatic Southern Baptists

Assemblies of God and Rome

Is Healing in the Atonement?

Divorce Is Rampant Among Christian Leaders

Pentecostal Leader Admits Homosexual Relationship (read this to see just how crazy Pentecostals can be)

The Age of Aquarius (The New Age Agenda)

Women Preachers are ALL False Prophets! (MP3 sermon by Pastor Max D. Younce) | Part 2

Charismatic Tom Brown EXPOSED!

Benny Hinn's HIDDEN HERESIES! | Benny Hinn - FALSE PROPHET! | Benny Hinn - FAKE HEALER!

Faith Healing


Speaking in Charismatic Tongues



Charismatic CHAOS!

Greedy Televangelists!

Wolves in Sheep's Clothing

"Beware of false prophets, which come to you in sheep's clothing, but inwardly they are ravening wolves." (Matthew 7:15)

"Beware of false prophets, which come to you in sheep's clothing, but inwardly they are ravening wolves." -Matthew 7:15