Judicial Hypocrites!
"A false balance is abomination to the LORD: but a just weight is his delight." —Proverb 11:1
Stillborn baby's mom charged with murder Associated Press | 2004-03-12SALT LAKE CITY -- A pregnant woman who allegedly ignored medical warnings to have a caesarean section to save her twins was charged yesterday with murder after one of the babies was stillborn. Prosecutors said Melissa Ann Rowland, 28, didn't want the scars that accompany the surgery. An autopsy found the baby died two days before its Jan. 13 delivery and that it would have survived if Rowland had had a C-section when her doctors urged her to, between Christmas and Jan. 9. The other baby is alive, but authorities had no more information. The doctors had warned without a C-section, the twins would probably die, authorities said. A nurse told police Rowland said a caesarean would "ruin her life" and she would rather "lose one of the babies than be cut like that." "We are unable to find any reason other than the cosmetic motivations by the mother" for her decision, said Kent Morgan, spokesperson for the district attorney. The charges carry five years to life in prison. She was jailed on $250,000 US bail. Copyright © The London Free Press 2001,2002,2003 |
What a hypocrisy of the American justice system! How dare our government allow millions of women to murder their children through cruel abortions, and yet charge any woman with murder for refusing a C-section. This country surely has gone insane. It's an outrage to decency and the name of justice. If a woman has a "right" to murder her child through a torturous abortion, then surely she should have the same right to refuse a caesarean section (even if it means her child will die). Why the double standard? It does not surprise me that such false balances of justice exist. Look at the Enron scandal. A group of corporate criminals flagrantly break the law, costing consumers and company employees hundreds of millions of dollars, yet no one goes to prison. Oh sure, a few hands get slapped to appease the public, but do any of the victims get there money back? No! Arthur Anderson should not have been allowed to merge with another company to hide their evils, they should have to pay every last penny back to the victims. Arthur Anderson cooked the books and deliberately looked the other way to hide the evil's of Enron executives. It is sickening to know that our own President was closely involved with such people. There is NO justice! Unbelievably, a man in California was sentenced to 50 years in prison for stealing $123 worth of children's video tapes because it was his third offence. California has a "3-strikes-your-out" law. Though the case was brought before the Supreme Court on the basis of cruel and unusual punishment, the Supreme Court upheld California's law. The man is rotting in prison. Why is it that a thief who steals $123 gets 50 years in prison, but Enron thieves who steal hundreds of millions go free? Murder is a federal crime, so why aren't those who conduct abortions charged with murder? The reason for abortion is, "That child will mess up my life." "This is my life and I can do what I want with it." That is pure selfishness! God is the giver of life and our lives belong to him, not us. The Corrupt U.S. Supreme Court
The American Holocaust: Abortion Body Parts for Sale | America's War Dead! | Horror of Abortion Partial Birth Abortion Scam | Number of Abortions! | Abortion is Murder! Horror in Plano Texas! | Planned Parenthood is Evil! | Abortion and Baal-Worship See Inside An Abortion Death-Camp! | Abortion Spending Abortion - America's Killer! | Abortuaries! Why We Oppose Planned Parenthood The Truth About Margaret Sanger (Planned Parenthood's Racist Founder) The Negro Project (Margaret Sanger's Eugenic Plan for Black America)
"...speaking the truth in
—Ephesians 4:15 |