By David J. Stewart
“From now on, depressions will be scientifically created.” —Congressman Charles A. Lindbergh Sr., 1913
The handwriting is on the wall. The dots are being connected. The storm clouds are gathering on the horizon. The utter collapse of the U.S. economy is imminent!
As of October of 2010, over 43,600,000 Americans are receiving government welfare. Communism is ruining America. The average American citizen is woefully ignorant, lacking a sufficient grade school education, having no idea of what Communism really is.
In Capitalism, a man keeps what he earns. In Communism, the government confiscates what a man earns, to give to others. It's that simple. But you can only take for so long until there's nothing left to rob, and then the system implodes on itself.
All of America's social welfare programs, and government handouts to evil agendas (like abortion and homosexuality), and trillions of taxpayer dollars being given to foreign aid, and the relocation of tens-of-millions of American jobs overseas—have all left American citizens in the dog house financially.
Congresswoman Cynthia McKinney warned the American people that our nation's economy is being hallowed-out, ransacked, and pillaged by a “criminal syndicate.” In fact, McKinney calling them a “criminal syndicate” is doing them a favor. That's how evil these Banksters are, and they're stealing our nation. I watched the shocking Alex Jones documentary today titled, ENDGAME, and you really need to watch this, because it shows us exactly what horrible things are coming to America.
“A literal wonderland of corporate corruption where governments simply act as vacuum cleaners, sucking up the wealth and resources of the middleclass, and transferring it to offshore bank accounts, leaving behind a cultural and economic wasteland of easily managed slaves.”
SOURCE: Alex Jones, from the shocking excellent documentary movie, ENDGAME
We will be living in hell, not just moral hell like today; but economic slavery and a Police State, with forced abortions and unprecedented abusive tyranny. Most people today in America are blinded by prosperity. They don't care about anything good, moral, decent or holy because they don't care about the things of Jesus Christ (Philippians 2:21).
With nearly 50,000,000 Americans now on government welfare, and tens-of-millions more on some type of government support (Social Security, veteran's benefits, disability, et cetera); the handwriting is on the wall, our economy is on the brink of collapse. This is the plan of the criminal elite, i.e., to destroy America and then out of chaos bring to order a new system, a global government, aka, a New World Order will emerge. Whether you realize it or not, the New World Order is almost finished. By 2020, we will certainly have global government, and it will be demonic. Spy-cameras are going up everywhere. Shopping malls are now spy-malls. Telescreens are going up everywhere (9,000 just put in Wal-Mart) indoctrinating the public to “monitor thy neighbor.” Homeland Security has already recruited 900 Wal-Mart stores to brainwash Americans to turn each other in.
A House Divided Cannot Stand
Either we stand together, or we hang separately. The elite are monopoly men who seek to create monopolies through the barrel of a gun. America today is becoming worse than Nazi-Germany because of the advanced spying capabilities available today. Society has become paranoid, trained to dial 911 for any and every reason. One 70-year-old elderly woman was arrested for not watering her lawn. She was handcuffed and locked in a jail cell. It's neighbor against neighbor. This is what the culprits who have hijacked our government want, a house divided which cannot stand. The Republican and Democratic parties are united behind the scenes. All the highly publicized rhetoric, insults, and mud slinging is intended to keep us divided amongst ourselves, and it works like magic. The human psyche is so predictable.
In fact, it is so easy to manipulate the masses of the public that it is disturbing how woefully naive and gullible people as a whole can be. I choose rather to be an independent thinker; I won't follow the herd over the mountainside. The Bible was not written to mankind, nor to a group of people, nor to a family; but simply to you, THE INDIVIDUAL. Salvation is a personal decision that only you can make. Living for God as a Christian is a personal decision, no one can do it for you. Being faithful to one's marriage vows is a personal decision, no one can make you honor your promise “'til death do us part.” The choice is yours alone to make friend. What will you do?
A Scientifically Engineered Major Depression is Coming to the U.S.
So few Americans understand the evils behind the Federal Reserve Act illegally enacted in 1913. It is the single most detrimental piece of bogus legislation ever passed to bring our nation to its knees. Listen to prolific author G. Edward Griffin (he names names) explain this woeful evil. History plainly evidences that The Great Depression of 1933 was scientifically engineered by the banking cartel who railroaded the Federal Reserve Act of 1913 through Congress during a Christmas weekend when most members of Congress were away. President Woodrow Wilson sold out his country to the criminal bankers. Wilson is the true Benedict Arnold of history.
The roaring twenties were nothing more than the bankers fattening the calf for slaughter, and oh how they slaughtered the American people during The Great Depression, killing the fatted calf. People lost their homes and farms. People were jumping from off tall buildings and bridges to their death. Others shot themselves in the head, having lost everything to the greedy Banksters. The international Banksters were the worst gangsters of the 20th century, and still today.
The Federal Reserve monstrosity is still doing damage today. In fact, it has escalated over the past few years unprecedented since it's inception in 1913. The bankers have blatantly STOLEN $23,700,000,000,000 over the past couple years alone from American tax-payers!!! These are the culprits behind the theft of American's homes. It is banking fraud.
The United States will soon become as a third world nation, where the average American cannot afford any luxuries. Food will become very expensive. America's largest cities will become as Mexico City, infested with poverty and crime. Social Security and Welfare benefits WILL BE REDUCED significantly. Of course, televisions and DVD players will remain inexpensive because they are Satan's most effective tool against us. Even the poorest people have large screen flat panel TV's. It is all so evil what is happening today. Technology in itself is not evil, but it is being used 95% for evil rather than good. The world would have been much better off if the television had never been invented.
What is happening in America today, i.e., the moral, educational, agricultural, spiritual, and economic collapse of our nation, has been carefully and scientifically engineered by evil Globalists. They created Nazi fascism and Communism as vehicles by which to achieve global government. So when you hear or read about Communism, think Globalists, think about The Council On Foreign Relations and the United Nations, think Bilderberg and the Trilateral Commission, think World Bank and the International Monetary Fund, think The National Council of Churches and all mainstream religions today who display symbols showing their allegiance to the New World Order. Religion: The Occult Connection: Part Two.
When you think about Communism, think about the agendas of feminism, abortion, and homosexuality. It all goes back to the banking cartel, Freemasonry and the Devil's New World Order. Don't believe it? Listen to what Gregory Brock Chisholm (the first leader of the United Nation's World Health Organization), had to say about robbing America's children of all faith in God, patriotism, and individuality. Everything happening today has been cleverly planned and scientifically engineered decades ago. The end result will be the destruction of America's sovereignty, the ruin of our economy, the loss of our homes, the end of our privacy and freedoms, and the confiscation of our nation by foreign powers.
It is deliberate that you cannot find a decent paying job. It is deliberate that women have been forced into the workplace. It is deliberate that children are being indoctrinated with the demonic lies of evolution. It is deliberate that Walt Disney, Pop music, and Hollywood are woefully saturated with sexual-promiscuity, rebellion against God, and all sorts of wickedness. It is deliberate that America's children are being dumbed down and taught that voting is their highest patriotic duty. It is deliberate that feminism has indoctrinated women to murder their babies, throw away their marriages, and destroy their families. It is deliberate that paid professional liars are America's mainstream source of news. It is deliberate that New York Times Best Seller preachers are all leading the masses into ecumenical sinful compromise. It is deliberate that Bible publishers are corrupting the Bible to appease an apostate generation of fools who will not endure sound doctrine. Behind all of these evils is the root of THE LOVE OF MONEY (1st Timothy 6:10).
Dark days are ahead in the U.S. Our love for sin as a nation has caused us to become complacent and indifferent concerning blatant crimes in Washington D.C., tyranny, the lying newsmedia, and the theft of our money and government by thieving Banksters. Wall Street is the true SIN CITY in America!
Personal Bankruptcies Hit Record High!
The Federal Reserve is Evil | The Creature From Jekyll Island
The Creature from Jekyll Island: A Lecture on the Federal Reserve (download: Real Audio | MP3)
"G. Edward Griffin exposes the most blatant scam of all history. It’s all here: the cause of wars, boom-bust cycles, inflation, depression, prosperity. It's just exactly what every American needs to know about the power of the central bank."
A Happy Thought for Christians
The Promise of Eternal Life
The Bible tells us that salvation comes only to those who enter through the DOOR into Heaven. John 10:1, “Verily, verily, I say unto you, He that entereth not by the door into the sheepfold, but climbeth up some other way, the same is a thief and a robber.” This door is the STRAIGHT GATE which leadeth unto life...
Matthew 7:13-14, “Enter ye in at the strait gate: for wide is the gate, and broad is the way, that leadeth to destruction, and many there be which go in thereat: Because strait is the gate, and narrow is the way, which leadeth unto life, and few there be that find it.”
This website has been created in Jesus' name—the name above every other name (Philippians 2:9-10).
James 5:11, "Behold, we count them happy which endure. Ye have heard of the patience of Job, and have seen the end of the Lord; that the Lord is very pitiful, and of tender mercy."
Using the internet to bring truth and Christ to a lost world!
“It is the only happy life to live for the salvation of souls.” —Pastor Dwight L. Moody