Don't Play The Banksters Game

By your humble webservant,
David J. Stewart | July 2019

       I am going to explain some things to you, and then give you my humble financial advice for these crazy times. As Americans continue to rebel against God's Word—embracing homosexuality, the lies of evolution, Harry Potter's witchcraft, feminism, divorce, booze, dirty dancing, Hollywood movies, Rock 'N' Roll, fornication, abortion, covetousness, indifference, greed, pornography, adultery, casino gambling, prostitution, covetousness, and sinful pride—we are bringing judgment upon ourselves! Our nation is falling apart! The truth is that most Americans have lost their moral integrity, and thus their desire for truth and justice. I have never seen so much dishonesty in business as I do today, and greedy company policies intended to gouge the consumer at every opportunity! The Word of God teaches to “Love thy neighbour as thyself,” not take advantage of others. Americans are among the worst offenders!

Sin makes a society indifferent toward evil. This is why the political thieves who lead in Washington, and their criminal accomplices who own and run the banking industry, are getting away with what they're doing. Do you realize that the banks make more money in the sale of a home on interest, than do all the material suppliers, architects, contractors and laborers combined? It is true, and the banksters (gangsters) never lift a finger to do any honest labor. They are thieves, taking what does not belong to them! A new home selling for $225,000 will cost you over $400,000! The banks on average make 2 1/2 times what the architects, material suppliers and home builders make. Do the math. And here's the kicker—the money that you're paying interest on (to the banks) was created out of NOTHING! It's called "fiat money" (Or as Congressman Ron Paul rightly calls it, "Funny Money!") It is counterfeit currency approved by the U.S. government, literally not worth the paper it is printed on! That was never the original intention of paper money.

The Fractional-Reserve Banking System is blatant fraud, which allows its perpetrators to lend out ten times more money than gold in reserve, leveraging their evil invention! In fact, President Franklin D. Roosevelt completely removed the U.S. from the gold standard in 1933.[1] That means our money since 1933 isn't backed by anything, except the word of the government. Yikes! Since there are no tangible assets backing our currency, this allows the criminal, privately owned, fraudulent, Federal Reserve banks to totally control the value of money, simply by printing more or less of it. Effectively, this allows them to raise taxes merely by printing more money, which lowers the value of money, and raises prices nationwide. It is the basic principle of supply and demand. Such a rigged and corrupt system eliminates free trade, which is the foundation of any economically healthy society.

Why is this happening in America?  It's because WE THE PEOPLE have forgotten God. The average American today is complacent, indifferent, and couldn't care less about what the government does. This is the result of sinful living, which has desensitized and broken down the integrity of the American people. The Luciferians who rule this world fully know that the best way to overthrow a nation is to destroy its individual homes. Every healthy family is a sovereign unit of resistance against evil. Dysfunctional families are not a threat to the Devil. Would to God that Americans would have responded to Hugh Hefner's pornographic filth in 1953, as did the citizens of Indonesia in 2006. They took sledge hammers and destroyed the new Playboy office building in Indonesia! Would to God that there were NO public schools. It's not the government duty to educate children. The Government's sole purpose is to protect our person, property, and freedom. That's it! Instead they confiscate our property through shady and unconstitutional means, force us to pay ridiculously high unlawful taxes, give our money to lesbians and communists and abortionists, steal our wealth through a fraudulent Federal Reserve scam, and choose the corrupt leaders that we allegedly “vote into office.” They are a bunch of evil criminals! Luciferian-worshipping Freemasons rule over the United States! We are their slaves!

Free Market Is The Cure For Homelessness In America (the criminal Federal Reserve must go)

How Central Banks Cause Income Inequality (robbing the middle-class to fatten the wealthy)

Inflation is a Tax Ladies and Gentleman

The government is spending recklessly with money borrowed in OUR name from the Federal Reserve (which is not federal and has no reserve). As more money is borrowed (i.e., printed out of thin air), it dilutes the value of the money already circulating in the economy. Just as adding water to soup dilutes it, so does printing more money dilute the economy and raise inflation (i.e., the cost of living). Think about this—the government gets to spend the money it prints when it is initially still at its top dollar value, BUT by the time the money hits the economy (thus diluting it), it has been reduced in value. In other words, the American people are the big losers every time the government borrows more money. The more money they borrow (print), the less our currency is worth in purchasing power. Ultimately, America will go completely bankrupt! This fraudulent system is designed to keep you working all your life, as a hamster running on a wheel, never able to save an inheritance to leave your children, and then you die broke! THEY DECIDE what you will own (or not own), and no amount of honest labor will make a difference, they will take it all!

The American people are being cheated by the banking cartel. Every loan that Americans secure is funded by fiat money, i.e., it's printed from nothing. Literally, you're paying interest to the banking cartel on money they printed out of thin air. We are being cheated. Why should Americans have to pay outrageous amounts of interest on loans funded from nothing? It is woefully evil. People are losing their homes, many who faithfully made mortgage payments for decades. The bank merely swoops in and steals your home through foreclosure. And the money they lent you for your home came from nothing. It's sickening! God will punish them for every penny they stole! Sadly, this type of blatant stealing and fraud is so prevalent in today's world that people don't even question it anymore. And truthfully, 99% of the people don't understand its complexities enough to do anything about it. The crooks deliberately make it complicated, so you won't discern that they are cheating you. And then they sinfully hide behind fortresses of legal contracts that only an attorney can understand, which they do intentionally to take advantage of you!

When one considers the total debt owed in America, publickly and privately, the amount surely must exceed $175,000,000,000,000! ($175 TRILLION). This includes car loans, mortgages, home-equity loans, federal and state debt, city debt, school loans, credit card debt, et cetera. No bankers worked for the money they're lending out. They didn't toil and sweat. No, they just started the printing press and made more money. What fraud! If you or I did what these evil people are doing, we'd go to prison for multiple life terms. The American people are being defrauded by their own government, as well as by the international banking cartel. We're getting it from both ends financially. Most of the money that Americans earn go for taxes and interest payments. We're taxed before we even get our paycheck. Then we're taxed again at every store we go to. We pay taxes on the gasoline we buy. We pay property taxes (which is nothing less than pure Communism). The state levies a property tax on your land and home, and if you don't pay, orders a tax sale to get its money from you one way or the other. If you don't pay, you lose the home and the land. This is the First Plank of Karl Marx's Communist Manifesto

If we make a penny, it is taxed. If we die and leave an inheritance to our children, the crooked government comes in and confiscates HALF of the wealth in the form of a "gift tax." To add insult to injury, every penny we need to borrow to live is hit with hefty interest charges. Do the math, add it all up, and you'll be shocked how much of your income is going to the ungodly government, greedy corporations and to the crooked banks. Truly, the LOVE OF MONEY is the root of all evil (1st Timothy 6:8-11). Check online and you will find, that 50% of all the wealth in the United States is owned by just 1% of the population! When we all stand before God on judgment day, money won't mean a thing! The following Bible verse speaks of the judgment of the unsaved, who will be judged according to THEIR WORKS...

Revelation 20:12, “And I saw the dead, small and great, stand before God; and the books were opened: and another book was opened, which is the book of life: and the dead were judged out of those things which were written in the books, according to their works.”

If you are a born-again Christian, you are hidden in Jesus Christ, and God's imputed righteousness is COUNTED FOR YOUR WORKS! What a grand and majestic SAVIOR!!! ...

Romans 4:5-6, “But to him that worketh not, but believeth on him that justifieth the ungodly, his faith is counted for righteousness.Even as David also describeth the blessedness of the man, unto whom God imputeth righteousness without works.”

Here's My Practical Words of Wisdom For You Dear Reader:

I am no financial expert. Please keep that in mind. But to me a little bit of common sense goes a long way. The best way to deal with their rigged economic game is not to play the game anymore than you have to. That makes sense to me. So here is my two cents...

  1. Remember, everything you own is God's! He gave it from you. James 1:17, “Every good gift and every perfect gift is from above, and cometh down from the Father of lights, with whom is no variableness, neither shadow of turning.”

  2. Live within your means. My father use to wisely say that a person can live in $10,000 a year like a person making $50,000 if he knows how to wisely spend money. My father loved garage sales. Instead of spending big bucks at Christmas time for new gifts at the store, my parents kept their eyes open and bought us toys at garage sales throughout the year. They didn't have to buy anything at Christmas. They wrapped our gifts in old newspapers to save money. My father used to take me with him to the cement yard often. He loved building. He'd always buy 3 bags of rocks, 2 bags of sand, and 1 bag of mortar (what we called a “3-2-1 mix”) and have me mix the concrete. He saved lots of money by mixing it himself instead of buying it ready-made. I could mention hundreds of such ideas that save lots of money. If you are diligent with the money which God has given to you, you can live like a king on so little. My father always had money! He was not a wealthy man, but he wisely spent what he had (and so can you!) Everywhere I go these days, I see rip-offs in stores. I cannot believe the amount of money people waste for conveniences, paying ten times more than what is reasonable for items. It is GOD'S MONEY! The moment you got saved, you and everything you own became THE LORD'S! When you give something to God, you are merely letting go of what is already His. I have never bought a new car and never will; I own my car, it does not own me! I look for deals at the store. I buy Skirt Steak for $15, rather than spend $35 for Ribeye. If you are blessed to afford more expensive things, then count your blessings from God. A lot of people are always broke because they are foolish with money. The Scripture teaches us to be “CONTENT” with just food and clothing (1st Timothy 6:7). 1st Timothy 6:6-8, “But godliness with contentment is great gain. For we brought nothing into this world, and it is certain we can carry nothing out. And having food and raiment let us be therewith content.”

  3. Buy an affordable home. I think every married couple should seek to buy a home at some point in life (unless they have dedicated their life to missionary work, or some reason that prevents them from settling down). Buy a modest affordable home and pay it off as quickly as possible. There is no such thing as “a starter home”! That is foolish thinking. There are tens of thousands of homes all across America for under $50,000, in decent neighbourhoods (away from the big cities), you just have to look for them and get a good realtor to help you search. You should never buy a home with the intentions of selling it down the road, to buy something bigger. That is how foolish Americans have been taught to think. Take a look at the size and type of homes people owned a century ago! They were small homes with just two rooms. Not two bedrooms—just two rooms! Pastor Jack Hyles grew up in a two room home. They had the bathtub in one room and the stove in the other! Please listen to the life-changing MP3 sermon by Dr. Hyles titled, “Hasty Fruit.” Also, the sermon titled, “Why Mama Was So Smart.” Even a small home today is ten times better and nicer than the homes they owned 100 years ago. Our thinking is all wrong and backwards today! Goodnight, I would be happy for the rest of my life to have a small 800 square foot modest home! If you can afford a 3,000 square foot home, wonderful, but there is nothing wrong with buying something much smaller. Don't let Tv and spoiled Americans convince you that you are less fortunate than them! Everything is a mindset! A house is not a home! Proverbs 28:6, “Better is the poor that walketh in his uprightness, than he that is perverse in his ways, though he be rich.” And may I say, if you simply cannot afford to buy a home (as I cannot on Guam), then praise the Lord while renting and do all that you can to serve God. Remember dear friend, that our dear Savior has PROMISED to prepare for us a place (a home) in Heaven. John 14:1-3, “In my Father's house are many mansions: if it were not so, I would have told you. I go to prepare a place for you. And if I go and prepare a place for you, I will come again, and receive you unto myself; that where I am, there ye may be also.” My home is in Heaven! Romans 8:32, “He that spared not his own Son, but delivered him up for us all, how shall he not with him also freely give us all things?That must include a home in eternity! Amen! The Bible says, “ALL THINGS.” We are not SETTLERS here on earth, we are mere PILGRIMS passing through. My search for happiness begins and ends with the inspired Words of God!!!

  4. Get a Fixed Rate Mortgage for 30 Years. Make sure there are no pre-payment penalties when you secure the mortgage loan. Stay away from Adjustable-Rate Mortgages (ARM). You wanted a Fixed-Mortgage Loan for 30 years. Never take out a home equity loan. It is foolish to borrow money against your home, even if it is paid for! Don't carry credit card debt. Don't work overtime, because that's what the Communists trying to destroy our country want, robbing you of family time. You spend that time with your family, get into a Bible-believing local church that goes soulwinning publicly, and serve God together. Many families are working two or more jobs to make ends meet, yet they are still lose their homes. Please understand that I am NOT a professional financial advisor, so double check what I am telling you for making any big decisions. I am just giving you some helps, to guide you. I knew a man (from San Antonito, Texas) and his wife, who bought a home on Guam way too big, going into massive debt. Then they foolishly went took a big home equity loan to fix it up, and then she lost her job as a teacher, and they lost it all! They went bankrupt and lost their home! They overextended themselves. So learn from their foolish mistakes. It is best (I think) to secure a 30 year mortgage, in case you need the additional time if you run into financial hardships down the road. Just make sure there are no pre-payments penalties if you want to pay it off in 15 years, which should be your goal. Tell the loan officer upfront that your intentions are to pay it off in 15 years, but you want the protection of a 30 year mortgage.
  5. Don't work midnights or overtime at work. One of the worst decisions I ever made was to work graveyard shift for 7 years (1993-2000). That was a dark time in my life. Oh how I wish I could go back and refuse to work any overtime, and refuse to work the holidays, and refuse to work midnights! DON'T DO IT FRIEND! Be good to yourself! I am being your best friend right now! Working midnight shift is bad for your physically, mentally and spiritually. And God pity the poor husband and father who has a bad wife to add burdens upon his burdens.
  6. No where does the Bible command believers to tithe 10%. The Bible says: 1st Corinthians 16:2, “Upon the first day of the week let every one of you lay by him in store, as God hath prospered him, that there be no gatherings when I come.” Most preachers say give to get from God, but the Bible says God gives money first to those whom He wants to give. So if God has been good to you, you should be good to Him with your money. If God hasn't blessed you with extra income, then obviously you cannot give without hurting yourself financially. If you don't agree with that, then take it up with God, because I just quoted the Holy Bible to you! We are supposed to give AS GOD HAS PROSPERED US! Give what you can, God knows your heart. I am tired of pastors who are always wanting to build their ministry bigger, at the expense of their people, pressuring them to give, give, give!
  7. Avoid monthly payments at all cost (no pun intended). Try to buy a nice used car if possible (between $5,000 to $8,000 will buy you something nice, about 7 to 10 years old). Buying a new car is a bad investment, for several reasons. You are foolish if you take out a 7 year loan on a car. You'll be in debt for years to come! A car is a depreciating asset, which loses $10,000 the moment you drive it off the car lot. It's highway robbery! I don't judge others, but I have seen many young women buy a new car, which ruined them financially and ended up being repossessed. Do your research online to check the ratings of a particular make, model and year, before you buy it, so you know what you are getting. I bought a 2007 Honda FIT in 2014 for $6,500 and I love it! It has the highest ratings for safety, performance and reliability. I had a 1993 Toyota Corolla before that for $3,000, which I bought in 2004 and drove for 10 years. A great car! Twice I unintentionally ran the engine dry (when a hose broke) without coolant and the engine seized up and shutdown. I thought the engine had melted. But it evidently is a built-in safety feature. I waited an hour, filled the coolant system with antifreeze, and the engine started right up. It ran perfect! A great car! I have never bought a new car, and don't ever plan to! The only monthly payment I have is my utility bills. I refuse to live under threat and pressure from anyone!
  8. Don't let people pressure you to go into debt. I used to work as a truck mechanic (1987-1991). The Snap-on man came to our workplace with his truck full of tools. There was a Mac tools man also, which is a different brand. One time I bought something from the Mac guy under sales pressure from him, and he hounded me for the money in the following weeks, and I was broke. The way he talked to me offended me, and showed me the type of man he is. That was the first and last tool I ever bought from him over four years. I vowed to myself that I would never put myself in that uncomfortable situation again. He often pressured me, even berating me, trying to get me into debt to him, but I walked away and rejoiced in my heart that he couldn't hound me for money. I went to Sears  & Roebuck to buy Craftsman tools at a tiny fraction of the cost he sold tools for out of his truck. Tool trucks are con men as far as I'm concerned! The other mechanics in the shop hated me, because I paid $650 total for three toolboxes from a tool store I shopped at, but they went into massive debt for $15,000 for the same three boxes from the tool-man, all for some ball-bearings in the drawers. I remember on many occasions fellow mechanics pressuring me to buy the expensive boxes, so I would be in debt like them. I was never as foolish as them, and refused, thankfully by God's grace! Be smart my friend, don't let people talk you into debt.
  9. Never lend any money (especially family) that you wouldn't be willing to lose! There is a good chance you'll never see it again, especially from family! When asked Just say, “I'm sorry, I can't!” You don't owe anyone an explanation. People will abuse you. You don't need people like that in your life! I family member once asked to borrow $5,000 and I said, “No, I'm sorry, No way!” I saw that coming. If you can afford to lose the money, and love the person and would want them to have it, then do it! But if you cannot afford to lose it, you should NEVER lend it to anyone! You'll be sorry! People will beg for money, but then make you beg to get it back, and that is a sin on their part! Everybody needs money these days.
  10. NEVER co-sign on a loan for anybody, because you WILL very likely end up paying their loan when they default. Again, if you can afford to lose that money, truly and actually, then only then ought you even consider co-signing.
  11. Beware of insurance policies, they are crooked! I once had State Farm auto insurance. I had liability only and paid extra for uninsured motorist insurance too, which they sales agent pressured me to get. An uninsured illegal immigrant with no driver's license rammed my 1973 Chevrolet with a 350 Rocket engine! it was a great hotrod car, all red with a white vinyl top. I chased the criminal down to stop him, because he hit and run. He rammed the other side of my car. The Cicero police in Illinois were so incompetent and lazy that they refused to go arrest the man, because the accident happened in Chicago. The Chicago police were so lazy and incompetent that they refused to do anything, because the man lived in Cicero. So I had no choice but to go to a Chicago police station and report the accident as a hit and run! What worthless cops! Turns out, the criminal had no insurances. My car had over $3,000 of damage, but State farm was so crooked and dishonest that they gave me a check for $450 for my car. They said I had to buy special collector's car insurance, otherwise I only get the depreciated value of the car. Crooks! No one ever told me that when they took my money, which is a horrible form of lying! State Farm are thieves! What I just said also applies to YOUR HOME INSURANCE! I'm not kidding! If your home burns to the ground, the insurance company will cut you a ridiculously low check, which could never buy another house! They never tell you that! You must pay extra for a Replacement Clause on your insurance policy! You MUST ask them, or they won't tell you, because they are ungodly thieves who just want your money!!! You had better check and ask questions about any insurance that you pay for, because I guarantee you that ungodly lawyers wrote the contract to screw you!
  12. Never trust anybody who has something to sell or stands to gain money from you. You need to beware of televangelists! Pat Robertson is a horrible con man, who took in $570,000,000 in 2018 from his ungodly The 700 Club. They are wicked people, shysters and manipulators, who exploit suffering people in God's name to take their money! I hate Tv preachers! Joyce Meyer is another ungodly reprobate, who deceives people to make $100,000,000 a year! Hell is coming up to meet Miss Meyer at her death! Always follow the money! Any time something seems too good to be true, it assuredly is! Beware of pyramid scams, that pay you pennies while the con men on the top make millions! Watch your back Jack!

So there are a few practical words of wisdom.

Welcome to Pottersville America! END

The following Bible verse speaks of the judgment of the unsaved, who will be judged according to THEIR WORKS...

Revelation 20:12, “And I saw the dead, small and great, stand before God; and the books were opened: and another book was opened, which is the book of life: and the dead were judged out of those things which were written in the books, according to their works.”

If you are a born-again Christian, you are hidden in Jesus Christ, and God's imputed righteousness is COUNTED FOR YOUR WORKS! What a grand and majestic SAVIOR!!! ...

Romans 4:5-6, “But to him that worketh not, but believeth on him that justifieth the ungodly, his faith is counted for righteousness.  Even as David also describeth the blessedness of the man, unto whom God imputeth righteousness without works.”

1.3 million American citizens lost their home in 2007!

533,000 American citizens lost their job in November of 2008!

1.9 Million American citizens lost their job in 2008!

Betrayed By Our Government Leaders

U.S. Department of Liars!

Luke 5:26, “And they were all amazed, and they glorified God, and were filled with fear, saying, We have seen strange things to day.”

Economists Brace for Worsening Sub-prime Crisis (Millions of people will lose their homes.)

To be shocked why you're losing your home, please listen to G. Edward Griffin's...


The Root of All Evil