Scientists have created the world’s first human-sheep chimera - which has the body of a sheep and half-human organs. The sheep have 15 per cent human cells and 85 per cent animal cells - and their evolution brings the prospect of animal organs being transplanted into humans one step closer. Professor Esmail Zanjani, of the University of Nevada, has spent seven years and £5million perfecting the technique, which involves injecting adult human cells into a sheep’s fetus.
What is the promise:
He has already created a sheep liver which has a large proportion of human cells and eventually hopes to precisely match a sheep to a transplant patient, using their own stem cells to create their own flock of sheep.
The process would involve extracting stem cells from the donor’s bone marrow and injecting them into the peritoneum of a sheep’s foetus. When the lamb is born, two months later, it would have a liver, heart, lungs and brain that are partly human and available for transplant.
many don’t realize is that chimeric,
transgenic, and xenograpted
human-animal research has been going
on for some time. The genetic
research focuses on placing the
genes of one species in the cells of
another. Xenograft research has not
gotten much press. This is what I
was extensively involved in. Here
we actually graft human tissue into
animals (usually mice) that lack an
immune system.
My research involved grafting human ovarian tissue into immunodeficient mice and then allowing it to grow, develop, and function. This is called a xenograft and the technique has now been developed by several groups. The hope was to develop techniques to preserve fertility in cancer patients. There has now been a case reported where human ovarian tissue was frozen, reimplanted (into the woman not a mouse) and resulted in a pregnancy.
The biggest controversies
- this could potentially lead to a mouse ovulating a human egg that gets fertilized and become a person
- there is unknown potential for interactive effects between the species
- there is possibility for new animal viral contamination of the human cells that can be transmitted
When I did this research the animals were locked down as if they has Ebola. Made Alcatraz look like a Holiday Inn.
The top photo is a human ear growing on the back of an immuno-deficient mouse. This is part of the emerging field of tissue engineering where human tissue and even organs are grown in lab dishes. Read more on that subject ere: Creating tissues that can augment or replace injured, defective, or diseased body parts.
The Trojan Horse of Genetically Modified Food | Playing God with Chimeras
Coming Gene Wars | Got Spider Goat Milk?
Spider Goats | The Thing! | Mad Scientists! | Transgenics and Transvestites
Making Genetic Monsters | Transgenic Cats | Transgenic Pigs | BIOCOLONIZATION
Outrage at "Frankenstein" Animal Experiments | The Coming Genetics Nightmare
Transgenic Pigs End Up as Chicken Feed | Genetic Engineering: Playing God?
The Center for Bioethics and Human Dignity (stem cell research, cloning, etc.)
Genetically Engineered Crops May Produce Herbicide Inside Our Intestines
Transgenic Chickens | Transgenic Sheep | Molecular Trojan Horses
Kluwer Transgenic Research | The Stanford Transgenic Research Facility
'Trojan Gene' Could Wipe Out Fish! | Transgenic Research Reagents
Disturbing Possibilities - A Human Cow! | The Biotech Harvest | The Coming Food Shortage!
Controlling the World's Food - Seeds of Deception!
Chimeras, Cloning and Freak Human-Animal Hybrids (mutants)
A Spinach Pig | Vegetable (edible) Vaccinations | Designer Babies
This will be every transgenic cat's dream, glow in the dark mice. Don't think for one moment that fluorescent humans aren't around the corner, mark my'll see it, along with spider humans and every other godless monstrosity of mad scientists. Man's good intentions are often a Pandora's box. Even so, come Lord Jesus!
Every single transgenic animal of any species born so far has had genetic defects that scientists admit they cannot predict and that seem to Tear-free transgenic cats could be 3 years away adhere to no pattern. Transgenic animals are being born with lungs that don't inflate, for example. Others can't stand up. Most—98 percent—abort their fetuses. Researchers are driven by money, not ethics. They have no idea what will happen to cats if they remove the genes that cause sneezing in people. Those genes are there for a reason, and tinkering causes physiological and immune system problems that researchers admit they can neither anticipate nor control.