
by David J. Stewart

       I was greatly saddened recently when I viewed the web contents of one of the largest Bible-believing colleges in America. They said that one of their primary goals in training young people to serve the Lord was to make them “cultured.” Cultured? Since when is being “cultured” necessary to do God's work? In FACT, culture has always been one of the biggest obstacles to true Christianity. 

Cultured: “Marked by refinement in taste and manners”

Listen friend, America is going down the road to hell so fast that we can't even see through the dust anymore. Cultured? Do you think Billy Sunday was "cultured?" Billy Sunday would jump up and down while he preached… shouting at the top of his lungs, calling the alcohol industry names, and swinging his arms and legs wildly against sin. Listen to what Billy Sunday said to his audience…

“There isn't a man who votes for the saloon who doesn't deserve to have his boy die a drunkard.  He deserves to have his girl live out her life with a drunken husband.” -Billy Sunday

Does that sound very “cultured” to you? His Detroit revival tabernacle stood on a large field between Woodward and Cass at Forest. His stage held a choir of 5,000 singers. And, from that stage he led a frontal assault on sin:

“He appeared on the platform high above the sea of clean shining faces like a wispy cross between a businessman and an angel. Attired in a light gray suit and white shoes, a white negligee shirt of the finest linen and a white silk tie to match, Sunday feinted, walked and ran, crouched and jumped, from one end of the stage to the other, sweating from his gyrations until he was wet as a rag held under a pump."

"By his actions he kept the audience transfixed, hanging upon his every word and movement. He jumped on a chair; down on the floor again. He beat out a cadence with his fist upon the platform in order to emphasize a series of points; on top of the pulpit, he tore off his coat and collar and threw them to the stage...”

Billy Sunday was known as a maniac behind the pulpit. Manners? Refinement? Most churches wouldn't even think of inviting Billy Sunday to preach for them. Thank God for Billy Sunday! I’ll tell you one thing, everyone knew where Billy Sunday stood concerning sin!

J. Frank Norris, often recognized as the “Father of Fundamentalism” in America, once shocked a church congregation by bringing part of a dead man’s brain lobe to the pulpit. There had been a horrible car accident and J. Frank Norris passed by the scene. Pastor Norris found a small piece of the man’s brain and set it upon his pulpit that night. He used Romans 6:23 from the Word of God as his text, “For the wages of sin is death…” Needless to say, the church alter was packed that night with repentant sinners seeking salvation. Do you think J. Frank Norris was “cultured”? Thank God for men of God like J. Frank Norris!

God’s Men Have Always Been Rebels

Not rebels against God, but rebels against the established and usually compromised religious institutions of their time.  Every Christian in America should speak out against the National Council of Churches for their promoting of homosexuality. God’s men throughout history have always been rebels, going against the crowd. It’s not very “cultural” to go against the educated intelligencia. People get upset with me for exposing Jerry Falwell. I am going to speak out against any phony like Falwell who invites cult leader Sun Myung Moon (Moonies), to speak at his college (Liberty Baptist College. Then Falwell accepts $3,000,000 from Moon for his ministry. To no surprise, Falwell also invited false prophet Benny Hinn to speak at his college and then had the entire student body honor him. 

It doesn’t surprise me that Sean Hannity is a graduate of Liberty Baptist College and supports a wicked, Satanic, mass-murdering, lying, dishonorable President like George W. Bush.

Can you imagine one of these big ritzy churches today (with their multimillion dollar auditorium) inviting someone like J. Frank Norris to preach for them, and he places a piece of a dead man’s brain on the pulpit to get his point across? Why, half the people in the church would go ballistic. Someone would call the police. Pastor Norris would be arrested, put in jail, and then sent for a psychiatric exam. Back decades ago, society wasn’t so anti-God and “cultured.” We’ve lost our marbles in America. The evil public school system goes out of its way to teach children the important of recycling aluminum pop cans, while never a word is said about saving the tens-of-millions of murdered holocaust victims from ABORTION. Save the planet, murder its inhabitants! How can this be?

Was it very cultured when Pastor Dwight L. Moody used to pick up children throughout the Chicago area with horse drawn carriages? Those horses didn’t drip oil in the streets my friend, they dripped something else. Did you know that D.L. moody was refused ordination by the ministerial board?  They refused to ordain Dwight Moody because he wasn’t “cultural” enough for their tastes. Moody went on to become one of America’s mightiest preachers and men of God. 

Was it very cultural when Pastor Roy Thompson in Cleveland, Ohio placed a big sign in front of his church which read “Abortion is cold-blooded murder?”  That’s the kind of godly men that America desperately needs today.

Cultured?  Do you think it was very cultured when Pastor Jack Hyles stood up against the Southern Baptist convention for their compromise with liberals? They booted him out! Dr. Hyles went on to build the largest Sunday school in America. Was it very “cultural” for Dr. Hyles to throw microphones while preaching? Was it very cultured when all those screaming snotty-nosed Chicago bus kids came barreling into the church auditorium in Hammond, Indiana? What do you think they did to the pews and the carpet? That’s right, they destroyed them! Amen! 

Once a man came up to Dr. Hyles and complained about the hundreds of buses pulling up in front of the church. The man complained that the buses were dripping oil in the street. Brother Hyles reminded the man that Mr. Moody’s horses didn’t drip oil onto the streets. Thank God for the millions of Chicago area children and adults who were reached with the Gospel because of one man’s courage to do what others were saying was impossible. Never say "It can't be done" to the guys who's doing it.

It’s not very “cultured” to criticize other people’s religions by name from the pulpit, but it’s the right thing to do. Folks, hell is real. I am greatly saddened that so many professed “Christians” have fallen into the lie of the devil that Jesus was very acceptant of all people (including their sinful lifestyles). Nothing could be further from the truth. Yes, Jesus did love all people, but He NEVER accepted their sinful lifestyles. Jesus was a friend to sinners, meaning that He was willing to associate with them WHILE ministering to them. Jesus did not partake of their evil. 

If Jesus was alive today, He certainly wouldn’t sit idle during a homosexual parade… He would preach against sin while proclaiming the Gospel. Jesus certainly was a gentleman most of the time, but it cannot be denied that Jesus was quite outspoken. Jesus called the religious leaders of His day “vipers” (snakes) and told them that would burn in hell... with weeping, wailing, and gnashing of teeth!  Nice guy, huh? When people came to Jesus with some bad news of victims of a horrible accident, Jesus told them that they might be next (Luke 13:1-5). Does that sound very “cultured” to you?

Speaking of the manners and refinement of culture, here's a few Scriptures that you might choke on when you realize They're speaking about Jesus Christ (you know, the loving guy who would never deliberately try to offend anyone)...

"And when he had made a scourge of small cords, he drove them all out of the temple, and the sheep, and the oxen; and poured out the changers' money, and overthrew the tables." -John 2:15

I say phooey on culture, be the person God wants you to be!  All of God’s men throughout history were INDIVIDUALS, not conforming robots. The only Person we should conform to is the Lord Jesus Christ. Every Bible College is started by a man of God. Groups never start anything. Now groups may steal a ministry that another man built, but it’s always a man of God who starts a ministry. Chicago University was started by a Baptist preacher. 

Today, it is one of the most liberal universities in America. What happened? As explained in G. Edward Griffin’s eye-opening book, World Without Cancer, the Rockefeller’s were instrumental is taking over the College. It was some rich people who duped the preacher. Rich people are often very dangerous to the work of God because they want to control everything. When Dr. Jack Hyles first came to pastor the First Baptist Church of Hammond, Indiana in 1959… SEVEN millionaires left the church when they realized that they could buy off the preacher. Today, MOST preachers could easily be bought off by one or two thousandaires.

I'm not against teaching young people to have manners and be respectful of others, NOT at all. In fact, young people should be taught chivalry and ethics. However, there is a great inherent danger of becoming "cultured." The danger is that many students may feel it is wrong to "cross the line" or "rock the boat." It's not very "cultured" to fight, but sometimes it needs to come to that. We don't need anymore cultured snobs in the ministry, we need some good ole country boys who aren't afraid to speak their minds and get their hands dirty. 

The sad truth is that most Christian young people are being brainwashed in Bible Colleges nationwide to think that Satanists like George W. Bush are good people. I wouldn't vote for a mass-murdering liar like George W. Bush if you paid me.  Don't get mad at me, do your homework! I got sick years ago when many Christian people e-mailed me to tell me how "godly" and "wonderful" Mr. Bush is. President George W. Bush is an extremely evil person, and he's about as anti-abortion as Margaret Sanger. If I had my way, a law would be passed that prosecutes any politician who blatantly lies their way into office. Certainly, situations change as unforeseen circumstances arise; but I'm not talking about that. I'm talking about a sorry rascal who breaks every campaign promise her made, like President Barack Obama did. Lies, lies and more lies.

It's not very "cultured" to question authority, to raise your voice in public protest. I used to hate that bumper sticker that read "Question Authority" because I thought it was rebellious. I was an idiot. Nowadays that's all I do is question authority. Come to find out that the authority of the NIV (New International Version) bible is Harper Collins, the SAME company that publishes the Satanic bible. Come to find out that our own President George W. Bush helped orchestrate 911. What about presidential directive W199i Mr. Bush? 

Come to find out that Donald Rumsfeld is a major shareholder in Gilead, the company that produces the drug Tamiflu. Bush just told congress he wants $7,000,000,000 to prepare for a bird-flu epidemic. Not one person in America has even become sick yet. What a scam!!! Nowhere in God's Word are we told not to question authority. Questioning government's authority is our Bill of Rights. In fact, you're an idiot if you don't question authority. I get letters from people, telling me about what their pastor did to them. One couple said their pastor was on a power trip. 

Folks, you should never trust a stranger (by that I mean someone you've known for less than 5 years). People have the foolish tendency to trust anyone who is a minister. The FACT is that thousands of pastors across America are occult members of the Freemasons. All across America, church boards are filled with members of the occult. It is estimated that between 400,000 to 500,000 Southern Baptists are Freemasons, including many Baptist leaders. Tragic!!!

Bible Colleges change over time. As time goes by, students are pressured to “conform” to a certain image. Then as more time passes, that conformity leads to CULTURE. Then culture leads to compromise, and compromise to apostasy. I won’t mention the College, but I attended a Bible College for several years and then graduated (and I love them all very much).

Now I am not being critical of the school at all, but I want to tell you about something another student said to me one day in my freshman year. Ninety-eight percent of all the male students were wearing white dress shirts. I decided to be different one day and wear a solid “black dress shirt” to class and chapel. A student actually walked up to me and told me that I wasn’t right with God for wearing a black shirt. 

The guy actually called me a rebel. Whoa! It’s just a shirt. I think back to that day and am glad to God that I am willing to go against the crowd. I am not a rebel against God, but I have learned to be myself, not a puppet. The color of a man’s shirt has nothing to do with what’s in his heart. Do you see how crazy people can get in their thinking? Imagine, a guy thinking someone isn’t right with God for wearing a different color shirt than everyone else. Well friend, that’s where professed Christianity is at today… people have gone insane! America’s Bible Colleges are fast deteriorating. As America becomes more apostate, either enrollments will decrease or Bible colleges will dip their sails in compromise. 

So if you’re reading this article, let me encourage you to be yourself. It may not be very “cultural” to go down to your local abortion clinic and hold up anti-abortion signs of cut-up aborted babies, but it’s the right thing to do. It may not be “cultural” to speak out publicly against homosexuality, witchcraft, and alcohol… but it is the right thing to do. Thank God for Mother’s Against Drunk Drivers, now where are the dads? 

Soul-winning is not a method, it is a command from God. We're supposed to go soul-winning whether our churches grow in size or whether they shrink in attendance. America's largest churches are apostate, having culture without conviction. It's disgusting. People are literally having to leave churches these days to find God. The average church today is an entertainment center. Preaching has been replaced with psychology. The old hymns of the faith have been replaced with Religious Rock music. Shouting amen to the preaching has been replaced with sycophantic praises to the music. To hell with culture!

Culture is a hindrance to the old-fashioned offensive preaching of the Word. God doesn't apologize for being brutally honest in His Word, and neither should we. The truth cannot be made non-offensive. All you can do is hide your candle under a bushel. The truth that homosexuality is a sin cannot be made non-offensive. The idea that sinners won't come to Christ if we step on their toes is a big lie of the Devil. If we have to trim the truth and sinfully compromise our stand in order for sinners to come, then they're coming to religion instead of Christ. Through Contemporary Christian Music (CCM), young people are coming to religious Rock music instead of Jesus Christ. They're coming to the world. As our churches become more worldly, so also is the world becoming more churchy. It is apostasy!!!

Culture is for arrogant, elite, wealthy snobs; not for those who love the truth and are willing to suffer for the cause of Christ. 2nd Timothy 3:12 says that living godly in Christ Jesus brings persecution and prosecution, even death sometimes. Billy Sunday saw the apostate condition of America's churches over 100-years ago...

How right Billy Sunday is!!! Today the situation is dire in the United States. We've gone from Intensive Care to Code Blue. The churches are dying, suffering from cardiac arrest. In many places rigor mortis has already set in across the nation. The average church is dead. Since 1973, over 53,000,000 human beings have been brutally slaughtered in its mother's very own womb! It's hard to imagine. Those people weren't gassed in a Nazi oven, but in its mother's womb. Those precious lives weren't shot and dumped in a Cuban grave, but in their mother's very womb. Statistically the most dangerous place in the world to be is in a mother's womb, when it should be the safest place on earth to be. Oh, where are the Christians today?

As has always been the case throughout history, a small and tireless handful of individual Christians are getting more done than all the millions of church-members combined. God never does a great work through a group of people; but rather, through an individual (who often leads a group for God). God never saves a group. The invitation to receive eternal life is given on an individual and personal basis. For a group to come to Christ, they must receive the Lord Jesus Christ individually. God saves the INDIVIDUAL. God accomplished His work through individuals. We pray as individuals. Even when gathered as a group, our prayers are made individually.

My point is that God needs YOU. In Ezekiel 22:30 God said, “And I sought for a man among them.” God wasn't looking for a group; but rather, a man. The Lord sought an individual man, to stand before God for the land in prayer, and to stand before the land for God in preaching. Thus, bridging the gap. Oh, how Americans today need to hear preaching. Oh, how we ought to be crying out to God in prayer for the land, praying for our leaders and justice to be done. 2nd Chronicles 7:13-15 is still valid today. God is able to heal our land. The problem is that men will not humble themselves in prayer, to seek God's face of blessing and turn from our wicked ways.

Not enough bad can be said about the dangers of culture. Culture comes from the idea of conforming. Most people are afraid to go agai8nst the common consensus and stand alone on their own two feet which God gave them. Most people look to the corrupt mainstream newsmedia to shape their opinions. We ought to be looking to God's Word. If you truly think for yourself, you'll pleasantly find that God wrote the Bible for the thinking person. God has given to us innumerable proofs of His existence and of the legitimacy of the Bible if we'll just open our heart. Satan blinds the MIND (2nd Corinthians 4:4), but salvation is of the HEART (Romans 10:9).

Where are the churches today? The answer is that along with the banning of the Bible from children's education in the public schools in 1963, generations to follow were doomed, having no moral compass and being destitute of the truth. This is the Crazy World's Alternative Solution Instead of Teaching Children the Word of God. Was the Bible and prayer really all that bad? Read the indicting words against our nation by a member of congress.

Our nation is like a rotting corpse today. The criminal bankers are feeding off Americans like vultures feeding off a dead animal. Jesus warned that there would be MUCH hatred and betrayal in the end times (Matthew 24:10). We are seeing much of this already today, as Homeland Security are recruiting neighbor to snitch against neighbor. I'm not an eloquent writer. I don't have a gift for typing. I am not a talented author. But bless God, I CARE!!! If enough Americans cared, we could turn this ship around. God would help us, as he did our founding fathers. God will not bless a wicked nation. Our love for sin as a nation has made us complacent, indifferent and soft concerning sin and evil. People simply don't care. They don't want to spend their time fighting for what's right, while most people are out having a good time instead.

It's my firm conviction that God will reward me in eternity for every keystroke, every word I type, every prayer, et cetera. This is God's promise (Mark 9:41; 1st Corinthians 3:6-10; 15:58; Matthew 6:20).

Thank God for Cindy Sheehan’s courage to stand against the evils of the Bush administration. Now where’s the rest of America? Where are the churches? Why do entertainers such as Anita Bryant have to single-handedly fight against homosexuality? Where are America’s churches? I guess they're too busy being “cultured.”

Evils In America