Food, Fasting and Faith
By Lester Roloff
poet has said, "I walked today where Jesus walked." It has been my privilege
to walk with the author of this book over some of the new ground he has
plowed in this little book. Some of it is completely new to me but
spiritually reasonable. Of one thing I am sure: the author believes and
practices his preaching.
Lester Roloff is a strange but refreshing interruption to this deadening sameness of our day. He is a non-conformist in a day of demanding conformity. He refuses to be dictated to by religious would-be leaders. He is like an Elijah in a day of compromising Obadiahs. May his tribe increase!
Conformity in religious or Christian circles has become a fetish or tin god to millions. Anyone who dares to be different is branded as non-cooperative and therefore frowned upon and avoided. John the Baptist, Jesus, Paul, Martin Luther, Spurgeon, Wesley, and others belong to this holy band of non-conformists. Their day hated them, but history haloes them. So it is! "Enough if the Master I please." I believe this is the passionate concern of the author of this booklet.
Suffice it to say that what I have learned and practiced of the principles of the contents of the booklet has been a great help to me spiritually and physically. I pray the blessing of God the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit upon its message to our softening and decadent day.
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