The Satanic
Compiled and edited by David J. Stewart |
Depths of Hell Music
Benjamin Franklin Was An
Unsaved Modernist!

A Mason, Benjamin Franklin's links to occult secret
societies have long been known. In the clip below, the
History Channel talks about his involvement in the Hellfire
Club, a secret society that conducted black masses and
These bizarre, occult practices
are still going on today in secret societies like the
Bohemian club
(Alex Jones infiltrated the Bohemian Grove and caught one of
their rituals on tape -- click here to go see the video).
Truth is certainly stranger than fiction. The Hellfire
Club was no ordinary club. Located deep beneath the
disguise of an innocent looking church in England, members
of the Hellfire Club descended hundreds of feet deep
into the earth; into a series of excavated tunnels, rooms
and caverns; where members fornicated with prostitutes;
and occult sacrifices were offered to Satan. God only knows
what evils took place down there; but the
Franklin Boys Town Cover-up reveals what's happening
Males prostitutes and whores
are commonplace at
Bohemian Grove and
Skull and Bones island. Just as Ben Franklin was an
occultist devoted to Satan, so also are George Bush Sr. and
Jr., John Kerry, Henry Kissinger, and other puppets today.
British Prime-minister,
Winston Churchill, was a druid witch.
The very term "Hellfire Club"
is a mockery of the Scriptures. This is equivalent to the
reprobates who nicknamed Las Vegas, "Sin City." How dare
sinful men shake their fists in God's face and challenge
Him. Americans may trust in goods or greed; but we certainly
do NOT trust in the God of the Bible. We spit on Him as a
The elaborate labyrinth of
passages in Franklin's secret society were fashioned in such
a manner that it appeared as if one were descending into
Hell; hence the term, "Hellfire Club." The members of the
Hellfire Club were evil and are no doubt burning in the very
flames that they scorned and sinfully made light of.
Authorities were shocked on
February 11, 1998 when workmen restoring Benjamin Franklin's London home dug
up the remains of six children and four adults hidden below the home.
Creepy huh? Most likely, only God and the dead know the
truth of what really happened.
~By David J. Stewart
“I have found
Christian dogma unintelligible. Early in life, I
absenteed myself from Christian assemblies.”
—Benjamin Franklin, American
Founding Father, author, and inventor
In the PBS feature
documentary film, “BENJAMIN FRANKLIN: An
Extraordinary Life. An Electric Mind” (2002), in the “Program
Outtakes” section of the DVD, there is a section titled,
“I BELIEVE IN ONE GOD,” in which Benjamin Franklin is
quoted as saying that he was not sure whether or not Jesus
is God. This is the last quote ever attributed to Benjamin
Franklin just before his death in 1790...
"Here is my
Creed: I believe in one God, Creator of the Universe.
That He governs it by his Providence. That he ought to
be worshipped. That the most acceptable Service we can
render to him, is doing Good to his other Children…. I
think the System of Morals [devised by Jesus] and his
Religion as he left them to us, the best the World ever
saw, or is likely to see; but I apprehend it has
received various corrupting Changes, and I have with
most of the present Dissenters in England, some Doubts
as to his Divinity."
All God demands of
humanity for salvation is that we acknowledge our guilt of
sin and come to God via faith in His Son's redemptive work
to be forgiven. Franklin openly admit that He had faith in
one God, but did not mention his faith in the Son of God, I
am fully convinced that Benjamin Franklin was not a
born-again Christian when he died; especially since he was
skeptical concerning Christ's deity in his last known
The Hellfire Club was the popular name for an
exclusive English club that met irregularly from 1746 to
around 1763, run by Sir Francis Dashwood. During the time of
the club's operation, they were commonly thought to hold
notorious, orgiastic and Satanic meetings at Medmenham
Abbey, beside the Thames and later at West Wycombe Caves.
The term was not invented by the
1750 club; they first met to celebrate an earlier club
founded in 1720 by Charles Edward. Other clubs using the
name were set up throughout the 18th century.
The club was founded by Sir
Francis Dashwood after he returned from his Grand Tour of
Europe. According to the 1779 book Nocturnal Revels, on the
Grand Tour he had visited various religious seminaries,
"founded, as it were, in direct contradiction to Nature and
Reason; on his return to England, [he] thought that a
burlesque Institution in the name of St Francis, would mark
the absurdity of such Societies; and in lieu of the
austerities and abstemiousness there practised, substitute
convivial gaiety, unrestrained hilarity, and social
At the first gathering in May
1746, they met at the George and Vulture public house in
Lombard Street, London, the meeting place of the 1720s
group. The initial membership was limited to twelve but it
soon increased. Of the original twelve, seven have been
almost certainly identified: Dashwood, Robert Vansittart,
William Hogarth, Thomas Potter, Francis Duffield, Edward
Thompson, and Paul Whitehead. Though not a member, Benjamin
Franklin occasionally attended the club's meetings. The
later membership is potentially immense, including John
Wilkes and John Montagu, 4th Earl of Sandwich.
They did not call themselves
the Hellfire Club, but used a number of mockingly religious
titles, initially the Brotherhood of St. Francis of Wycombe.
Other titles used included the Order of Knights of West
Wycombe and later the Monks of Medmenham. The members called
each other brothers and referred to Dashwood as abbot;
female guests were nuns. Unlike the more determined
Satanists of the 1720s the club motto was Fay ce que
vouldras (Do what thou wilt) from François Rabelais, later
used by Aleister Crowley. Although indulging in
pseudo-Satanic rites the 'monks' were keener devotaries of
Bacchus and Venus.
The George and Vulture burned
down in 1749, possibly owing to a club meeting. However, it
was rebuilt shortly afterwards and survives as a City chop
house off Cornhill. Dickens lived and wrote here for some
while and the Pickwick Club still meets there to this day.
After a hiatus meetings were resumed at members' homes.
Dashwood built a temple in the grounds of his West Wycombe
home and nearby 'catacombs' were excavated. The first
meeting at Wycombe was held on Walpurgis Night, 1752; a much
larger meeting, it was something of a failure and no
large-scale meetings were held there again. Despite this and
the fictionalizing of the club Dashwood acquired the ruins
of Medmenham Abbey in 1755, which was rebuilt by the
architect Nicholas Revett in the style of the 18th century
Gothic revival. In 1762 factional stresses and political
rivalries turned the affairs of the club into public clashes
and under heavy pressure the club finally disbanded.
SOURCE: Ashe, Geoffrey (2000). The
Hell-Fire Clubs: A History of Anti-Morality. Gloucestershire: Sutton
Publishing. ISBN 0-7509-2402 ...
Ben Franklin was a
very wicked man, that history has been kind to, by omitting his publicly
sinful lifestyle.
Franklin was a
drunk. He had weekly meetings at a tavern, where he got drunk with
several of his associates. Franklin wrote, in a piece called, "The
Antediluvians Were All Very Sober," that "Virtue and Safety in Wine
Drinking is found, while all that drink water deserve to be drowned."
Proverb 20:1 states, "Wine is a mocker, strong drink is raging: and
whosoever is deceived thereby is not wise."
Franklin was a
whoremonger. Of course, all that drinking can lead to fornication,
which Franklin was also very fond of. Not only did Franklin write a
letter to a friend on "How to Choose A Mistress," but he had an
illegitimate son. This is strange behavior for a God-fearing "deist."
While in France, he attempted to seduce a married woman who was 40 years
younger than himself.
Franklin was an
occultist, Satanist and indulged in child sacrifice. Franklin
attended the drunken, ritual orgies of a secret society called, among
other things, the Hellfire Club. They would get drunk, dress
prostitutes up like Nuns and have orgies in underground caves, which
resembled Black Masses (although they "worshipped" pagan deities Bacchus
and Venus). While not actual professed Satanists, their motto Fait ce
que vouldras (Do what thou wilt) was later used by Satanist
(SOURCE: Ashe, Geoffrey (2000). The
Hell-Fire Clubs: A History of Anti-Morality. Gloucestershire: Sutton
Publishing. ISBN 0-7509-2402).
What is most disturbing is that on February 11, 1998
The London Times
reported that workmen restoring Benjamin Franklin's London home dug
up the remains of six children and four adults hidden below the home.
"Initial estimates are that the
bones are about 200 years old and were buried at the time Franklin was
living in the house, which was his home from 1757 to 1762, and from 1764
to 1775. Most of the bones show signs of having been dissected, sawn or
cut. One
has been drilled with several holes.
Paul Knapman, the Westminster Coroner, said: "I cannot totally discount
the possibility of a crime. There is still a possibility that I may have
to hold an inquest."
Ben Franklin
and the Hellfire Club
January 11, 2005
A mason, Benjamin
Franklin's links to occult secret societies have long been known. In the
clip below, the History Channel talks about his involvement in the Hellfire
Club, a secret society that conducted black masses and orgies. These
bizarre, occult practices are still going on today in secret societies like
the Bohemian club (Alex Jones
infiltrated the Bohemian Grove and caught one of their rituals on tape —
click here to go see the video).
In 1998, workmen
restoring Franklin's London home dug up the remains of six children and four
adults hidden below the home. The London Times reported on February 11,
"Initial estimates are
that the bones are about 200 years old and were buried at the time Franklin
was living in the house, which was his home from 1757 to 1762, and from 1764
to 1775. Most of the bones show signs of having been dissected, sawn or cut.
One skull has been drilled with several holes. Paul Knapman, the Westminster
Coroner, said yesterday: "I cannot totally discount the possibility of a
crime. There is still a possibility that I may have to hold an inquest."
(Scroll down to read the entire article)
Remains of Ten
Bodies Found at Ben Franklin's Home
The Sunday Times |February 11, 1998
WORKMEN have dug up
the remains of ten bodies hidden beneath the former London home of Benjamin
Franklin, the founding father of American independence.
The remains of four
adults and six children were discovered during the £1.9 million restoration
of Franklin's home at 36 Craven Street, close to Trafalgar Square.
Researchers believe that there could be more bodies buried beneath the
basement kitchens.
Initial estimates are
that the bones are about 200 years old and were buried at the time Franklin
was living in the house, which was his home from 1757 to 1762, and from 1764
to 1775. Most of the bones show signs of having been dissected, sawn or cut.
One skull has been drilled with several holes. Paul Knapman, the Westminster
Coroner, said yesterday: "I cannot totally discount the possibility of a
crime. There is still a possibility that I may have to hold an inquest."
The principal suspect
in the mystery is William Hewson, like Franklin a Fellow of the Royal
Society, and the husband of Polly Stevenson, the daughter of Franklin's
landlady, Mary Stevenson.
In the early 1770s Dr
Hewson was in partnership with William Hunter, who, with his brother John,
was one of the founders of British surgery. Dr Hunter and Dr Hewson ran a
school of anatomy in Soho, but after an argument Dr Hewson left to live in
Franklin's house, where he is believed to have established a rival school
and lecture theatre. Dr Knapman added yesterday: "It is most likely that
these are anatomical specimens that Dr Hewson disposed of in his own house,
but we are still not certain about the bones' exact age or origin."
Hunter-Jones, deputy chairman of the Friends of Benjamin Franklin House, the
charity concerned with restoring the property and opening it to the public,
said: "The bones were quite deeply buried, probably to hide them because
grave robbing was illegal. There could be more buried, and there probably
Brian Owen Smith has
volunteered to lead researches on behalf of the friends. He said yesterday:
"The discovery represents an important insight into very exciting years of
medical history. Benjamin Franklin, through his support for Polly and Dr
Hewson, socially and scientifically, was very much part of that."
To the suggestion that
Franklin might have been a grave robber, or an accomplice to Dr Hewson,
Hilaire Dubourcq, of the Friends of Benjamin Franklin House, responded: "It
is possible that he has an alibi. It seems likely that he actually let Dr
Hewson have use of the whole house for his school for a time, and went up
the street to live with Mary Stevenson. He did not necessarily know what was
happening below stairs in the house during his absence."
Dr Hewson fell victim
to his own researches at an early age. He accidentally cut himself while
dissecting a putrid body, contracted septicemia and died in 1774, aged 34.
Franklin, who wrote
the opening words to the Declaration of Independence, continued to support
the widowed Polly, and when he returned to Philadelphia he invited her there
to live as his neighbour. Both her sons became eminent medical men, as have
successive generations of Hewsons in America.
If the first Dr Hewson
did obtain bodies for his experiments and demonstrations by robbing local
graveyards, he risked the death penalty or deportation. He might have had
the help of his students in secretly burying the remains beneath the
four-story house, where the dissections may have been performed.
It is hoped to reopen
the house to the public at the end of the year. Regular visitors during
Franklin's residency included Pitt the Elder (the Earl of Chatham), Edmund
Burke, James Boswell, Adam Smith and Thomas Paine, the author of The Rights
of Man.
Benjamin Franklin's
Occult Involvement
Benjamin Franklin was involved with numerous demonic cults, including the
Freemasons who are behind the New World Order. Satan is the god of this evil
world (2nd Corinthians 4:4), who controls men through
occult secret societies. The
BEAST system of
the coming Antichrist has been in the works for centuries, and was the
sole reason for America's
"One of the most
influential figures in the American Revolution was the writer,
philosopher and scientist Benjamin Franklin. He was a Quaker but had
become a Freemason in 1731 when he joined the Lodge of St. John in
Philadelphia, which was the first recognized Masonic lodge in America. At the time he was inducted Franklin was working as a journalist and he
wrote several pro-Masonic articles which were published in The
Pennsylvania Gazette.
In 1732 he helped draft the by laws of his
lodge and in 1734 he printed the Constitutions which was the
first Masonic book ever issued in America. He eventually rose to Grand
Master of the St. John's lodge and in 1749 was elected Grand Master of
the Province. While in France in the 1770s, as a diplomat for the
American colonies, Franklin was made Grand Master of the Nine Sisters
Lodge in Paris. Members of the Lodge included Danton, who was to play a
crucial role in the French Revolution, the Marquis de Lafayette and Paul
Jones, both of whom fought in the American War of Independence. While
in Paris Franklin used his Masonic contacts to raise funds to buy arms
for the American rebels."
Michael Howard, The Occult Conspiracy -
Secret Societies - Their Influence and Power in World History
Franklin, was also a
Rosicrucian Grand Master, who was at the heart of the Illuminati operations
to take over America and replace the visible control of the British Empire
with the invisible control of the secret brotherhood, the most effective and
ongoing form of mastering the underclass. It is said the Illuminati, via
the Freemasons, controlled and
manipulated both sides in the American War of
Independence and were also deeply connected with the French Revolution
Franklin was Agent 72
of the British intelligence agency created by Dr. John Dee and Francis Bacon
during the rein of Elizabeth I. During their time in London, Franklin and
the Professor were brought into contact with those in positions of
power who shared their Masonic and occult interests. One of these was Sir
Francis Dashwood, the English Chancellor of the Exchequer who was also the
founder of a secret society called the Friars of St. Francis of Wycombe,
more popularly known in the parlors of London as the Hell Fire Club.
The Child's
Own Losses