Dr. Kent Hovind
By David J. Stewart
March 2013 | Updated November 2016
John 3:16,
“For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son,
that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting
Today I was encouraged to find a
YouTube video of Dr. Kent Hovind from December of 2015 rebuking the heresy
of Lordship Salvation. Yet, I was also discouraged from Dr. Hovind's
official website to find
another video
where he is teaching a false meaning of repentance.
Refuting Dr. Kent Hovind On Repentance (he says you must be sorry & willing to do right).
Repentance is a simple “change of mind” of acknowledging one's guilt
as a sinner (Galatians 3:24-26). Repentance is not intent to reform,
turning away from sins, forsaking the world, sorrow for sins, ceasing from sinful bad
habits, nor a willingness to do better. I wish Kent would pick a plan of
salvation and stick with it!
Brother Hovind recently made the excellent statement,
“Getting Born-Again Has To Be Simple Or Stupid People Couldn't Do It!” Amen!
That is very true. Dr. Hovind expresses a profound theological truth in an
elegant simple statement—God deliberately made His plan of salvation so
simply, that even a small child can be saved... SIMPLY BY BELIEVING THE
Unfortunately, Dr. Hovind contradicts himself. Repentance means,
PROCLAIMS TO YOU.” Dr. Hovind wrongly understands repentance to mean
telling God, “'I don't want to do wrong anymore. I'm sorry. I've offended
you. I want to do right,' and you turn from sin and you turn to God.” This is the modern
definition found in an English dictionary, but it is NOT the Greek Biblical
meaning. Wanting to do right is not a requirement to believe the Gospel. Being
sorry for sins (an emotion) is not required to be saved. The phrase “turn
from sin” is not even mentioned in the Holy Bible, and is not required to
believe the Gospel. The English dictionary has been influenced by the apostate Roman
Catholic church. Sadly,
many Baptist churches are no better than Seventh-day Adventists, teaching
a false repentance.
Pastor John MacArthur teaches virtually the same false repentance as does
SDA prophetess Ellen G. White. Have you believed a lie? Please read
Dr. Curtis Hutson correctly
explain repentance.
all videos for
Dr. Kent Hovind). Please read the excellent sermon,
“What Is The
Gospel?” (by Dr. Harry A. Ironside, 1876-1951). At best, Dr. Hovind is
simply caught between grace and works and needs to reconsider his doctrinal
position on repentance. At worse, he has intentionally chosen to be
ecumenical and straddle both sides of the fence (i.e., trying to appease
everyone in the ongoing debate over repentance). There is no middle ground
on this issue. The simplicity that is in Christ doesn't allow for any
Although I disagree with Dr. Hovind's Young Earth views, I tremendously
admire Dr. Hovind for his faithful stand for Jesus Christ. Yet, now I'm
concerned over his doctrinal position on repentance. Truly, he knows what it
means to be outside the gate with Jesus! I have my beefs with the niche some
one-issue believers have made financially from the subject of Evolution, but I believe
God still honors every soul-winning ministry that sincere and legitimately
preachers the Gospel (i.e., the simplicity that is in Jesus Christ, 2nd
Corinthians 11:3) Unfortunately, at present that excludes Dr. Hovind if he's
telling people they must be sorry, turn from sins and want to do better as a
requirement to be saved. That is false doctrine!
I also do not agree with Dr. Hovind's denial of a pretribulation
Rapture, but I respect other's right in the Body of Christ to disagree with
me. I listen to sermons regularly by both Dr. Texe Marrs and Pastor Steven
Anderson (who both teach a PreWrath Rapture), even though I refute them both
on that topic and don't agree with their position on the Rapture. We are at
war with the Devil in these end times. Our Battle is not against each other
as Christians, but against the Alexandrian Bible corrupting crowd (aka, the
Bob Jones University and Moody Bible Institute crowd), and the Lordship
Salvation gang (aka, Dr. John MacArthur and Evangelist Ray Comfort)!
THE BATTLE OF THE AGES (MP3, Dr. Hyles; The Alexandrian Bible
crowd are God's enemies!).
Dr. Hovind certainly does a great job exposing the Devil's New World
Order, and I agree with his assertions. The average Christian believer is
woefully ignorant of the forming New World Order, and so most Christians
support it! Please see the free online video documentary,
New World Order Bible Versions.
IRS Admits Wrongfully
Convicting Dr. Kent Hovind For 'Structuring,' Considering
I think Brother Hovind deserves some credit for
his faithful stand for the Lord. Please read the Forbes' article
The Trials Of Kent Hovind: An American Tragedy! (Brother Hovind was
wrongly prosecuted).
Dr. Kent Hovind Had a Biblical
Right to Remarry
I congratulate
Dr. Hovind for his
recent remarriage in October of 2016. After 18 years of a troubled
marriage, my own wife divorced me in 2006 against my will. I fought the
divorce. She refused to reconcile with me. It was incredibly painful. I
endured inexplicable emotional trauma, physical affliction and woeful
financial loss. I lost my home. I lost my pets. I lost my retirement. I lost
my confidence. But God has been good and I thank him for His blessings. It's
been ten years now and I'm reluctant to remarry. I've not dated anyone. I
live alone and serve the Lord faithfully. My website ministry helps keep my
mind preoccupied, taking my mind off painful memories. If you'd like to know
more, please read,
Serving God With the Broken Pieces of My Life.
I have a Biblical right to remarry,
because I didn't want the divorce, but I've had great difficulty moving on
emotionally with my life. My life since 2006 has felt like the 1972 thriller
movie, “Poseidon” (a fictional film about a full-sized ocean-liner capsized
by a rogue tidal wave). Ironically, the movie was remade in 2006, the same
year as my unwanted divorce. My constant neck pain since 2004 has also
contributed to my afflictions, stifling any desire to pursue another
marriage. I'm just not emotionally up to it, because there are no perfect
marriages. It would largely depend on the personality and character of the
woman I married, and that's really hard to fully determine until you've been
married for a couple years. I'd be so happy if Jesus came back today, the
I am lonely (but the Lord is always
with me), and I fully
empathize with Dr. Hovind's desire to remarry. I do not criticize him at all. I am
happy for him. Dr. Hovind has been unfairly accused of committing adultery,
but he has every right to remarry, since he didn't want the divorce.
Furthermore, we don't know the story of the dear lady that he married. We
don't know the circumstances or details of her divorce 10 years earlier, so
we ought to remain silent. And if you're looking for those details, shame on
you for stirring up hatred! Proverbs 16:27, “An ungodly man diggeth up
evil: and in his lips there is as a burning fire.” It's it easy to judge
from a distance. Ultimately, we all answer only to the Lord. Proverbs
29:26b, “every man's judgment cometh from the LORD.”
Eric Hovind Stole His Father's Ministry
There has been quite a bit of confusion over who really owns the Creation
Science Evangelism (CSE) website and ministry. Originally, before the government wrongfully convicted
and imprisoned Brother Hovind, CSE belonged to Brother Hovind.
Unfortunately, his son Eric stole his father's ministry while he was
incarcerated in prison (as per Dr. Hovind's own statements). I think that is
terrible and disloyal. There's just something about money that once you have
it, it has you! Eric is exploiting his father's name to make money, but his
father has been ousted from the ministry. Please don't give a penny to
Creation Science Evangelism!!! I don't even want to link to their website.
Dr. Hovind's new official website is
Respectfully, I do not agree with Dr. Hovind's Young Earth position. Dr.
John R. Rice also held a Young Earth position. I believe in an Old Earth, as
did Dr. Rice's successor at the Sword of the Lord, Dr. Curtis Hutson (I'll
explain this in more detail later). There is much debate on the issue.
Albeit, Brother Hovind is 100% correct on the Gospel, and I applaud him for
exposing Evangelist Ray Comfort as a
false prophet.
Eric Hovind's False Plan of Salvation
(and Kent Hovind too!)
Eric Hovind is wrong on the
Gospel. Here is
Eric Hovind's latest
statement of faith, in which he subtly states in the section on
“Repentance does not mean perfection. We don’t clean ourselves up on our
own and then try to get God to take us back. Rather, it is choosing a
different attitude toward sin. We will remain sinners until God calls us
home to Heaven. We will have to ask forgiveness of sin until we die. But as
a child of God, God gives His children power and strength to battle against
it. A person who truly repents and trusts Christ alone for
salvation is what a Christian is! The Bible says in I Corinthians 5:17,
'Therefore if any man be in Christ, he is a new creature: old things are
passed away; behold, all things are become new.' Christians are marked by
characteristics of their Savior, Jesus Christ. Christian means
'Christ-like.' Compassion, love, goodness, meekness, humility, honesty,
dependability—these mark the life of a Christian.”
Eric is wrong on repentance (and his father is too). Biblical repentance is not a change of attitude toward
sin that results in a change of behavior (Eric), nor a willingness to change
one's behavior (Kent). Biblical repentance is a change of
mind that results in believing the Gospel. This is what the Greek noun “METANOIA”
You don't have to be “Christlike” to be a
Christian. How can a person be expected to have a change of heart and
attitude when they aren't even saved yet? The presence of the indwelling
Holy Spirit is the change! God makes the difference! But that has nothing to do with believing the
Gospel to get saved. Preachers need to stop corrupting the Gospel by
inserting a change of attitude and behavior modification to be saved. Our
part is simply to BELIEVE THE GOSPEL. This is why the words “believe” and
“believed” are found 85 times in the Gospel of John, but the word “repent”
is never mentioned even once. This is because we REPENT TO BELIEVE, we don't
REPENT AND BELIEVE! We change our mind to believe. Also, Eric Hovind
promotes Ray Comfort's ministry.
A change of heart is reformation, not
regeneration. The man who believes the Gospel HAS REPENTED. Repentance is
not a predisposition, nor intent, to reform one's sinful ways; but rather,
acknowledgment before a holy God that I am as guilty a sinner as He has
declared me to be in His holy Word (Romans 3:19). If a man didn't repent, he
would never come to Christ to be saved (John 3:20).
Granted, the believers were first called “Christians” at Antioch (Acts
11:26). But they were also disciples, more than just saved. They preached in
Jesus' name and were labeled by the heathen world as “Christians.”
So technically, a “Christian” is a saved person who is exemplifying Christ
in their daily walk for others to see. That's why the unsaved world labeled
them as “Christians,” because they saw Jesus Christ in them.
Albeit, discipleship is NOT a requirement to be
saved, clearly evidenced in Romans 12:1-2. Eternal life is a free gift
(Romans 5:15, 6:23), dependant solely upon God's faithfulness (John 1:12-14;
Jonah 2:9); whereas discipleship costs the believer everything and is
dependent upon our faithfulness (Luke 14:33).
It's not just a matter of semantics. One Gospel
says a person can be saved and still hold on to some sinful bad habits. The
other Gospel say there's no such thing as a carnal Christian (which is what
Paul Washer has stated). I
don't like the idea of a new convert holding onto pet sins. I would like to
mandate for sinners to clean up their life if they really want to be saved.
However, none of that is Biblical. The Bible says the
publicans and harlots believed Him, but
we are not told that they stopped being publicans and harlots.
John 12:42-43 says some of the Pharisees
believed on Him, but they kept it secret because they loved the praises of
men more than the praises of God. That's a sin! They didn't surrender to
Christ or forsake their selfish will. This is evidence that a sinner does
NOT have to forsake sinful bad habits to be saved. This doesn't give anyone
God's permission to live in sin, God forbid (Romans 3:31). It just means
that salvation is completely of Christ, a free gift, which we simply receive
to have by faith. Salvation is based upon the love and promise of God, and
not upon man's willingness to do better.
Many Christians are not aware of the battle and
until now have not been forced to take sides, but that time has come for
every Christian on the matter of repentance. Lest you think the matter
exaggerated, consider that the
Jehovah's witnesses agree with Ray Comfort, Paul Washer and John
Mormons and John MacArthur agree on repentance.
Seventh-day Adventists and John MacArthur agree on repentance. How about
you friend whoever you may be, where do you stand? Either a person has to
stop sinful bad habits to be saved or they don't. There's a big difference
between the two teachings. The Bible teaches, no, a person is saved by faith
in the Lord, period.
I have a serious problem with the false Gospel
at Creation
Science Evangelism website (Eric Hovind's website), which teaches that it's not enough to be
sorry for one's sins to be saved...
“Second, repent of your sin.
This means that
you must turn completely away from your sin. It is more than
just saying sorry; it is a complete change of direction as you
by God’s power, to go His way, instead of the way of sin.”
The Bible teaches in Romans 3:19 that the Law
of God was given that every mouth might be stopped and all the world BECOME
GUILTY BEFORE GOD. That's all that's required for salvation. If you
acknowledge your guilty condition for breaking God's commandments, and
believe the Gospel (i.e., Jesus died, was buried and rose again), then you
are saved. Whatever changes that need to be made in your life is God's
department. Repentance Biblically is
a change of
mind, not a change of life. A changed life is the FRUIT of genuine
repentance, and NOT a part of the ROOT of saving faith. CSE has influence
over millions of people, and so it is a big matter to God. Jesus paid it
all! What CSE teaches totally negates the gift of God. If a person has to
endeavor to go His way, then it's not a gift. That word “endeavor” is
The only sense in which a person must turn from
sin to be saved is to admit one's sinnership. That's it! You DON'T have to
turn away from committing sins, nor be willing to cease from committing
sins. A changed life is the FRUIT of genuine repentance, which comes later
on AFTER a person grows in the grace of God from nourishing on the milk of
God's Word (1st Peter 2:2). A newborn baby Christian cannot live a
consecrated life anymore than a newborn human baby can run a marathon race.
The ROOT of the believer's salvation is faith in Jesus as the Christ
(Galatians 3:26). James speaks of the FRUIT of a believer's faith in James
2:18-22; whereas Paul speaks of the ROOT of faith in Romans 4:3-6.
God makes the changes! Our part is to believe
the Gospel. Our part is to acknowledge our sinnership and trust the Savior
for forgiveness. Salvation is without obligation on the part of the sinner.
God is obligated to keep His promise to save those who believe on the Lord
Jesus Christ. There is no obligation in any way whatsoever upon the sinner
to stop sinning, forsake the world, nor change anything! Change is a result
of genuine repentance, not a prerequisite to be saved. Lordship
Salvationists have it all backwards. They mandate change as a requirement
for salvation; but a changed life is the FRUIT of genuine repentance unto
salvation, and not a part of the ROOT of saving-faith. END
The Young Earth Creation
UPDATE 2013—My biggest concern right now is that the 'Creation Science Evangelism'
and 'Creation Today' (Eric Hovind's new ministry) are becoming money-making
businesses. Ken Ham's apostate Answers In Genesis
(AIG) took in over $22,000,000 in 2010. Former AIG administrator, Paul
Taylor, now works with Eric Hovind and Creation Today. Ken Ham has turned
the Bible into a lucrative business, which is wrong. Eric Hovind is
marketing new T-shirts promoting a Young Earth heresy, which concerns me
greatly. I don't see souls being saved, I see money being made... money,
money, money!
From listening to Dr. Hovind's presentations I
have been blessed and he does an excellent job making evolutionists look
like fools. I sincerely hope and pray that Dr. Hovind will reconsider
Genesis chapter one in light of the Hebrew meaning of “create”
in Genesis 1:1 verses the drastically different word “made” in the verses to
follow describing the remodeling of creation.
In this article I'm going to address Dr.
Hovind's wrongful imprisonment by a tyrannical government that has gone out
of control nationwide. I'm also going to address Dr. Hovind's unbiblical
Young Earth position (held by many people today) verses an Old Earth view.
As a humble born-again Christian, I am a defender of liberty and freedom. I
have been a big defender of Dr. Hovind, and still respect him tremendously
for his zeal and stand against government tyranny. Dr. Hovind was wrongly
labeled by the unjust judge as a threat to society because he told the truth
about the New World Order and the evil crimes being perpetrated by the U.S.
federal government. Our nation is under siege. In this matter I commend Dr.
Hovind and stand with him as a Christian. Granted, I don't know all the
details, but from everything I've read it appears that the state of Florida
wrongly convicted an innocent man.
“Dissent is the highest form of patriotism”
President Thomas Jefferson
“When 7000 of the
best and brightest young men were taken captive into Babylon in
Daniel's day, only three refused to bow a short time later. See
Daniel 3:12. I'm sure the 6997 had good excuses for why they
disobeyed the first of God's ten commandments they had been brought
up with and I'm sure they thought the three not kissing the dirt
that day made a bad choice, but we only know the names of those
three today.” —Dr. Kent Hovind
1989 Dr. Kent Hovind started Creation Science Evangelism (CSE)
ministry. I greatly admire Dr. Kent Hovind as a man who stands for his
convictions. My heart goes out to Dr. Hovind and his entire family. Satan is
trying to destroy all of God's children.
Dr. Hovind has been relentlessly persecuted by the Devil; but through it all
he has faithfully stood by his faith in God, family, convictions and
innocence. I'm concerned that Dr. Hovind is only changing his position on
the Rapture for financial gain. That's my opinion. God doesn't call anyone
to start a profitable business as a ministry. I have a serious problem with
Ken Ham's online ministry making $22,000,000 in 2010. Religion has become an
online racket these days. We are at war spiritually. I have a big problem
with a ministry that specializes on a particular Bible doctrine and leaves
off all the rest. There's just something about money that once you have it,
My first allegiance, love and loyalty is to Jesus Christ and the
inspired King James Bible. I was born into this world alone and will leave
alone. I have little patience with heresy and the
neo-evangelical garbage of
John MacArthur,
Ray Comfort,
Paul Washer,
Cameron and others who
sinfully teach that a person MUST try really hard to
stop sinning (or determine to do so) in order to receive the free gift of
eternal life by God's grace. Salvation is by grace through faith PLUS
NOTHING! I'm tired of religious people saying they believe that, but then
require people to make changes to be saved.
I have faithfully promoted Dr. Hovind for
years, and up until 2012 have counted him as a faithful man of God; but I was saddened recently
when I discovered a false gospel on their website. His imprisonment is not
what concerns me; but rather, his doctrinal flip flop and unbiblical
teachings. I'm not sure where Dr.
Hovind stands, because due to his incarceration he hasn't been able to be at
the helm of the ministry. Lord willing, time will tell, and we'll find out
exactly where he personally stands on the issue of repentance. It is one of
the biggest battles today in America. If Dr. Hovind supports Ray Comfort,
then we know he's corrupted. I strongly disagree with Dr. Hovind's Young
Earth views. I disagree with his Postribulation position. I disagree that
holding to an Old Earth view corrupts the gospel, which I'll explain in a
I realize that a man is not a heretic just
because he believes differently than I do, which is why I am being careful
not to label Dr. Hovind as a false prophet. I'm very curious to know where
he stands on the matter of repentance concerning salvation, because
his son
and Paul Taylor are corrupted. Repentance is a change of mind, NOT a
change of lifestyle.
Is Dr. Hovind Laboring For The Lord
Or Driving People Away?
Now, please understand that I admire Brother
Hovind, and I like the guy, but we disagree on the age of the earth. I
believe he is saved. I support his ministry to the extent that he is
preaching the true Gospel, but I do not agree with his teachings on the
timing of the Rapture or the age of the earth. I am not writing the
following rebuttal to criticize or defame Brother Hovind; but rather, simply
to express my views in the matter. I do so respectfully, as I entreat Dr.
Hovind as an elder.
I used to think that thanks to the efforts of
Dr. Hovind, millions of children have been delivered from the LIES of
Evolution. However, then I realized a couple years ago that Dr. Hovind may
be doing a lot more damage than good.
Actor, Matt Damon's recent words evidence my concerns. Science evidences
an Old Earth. The Bible in no way indicates that dinosaurs lived together
with mankind in Genesis. I disagree with Dr. John R. Rice (1895-1980) that
dinosaurs lived in jungles like lions and wild animals do today, and men
lived in civilized areas. I disagree that Noah left the dinosaurs behind. I
think that is ridiculous theology. In a desperate effort to reconcile the
Biblical account of creation in Genesis with science, sincere men like Dr.
Rice and Dr. Hovind teach heresies. A
study of the Hebrew words in Genesis chapter one reveal the truth of an
Old Earth, where dinosaurs lived before mankind was ever created.
Evangelist Ken Ham's Scam—Dinosaurs in Eden!!!
(Excellent! By
Pastor Max D. Younce)
For a detailed examination of the Hebrew meaning of
Genesis 1:1-2, please read...
Without Form And
(by Dr. Arthur C.
Dr. John R. Rice (1895-1980) who founded the Sword of the
Lord rejected the gap theory, yet his successor Curtis Hutson (1934-1995) believed in the
gap theory. It is a heated debate concerning an old verses a young earth
Let me say again that I admire Dr. Kent Hovind
for his zeal and passion to lead children away from the lies of Evolution.
It became obvious decades ago with
Lester Roloff's ministry in Corpus, Christi Texas that anyone who
successfully changes children's lives with the Word of God is hated and
attacked by the government. Yet, if those children are going to grow up
despising Christianity because it contradicts science, then Satan is going
to use that to remove the seed of God's Word from their hearts (Luke 8:12).
Matt Damon's opinion is completely reasonable. Science evidences an old
earth that's millions of years old. Evolution is a big lie. The Big Bang is
a fraud. But an old earth is accurate. These facts have confused many
people. I used to believe in a Young Earth, only because I wasn't aware of
the Hebrew language in Genesis chapter one. The words “create” and “made”
are two very different words. In Genesis 1:1 God created the universe. The
word means absolute creation, from nothing. But the word “made” which
follows in the remaining verses means to remodel. It's a general word with a
wide range of meaning.
I would like to believe that Kent Hovind is
laboring for the Lord, as Billy Graham once did. But Billy Graham changed
and started serving the Devil. At one time John R. Rice stated that he
thought Billy Graham would become the next Billy Sunday. I read a book,
published way back in the old days, titled “BORN AGAIN” by Billy Graham.
It's a great book. In fact, Billy Graham was on the board of directors of
the famous “Sword Of The Lord” founded by Dr. John R. Rice. What happened?
Billy Graham began a love affair
with the popes of Rome, honoring Roman Catholics and being honored by
them in return. It's wickedness and apostasy! Billy Graham stopped preaching
the truth.
Graham sold out, dipping his sails for the love
of money, and started doing more harm than good. Billy Graham is laboring
for Satan in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ. Personally, I seriously
doubt Graham's salvation. I said that to say that people change. Dr. Hovind
abandoned his Pretribulation beliefs, which I was sad to hear. Only a naive
student of the Bible would deny the Pretribulation Rapture. I don't trust
the theology of any man who can't figure out that the Bible teaches a
Pretribulation Rapture. It's not that hard to see.
Psalms chapter 15 tells us how NOT TO BE MOVED,
that is, how not to sell out or change for the worse. The Bible mentions
abstaining from gossip, hurting others and the love of money. One of the
fastest ways to change is to make money an issue. Money will never be an
issue in my ministry because I don't and won't receive any money. I'll get
rid of my ministry before I'll take a penny. I'll NEVER ask for money, nor
accept any. This is a labor of love for the Lord. I am leery of anyone who
makes money from their ministry. Be careful if you sell anything. It's not
wrong to sell things, but if you're not very careful you'll sinfully
compromise and start living for money. The early Christians made no personal
profits from their ministry. All money was redistributed to the poor and
those who served the Lord and needed food, clothing and lodging. No one
lived extravagantly on the Lord.
Dr. Kent Hovind: In His Own Words
Here's a much anticipated update from Brother
Hovind from February of 2012...
February 8th, 2012 by
CSE (for Dr. Hovind)
A Day in the (Prison) Life of Kent Hovind
Written on January 19,
Five years ago today I
was sentenced to ten years in federal prison — three
of them for praying for a man on the radio and five
of them for taking our own ministry money out of our
own ministry bank account to pay the ministry bills!
Whoda’ thought it could happen in America? It
actually might be funny if it were not happening to
The case is still on
appeal at the 11th circuit as well as motions to the
district court. I still maintain my integrity and
innocence as did scores of Bible characters like
Joseph, Job, Paul, etc. God has been s-o-o-o-o-o
good during this time of captivity! I see now why He
often let the heathen take His children into
captivity or prison even though they had done
nothing to deserve it. (See
Jeremiah 37,
Ezekiel 1,
Daniel 1,
etc.) This whole experience has changed me in a
thousand ways (all good I hope) and I pray I will be
even more useful for Him when I get out. The time to
read, pray, meditate, rest, and write is great! (I’m
rested Lord! Can I go home now?)
Anyway, many have asked
what a typical day for me in the prison is like; s-o-o-o-o-o, here is the schedule of a typical
day in my prison life:
4:00 am Woke up
and listened to
radio show for 30 minutes. I’ve been guest on
that program a few times. They have a wide range
of folks as guests and often it is good stuff! I
often wake up between 3-5 am and listen to part
of that program.
4:30 am Back to
sleep for an hour and a half of the sweetest
sleep of the night!
6:00 am Up,
dressed, and walk to chow hall for breakfast and
to drop off outgoing mail before 7:00 am.
6:45 am Met one
of the 20+ new inmates arriving at the prison to
help orient him to where things are and what he
is to do.
7:10 am Shower
and clean room.
7:30 am Meet with
several of the new converts I am discipling for
daily Bible reading. Read Genesis 24 and had a
great discussion! That is one of my favorite
chapters! The father sent the servant to the far
country to get a bride for his only son. Sounds
like God sending the Holy Spirit to earth to get
a bride for Christ! That will preach! (See “Where’s
The Bride?”
8:00 am Sign in
at education even though I don’t teach till
8:05 am Spent
more time showing the new guy how the email and
phone work and gave him a quick tour of the
8:25 am Print out
labels for tomorrow’s mail. We are only allowed
to print five labels per day.
8:30 am Answered
letters back in the room.
9:50 am Check and
answer email and drop off about a dozen letters
to mail. Walk a mile and work out with small
weights to rebuild my torn rotator cuff from
softball injury while I was in Edgefield, SC
almost two years ago! You’ll find out when you
get old!
10:15 am Back to
room to rest till lunch call. (I love and
Psalm 4:4!)
10:45 am Call to
lunch. Fried Chicken. Food here is pretty good!
NOT as good as the wife can cook though! Miss
11:15 am Back to
dorm to read and rest. There are no bars or
fences here and we are free to walk to other
buildings on the prison camp compound most of
the day.
12:00 pm Send and
receive email again and go to law library to
type on various projects.
1:00 pm Took a
short break to walk half mile and work out
shoulder again. It is a beautiful day today — 60
degrees, very sunny and WINDY! Typical high
desert weather.
1:10 pm Back to
typing projects.
1:30 pm Teach GED
math class. This is both a blessing and a real
eye opener! Many others have documented the
planned, deliberate decline in the American
public school system so I will simply add my
voice to say, “Wow! What a problem! What a
lack of learning!“
2:30 pm Go to
commissary to get my shopping list of little
things needed here. The BOP marks up everything
sold to inmates 30%. (Search the web for who
profits from this!) Most guys get paid $.12 per
hour which equals between $6 and $20 per month.
I make $17 per month for teaching in the GED
classes. Not bad for fifteen year’s experience
and five post graduate degrees! (I thought Abe
Lincoln fought a big war to stop slave labor.
Somebody needs to notify these folks!)
2:50 pm Worked
typing legal paperwork. I’ve been trying to get
my legal files that were kept in Edgefield, SC
when I was taken out of that prison nineteen
months ago! The prison in Edgefield still has
not sent them to me, and now the courts claim
that I was late filing my 2255 motion! More
bureaucratic insanity!
3:15 pm Checked
and answered email.
3:30 pm Went to
gym for Mail Call. I received 12 letters! What a
blessing! See
Proverbs 25:25.
I wish everyone got some mail. Call the Creation Today office for a list of men who
need encouragement via mail. 850-479-3466.
3:45 pm “Town
Hall” meeting in the gym for the Assistant Camp
Administrator to tell us some of the guys are
not keeping their room clean enough. I know a
great way to solve that problem — send us all
4:00 pm Line up
for Count Time in the dorms.
4:10 pm Read mail
and take a ten-minute nap!
4:45 pm Supper
6:00 pm For over
four years I have been working on another
degree. The last requirement is the writing of
another dissertation. I have been writing this
during the past several years. I was about 90%
finished, and was having it mailed back to me
for the final proof and additions before I
submitted to the school. The mail room here sent
the rough draft back saying that because I did
not take the courses offered here at the prison,
I could not receive it. For the last six months
I have filed papers back and forth with prison
officials requesting that I be allowed to be
given all my mail. I could write a book on the
ridiculous obstacles the prison officials have
put in my way but then, Nehemiah, Moses, and a
host of others had problems to overcome as well.
It sure seems like someone, maybe Satan, does
NOT want this information to be printed! The
dissertation is based on II Peter 3 where the
scoffers are ignorant of the creation, the
flood, and the coming judgment. I’ll keep
This entire
prison system is a HUGE waste of time, energy and money! Why would
America host 5% of the world’s population and yet host 25% of the
world’s prisoners? Hmmmm? Maybe because the politicians and judges are
allowed to own stock in the prison industries? There are lots of simple
suggestions to fix this problem in The Kennel by Elijah Green that is
posted someplace on line. When I become king, I’m shutting this place
down! Do you honestly think that the politicians and justice department
employees who profit from this prison system that destroys families will
vote to scale it back or shorten prison times? See I Timothy 6:10 for
the answer! There is plenty of legislation proposed each year to help
fix the problems, but it almost always dies in committee.
Meanwhile, I’ll just keep winning souls and discipling them like the
Lord commanded. Please pray Acts 12:5 style for my release and for the
growth of these new converts. As usual I have lots of paperwork in the
courts that could set me free.
In Christ,
Kent Hovind
Dr. Kent Hovind's Blog »
Dr. Hovind Update
The State Verses God
If you understand that property taxes are
unconstitutional, and that
state-licensing was intended to control churches, then you'll understand
who Dr. Hovind REFUSED to take a state license.
That's why he's in
Thieving criminals in the Federal Reserve steal TRILLIONS of dollars and
no one is arrested nor indicted, but pastor Hovind goes to prison for
tax-evasion (because he refused a $50 license that would have exempted his
501c3 organization from paying taxes). I admire anyone who stands against the
tyranny of the system.
America's founding fathers intended separation
of Church and State; but they never meant for separation of God and State.
God is supposed to be in government. 2nd Samuel 23:3,“The God of Israel
said, the Rock of Israel spake to me, He that ruleth over men must be just,
ruling in the fear of God.” Men who rule without the fear of God
consequently place themselves in the place of God. This is why the U.S.
Supreme Court continues to legalize abortion. They have no fear of God
before their eyes (Romans 3:18). I fear God, do you? Have you ever wondered
why God put you here upon the earth? The Bible answers that question in
Ecclesiastes 12:13, “Let us hear the conclusion of the whole matter: Fear
God, and keep his commandments: for this is the whole duty of man.”
With all the millions of illegal immigrants in America receiving
free welfare, free healthcare, free education, free foodstamps and free American jobs, it is utter hypocrisy what the
government is doing to Dr. Hovind over taxes because he refused a
license. It is just plain evil. Dr. Kent Hovind was wrongfully sentenced in
2007 to 10-years in prison for tax-evasion. It is sickening when one
considers that
Wall Street bankers in bed with the White House stole $23,700,000,000,000
(23 TRILLION) from U.S. tax-payers in 2009-1010; yet Brother Hovind gets
sentenced to prison for 10-years and his life destroyed for not paying
unconstitutional taxes imposed by an out-of-control corrupt government! The
wicked people who have prosecuted Kent Hovind will be held accountable by
God for their criminal hypocrisy.
Our founding fathers revolted over burdensome
taxes. While tens-of-millions of Americans have lost their homes to the
thieving Banksters; our government leaders continue to give away
billions of dollars to foreign nations, provide social welfare for illegal
immigrants, and fund population control programs worldwide. It is evil. It's
OUR money; yet they recklessly squander it and
plunge us further into massive debt!
The vile cesspool of iniquity, Walt Disney, has
been given autonomy in Florida (free from all government interference);
while Kent Hovind's ministry is harassed in every manner. The entire issue
is about the State's authority verses God's authority. Any honest person
knows that Kent Hovind's ministry is a ministry of the Church. A
state-licensed organization is NOT a Biblical church, it is a
state-licensed non-profit business. Most pastors today have bowed to Caesar
(the government), allowing the State to regulate the church through
Do you know what's the saddest thing of all. It
was Rebekah Horton, Vice President of Pensacola Christian College in
Pensacola Florida who turned Brother Hovind into the government for not
paying taxes. She will answer to God for destroying Hovind's life and his
poor wife. Kent
Hovind was stabbed in the back by another so-called Christian. It's
just further evidence of the apostasy of this wicked generation. What she
did is evil.
What was Hovind's big crime? He refused to
apply for a $50 state license, which consequently required his ministry to
pay taxes that he otherwise wouldn't have had to pay (if he had a state
license). State-licensed 501c3 organizations don't pay taxes in exchange
for bowing to the almighty government. That's not a Biblical church. Kent
Hovind's ministry comes closer to being a Biblical church than any
state-licensed 501c3 business. Hell is going to be hot, and God is more
angry than anybody over all of this hypocrisy and government usurping of
authority over the Church I assure you. Florida murdered Terri Schiavo, is
an illegal drug-importation state, and has one of the most corrupt court
systems in the country.
Dr. Kent Hovind's only crime was not obtaining
a state license as required by heathen laws.
Lester Roloff went through similar battles in Texas, being imprisoned
and demonized by enemies of the Church of our Lord Jesus Christ. It was
Florida's corrupt legal system that
tortured and murdered innocent Terri Schiavo in 2005. END
~by David J. Stewart, webservant of Jesus-is-Savior.com
(June 2012)
The True Issue Concerning
Pastor Kent Hovind
By David J. Stewart |
January 2012
Rebekah Horton, Pensacola Christian College’s (PCC) longtime senior vice
president, snitched Dr. Hovind to local authorities for tax-evasion.
Evangelist Kent Hovind was sentenced to 10 years in prison and his wife got
one year in prison. Horton took the stand during the second day of testimony
at the federal trial, testifying that Christianity does not condone
tax-evasion. Horton is a malicious hypocrite who condemned and hurt her
brother in hatred. God will judge her by the same measure on Judgment Day in
eternity (Matthew 7:2).
The truth is that pastor Hovind
wasn't trying to evade taxes; he refused to take a $50 state license, as did
Lester Roloff, John Bunyan and other great men of God. John Bunyan, who
wrote THE PILGRIM’S PROGRESS on milk bottle stoppers delivered to him in
prison said, “If I were released from prison today, I would preach the
Gospel tomorrow.”
The state punishes churches who
refuse 501c3 licensing by making them pay taxes. Brother Hovind stood his
conviction that as a New Testament Church his ministry ought not pay taxes.
The state said he wasn't a church since he wouldn't take a license. So they
imprisoned him to silence him concerning the truth.
licensing is evil. All across America state-licensed churches don't pay
a dime in income taxes. Brother Hovind is in prison for not taking a state
Here is the faithful testimony of
Timothy Fellows concerning his friend, Dr. Hovind...
was able to visit Dr. Hovind this last Friday August 24 with
three of my children, and we met the girl and her two
children and another girl she brought. Dr. Hovind had six
children to entertain and teach math and science skills and
allusions, right there at the Federal Prison. We trust the
Lord knows what He is doing, and even the wrath of man shall
praise Him. In the midst of barbed wire, concrete, drug
dealers and common crooks, watchtowers and surveillance
cameras, guns and iron bars, creation evangelism was
continuing for the next generation of young children who
were as sheep among wolves, or as the three Hebrews in the
fiery furnace, unscathed; or as Daniel in the lion's den —
safe and sound.
"The twig is bent, the tree inclined, and so the heart and
soul and mind." If only those prisoners had learned creation
evangelism from the Bible when they were young, they
wouldn't have ended up in such a place, except for the
Gospel's sake. Christians throughout history have been put
with criminals, and Jesus himself was crucified between two
Beka (Rebecca) Horton might
rage against Kent Hovind out of jealousy and hatred like
Bloody Mary, but she's just revealing what side she's on.
The Bible talks about traitors and those who betray one
another to be punished by ungodly governments, but the Bible
also promises "it shall turn to you for a testimony." What
the enemies of Christianity have never understood is that
God is above them and turns their hearts whithersoever He
will, and He will get the glory in the good guys (like
Israel) and in the bad guys (like Pharaoh).
Kent Hovind is more the victim of the liberated American
women, than the righteous law of the courts. Kent didn't
start this fight, they did. They were all women who put Kent
Hovind away, and they never did show what law he broke — not
once. Women don't judge reasonably, but emotionally, so
women are most cruel when they are in power, because they
step out of their created order of being a helpmeet to man,
to ruling over man, which thing the Bible forbids in the Old
and New Testaments. "Let the woman learn in silence with all
subjection. But I suffer not a woman to teach, nor to usurp
authority over the man, but to remain in silence. For Adam
was first formed, then Eve. And Adam was not deceived, but
the woman being deceived was in the transgression" (I
Timothy 2:11-14). Notice, this entire order goes back to
creation. Kent Hovind is being persecuted by a government
that has rejected the God of creation, so it will also
reject the order.
Women judges, preachers, etc. are all a new thing in
American history, as a result of rejecting God, the Bible,
creation and the founder's beliefs and convictions. You will
note that women's rights are protected today by the
government, much like endangered species are. If they were
as competent to do the work of men as some claim, they could
fend for themselves like men instead of getting special
protection like the handicapped.
People need to stop reasoning like women and start proving
their facts against Kent Hovind:
–Kent Hovind is not a tax protestor (even though there's
nothing wrong with that — that's how America was founded,
due to the oppressive taxes from England and unreasonable
demands of King George III) Go back to England if you aren't
really an American by principle.
–The tax laws are fine as written. It is impossible to live
in the United States without paying taxes. We are taxed on
everything we do and everywhere we go. If Kent Hovind checks
into a motel, he pays a special motel tax. If Kent Hovind
pumps gasoline, he pays a gas tax. If Kent Hovind smoked, he
would pay a tobacco tax; but for a person to say he is
evading paying the tobacco tax by not smoking is to reason
like a woman. Where are the men? What law has Kent broken,
people? Stop the emotion, and start the logic. Kent Hovind
has never refused to pay any tax he owed.
–Kent Hovind sent many letters to the IRS asking for advice,
and they never answered even once! Who's evading things
here? Kent Hovind asked the US attorney Michelle Heldmyer
three times (a year before his arrest) in affidavits to shew
him any tax laws he was violating“ no response (who's
evading here?) Such affidavit was entered into the court
record, and maybe that's why they are delaying the release?
Why would it take ten months to release the transcript?
Could it be that this judge is altering the transcript? Do
all cases take this long? Why this one only? This judge is
in trouble, and she knows it. Is the judge above the law?
They thought so back in the Dark Ages.
–Kent Hovind is not anti-American. If you think so, you must
think the founding fathers of this country were
anti-American. The fact is that the definition of what an
American is has changed. For most of American history,
abortion was murder; Sodomites were punished by all 50
states; Creationism was taught in the schools; Judges were
all men and appealed to the Bible; Money was based on true
wealth (gold and silver) not paper and credit and inflation
as it is now. Churches were separate from the Government and
not listed as 501 (c) 3 organizations under the government.
–The Charges against Kent Hovind were from 1999 to 2002, and
Glen Stoll did not even come into the picture until 2003.
Know your facts before you make your emotional charges.
America is in the same place Russia was in, Germany was in,
and in other ways, like Rome was in. Do you have your papers
on whom you are, and can you prove it? Do you meet the
current qualifications as to whether or not you have a right
to exist? The Government is God now, and most professing
Christians have already submitted their Bibles to their
government's interpretation. Most people now put the
American flag above the Bible and Patriotism to country
above loyalty to God. Choose you this day whom you will
serve, but you cannot please God if you're on the side of
His enemies.
SOURCE: by Timothy Fellows, TrueReligionWorks.com
I wouldn't want to be in Rebecca
Horton's shoes for all the riches in this world when she stands before God
on Judgment Day. What a little self-righteous hypocrite!
John Bunyan (author of Pilgrim's
Progress) was sentenced to 12 years in prison because he refused to accept a
license to preach. If you are a pastor and don't see the evils of
state-licensing, it is only because you are woefully ignorant concerning the
New World Order. I am amazed how many Christians are disturbed by the very
mention of the term, “New
World Order.” America has been
hi-jacked by a
cut-throat gang of criminals. My website goes to lengths trying to wake
Christians up concerning
this evil in
America. The Police State is here! I recommend that you read some books
on the new World Order, such as The New World Order, by Ralph A. Epperson; 1990; ISBN: 0-9614135-1-4; publisher: PUBLIUS
PRESS, Tucson, Arizona. Here's a free book that was authored back in 1919,
Brother Hovind has been labeled as
a conspiracy theorist and nutcase for teaching the truth about the New World
Order (NWO). If you are still walking in darkness concerning the truth about
the New World Order, watch the free online documentary,
(by Alex Jones) to get a crash course on what's going on (and what's going
to be going on). Pastor Hovind's words will be vindicated as the United
States continues to fall prey to the criminal elite (international banking
cartel, Wall Street insiders, Luciferian worshippers in every position of
high government).
The Bible calls the NWO...
“spiritual wickedness in high places,” and identifies our true enemies as
“the rulers of the darkness of this world.” My friend, this is exactly what
the Word of God teaches in Ephesians 6:12, “For we wrestle not against
flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the
rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high
places.” Most believers today are woefully ignorant of the Scriptures.
Instead of fighting against the rulers of the darkness of this world, they
fight against themselves, turning each other into the very powers of
darkness that God identifies as the enemy! Woe unto America's apostate
churches! END
Dr. Kent Hovind Rips
Off Ray Comfort's Face Regarding The Heresy Of Lordship Salvation!!!
The Heresies Of
“Creation Science Evangelism”
CSE's new Director Of Ministry
Development, Paul F. Taylor condemns their own ministry by recently
"If we can’t get our ideas right on Genesis, there is no guarantee we
will get our ideas right on any other aspect of biblical theology."
—Paul F. Taylor
Considering that there is
absolutely NO Biblical evidence of a Young Earth, Taylor's own words warn
others to stay away from CSE's entire ministry. On their webpage titled,
Creation Science Evangelism
ministry has absolutely NO Scriptural support for a young earth. The only
Scriptures that they show are evidence of a young human race (which Gap
Theorists don't deny). I prefer the term “Gap Principle” since it's more
than a theory; it is verifiable Biblical
Dr. Kent Hovind
Errantly Teaches That Sin Didn't Exist Until Adam
It's ok to respectfully agree to disagree on certain matters. I only
addressed this teaching by Dr. Hovind because Dr. Hovind makes an attack
against adherents of the Old Earth view, claiming that the Gap Theory
corrupts the Gospel. That is simply not true at all. I just took a look at
CSE's website
and I disagree with Dr. Kent Hovind on some of his theology, such as
this quote he makes:
a doubt, the foundation upon which our salvation and hope rests
is the substitutionary death of Christ on the cross. God created
a perfect, sinless earth and placed upon it a perfect, sinless
man. This man, Adam, enjoyed close fellowship with his Creator
until he sinned and broke the perfect relationship between God
and man. Ever since that time, death and degradation have
plagued God’s once-perfect creation, and man has been separated
from God. However, the shedding of Christ’s innocent blood on
the cross can restore man’s fellowship with God and provide him
eternal life. Through Adam’s sin, death entered into the world;
but through Christ’s sacrifice, salvation is made possible
(Romans 5:19). Therein lies the gap theory’s
greatest error, the placement of sin and death prior to the
existence of Adam. If death existed prior to Adam’s sin, then
how could it be the result of sin?"
Creation Today » The Gap Theory Denies the Purpose of the Cross
Remember, Adam merely let sin into the
world, but he didn't manufacture sin. Sin was already at his
doorstep waiting to enter in. Man's death was a result of man's
sins. What's that got to do with the angels that sinned? As Mr. Taylor
stated correctly earlier, if you're wrong on Genesis and creation, then
you're likely going to be wrong on other things as well. I believe that they
are wrong on Creation. The Bible teaches an Old Earth.
Psalms 102:25,
“Of old hast thou laid the foundation of the earth: and the
heavens are the work of thy hands.”
Proponents of a Young Earth cannot support
their theory with the Bible, do they grasp for straws and attack the
integrity of adherents of an Old Earth. I had believed in a Young Earth view
for decades because that's what I was taught growing up. I'd say at least
85% of online websites support and teach the Young Earth view of creation.
The answers are right in front of us, right in the Bible, right in Genesis
1:1-2; yet people don't see it because they have been taught a different way
for so long. We need to show them the Scriptures (like Jeremiah 4:23-28),
explain the Hebrew meaning of 'Created' vs. 'made' in Genesis 1, and
consider that legitimate science agrees with the Bible too.
I respect other people's right to disagree, and
I never degrade or imply that someone is not saved for simply believing
differently than me, unless it is in the matter of salvation itself. I am
very concerned about the doctrinal position of CSE on repentance and
salvation. Their official statement of faith is good, but
read what they
said here.
Adam simply opened the door, and it
became a Pandora's Box (Greek mythology: a box that Zeus gave to
Pandora with instructions that she not open it; she gave in to her
curiosity and opened it; all the miseries and evils flew out to
afflict mankind). In reality, Satan came to Eve and tempted her to
do evil. God planted the tree of knowledge; thus providing their
only opportunity to sin. Satan will always tempt us to do evil, but
it is God who gives us the opportunity and freewill to do right or
wrong. Life
is a test. God tested Job. God led the Jews into scorpions, thirst,
snakes and hunger in the Wilderness to test them,
to see if
they would keep His Commandments (Deuteronomy 8:2-3).
Dr. Hovind fails to address the issue
of man's sin by itself. We're talking about the human race, not
Lucifer or the fallen angels. Romans 5:12 plainly teaches that
Adam's sin opened the floodgate of sin and death; which passed upon
the world through conceiving children unto this day. Whatever sins
that the fallen angels or Lucifer commit prior to mankind has
nothing to do with the opportunity given to Adam and Eve to live in
paradise for ever. Had Eve known about the serpent and what would
happen, she never would have gone near that tree. Albeit, God
planted the tree of knowledge to test Adam and Eve. They failed the
test. God always tests us, even in His perfect will. God will not
tempt us, but He will place us in situation where we have a freewill
and the opportunity to do evil if we so choose.
So you see, there was sin prior to
mankind; but it was the sin of Lucifer and one-third of the angels
who rebelled and fell. Notice that the Bible mentions the angels
2nd Peter
2:4, “For if God spared not the
angels that sinned,
but cast them down to hell, and delivered them into chains of
darkness, to be reserved unto judgment.”
It appears Biblically that God cast
some of the worst angels into Hell right away; but cast others to
the earth with Lucifer, for where did these demons come from...
8:28-29, “And when he was come to the other side into the
country of the Gergesenes, there met him two
possessed with devils,
coming out of the tombs, exceeding fierce, so that no man might
pass by that way. And, behold, they cried out, saying, What have
we to do with thee, Jesus, thou Son of God?
art thou come hither to
torment us before the time?”
So some demons are bound in chains in
Hell, reserved for judgment; and yet there are others still free to
do evil upon the earth and afflict men's lives. We call them “fallen” angels, but actually
they chose to rebel and then they were cast out of Heaven down to
the earth. So they didn't fall in that sense. We call them “fallen”
because of their fallen moral character.
I don't like the term 'Gap Theory';
because it's a FACT and not a theory. It's best to just call it the
'Gap Principle.' Dr. Kent Hovind accuses proponents of an Old
Earth theory of attacking the cross of Calvary. Those are very
serious charges indeed!!!
Dr. Hovind argues that since Adam's sin
brought DEATH into the world (Romans 5:12), then how could there
have been a pre-Adamic world where dinosaurs lived and DIED? Lucifer
sinned prior to the fall of man in Eden. The fallen angels sinned
prior to the creation of man. These truths cannot be denied. If all
things were created 6,000 years ago, then there's a problem; because
God didn't make a devil. God made Lucifer and Lucifer walked and
served in the presence of God until Lucifer was lifted up in sinful
pride and haughty arrogance and fell, according to Ezekiel
28:13-19, “Thou hast been in Eden the garden of God; every
precious stone was thy covering, the sardius, topaz, and the
diamond, the beryl, the onyx, and the jasper, the sapphire, the
emerald, and the carbuncle, and gold: the workmanship of thy
tabrets and of thy pipes was prepared in thee in the day that
thou wast created. Thou art the anointed cherub that covereth;
and I have set thee so: thou wast upon the holy mountain of God;
thou hast walked up and down in the midst of the stones of fire.
Thou wast perfect in thy ways from the day that thou wast
created, till iniquity was found in thee. By the multitude of
thy merchandise they have filled the midst of thee with
violence, and thou hast sinned: therefore I will cast thee as
profane out of the mountain of God: and I will destroy thee, O
covering cherub, from the midst of the stones of fire. Thine
heart was lifted up because of thy beauty, thou hast corrupted
thy wisdom by reason of thy brightness: I will cast thee to the
ground, I will lay thee before kings, that they may behold thee.
Thou hast defiled thy sanctuaries by the multitude of thine
iniquities, by the iniquity of thy traffick; therefore will I
bring forth a fire from the midst of thee, it shall devour thee,
and I will bring thee to ashes upon the earth in the sight of
all them that behold thee. All they that know thee among the
people shall be astonished at thee: thou shalt be a terror, and
never shalt thou be any more.”
Lucifer was cast down to the earth in
his anger no doubt. Science plainly teaches that an EVENT wiped out
the dinosaurs. Genesis 1:1-2 tells us that the world which God
created BECAME void. This would explain the ice age. Something
chaotic happened after Genesis 1:1 and the earth was (Hebrew: HAYAH)
without form, void and dark. This reality cannot just be ignored in
the Scriptures.
Fallen Angels Prove Old Earth
freedom fails, good men rot in filthy jails.”
-Author, Fritz Springmeier, Alex Jones Show, October
31, 2011
Like everybody
else, Dr. Kent is not immune to the ever encroaching effects
of bigger government. Unlike
most, he hasn't given-in nor bowed-down to the powers
that be:
revoked his Social Security number and,
therefore, is not subject to the corporate
United States. He
recently sued Allstate Insurance for refusing to
issue insurance without a Social Security number
— Allstate has changed its policy nationwide,
acknowledging that it had been operating under
illegal procedures.
current legal battle is with Escambia County,
Florida and its claim to jurisdiction over the
church. Kent has
twice been arrested and has already spent nearly
$100,000 in legal fees which has been
devastating to the ministry (click
here for further details and how you can help).
Dr. Kent Hovind is a
modern-day John Bunyan (who was imprisoned for 12-years
for refusing to take a license). Listen to
THEY STOOD by Evangelist Lester Roloff.

Dr. Kent Hovind
By David J. Stewart | June 2012
bless Dr. Hovind and his family!
Kent Hovind (Dr. Dino) is considered by many to be one
of the foremost authorities on 'Science and Scripture.'
Having taught
high-school science in public schools for 15 years,
a godly man, Kent
has traveled the country full-time, teaching people that
science is not in conflict with the Scriptural
of creation, the flood, nor the dinosaurs. Instead,
it's the theory of evolution which is in conflict with
science! Kent has debated evolutionists at universities
across America.
The implications
of the soviet-style
indoctrination methods currently enacted to brainwash
America's youth into accepting the theory of evolution
as fact
is staggering!
For instance, if
kids don't accept the fact there is a Creator, how can
they accept the fact their rights come from a Creator?
The end result is that
government becomes the grantor of human rights as
opposed to an institution established for the limited
purpose of preserving our rights!
is a weapon, whose effect depends on who holds it in his hands
and at whom it is aimed.”
—Communist dictator, Joseph Stalin (1934)
With education being such a powerful
weapon, it is not surprising then that Karl Marx's
10th plank of his
for a public school system. Thank God for faithful
Christians who expose the evils of evolution and the
fascist-style indoctrination of the public school
“People who wish to remain FREE can
follow only one plan of action. They must support Christianity
against ALL forms of atheism and secularism.”
'PAWNS IN THE GAME' (free online .PDF book,
127, by William Guy Carr, 1958)
Dr. Hovind has a
fascinating 15 hour seminar on Creationism
verses Evolution,
divided into 7 exciting
and informative sessions. Each progressive topic
challenges people, to strengthen their faith and
reconsider their beliefs. To
purchase Kent's videos as well as a variety of
educational products, and to view his extensive
Please understand that I personally do NOT
agree with a Young Earth theory of creation (for numerous reasons), but
I respect the right of other good Christian men of God to disagree. If
the matter were a fundamental doctrine of the Christian faith pertaining
to salvation, then it would something worth fighting o; but it's not and
those who claim that it is are wrong! A man once got angry at me and
said that believing in a Gap Theory is a lack of faith in the Bible.
That's baseless conjecture not found in the Scriptures. It is indeed
because of the Scriptures that I adhere to an Old Earth view.
Archives . . .
The following is Dr. Hovind's account of how
Satan is attacking his ministry, and how you can help...
March 29, 2000, I, Kent E. Hovind, was peacefully obeying the
command of my Creator by conducting the various aspects of our
ministry when Escambia County building inspector Rene Pelotte
and one assistant came onto our church property in their
official capacity, without invitation and in direct violation of
our clearly posted "notice."
Rene and her assistant entered one of our buildings and
proceeded to ask questions about whether we had acquired
Escambia County's permission to build the science building on
the property. One of our 30 staff members called me out to the
building where I met with the inspectors. I told them we have
nothing to hide and are doing nothing illegal or unsafe, but
they were not to return in an official capacity unless they
could prove they had jurisdiction over our church. I then gave
Rene a copy of the posted notice which explains the laws, and
told her that we were a church ministry and that she had no
jurisdiction on church property.
When she indicated she disagreed, I told her that she would have
to leave immediately unless she could prove she had
jurisdiction. I explained to her that the Bible said Jesus was
the head of the church and that civil government had no
authority. The first amendment to the Constitution of the United
States and the Florida statutes are very clear on this matter
also, as well as the Religious Freedoms Restoration Act.
I also
told her that there was a long history of government rulers
attempting to regulate the church of Jesus Christ and that since
most churches in the last 100 years have become corporations of
the state, (which indeed grants jurisdiction) I could see why
she may not understand how the county's regulations did not
apply to a true, unregistered, unincorporated church. I told
both Rene and her assistant that they were welcome to come
anytime in a non-official capacity and we would gladly give them
a tour and let any inspectors look at any work we do, and even
offer advice. We would value their expert opinion and
experience. We have nothing to hide and are doing nothing
illegal or unsafe.
A few days later Rene came back in spite of our clearly posted
notice to issue a $50 citation to me. I told her I could not
sign it since she had no jurisdiction. I also told her that she
must leave unless she could prove jurisdiction. She said I must
contact their office within 72 hrs. We sent a letter and called
them within 72 hrs requesting a hearing on this matter, but our
requests were ignored. The next thing I heard about the matter
was the call from the Sheriff telling me that a warrant had been
issued by Judge Patricia Kinsey for my arrest! I never did see a
copy of the warrant, even though I asked for it several times. I
went down to the jail and was booked like a criminal, posted
bail, and went home the same day. I have met with the county
officials several times to try to resolve this conflict. I told
them, "The question at issue is a simple one: Does the Escambia
County, Florida civil government have jurisdiction over a Church
of the Sovereign God of the universe?"
are not the aggressors in this case. We were simply trying to
serve the Lord and the county stuck its nose where it has no
business (Churches that are 501c3 corporations cannot get out of
the permitting process). Disney gets no permits and allows no
county or state inspections. In 1967, the Florida Legislature
granted Disney autonomy through Chapter 67-764 Laws of Florida.
This information is also available in Chapter 163.167 Florida
Statutes, and in particular, subsection 9, which grants Reedy
Creek (i.e. Disney) the same powers and duties as any other
Florida county or municipality. See
Reedy Creek Improvement District - Lake Buena
Vista, Florida.
Amish never get permits or inspections of their buildings in any
state, including Florida. They have a long history of
maintaining their sovereign status, as do the Anabaptists. It
seems like this same battle needs to be fought every generation
so Caesar can be reminded where his power stops. We are not
asking for an "exemption." This would imply the state has
jurisdiction. We are simply asking them to admit they have no
jurisdiction over the Lord's church.
As a
church of the Lord Jesus Christ, we answer to a much higher
authority than Escambia County. We are not lawless. We believe
everyone, including the government, should obey the laws of the
land unless they are in violation of God's Laws. Our buildings
are safe. At our expense we hired a state licensed electrician
to inspect our electrical system to insure it was safe and would
meet or surpass the county's electrical codes. We think the
state's electrical codes are an excellent standard to insure
safety and we read and follow them. We also had two certified
engineers inspect our building. They stated in writing that the
building is safe. If the inspectors were truly concerned about
safety, they would have accepted our invitation (extended five
times) to come in their private capacity and look at our work.
It is obvious that safety is not the issue. The real issue is
one of the state controlling the Lord's church.
For nearly 2000 years, it has been the conviction of Christians
that Jesus is the head of the church and the state has no
jurisdiction over the Lord's church. Millions of Christians in
the early centuries died rather than submit the Lord's church to
Caesar (See Foxes Book of Martyrs). It has only been in the last
100 years or so that many have bowed the knee to make Caesar the
head of their church (See: www.hushmoney.org, or order the book -
In Caesar's Grip ($15) from CSE for more. We are a peace loving
people who simply wish to serve the Lord.
We cannot ask a lower
authority like the civil government for permission to do what
God has called us to do. If we did, how could we object later if
Caesar asked to approve our teachings or make us hire people who
violate clear scriptures? Our buildings are safe and built up to
or beyond the code. We are not looking to do anything illegal.
Ever since 1999, when this property was given to the Church of
the Lord Jesus Christ, we have not knowingly submitted God's
church to any lesser authority. Our decision to build without
permits from the county was based on our understanding of the
Bible and, to a lesser degree, the constitutions of the united
States and the State of Florida.
since Jesus established His church the civil magistrates have
resented not having authority. The followers of Jesus have been
persecuted, tortured, and burned by the civil magistrates to
attempt to make them surrender the authority of the church to
Caesar. The disciples of the Lord Jesus Christ were constantly
harassed by government officials who tried to regulate their
lives as they obeyed the Lord. From Acts 4 through 28, all but 3
chapters record examples of this. We see from Acts 16 how we are
to handle ourselves when this happens.
In verse 19 the leaders
saw they would lose money (just as county officials see permits
as a source of income), so Paul and Silas were beaten and
imprisoned. In verse 37, we see that Paul and Silas demanded a
public apology from the rulers and magistrates for their illegal
actions. We have filed our own suit against the county to force
them to admit they have no jurisdiction, leave us alone, pay for
the damages they have caused our ministry and apologize for
their treatment of God's servants.
Even though most other "churches" in the county as well as
Pensacola Christian College see nothing wrong with bowing to
Caesar and asking permission of the heathen to obey God's
commands we cannot and will not. Just as there are two types of
churches in Russia (the state regulated church and the free
church), so it is in America. The record will show that the
property at 29 Cummings Road has been built on several times in
the past and the proper permits and inspections were obtained
while the property was not owned by Faith Baptist Fellowship. In
1999, the entire property was given to Faith Baptist Fellowship,
which is not a creation or corporation of the state of Florida
or any other state. Since that time, this ministry has never
asked for any permits from the state or county. If it is the
money they want for the permit fees, we are willing to give that
if needed. If it is control they want, we are not permitted by
our Lord to grant this.
I do
not wish to be in a legal battle. I only wish to serve my Lord
Jesus Christ and preserve my rights, and those of our church, as
our Anabaptist forefathers fought and died to preserve for us.
Some have said, "Wouldn't it be easier just to pay the $50
permit?" Ask that question to the three Hebrew children who
wouldn't bow to the Babylonian idol. Read your Bible and see how
much was written from jail for reasons like this. Control is the
issue. When 7000 of the best and brightest young men were taken
captive into Babylon in Daniel's day, only three refused to bow
a short time later. See Daniel 3:12. I'm sure the 6997 had good
excuses for why they disobeyed the first of God's ten
commandments they had been brought up with and I'm sure they
thought the three not kissing the dirt that day made a bad
choice, but we only know the names of those three today.
were right and the 6997 were wrong! My job is to study God's
Word, try to obey it, and leave the results up to God. Just as
Shadrach, Meshach, and Abed-nego did not know what would happen
when they were thrown into the furnace, we do not know the
outcome of our stand. Please pray that God will turn the hearts
of those involved. Governor Bush is very involved in our case
and may rule in our favor. We have already spent a small fortune
defending ourselves in this costly legal battle. We have no
intention of ever giving in. We are convinced that we are on the
side of both the Lord and the law. We praise God for sending us
Maury Adkins to help us in the bewildering world of legalese.
Please pray for him as his health situation is not good. An old
injury to his stomach in a car accident years ago has now become
a cancerous hernia requiring special surgery in the next few
the king does or threatens to do I cannot control. I only know I
cannot bow and I pray I will not burn! The battle has been
costly and we would welcome any support from those who love the
Lord's work and freedom. Please help us by writing or calling
the three men who can turn this around for us:
And pray for us, brethren,
Kent Hovind
Why 7,000 Languages?
Disturbing 501c3 Corporate Church
*Please note that I do NOT agree with Dr.
Kent Hovind's Young Earth views AND HERE'S WHY.
I believe that the Bible plainly teaches an Old Earth view and that
dinosaurs lived tens-of-millions of years ago.
Here is an excellent work on
the subject (.PDF file). I do NOT believe in Evolution. I believe that
mankind has only been in existence since 6,000 years ago. I believe Old
Earth; Young Man. The excellent exegeses by Arthur C. Custance titled,
AND VOID expounds Genesis 1:1-2 to evidence that God's original
creation became without form, and void, and darkness covered the face of the
deep. Something chaotic happened that caused the earth to become without
form and void. Lucifer! ~David J. Stewart
Website Of Arthur C. Custance
"Through faith we understand that the
worlds were framed by the word of God, so that things which are seen were
not made of things which do appear." —Hebrews 11:3
Evolution: The Big Hoax!