What Happened in Vietnam?

The War on Drugs: An “Intellectual Fraud”

       Before the Vietnam “War,” the Golden Triangle was run by French Intelligence and Corsican mobsters. After the French bailed out and America moved in, the triangle was run by U.S. intelligence, with aid from Sicilian mobsters. This narcotics network is well documented in “The Politics of Heroin in S. E. Asia” by Alfred McCoy, “The Great Heroin Coup” by Henrik Kruger and “Double-Cross” by Sam and Chuck Giancana.

Vice-President George H. Bush, as Chairman of President Reagan's cabinet-level working group and as Director of the National Narcotics Interdiction System, was the highest U. S. governmental official involved in the “war on drugs.”

Frances Mullen, Jr., former head of the Drug Enforcement Agency (DEA), called Bush's efforts “an intellectual fraud" and “a liability rather than an asset.” Soon after these statements, Mullen resigned and the resultant General Accounting Office (GAO) report was buried.

In July, 1985, the suppressed GAO paper reported that there were “no benefits from the National Narcotics Border Interdiction System, directed by George Bush. In fact, the overall effect was to encourage supply....”

Monika Jensen-Stevenson, a “60 Minutes” producer, quit her job after the CBS news program refused to air the story she had uncovered relating to the covert drug trade. Her book, “Kiss The Boys Goodbye,” details how our intelligence community used the apparatus of the POW/MIA governmental agencies as a cover for the trafficking of opiates from the “Golden Triangle.”

President Reagan appointed Reform Party founder and Texas billionaire Ross Perot to the President's Advisory Council on Foreign Intelligence. Reagan made Perot a special presidential investigator, looking into America's POW and MIAs from the Vietnam “War.”

Ross took the job to heart and spent considerable time and money in pursuit of the quest. He was given special clearance and access. He asked questions and interviewed everyone he could find.

From “Kiss The Boys Goodbye”:

“Relations between Bush and Perot had gone downhill ever since the Vice-President had asked Ross Perot how his POW/MIA investigations were going.

'Well, George, I go in looking for prisoners,' said Perot, 'but I spend all my time discovering the government has been moving drugs around the world and is involved in illegal arms deals.... I can't get at the prisoners because of the corruption among our own people.'

“This ended Perot's official access to the highly classified files as a one-man presidential investigator. 'I have been instructed to cease and desist,' he had informed the families of missing men early in 1987.”

The wholesale importation of cocaine into the U.S. during "Iran/Contra" is also well documented. George Bush, is known "to be in the loop" with many of the players keeping in contact directly with his office.

Also, there has been much speculation as to the use of the off-shore rigs, pipelines and other assets of Zapata Offshore being used for narcotic trans-shipments.

Narcotics such as cocaine and heroin cannot be manufactured without the precursor chemicals. One of the largest makers of these precursor chemicals is the Eli Lilly Company of Indianapolis, Indiana. The Quayle family is a large stockholder, and George Bush has been on the Board of Directors. Eli Lilly is also the company that first synthesized LSD for the CIA.


Again, I am 100% for war if it is to DEFEND America, but not if it's a Vietnam where our boys died for illegal drug trafficking interests. 58,000 U.S. troops were killed to secure the Golden Triangle for the illegal drug-trade. 

By the way, our boys were abandoned in Nam (read "Kiss The Boys Goodbye").

In addition, go to http://www.gulfwarvets.com and prepare to get mad. God gave us a brain to use, and we should use it. 

Acts 5:29 tells us to obey God rather than men. If we heeded Acts 5:29, that is, obeying God rather than men, then America never would have ended up in Vietnam in the first place. Our politicians, legislatures and Supreme Court have led our nation into Godlessness... legalizing abortion, same-sex marriage, pornography, et cetera. The American people have become complacent, gullible and foolish. The majority of citizens allow the mainstream newsmedia to form their thinking. The average person has been blinded to the truth, failing to think for themselves and do their own research. It's really sad and tragic!

American troops should only be used to DEFEND America and NEVER be exploited as paid mercenaries to do the dirty-work of the globalist elite.

"Military men are just dumb stupid animals to be used as pawns in foreign policy."

SOURCE: Henry Kissinger, quoted in “Kiss the Boys Goodbye: How the United States Betrayed Its Own POW's in Vietnam”

The Staged Gulf of Tonkin Incident in Vietnam

“On moral matters where right and wrong are involved, and where the Bible clearly speaks, many preachers have so compromised and sold out, and are so afraid of their congregations, that they cannot give the clear Word of God. God pity the preacher who is afraid to preach against sin just because somebody will cry 'politics'!”

SOURCE: Dr. Rice... Here Are More Questions;  Question: Should politics and religion be mixed?; by Dr. John R. Rice, pg. 250, Sword of the Lord Publishers; 1973, ISBN: 0-87398-157-X

“As an honest Bible preacher, obeying the plain commands of God, I must speak out against corruption and immorality. Waste, corruption, the taking of men's freedom and the seizing of men's property, these sins every honest preacher must condemn and every honest Christian must disavow.”

SOURCE: Dr. Rice... Here Are More Questions, by John R. Rice, pg. 249, Sword Of The Lord Publishers (1973)

“A war is justified if you're willing to send your son. If you're not willing to send your son, then how do you send someone else's.” —Former Governor, Jesse Ventura

There is NO War on Drugs!

Newsmedia Lying and Brainwashing

Banks, the Mafia, and Drugs

Police State USA!

The truth will set you free!


AFA.net - America's Largest Pro-Family Action Web Site!

Silencing the Christians

Bush Jokes About Iraqi War with Elite Dinner Guests


We Couldn't Control the People Without You

"We are grateful to the Washington Post, The New York Times, Time Magazine and other great publications whose directors have attended our meetings and respected their promises of discretion for almost forty years. ... It would have been impossible for us to develop our plan for the world if we had been subjected to the lights of publicity during those years. But, the world is now more sophisticated and prepared to march towards a world government. The supranational sovereignty of an intellectual elite and world bankers is surely preferable to the national auto-determination practiced in past centuries."

SOURCE: David Rockefeller, Bilderberger Meeting, Baden, Germany, June 1991

Attention All You Sheeple!

Every Man Did That Which Was Right in His Own Eyes | America Needs VOICES! | Make Some Noise!

Sheeple | Shut Up, America! | ENDGAME

Hello Vietnam!

Ye Must Be Born Again! | You Need HIS Righteousness!

"That they all might be damned who believed not the truth, but had pleasure in unrighteousness." —2nd Thessalonians 2:12