newly developed Chimera maintains the body of a
sheep, while the hybrid’s internal organs are made
up of a combination of human and sheep cells. In
addition to the obvious grave immorality of
developing chimeras that mix animals with humans for
any reason what-so-ever, some in the scientific
community fear that...
silent viruses could create a biological nightmare
in humans. Mutant animal viruses are a real
threat, as we have seen with HIV.”
rights activists fear for the sheep, which could
take on human characteristics.
stated purpose of the creation of these chimeras,
which has 15 per cent human cells and 85 percent
animal cells, is to create organs which contain
large proportion of human cells for subsequent
transplantation into human bodies.
technique, perfected by Professor Esmail Zanjani, of
the University of Nevada, involves injection of
adult human cells into foetus of a sheep.
this human-sheep chimera has been created with an
intention of saving human lives, it is likely to
meet criticisms about scientists playing God with
natural creation, and also the possibility of
introducing silent animal viruses into the human
body (which are harmless for animals, but may be a
lethal threat for humans).
Dr Patrick Dixon, an international lecturer on
biological trends, warned:
“Many silent viruses could create a biological
nightmare in humans. Mutant animal viruses are a
real threat, as we have seen with HIV.”
is also a fear that this process could end up
creating a hybrid with the features and
characteristics of both man and sheep.

The Bible plainly teaches in Genesis
7:14 that God intended for every living thing to reproduce “after his kind.” Genesis 7:14, “They, and every beast
AFTER HIS KIND, and all the
cattle AFTER THEIR KIND, and every creeping thing that creepeth upon
the earth AFTER HIS KIND, and every fowl AFTER HIS KIND, every
bird of every sort.” Yet men in their arrogance and unrestrained
curiosity have crossed the line with God, creating mutant species AFTER
Australian government gives
license to create cloned human embryos
to try and obtain embryonic stem cells
(September 2008)
Chimera Monkeys
from SIX Different Animals!!!
Playing God—Tampering
With DNA
Genetically Engineering
Trees: The Increasing Threat!
(a 46 minute video documentary)
GMO Babies R Here!
(On June
28, 2012 in London, the world's first GM humans were
born! The 30 Genetically Modified babies were
produced sharing the genes from 2 lesbian women and
1 man. In the near future the film
GATTACA will become reality, when classes of DNA
modified super-humans will exist.)
Glow-in-the-Dark Humans
(they're coming soon!)

Cornell scientists put a gene for a fluorescent
protein into the single-celled human embryo. The
embryo had three sets of chromosomes instead of
After the embryo divided for three days, all the
cells in the embryo glowed, Rosenwaks said. He said
the goal of the work was to see if the fluorescent
marker would carry into the daughter cells, allowing
genetic changes to be traced as cells divided."
"A spokesman for the National Institutes of Health
said the Cornell work would not be classified as
gene therapy in need of federal review, because a
test-tube embryo is not considered a person under
the regulations." —SOURCE |
Rising Allergies:
GM Foods To Blame?
Horrifying Genetic Tampering!
(a new form of humanity as a result of genetic technology. The
future of Transhumanism... MICE THAT CAN TALK!)
Scientists Genetically Engineer Cows
to Produce Human Breast Milk

Right To
Know About GMO
(GMO in the
July 20, 2014 Breaking News; Labs Mixing Human DNA
Animal DNA; Trans-humanism; Last days news
Transhumanism Agenda Enforced
With “Nanotech
Insects Are Adapting To
GM Pesticides In
(man verses nature!!!)
The Era Of Chimeras: Mad Scientists Fearlessly
Create Bizarre Human/Animal Hybrids
The Reality Of Dr. Moreau: Human-Animal
Playing God—
Tampering with DNA
The Value Of Human Life
CRISPR: Designer Babies, Reshaping Animals, Poison Resistant Corn
First Lab Grown Embryos Created
Human And Monkey Cells
The Message In Our Genetic Makeup
Quite Possibly Has God As Its Sender
(Of course it does!)
GMO = God Move Over!

British Parliament Approves
Three-Parent Babies!
First 3 Parent Baby Born!
(GMO = God Move Over; Some worst
ideas have had
good intentions)
Unveiling The LIES Of GMO's
(Monsanto Has Blood On Their Hands!!!)