God's Peculiar Treasure

by Dr. Jack Hyles (1926-2001)

(Chapter 12 from Dr. Hyle's excellent book, From Vapor to Floods)

        "Then they that feared the Lord spake often one to another: and the Lord hearkened, and heard it, and a book of remembrance was written before Him for them that feared the Lord, and that thought upon His name. And they shall be Mine, saith the Lord of hosts, in that day when I make up My jewels; and I will spare them, as a man spareth his own sons that serveth him." (Malachi 3:16,17)

Malachi means, "My messenger." I do think that there was a man by this name, but we know nothing about him. We know nothing about his birth, his ancestors, or his descendants; in fact, all we know about him is that his names "My messenger" and that he wrote the last book of the Old Testament.

        As far as the list of books is concerned, Malachi is the last book in the Old Testament. Nehemiah is the last book chronologically. Nehemiah and Malachi should be read together, known together, and studied together. Nehemiah admonishes the people of their need for political reform. Malachi reminds them of their need for religious reform. The book of Nehemiah is a book written about the need for political change, and the book of Malachi is written by a prophet, calling God's people to repentance and reminding them of God's punishment on sin. Perhaps the darkest hour religiously and politically in all of Bible history was at the time of the writing of this book. There was, however, a group of people who feared God and thought on God's name. They were called the "faithful remnant."

        In this dark day there was a group of people who thought on God's name and feared God. What they saw in the world about them pulled them closer together. As they saw the darkness of the day, they pulled closer together. These were people who feared the Lord. There were not many, but they were dedicated. These people would meet in a secret place to encourage and cheer each other and find fellowship with God's people. They talked about the Lord. They spent some time thinking about the Lord. They took some time for spiritual matters. When these people of God get together, they did not talk about the latest scandal or the latest gossip going around the neighborhood. Rather, they talked about the Lord. Their conversation was about God. Their thoughts were about God. Their music was about the Lord. Everything they did was built around the person of God Himself. In Malachi 3:16, the word "hearken" means "to strain to hear." It means "listening very carefully." Have you ever eavesdropped on anybody, listening very carefully to hear what was being said? That is what the word means. In this darkened day, when political reform and religious reform were so needed, thanks be to God, a few people thought on His name, talked about Him, feared Him, loved Him, and met to discuss Him. As they did meet to discuss Him, the Bible says God "hearkened"; He strained to hear them talk. The word is taken from a word that means "listening for the baby to cry at night." The Lord said, "I like to hear that. I want to hear their conversation. I am going to tune in on their station. I am going to get that frequency." He strained that He might hear. It was like music to His ears as He listened to what they had to say.

        Now let us notice Malachi 3:15, "Then they that feared the Lord spake often one to another: and the Lord hearkened, and heard it, and a book of rememberance was written before Him for them that feared the Lord, and that thought upon His name." The people thought about the Lord, talked about the Lord and feared the Lord. This verse implies that there were intimate friendships developing among the people as they would get together and talk about spiritual matters. Actually, it says that "everyone talked to his good friend." Every man got with his good friend and talked about the Lord. As God saw one friend talking to another, He strained His ears to hear what they said. God said, "That is beautiful language. That is like music to Mine ear." God leaned over Heaven and strained His ear to hear what they had to say. These were a part of the faithful remnant of which we spoke awhile ago.

        Then the Bible says that the Lord enjoyed hearing it so much that he wrote it down.

        I made a visit to a local hospital. I left one room to make another call. As I came back by the first room on the way to the elevator, I overheard a voice saying, "Do you know Brother Hyles?"

        The other voice said, "I've heard about him."

        I stopped and eavesdropped. The fellow said, "That's the best man in this area!"

        The other fellow said, "Well, I've heard about him. He is sort of controversial, isn't he?"

        "Listen, if there is anyone in this area that I admire, it is that fellow."

        "Well, I've heard pros and cons about him."

        "Listen, you forget the con; it's all pro. That fellow is really somebody."

        I got my pencil and wrote down what he said. It was so beautiful.

        That is what the Lord does. The Lord was listening one day and suddenly said, "Hush, David, don't play your harp! Hush, angels, sit still! Don't move!" The Lord said, "Shhhhh."

        Down on earth in a wicked and corrupt generation there was somebody saying, "Isn't the Lord wonderful!"

        The Lord said, "Shh, I'm listening to something."

        Somebody said, "I love the Lord."

        The Lord said, "Let Me hear that a little better."

        "I love the Lord."

        Somebody else said, "Praise the Lord! It's good to be a Christian!"

        The Lord said, "Oh, that's so sweet! Recording angel, take some notes for Me, please." So the Lord had what the people said written down, and He delighted Himself with it.

        The ears of God strained to hear what the people were saying. Judges were speaking in court, but God listened to what a handful of faithful people were saying about Him. Kings were making edicts, but God was listening to a faithful remnant praising Him. Politicians were making startling speeches, but God was not listening to them; His ears were tuned to those Christian people.

                There is a Name I love to hear;
                I love to sing Its worth.
                It sounds like music in mine ears;
                The sweetest Name on earth.

        The people of God got together and talked about the Lord. He turned His ear from those speaking in palaces and those addressing congresses. God listened to those who were talking about Himself.

        God said, "That's beautiful!" and had it written down.

        In Malachi 3:17 God is saying, "In that day when I make up My jewels, I am going to remember that crowd, and spare them."

        The word "jewel" is the word "segula." The word "segula" means "God's peculiar treasure." He is saying, "Those peculiar people down there who think about Me will be My peculiar treasure." Don't misunderstand me. You can be a Christian and not be a part of God's peculiar treasure. God is not talking here just about Christians, but about the dearest ones. It is one thing to be a Christian. It is another thing to be a part of God's segula or peculiar treasure.

        Most of us have a circle of people that we call our "friends." Yet many have a smaller circle of friends for whom they would die. They're what we call "real friends." God has that too.

        It is said of Abraham, "He was the friend of God." God said of David, "He is a man after My own heart." He said of John the Baptist, "Not a greater was born of woman." About John the Beloved it is said, "He was the disciple whom Jesus loved." God has two groups of people: There are those who are saved and then there are God's peculiar treasure, His "segula."

        The word "segula" is used in Exodus 19:5, "When ye obey, ye shall be a peculiar treasure (segula) above all people. Now if you obey this, I'll put you up as My peculiar treasure." You Christians are either just a saved person or you are a part of God's segula. You may be a part of that peculiar treasure of God, the Lord Jesus Christ.

        Why get saved and sit down just inside the door? God has a further step. God has a deeper form. God has a graduate course. You say you are saved; that is good. Wouldn't it be a wonderful thing if you could get into God's peculiar treasure?

        I hope that I am one of God's peculiar treasure, His segula. Wouldn't it be a wonderful thing if God could say about you, "He is My peculiar treasure"?

        God has that peculiar treasure of people, those of the inner circle; those like Peter, James and John, the twelve, those who make God so delighted, so happy and so pleased. God says, "They're My segula, My peculiar treasure."

        How do you become a part of His peculiar treasure? How do you get into His inner group, His special treasure? Let us look at these people.


1. They Stood in Dark Days.

        The world had never known such dark days religiously and politically. These people did not find it easy to stand. On every side there was corruption. On every side there was filth and profanity. On every side there was atheism. On every side there was adultery. On every side there was sin. "Okay," they said, "let the world get dark, but we will stand!" Stand they did. Attend church they did. Stand in the face of opposition they did. Withstand persecution they did. Stand ridicule they did. God looked down on the black midnight of this world and saw those people as they talked about Him and thought about Him, and He said, "Those people are going to be a part of My peculiar treasure."

        You can be a Christian and not stand at work, but you cannot be a part of God's peculiar treasure. Oh, I guess you can be a Christian and not pray, but you cannot be a part of God's peculiar treasure. Oh, I guess you can be a Christian and neglect your Bible, but you cannot be a part of God's peculiar treasure. You can be a Christian and go the sinful company party at Christmastime, but you cannot be a part of God's peculiar treasure. You can be a Christian and stay around the wrong crowd, but you cannot be a part of God's peculiar treasure. Young people, you can fail to carry your Bible to school or neglect to say grace when you eat and still be a Christian, but you cannot be a part of God's peculiar treasure. God's treasure, His segula, stands for Him.


2. They Thought on the Lord.

        Oh, you can read bad literature, I guess, and slip into Heaven if you have been saved, but you can't be a part of God's peculiar treasure. You can be converted as if by fire, but you cannot be a part of God's peculiar treasure. Perhaps you can listen to the "Beatles" and the "Buzzards" and the "Owls" and barely get to Heaven if you are saved, but you cannot be a part of His treasure.

        The Psalmist said, "Blessed is the man that walketh not in the counsel of the ungodly, nor standeth in the way of sinners, nor sitteth in the seat of the scornful. But his delight is in the law of the Lord, and in His law doth he meditate day and night." When you get to the place where you meditate on the Lord and His Word day and night, then God says, "You qualify to be a part of My peculiar treasure." You can watch the wrong television programs and be saved, but you cannot be a part of God's peculiar treasure. You can hear the wrong radio programs and be saved, but you cannot be a part of God's peculiar treasure and do that. Do you know what is wrong with this world? The world is waiting to see some Christians who are peculiar. This world is waiting to see some Christians who think as much of the Gospel of Jesus Christ as the hippies do about revolution. The world waits to see if it is real. The world waits to see if it means anything to us. The average Christian is concerned only about getting to Heaven.

        "Well," you say, "will I go to hell if I do those things?"

        No, you will not go to hell, but you will not be a part of God's peculiar treasure.

        Here is a fellow who gets married. He makes plans for a honeymoon. He busy just one ticket, gives it to the gal and says, "Take off!"

        She says, "Aren't you going?"

        He says, "Must I do that to be married?"

        "Well, I don't guess so, but I'd sort of like for you to go along."

        "But I just don't want to be a fanatic about this thing!"

        "Well," she says, "I don't think it's fanatical for me to ask you to go with me on the honeymoon."

        "Oh, I've already been there. I've seen Niagara Falls. I'll go to San Francisco, and you go to Niagara Falls."

        "Well, I know, but look, we ought to go together!"

        "Do you have to do that to get married?"

        What is wrong with being a good Christian? What is wrong with being a part of God's peculiar treasure? Sell out to God so the Lord can say, "I'll make you a part of My peculiar treasure."


3. They Spoke About the Lord.

        These people that belonged to God's segula, belonged to God's peculiar treasure, were in God's inner circle, and were the most valuable to God, spoke about Him.
        When David built the temple, he had a small portion of treasures or jewels that he saved and called them his segula. He had many jewels, but his favorite ones were his segula. He was a wealthy man. He had at his disposal the wealth of the entire nation. David very carefully chose his favorite jewels, put them together, and called them his segula, a peculiar treasure. As King David had his peculiar treasure, so the Lord Jesus, the offspring of David, has His peculiar treasure.

        I do not advocate pious put-on or exaggeration beyond the realm of reason, but I do believe that we ought to talk about the Lord anywhere, all the time.

        What am I saying? If you want to be a part of God's peculiar treasure, you are going to have to talk about Him in a world that does not like to hear about Him. Talk about Him!

        Have you ever noticed that anyone who is in love is always a bit unusual? What is wrong with Christians being rather excited about the Lord? What is wrong with Christians being as excited about the Lord as others are about football?

        You can gossip and criticize and be a Christian, but you cannot be a part of God's peculiar treasure. If you talk about other people and slander and criticize, you cannot be a part of God's peculiar treasure. You can tear down people and talk about the staff, the deacons and the folks at church and be saved, but you cannot do that and be a part of His peculiar treasure. People who belong to God's peculiar treasure talk about the Lord!

        The Lord said, "Look there. They are standing for Me and it is not easy. They are thinking about Me and talking about Me when they get together with their friends." The Lord said, "They are My peculiar treasure. They are My jewels."


4. They Made His Treasure Their Treasure.

        What does that mean? These people were not only standing for the Lord, talking about the Lord and thinking about the Lord, but they found other people from His treasure and made them their best friends. His treasure was their treasure. They got together with God's people. They made their best friends from God's people.

        I could belong to secular organizations and still be a Christian. I have had invitations to join most of the civic clubs in town, but I have not joined them. I could hobnob with just anybody, but I want to run with God's treasure. I want to be a part of His peculiar treasure. I could join a secret order, but I belong to a group of people that I think form God's peculiar treasure. Why do I need anything else?

        A fellow said, "You need to join the Elks."

        No, I don't. I belong to the First Baptist Church in Hammond, and that is all. I do not know of a need that I cannot get filled right here, so I do not have to join anything else. I am simply saying that you can run with a wicked world and be a Christian. You can marry an unsaved person and be a Christian. You can run with the wrong crowd and be a Christian, but if you're going to belong to God's peculiar treasure, you will have to run with God's treasure. You can join anything you want to join that God's treasure belongs to, if you want to be one of God's peculiar treasure. I am not joing the "Elks" or the "Lions" or the "Elephants." I want to be one of God's peculiar treasure. If I do, then I will make my best friends with His treasure.

        The Lord looked down and He said, "What a dark world! The people have turned from Me. Oh, the idolatry, the heathenism, the secularism, the atheism! Look at the darkness of a world that hates Me. Listen! I hear some people singing, 'Amazing grace, how sweet the sound, that saved a wretch like me.' I hear, "There is a Name I love to hear, I love to sing Its worth.' I hear some people talking. There a re a couple of people standing at the door of the First Baptist Church of Hammond saying, 'Good morning! God bless you. We love the Lord.' I hear some people singing. I hear a choir singing. They are singing about Me. Shhhh. I hear a preacher preaching about Me." The Lord strains His ear. The Lord says, "Shhh, listen to that group. The world does not think much about them. The world thinks they are a bunch of fanatics. They get hated. To Me, they are My peculiar treasure!"


5. They Had Regular Fellowship One With the Other.

        These folks met for fellowship. They met to encourage each other. They met to strengthen each other. They met to help each other. They met to give strength, courage and cheer to each other. They met Sunday morning, you might say, and Sunday night, you might say, and Wednesday night, you might say. Why? They are fanatics. These people who belong to God's peculiar treasure.

        Oh, I suppose you could come to church just on Sunday morning and be a Christian, but you could not belong to God's peculiar treasure. I guess you could come to church on Sunday night and not come back on Wednesday night and still go to Heaven when you die, but you could not be a part of God's peculiar treasure. You could drop your dollar bill in the collection plate Sunday after Sunday and maybe be a Christian, but you cannot refuse to tithe and belong to God's peculiar treasure. If you want to belong to God's peculiar treasure, you are going to have to stand for Him in a darkened world, meditate about Him day and night, talk about Him with God's people, meet with His people, and make your treasure His treasure. To me, one of the sweetest phrases in the Bible would have to be this one, "When I make up My jewels."

        God looked down and saw darkness. There was an idol on every corner. Heathenism covered the land. I think the Lord said, "I did not make them for that. I made them to love Me. I made them to fellowship with Me." Oh, He made the sun rise in the morning and He put it down in the evening. Oh yes, He pulled out the stars at night and put them in their right places. He set the moon in its socket. He kept the sun just far enough away so that it would not melt the earth but close enough to keep it from freezing. He kept all the birds of the air and all of the beasts of the field fed. Yet this was a sad day for God. It was so dark. There was nobody much to whom He could talk. In the darkness of the day, the Lord heard somebody say, "I love God." His ears turned that direction. He looked down and saw a little huddle of people. It is a strange crowd of people. It is the strangest crowd you ever saw. They go to church on Sunday morning and Sunday night. Did you know that some of those nuts go back on Wednesday? That is a strange crowd. They carry an old black Book that has not one single picture in it. They say that they love it. A strange group of people are those Christians!

        Do you know what they do? They give their church ten percent of all that they make! Strange people! Do you know what they do? They go down there and hear that preacher stand up and holler about how crooked they are. They like it! They are the strangest crowd. You ought to hear the songs they sing. They get down on their knees and talk to Someone somewhere. They call it praying, and they say that they like it. They will not bet on a ball game. They will not go to the company Christmas party because of the liquor. They pass out tracts. The Lord listens and says, "That is sweet. How sweet! Those people are thinking about Me. They love Me. They talk about Me. I am going to put them as a part of My peculiar treasure!"

        Now, dear friend, if you are a Christian, there is something more that God wants you to be. He wants you to be a part of His segula, His peculiar treasure. Fanatics? Yes. Misunderstood? Yes. Peculiar people? Yes. Nuts? Yes. Yet when Jesus comes with trumpet sound and the graves are overturned, the stones roll into the valleys, the bodies of those who are saved are caught up to meet the Lord in the air, we are transformed in a moment in the twinkling of an eye, and we see Christ, you will be glad you belonged to His segula, His peculiar treasure!

        May I ask you a question: Are you standing for God? Do you think about the Lord day and night? Do you speak about the Lord? Do you run with the Lord's treasure? Are you faithful to God's church? Do you fellowship with His people? Why not say, "I am going to be more than a Christian. I am going to be a part of God's peculiar treasure, His segula."


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