Satanic Christians
by David J. Stewart
Now came a turning
point in Christ's ministry. He tells His disciples that it is time for Him
"to go unto Jerusalem, and suffer many things of
the elders and chief priests and scribes, and be killed, and be raised again the
third day" (Matthew 16:21). Peter loved Jesus and didn't
understand this kind of talk. Peter said, "this
shall not be done unto thee," (vs. 22). In
Matthew 16:23 and again in Mark 8:33 we find Jesus making an astonishing
statement of rebuke to His disciple, Peter. "Get thee
behind me, Satan: thou art an offense unto me: for thou savorest
not the things that be of God, but those that be of men" (vs. 23). The word "savorest"
in the Greek means "to be interested." Jesus was saying
that Peter was more interested in earthly things than he was in the things of
God. Had Peter known His Scriptures well, he no doubt would have understood that
Christ had to be sacrificed for the grievous sins of mankind. Today, many
Christians are like Peter. They are more interested in the cares and riches of
this world than they are about the things of God. They attend a church,
participate in social events, sing in a choir, sit on a committee, work a job,
raise a family, etc.; but are woefully ignorant of the Scriptures and have
little interest in making God Happy. Revelation 4:11 tells us that we were
created to please God! It takes faith to please God. Faith is what causes us to
obey the Word of God. Peter was Satanic
for a moment in his thinking. All believers are vulnerable to Satanic
philosophy and lies of the Devil. Peter meant well no doubt but failed to view
things from a Scriptural perspective. Many believers today are sitting ducks,
being "blown about by every wind of doctrine"
because they are woefully ignorant of the Scriptures. Do you love the Bible? Do you
meditate therein day and night in your mind as David did in Psalm 1:1-3? Are you
as a tree planted by the rivers of water? Do you study to understand the
Scriptures? Is the Bible changing you? Are you a soul-winner? Do you have
concern for the lost around you? How do you treat your spouse? Your kids? Your
parents? Your neighbor? Yourself? Christianity starts with treating others
properly. As we grow in our knowledge of the Truth, so also should we be growing
in our fellowship with our God and in our treatment of others. Many believers today have the Satanic
idea that divorce is permissible in certain situations. Yet, Jesus taught to
forgive 70 times 7 (Matthew 18:22). Jesus taught that divorce is only caused by
the hardness of one's unforgiving heart (Matthew 19:8). When meddling people
recommend divorce as the answer to your marriage problems, they are speaking
evil as did the serpent to Eve. The power of God can save your marriage. Instead
of filing for divorce, why don't you pray and plant some grass seeds to make
your own yard greener. Divorce is a sin! Some believers have the Satanic notion
that what their pastor says overrides what the Bible says. They wouldn't admit
that, but it's how they live. However, the Word of God is the Authority of the
Church. When men control a church, it becomes a demonic cult. The authority of the
pastor ought to be because he preaches from the Authority of God's Word. This
goes back to the subject of divorce, because I have received e-mails from many
people who hide behind their pastor's recommendation to get a divorce. We ought
to obey God and not look for apostate men to agree with our unchristian actions.
Jesus commanded us in John 3:39 to, SEARCH THE SCRIPTURES! Divorce is a horrible sin. It is
wickedness! It is evil when people search from pastor to pastor, until they find
one or two who agree with their decision to divorce or commit some sin. If you
search hard enough, you'll find a pastor who'll agree with anything you want to
do, just so long as you open your wallet or purse. There are plenty of pastors
today who approve of homosexuality and abortion and never preach against it.
There are ordained Wiccan witch ministers, who perform witch weddings and other
functions. So if you want to worship Satan, there's a minister for you too. The
question is: What does the Bible say? Many believers today have Satanic
thinking stuck in their heads, and the only cure is the Word of God. I get
letters from professed Christians who can't understand why I teach God's
unconditional love for sinners. They argue that God doesn't love unrepentant
sinners. The plainest teachings in the Bible declare “For God so loved the
world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him
should not perish, but have everlasting life” (John 3:16). Christ died for
all the world. If God didn't unconditionally love Christ-rejecters, then they'd
go straight to Hell the moment they rejected Christ. It is God's unconditional
love that causes Him to be long-suffering and patient with even the vilest of
sinners, “not willing that any should perish, but that all should come to
repentance” (2nd Peter 3:9). That is love. Christians are only saved by Christ's
righteousness, through faith, so we certainly cannot claim that God loves us for
anything we have done. The notion that God loves Christians and hates
unbelievers is Satanic, it is a false doctrine rooted in self-righteousness. We
all deserve to burn in Hell. Many professed Christians today claim
that it doesn't matter which version of the Bible one uses, as long as he or she
believes in Jesus Christ. That is Satanic thinking. It does matter which
Bible we use, because all of the modern Bible versions horribly attack the
Godhead and the deity of Jesus Christ. The New International Version
(NIV) of the Bible perverts Romans 10:9 to require lost sinners to confess “Jesus
is Lord” to be saved. That is a false gospel. We don't make Jesus Lord; He
is Lord! Ironically, Matthew 7:21-23 tells us that many religious people who
call Jesus “Lord, Lord,” will still go to Hell, because of their
self-righteousness. The notion that a lost sinner must make a commitment to
clean up their life in order to be saved is Satanic! This heresy is known as
LORDSHIP SALVATION. Of course, Lordship Salvationists
AREN'T saved at all. The title of my article is SATANIC CHRISTIANS,
so it may seem that I'm getting off track; however, I brought this matter up
because many genuine Christians are trading in their King James Bible
(the Seed by which they were saved) to use the corrupted NIV (which is a bad
seed). It is Satanic thinking to say it doesn't matter which Bible one uses. It
DOES matter!!! The NIV was translated in part by homosexuals, including the
chairman of the Old Testament committee. That's why the word “sodomite” is
completely gone in the NIV. The word “sodomite” connects the sin of
homosexuality with the destruction of that wicked city, Sodom! May
we be Christlike in our thoughts and not Satanic.
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Jesus had hand picked Peter to be one of His
disciples. At one time, He even washed His disciples dirty, smelly feet as an
example of brotherly love and humility. Jesus was a man's man! He had power to
forgive sin and accepted worship from others because He was God in the flesh. He
taught the disciples how to pray and get things from God the Father. So many
miracles had been performed. What other man ever spake like this man or could do
the things which Jesus did? Truly this man was God incarnate! The disciples had
found a better way to live through Jesus.