Archived Articles For 2025
by David J. Stewart
Here is a wealth of helpful archived information. It is my prayer and heart's only desire to help others in the Lord. I strongly encourage my web visitors to start their own ministries and freely copy/paste from my website all that you want. It's all public domain. No credit need be given. I want the truth to get out. You can download entire websites with Teleport Pro (cost) or HTTrack (freeware). All I ask is that my labors in the Lord not be used to cast a negative reflection upon Christianity or the name of Jesus Christ.
- 03-15: Cornelius Was Saved Simply By Believing (Peter didn't tell him to turn from sin or anything!!!)
- 03-15: THE PRECIOUS BLOOD OF CHRIST (Pastor Ralph 'Yankee' Arnold; some of the best preaching!)
- 03-15: Chastening And Rewards (Pastor Arnold; no believer has God's permission to live in willful sin)
- 03-15: Two Greatest Sins That One Can Commit (MP3, Dr. Hyles; it is not loving God and everyone!)
- 03-14: Former Incompetent U.S. President Joe Biden Officially Becomes A Master Freemason (evil)
- 03-14: California School District Installs Tampon Dispensers In 3rd Grade Boys' Bathrooms (insane)
- 03-14: No Pastor Is Right With God Who Promotes Martin Luther After Reading This Truth About Him
- 03-14: Martin Luther: Master Of Deceit (Pastor Younce; Mr. Luther was world's greatest conman!!!)
- 03-13: Lordship Salvation Is A Counterfeit Form Of The Gospel Message (by Pastor Hank Lindstrom)
- 03-13: I Highly Recommend 'THE STRAND STUDY BIBLE' (this 1 is FREE; they sell for $119 on Amazon)
- 03-13: Lordship Salvation Is A Deadly Mindset Of Another Gospel (the Devil at Bob Jones University)
- 03-13: What Is Salvation? (chapter 1 from “Salvation Is More Than Being Saved,” Pastor Jack Hyles)
- 03-12: Monkeys Are Aggressively Invading Central And Southern Florida (it's the planet of the apes)
- 03-12: The Value Of A Soul (Dr. Hyles; the poorest kid's soul is worth as much as the rich man's soul)
- 03-12: This Is Why So Many People Absolutely Hate And Distrust The Crooked Police Today (shame)
- 03-12: The Psychological Effects And Trauma Caused By Lordship Salvation (it eliminates all hope!)
- 03-11: THE BOOK THAT MAKES THE DIFFERENCE (MP3 by Brother Roloff; We need Gospel preaching!)
- 03-11: Should They Be Changing The Holy Bible? (New Bibles say having many friends will ruin you!)
- 03-11: The Fearful Lifestyle Of Lordship Salvation (Many people worry if they've repented enough!)
- 03-11: The Tormenting Doctrines Of Lordship Salvation (Lordship Salvation causes fear and worries!)
- 03-11: U.S. Has Given $119 Billion To Ukraine, Not $350 Billion As Trump Says (he's bad with numbers)
- 03-11: The First Step In Getting (Dr. Jack Hyles; Get thirsty for the things of God and He will use you)
- 03-10: Robert F. Kennedy Jr. Reveals The Real Reasons Behind The Ukraine Conflict (broken truces)
- 03-10: Me Trying To Decide If I Want To Be Skinny Or Happy (my blood pressure this week was 118/70)
- 03-10: Independent Fundamental Baptist Mafia (Evangelist Justin Zhong; beware of religious bullies)
- 03-10: The Bible Teaches Easy-Believism (It's as easy, simple, free and immediate to be born-again)
- 03-10: Our Mixed Up Fundamental Christianity (Dr. Hyles; some worst Christians do the most 4 God)
- 03-09: The Sinner's Friend (MP3, Dr. Hyles; While we intensely hate sin, we ought to love sinners!!!)
- 03-09: The Eternal Sonship Of Christ (a helpful .pdf Bible study by the Middletown Baptist Church)
- 03-09: Beware Of Renee Roland's False Teaching That Jesus Is Not The Eternal Son Of God (bizarre)
- 03-09: Never Forsaken (Pastor Jack Hyles; No matter what happens, God will always be with you!)
- 03-09: Law And Grace Are Two Keys: Law Shutteth Men Up In Condemnation, But Grace Frees Them!
- 03-08: Men Are Thrown Away, Made To Pay For It; Marriage Not Marriage Anymore; Too Risky 4 Men
- 03-08: The Satanic Catholic Deception (cult removes 2nd commandment & splits 10th; check Bible!)
- 03-08: The Woeful Curse Of Lordship Salvation (Satan's creeping this heresy in churches unawares)
- 03-08: EASY-BELIEVISM ('Some preachers make the Gospel so complicated that they won't share it!')
- 03-08: Importance Of Preaching (MP3, Dr. Hyles; A strong pulpit is the safeguard to a nation's life!)
- 03-07: CAUGHT BETWEEN GRACE AND WORKS (best MP3 preaching by Pastor Ralph Yankee Arnold)
- 03-07: Please Read The INTRODUCTION To 'Pawns In The Game' To Understand The New World Order
- 03-07: Biblical Separation From False Bibles (12,707 words missing from NKJV!!; by Dr. Jeff Owens)
- 03-07: Bob Jones University Is So Stupid And Evil (any sensible person sees that the ESV is garbage)
- 03-07: Salvation Through The Blood | Part Two | Part Three | Part Four (videos, Pastor Max Younce)
- 03-06: I AM A VOICE! (Dr. Jack Hyles; no need 4 talent, dynamics or pretty boys, WE NEED VOICES!)
- 03-06: WHAT HAS DESTROYED AMERICA! (MP3, Pastor Jack Hyles; Always make children to do right!)
- 03-06: Filled With His Fulness (Dr. Hyles, 'I do not love you this morning, God loves you through me')
- 03-06: Alice Bailey & Her Ten Point Luciferian Plan To Destroy America (the New World Order is here)
- 03-05: I Am Ashamed Of President Trump And J.D. Vance (they ambushed President Zelensky today)
- 03-05: Jihadists Behead 70 Christians In Congo Church (international media hasn't mentioned this)
- 03-05: A Cross And Three Nails (Heaven's Mountain Band) | Help Is On The Way (Doyle Lawson Band)
- 03-05: Throwing Jesus Under The Bus (most religious people today are superficial like the cult at PCC)
- 03-04: Damnable Heresy At Pensacola Christian College (PCC preaches a counterfeit gospel of works)
- 03-04: Beware Of Hateful Punk “JackSmack77” (the annoying guy still lives in his mother's basement)
- 03-04: Law And Grace Are Two Keys: Law Shutteth Men Up In Condemnation, But Grace Frees Them!
- 03-04: The Sego Brothers & Naomi “Sorry I Never Knew You” (Jesus will deny knowing most people)
- 03-04: If Thou Should Mark Iniquities, Who Could Stand? (MP3, Dr. Hyles; Everyone's a dirty sinner!)
- 03-03: Wasted Suffering (MP3 by Dr. Hyles; let God use your affliction to help and encourage others)
- 03-03: By Mercy And Truth Iniquity Is Purged (fighting to liberate captives & preach truth is mercy)
- 03-03: Demons Don't Torment People In Hell (fallen angels in Hell are chained up the Scripture says)
- 03-03: THE BLOOD SPRINKLED BOOK (Dr. Al Lacy, 'There can only be one real Bible in any language')
- 03-02: The Mystery Of Iniquity (a helpful MP3 by Dr. Jack Hyles, “Burdens don't depress people!!!”)
- 03-02: Don't Waste Your Wasted Years (Dr. Hyles, 'Use your past, don't waste, those wasted years!')
- 03-02: Most Baptist Churches And Bible Revisions Teach The Same False Repentance As The Cults!
- 03-02: Greek Bible Words: Meaning, Translation And Mistranslation (you cannot trust today's Greek)
- 03-01: Freely Listen To And Share Willard Waggoner Read The Inspired King James Bible (good stuff)
- 03-01: The Man Who Believes Has Also Repented (turning from sins is NOT part of the saving Gospel)
- 03-01: You Can Still Hear Alex Jones On Rumble (New World Order is not being defeated, it's strong)
- 03-01: THE MANIPULATED MAN (I bought my copy; get the book that Amazon bans even used copies)
- 02-28: Lefties Losing It: Rita Panahi Scorches ‘dangerously delusional’ Democrat Meltdowns (fools)
- 02-28: The Jews Are Not The Chosen People (Pastor Texe Marrs exposes the deception of Zionism!)
- 02-28: What Doth The Lord Require Of Thee? (life-changing practical truths from the book of Micah)
- 03-28: Evil Manmade Israel Created Hamas (former Congressman Ron Paul explains Israeli corruption)
- 02-27: MANY PASTORS HAVE DESTROYED MY VINEYARD (Pastor Jack Hyles exposes vineyard killers!)
- 02-27: Why The Antichrist Must Come Soon (Dr. Hyles; this is why civil unrest, allowed crime, chaos)
- 02-27: Beware Of The “Have A Relationship With Jesus” Heresy (so much junk in the churches today)
- 02-27: Who Are The 'Synagogue Of Satan' In Revelation 3:9? (they are unsaved Jews who claim saved)
- 02-26: Gang Robs Entire New York City Subway Train And Walks Away Free (legal system is a failure!)
- 02-26: The True Meaning Of Grace: God's Free Gift (awesome sermon by Pastor Ralph Yankee Arnold)
- 02-26: My 'Recent Webpage' Has Been Fixed (if you had any issues, everything should be okay now)
- 02-26: President Zelensky Is Rotten (Ukraine president doesn't know where $100,000,000,000 went)
- 02-25: The LAW And The GOSPEL (a very excellent rebuttal of Dispensationalism by Dr. Philip Mauro)
- 02-25: Everything You Should Know About the Polio Vaccine And Its Link to the Abortion Industry!
- 02-25: Which Bible Would Jesus Use? (take a look at Matthew 8:2, 1st Timothy 3:16 and Psalms 12:7)
- 02-25: Grace Carried Me Here | I Still Trust You Lord (The Rochesters come to our church each year)
- 02-24: DO (Dr. Hyles; Gathering around the Word won't save this country, we must do something!!)
- 02-24: Listen To The Right People (Pastor Anderson; Proverbs often tells us to listen to right people)
- 02-24: What Will Happen When Jesus Comes? (Pastor Castle; Jesus' return is nearer than ever before)
- 02-24: THE HORRORS OF HELL! (MP3, Dr. Al Lacy, “to fall in the darkness... for eternity... burning!”)
- 02-23: Under House Bill 1334, A Mother Who Undergoes An Abortion Could Be Charged With Murder
- 02-23: Human Wisdom Versus Divine Wisdom | Part Two (awesome preaching by Pastor Max Younce)
- 02-23: HE THAT WINNETH SOULS (Dr. John Rice, “You're not following Jesus i f you win no souls!”)
- 02-23: The Necessity Of Backsliding (No one ever grows continually without also stepping backward)
- 02-22: Why Lordship Faith Misses The Mark For Salvation (free grace defence by Pastor Charles Bing)
- 02-22: THE KINGDOM OF THE CULTS (by Dr. Walter Martin; Read or download the .pdf entire book!)
- 02-22: Paula White Is A False Prophet! (by Evangelist Justin Zhong; Paula White is a dangerous devil)
- 02-22: A Vote For Preaching (Dr. Jack Hyles; there's one Gospel & church didn't start at Pentecost)
- 02-21: Boys Play Games, Men Build Families (we've got a bunch of fornicating boys in America today)
- 02-21: There But For The Grace Of God Go I (We see the 3 heavens: by DAY, by NIGHT and by FAITH)
- 02-21: Please Pardon My Indignant Anger At Times (I think it pleases God that someone gets upset)
- 02-21: MANY CALLED, FEW CHOSEN (Dr. Arnold, 'God has chosen to save everyone who will believe!')
- 02-21: Larry Walters In 1982 Ascended 16,000 Feet With 42 Balloons While Sitting In His Lawnchair!
- 02-20: Demonic Corrupt English Standard PERversion Is Being Updated This Year (Woe unto them!)
- 02-20: If Thou Should Mark Iniquities, Who Could Stand? (MP3, Dr. Hyles; Everyone's a dirty sinner!)
- 02-20: Christians And The Second Coming (Pastor Castle, “One of these hours the Lord is coming!”)
- 02-20: Answers In Genesis Exposed: Cult Tactics Of Young Earth Teachers (helpful info 4 Christians)
- 02-20: WHAT IS IN THY HAND? (You can do something for God; an MP3 sermon by Pastor Jack Hyles)
- 02-19: Modern Bibles: The Dark Secret (Pastor Jack Moorman, 1941-2021; exposing the Devil's seed)
- 02-19: Who Slew All These? (Pastor Jack Hyles; Many people have victim's blood on their hands!)
- 02-19: Beware Of False Teacher Norman Vincent Peale, 1898-1993 (a predecessor to Paula White)
- 02-19: Why A Man Goes To Hell (Pastor Curtis Hutson; no one goes to Hell because they're a sinner)
- 02-19: People Want The Comfortable Lies Of Pensacola Christian College Instead Of Cold Hard Truth
- 02-18: Abraham Lincoln Was Right (Both repentance sides may be wrong, but one must be wrong!)
- 02-18: Pensacola Christian College Cult EXPOSED! (They don't care about people or right doctrine!)
- 02-18: The Beam In Their Eye At Pensacola Christian College (exposing the money-loving cult at PCC)
- 02-18: If Christ Be Not Risen, Then We Have A Sacrifice But No High Priest Or Salvation (Pastor Hyles)
- 02-18: The Crystal Clear Gospel Of Jesus Christ (Army Chaplain David Rutkin preaches right Gospel)
- 02-17: Pensacola Christian College Made $172,551,208 In 2023, But Won't Pay Hurting Father $38,440
- 02-17: Heretic Paula White Says Gospel Should Not Be Given To Jews (President Trump hired her!)
- 02-17: Nine Things You Should Know About Money Hungry Prosperity Gospel Preacher Paula White
- 02-17: A Damnable Counterfeit Plan Of Salvation Is Being Preached From Nearly Every Pulpit Today
- 02-17: If COVID-19 Vaccines Are Safe, Why Are The Pharmaceutical Companies Given Legal Immunity?
- 02-16: Damnable Heresy At Pensacola Christian College (PCC preaches a counterfeit gospel of works)
- 02-16: The Best Music Is Lost In History And Never Gets Played On The Radio (I hate today's garbage)
- 02-16: 1st Timothy 3:16 Corrupted In Modern Bible Revisions (shame on churches who support this)
- 02-16: Psalms 12:6-7 Corrupted In Modern Bible Versions (indifference plagues the churches today)
- 02-15: Which Bible Would Jesus Use? (take a look at Matthew 8:2, 1st Timothy 3:16 and Psalms 12:7)
- 02-15: You Can Still Do What You Always Could Do (new life-changing MP3 sermon by Dr. Jack Hyles)
- 02-15: DON'T GET ADJUSTED (MP3, Bro. Roloff, 'U lose out when u get adjusted 2 living down here')
- 02-15: Law And Grace Are Two Keys: Law Shutteth Men Up In Condemnation, But Grace Frees Them!
- 02-14: Shame On President Trump For Hiring Paula White As White House Spiritual Advisor (terrible)
- 02-14: God Is Looking For A Bunch Of Weak Christians (Dr. Hyles, “We grow in grace, not in strength”)
- 02-14: The Goodness Of God Leadeth To Repentance (Pastor Hyles; true Biblical repentance defined)
- 02-14: Freedom Of Religion (Pastor Awes; founding fathers didn't intend separate religion and state)
- 02-14: Jesus In The Old Testament (a wonderful, heart-warming, MP3 sermon by Pastor Jack Hyles)
- 02-13: Revelation Verse-By-Verse With Visuals (awesome online video series by Dr. Max D. Younce)
- 02-13: A Wrong Attitude Toward Homosexuality (it's not God's love to accept the homosexual agenda)
- 02-13: The Church As A Family (Dr. Hyles, “The church is the successor to the Old Testament family.”
02-13: Singer Amy Grant Attempts To Use God's Grace As Basis For Accepting Homosexual Community - 02-12: THE UNCHANGING CHURCH IN A CHANGING WORLD (a great MP3 sermon by Dr. Harold Sightler)
- 02-12: Woman Preacher Detected, Sermon Rejected (as soon as it's a woman preacher, she's done!)
- 02-12: Thank You Lord (song I recorded pedal steel; The Rochesters comin to our church September)
- 02-12: Lordship Salvation: An Enemy Of Soulwinning (Bob Jones University false prophets, GUILTY!)
- 02-11: The Rochester Family Has Made Available SOUNDTRACKS For Many Of Their Songs (awesome)
- 02-11: This Wicked Fag Agenda Is Spreading Like Wildfire! (50% of Disney's new characters 2B queer!)
- 02-11: THE BLOOD SPRINKLED BOOK (Dr. Al Lacy, 'There can only be one real Bible in any language')
- 02-11: Not Every One That Saith “Lord, Lord” Is Saved: Lordship Salvation EXPOSED (Bob Jones cult)
- 02-10: There's So Much Stinking Pride/Arrogancy In Churches Today (Pastor Jeff Redlin doesn't care)
- 02-10: Pensacola Christian College Made $172,551,208 In 2023, But Won't Pay Hurting Father $38,440
- 02-10: There Is No Safe Level Of Drinking Alcohol (you can't take 2 drinks, if you don't take the 1st)
- 02-10: Evangelist Billy Sunday, 1862-1935, A Full Documentary (we need more Billy Sunday's today)
- 02-09: Pastor Chuck Baldwin On The Simplicity Of Salvation (he exposes the turn from your sin lie)
- 02-09: Pastor Aiden Tozer Was An Unsaved False Prophet (he taught Satan's lie of Lordship Salvation)
- 02-09: How Calvinism Infects The Gospel | The Five Dangers Of Calvinism (Dr. Ralph Yankee Arnold)
- 02-09: Palestinian Christians: Suffering Alone And Ignored By Body Of Christ (Pastor Chuck Baldwin)
- 02-08: The Wickedness Of A Life Has Nothing To Do With Where You Go When You Die (Pastor Hyles)
- 02-08: I Made A Covenant With Mine Eyes (Pastor Hyles; the Playboy philosophy has ruined America)
- 02-08: The Unbelieving (Pastor Steven Anderson; even as Christians we often have very little faith)
- 02-08: What Separates Pensacola Christian College From True Christianity (PCC woefully lacks love)
- 02-07: You Don't Have To Be Willing To Reform To Be Saved (reformation is not part of the Gospel)
- 02-07: Misunderstood Repentance (Dr. Hyles; one of the deadliest errors taught in churches today)
- 02-07: Sin Appearing To Be Sin (drunkenness is a wicked sin that kills many people, it is not a disease)
- 02-07: HE THAT BELIEVETH IS NOT CONDEMNED!!! (a precious salvation sermon by Pastor Jack Hyles)
- 02-06: The Evidence Of Salvation (by Brother Justin Zhong; All new Bibles are truth perverters!!!)
- 02-06: No One Has Exclusive Rights To Preach The Truth (All men can preach the truth if they want)
- 02-06: Lordship Salvation: Perversion Of The Gospel (contending for the faith, by Dr. Curtis Hutson)
- 02-06: Seven Reasons Why I Want To Go To Heaven (by Pastor Castle; I'm so sick of this sinful world!)
- 02-05: There Was A Man Sent From God!!! (Pastor Castle, “We're too smooth in this generation!!!”)
- 02-05: Riddles In Stone: The Secret Architecture Of Washington DC (occult rule over United States)
- 02-05: The Gospel Is So Simple—John 3:16 (actually, this is not the Gospel, he leaves out the details)
- 02-05: What A Beautiful Day For The Lord To Come Again | Steel Heaven (by Steve Rabbit Easter)
- 02-04: THE FRESH LOOK BIBLE (an esthetically pleasing King James Bible to make reading enjoyable)
- 02-04: I QUIT (Pastor Jack Hyles; I truly hope you will listen to this precious sermon, it is beautiful)
- 02-04: HOW GREAT A CHRISTIAN ARE YOU? (the best Christian may drink beer, smoke and cuss a lot)
- 02-04: RELIGION OR CHRIST? (Pastor Jack Hyles; religion and Christ are in opposition to each other)
- 02-03: Dr. Hyles Believed The King James Bible Is Inspired And Said Kick Out Any Pastor Who Doesn't
- 02-03: LOVE ME (Pastor Jack Hyles: It's not enough to preach a sermon, God wants you to love him)
- 02-03: Thousands Of High Quality MP3 Sermons By Pastor Jack Hyles (Preaching is truth set on fire!)
- 02-03: Clear Grace (Pastor Yankee Arnold, “A grace plus works message messes up a person's mind”)
- 02-02: Repentance: What Does The Bible Teach? (an awesome .pdf pamphlet by Pastor Curtis Hutson)
- 02-02: I Can Do All Things Through A Bible Verse Taken Out Of Context (Yeah buddy, they sure do!)
- 02-02: CORRUPT ENGLISH STANDARD VERSION (shame on Bob Jones University 4 supporting this evil)
- 02-02: The Clarity Of The Gospel Is What Makes It Easy For People To Believe (Pastor Yankee Arnold)
- 02-01: An Updated .PDF Version Of My Book: SALVATION (2 God B the glory great things He is doing)
- 02-01: Misunderstood Freedom (Pastor Jack Hyles; you're either a servant to Christ, or slave to sin)
- 02-01: Saved By Faith Alone (Galatians 3:26, 'ye are all the children of God by faith in Christ Jesus.')
- 02-01: A Good Old Age (at age 71 Pastor Hyles had hernia, cataracts, hearing aids, but kept going!)
- 01-31: SOME GOLDEN DAYBREAK (pretty music); SOME GOLDEN DAYBREAK (book, Dr. Lee Roberson)
- 01-31: Evil Destructive Behavior | Perilous Times (life-changing MP3 preaching, Pastor Jeff Owens)
- 01-31: SO GREAT SALVATION (an awesome 24-part MP3 Bible study by Dr. Younce; Please hear this!)
- 01-31: SO GREAT SALVATION (Pastor Max Younce; a helpful video Bible study clarifying the Gospel)
- 01-30: After Three Days My Snowman Is Still Hanging In There (I had a fun week; Our God is so good)
- 01-30: My Snowman Is Still Standing | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 (I thought of Elton John's song, 'I'm Still Standing')
- 01-30: A Dire Warning About Franklin Graham (woe to churches that help Operation Christmas Child)
- 01-30: I Built A Big Snowman In Pensacola Today | Video 2 | 3 | 4; Storm pics: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6
- 01-29: Here Is My Favorite Hawaiian Steel Guitar Player Jerry Byrd Playing For Dolly Parton (1970's)
- 01-29: Historic Photos, Pensacola Snowstorm: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | 11 | 12 | 13 | 14
- 01-29: Birds Enjoying My Bird Feeder And Houses | Ice Sickles In Back Of My Home | Big Ice Sickles
- 01-29: 2024: The Year Evangelicals Took Fellowship With Devils (the truth by Pastor Chuck Baldwin)
- 01-28: The Church As The Body Of Christ (Pastor Jack Hyles, 1926-2001; Please read: 'The Church')
- 01-28: Women Pastors | All Women Preachers Are False Prophets (Pastor Max D. Younce, 1935-2023)
- 01-28: I Just Took These Videos Of Two Beautiful Red Cardinals In My Yard In The Snow In Pensacola
- 01-28: A Winter Wonderland In Pensacola | My Neighbour's Two Dogs Playing In My Yard In The Snow
- 01-27: My Car Buried In Snow In Pensacola | The Snow Is Getting Deeper In A Winter Wonderland
- 01-27: Listen To President Trump On The Alex Jones Show Tell Us How He Will Make America Great
- 01-27: Loyalty To Your Friends (Pastor Anderson; people are becoming more selfish in today's world)
- 01-27: Pastor Max Younce Refutes The Damnable Heresy Of INFANT BAPTISM, PART ONE | PART TWO
- 01-26: Pastor J. Vernon McGee's Contradictory Theology (he taught and refuted Lordship Salvation)
- 01-26: A Biblical Examination Of Baptism (an excellent Bible study resource by Pastor Max D. Younce)
- 01-26: How Ecumenicalism Destroys The Gospel (unsaved religious people keep changing the Gospel)
- 01-26: SOME ON BROKEN PIECES (MP3, Dr. Hyles; Rescue others with the broken pieces of your life)
- 01-25: TRY THE SPIRITS (Pastor Max Younce; Most of our problems is because we don't listen to God)
- 01-25: Ken Ham's 'Ark Encounter' Is NOT Biblically Accurate (it's wild speculation and bizarre claims)
- 01-25: What Is Biblical Repentance? (less than 5% of Baptist pastors today get repentance correctly)
- 01-25: Things That Are Different Are Not The Same |MP3 (Dr. Hutson; Lordship Salvation not Gospel)
- 01-24: You Don't Have To Pray To Be Saved (New IFB pastors horribly gang up against Norm Diamante)
- 01-24: Conspiracy World (tons of shocking truth that the average Christian couldn't care less about)
- 01-24: THE BREAKDOWN with Aaron Barker! (Aaron has been a faithful web visitor for many years!)
- 01-24: The Normal Work Of The Holy Spirit (MP3 by Dr. Hyles; Spirit comforts us to comfort others)
- 01-23: New Bibles Falsely Say It's 'Hard' To Be Saved (all modern Bible versions are of satanic origin)
- 01-23: THE PREACHING THAT PRODUCES REPENTANCE (Sodomites must be told they are sinners!!!)
- 01-23: Marching To Zion (an excellent film by Pastor Steven Anderson; I do NOT stand with Israel)
- 01-23: Don't Get The Tickets Mixed Up (Pastor Jack Hyles; Trust in Jesus' righteousness to get in!)
- 01-22: Nothing Can Replace God's Word (preaching is beneficial, but it cannot substitute the Bible)
- 01-22: Our Unfair God (Pastor Jack Hyles; we all feel at times that God hasn't been fair toward us)
- 01-22: The Psychological Effects And Trauma Caused By Lordship Salvation (it eliminates all hope!!!)
- 01-22: GOD SAVES ONLY BAD PEOPLE! (a life-changing MP3 sermon by Pastor Jack Hyles, 1926-2001)
- 01-21: Evangelist Ray Comfort Requires “Living A Lifestyle” To Be Saved (Ray is headed for Hellfire!)
- 01-21: The Gospel Is Obscured When Presented Wrong (the Devil uses fake Bibles to confuse the lost)
- 01-21: I NEVER KNEW YOU! (.pdf book by Michael Bowen) † (hard copies available) † (book excerpts)
- 01-21: My Zeal For The Lord (MP3, Dr. Hyles; get fired up and stay fired up for the things of God!)
- 01-20: Dead Churches That Don't Go Soulwinning, Don't Grow (God pity the lazy pastor who slacks)
- 01-20: The Lordship Salvation Cult At Pensacola Christian College (PCC bids Godspeed to Ken Ham)
- 01-20: The FALSE GOSPEL Of ANSWERS IN GENESIS And KEN HAM (they add works 2 ruin the Gospel)
- 01-20: Should Women Wear Pants? (Pastor Jimenez; tell those Bob Jones whores to stop the pants!)
- 01-19: Divorce Should Be Against The Law (MGTOW movement will disappear when divorce is illegal)
- 01-19: I'm Using My Bible For A Roadmap | Jason Skinner Band | Don Reno (This is awesome music!)
- 01-19: Foolishness Of Young Earth Creationism (you be a fool if you think dinosaurs lived with man)
- 01-19: Ken Ham's “ANSWERS IN GENESIS” Exposed! (crime of ripping off God & taxpayers pays well)
- 01-18: The Young Earth Fallacy (Dr. Max Younce; Answers From The Bible; Heaven; GOOD STUFF!)
- 01-18: BIBLICAL DRESS STANDARDS (by Pastor Roger Jimenez; Ladies, CONCEAL; don't REVEAL!!!)
- 01-18: The Sinner's Friend (MP3, Dr. Hyles; While we intensely hate sin, we ought to love sinners!!!)
- 01-18: I NEVER KNEW YOU! (by Michael P. Bowen; if this book offends you, you need to get saved!)
- 01-18: It's Time To Come Out Of The Closet (Dr. Hyles; The Bible's under attack—where's the 7,000?)
- 01-17: BATTLE OF THE AGES (Dr. Hyles, “The King James Bible crowd is going to come out on top!”)
- 01-17: Handbook Of Personal Evangelism (an excellent soul-winning handbook by Dr. Ray Stanford)
- 01-17: Ray Comfort And Steve Pettit Require That You LIVE A LIFESTYLE To Get To Heaven (wolves!)
- 01-17: Serving Christ With A Broken Heart (II Cor. 12:9, “my strength is made perfect in weakness”)
- 01-17: When You Have To Stand Alone (Pastor Hyles; standing alone amongst independent Baptists)
- 01-16: Very Few People Are Going To Heaven (Counterfeit gospels are everywhere we turn today!)
- 01-16: The Curse Of Front-Loading The Gospel (God doesn't expect anything more than TO BELIEVE)
- 01-16: Conversion And Salvation (This is the truth the Lordship Salvation crowd do not understand!)
- 01-16: Eternal Life Is Not A Trade! (Pastor John MacArthur even calls getting saved “an exchange”!)
- 01-15: Lordship Salvation Found In Bible (punished for telling THE TRUTH at Harvest Baptist Church)
- 01-15: SOULWINNING! (Pastor Danny Castle, “Get off the seat of do-nothing and get busy for God!”)
- 01-15: Welcome To The Church (smelly, sinners, misfits and losers are all welcome into God's house)
- 01-15: The Truth About Seed Oils | FED A LIE | Full Documentary (Saturated fats are good for you!)
- 01-14: Facebook Finally Does The Right Thing To Get Rid Of FACT CHECKING Garbage (it's about time)
- 01-14: Life Is A Test (Pastor Steven Anderson; stick to the things that God has given you in your life)
- 01-14: The Valley Of Achor (MP3 by Dr. Hyles; There's hope even in tragedy, as a warning to others!)
- 01-14: Free Market Is The Cure For Homelessness In America (the criminal Federal Reserve must go)
- 01-13: Zionism Versus The Bible (Manmade Israel today is NOT the fulfillment of Bible prophecy!!!)
- 01-13: How Central Banks Cause Income Inequality (robbing the middle-class to fatten the wealthy)
- 01-13: Slippery When Wet (MP3 sermon by Pastor Jack Hyles, “J. Frank Norris died a bitter man!”)
- 01-13: THE J. FRANK NORRIS I HAVE KNOWN (The father of fundamentalism; Dr. Louis Entzminger)
- 01-12: It Doesn't Matter How You Got There (a precious life-changing MP3 sermon by Pastor Hyles)
- 01-12: Emerging Church Theology (Dr. Bob Gray Sr.; The sin of bringing God down to man's image)
- 01-12: DON'T MISS IT! (We have an incredible opportunity to serve God now that won't last forever)
- 01-12: Welcome To Pottersville USA! (Bedford Falls is long gone! Criminal banks have taken over!!!)
- 01-11: Human Wisdom [Psychology] Verses Divine Wisdom [Word of God] | MP3 (Dr. Max D. Younce)
- 01-11: The Patient Waiting Of Christ (Pastor Jack Hyles; sometimes the heavy burden comes to stay)
- 01-11: Following The Leader | A Different Version (Jesus is not just a guide, He is the ONLY way!!!)
- 01-11: Drinking Alcohol Causes Cancer (the U.S. Surgeon General is warning everyone about booze)
- 01-10: It Is Wonderful To Be A Christian (there's nothing more precious that knowing you are saved)
- 01-10: GET RIGHT WITH GOD! (MP3, Pastor Lee Roberson: “We sing more songs and tell more lies!”)
- 01-10: Somebody Has Got To Milk The Cows (Dr. Hyles; Harvest's pastors forbade me to share this!)
- 01-10: 254 Bible Revisions Since 1881 And Still Counting! (The lying Devil has a Bible to fit you too!)
- 01-09: God, Listen To Me, Talk To Me, And Do Something (MP3 by Dr. Jack Hyles; Just keep going!)
- 01-09: Moved Away From The Hope Of The Gospel (Bob Jones University preaches another gospel!)
- 01-09: Human Wisdom Versus Divine Wisdom | Part Two (awesome preaching by Pastor Max Younce)
- 01-09: HE THAT WINNETH SOULS (Dr. John Rice, “You're not following Jesus if you win no souls!”)
- 01-08: The Necessity Of Backsliding (No one ever grows continually without also stepping backward)
- 01-08: Why Lordship Faith Misses The Mark For Salvation (free grace defence by Pastor Charles Bing)
- 01-08: THE KINGDOM OF THE CULTS (by Dr. Walter Martin; Read or download the .pdf entire book!)
- 01-08: A Journey Through The Halls Of Hell (Pastor Danny Castle; Please don't end up dead in Hell)
- 01-07: The Disappearance Of The Male Role (Dr. Paul Roberts; no band of brothers with a female!)
- 01-07: Misunderstood Judgment Seat Of Christ (MP3, Dr. Hyles; God rewards labors, not methods!)
01-07: The Importance Of The Blood Applied On The Mercy Seat In Heaven (it is the blood saves!) - 01-07: THE CHEMISTRY OF THE BLOOD (a doctrinal book by M.R. DeHaan about the blood of Jesus)
- 01-06: WHY GOD HIDES HIS FACE FROM THE RIGHTEOUS (a great MP3 sermon by Pastor Jack Hyles)
- 01-06: Fathers Harden Not Your Heart (don't become hard — an MP3 sermon by Pastor Jeff Owens)
- 01-06: Nobody Is Laughing In Hell (a red-hot MP3 sermon by Evangelist Phil Kidd. Doom forever!)
- 01-06: You Ain't Nothing But A Found Dog (a life changing preaching video by Pastor Danny Castle)
- 01-05: The Reign Of The Antichrist (an awesome life changing MP3 sermon by Pastor Curtis Hutson)
- 01-05: WHAT HAPPENS AT SALVATION—INTERCESSION (a helpful MP3 sermon by Pastor Jack Hyles)
- 01-05: Some On Broken Pieces (MP3—Pull others to shore on the pieces of your shipwrecked life!)
- 01-05: According To The American Bible Society There Are Approximately 900 English Bible Versions
- 01-04: I Added A Pedal Steel Guitar Tonight To The Song, “Help Is On The Way” (here's the original)
- 01-04: Hold On To Your Crown: Don’t Let Anything Rob You Of The Anticipation Of Jesus’ Soon Arrival
- 01-04: The Vanity Of Rebellion (Ecclesiastes 10:5b, “ error which proceedeth from the ruler.”)
- 01-04: The Wisdom Of The Word (Brother Lester Roloff; without the Word U can't B within God's will)
- 01-03: THE MARK OF COMPASSION (MP3 by Pastor Al Lacy; Where's the compassion and the concern?)
- 01-03: Soul Winners Will Shine In Heaven As The Stars (Daniel 12:3 - soulwinners will shine brightly!)
- 01-03: The Greatest Danger Of The New Bible Versions (The King James Bible is being phased out!)
- 01-03: Pastor Curtis Hutson Is Right: Marty Herron, Steve Pettit And Gary Walton Need To Get Saved!
- 01-02: A Very Good Reason Not To Trust Bob Jones Crowd Today (They can't even get the Bible right!)
- 01-02: In The Garden (The Cathedrals; Dear friend please don't let the Bob Jones crowd take U2 Hell)
- 01-02: Which Bible Would Jesus Use? (take a look at Matthew 8:2, 1st Timothy 3:16 and Psalms 12:7)
- 01-02: Grace Carried Me Here | I Still Trust You Lord (The Rochesters come to our church each year)
- 01-01: DO (Dr. Hyles; Gathering around the Word won't save this country, we must do something!!)
- 01-01: Listen To The Right People (Pastor Anderson; Proverbs often tells us to listen to right people)
- 01-01: Learn To Enjoy Where You Are, While You're On Your Way 2 Where You Are Going (Dr. Hyles)
- 01-01: A Christmas Visit To The First Baptist Church Of Pensacola (their lifeless church saddens me)