I fear, lest by any means, as the serpent beguiled Eve through his
subtilty, so your minds should be corrupted from the simplicity that is
in Christ." —2nd Corinthians 11:3
On February 23-25th, 2007, Wayman
Mitchell came to Guam for a series of crusades at Ypao Beach Park. He
was invited by the local Victory Chapel Pentecostal church.
Since I live on Guam, I decided to go down to see what this guy was
teaching. I and my kids sat about 500 feet back up on a hill, apart
from the crowd, watching and listening in the dark of the night.
Who is Wayman Mitchell?
Potter's House Christian Fellowship (aka, the
Potter's House Christian Church or simply The
Potter's House) was founded by Pastor
Wayman O Mitchell in Prescott,
Arizona in 1970.
They have
opened nearly 1400 churches under The Potter's House
banner in over 100 nations.
The first
Australian church was established in the city of Perth
in 1978. As of January 2006, the Potter's House
Christian Fellowship and its affiliated ministries
(including The Door, Victory Chapel, Christian
Fellowship Ministries and The Light House) claim
approximately 1,365 churches world-wide, with 392 in the
United States, 60 in Australia, and the remainder
mother church in Prescott, Arizona is headed by Wayman
Mitchell. -SOURCE
Lordship Salvation Heresy
From listening to Mr. Mitchell, I
believe he is sincere; but misguided. During the invitation, he asked
those who wanted to be saved to pray, repeating after him. He asked
the folks to pray the phrase... "I now turn from my sin." This
is damnable heresy. You cannot show me one verse in the Word of God
that tells us to turn (i.e., repent) from our sins to be saved. Mark
1:15 says, "...repent ye, and believe the gospel." Acts 20:21
states, "Testifying both to the Jews, and also to the Greeks, repentance
toward God, and faith toward our Lord Jesus Christ." This is
Biblical repentance--turning TO the Lord Jesus Christ for the forgiveness of
our sins. We turn FROM our unbelief. The foolish teaching of
Lordship Salvation requires a lost sinner to forsake their sins to be
saved, which is NO salvation at all because it is based upon
self-righteousness. Can anyone truly forsake sin while in the flesh?
The only thing that a person needs to repent from is their UNBELIEF.
If they have just enough faith to OBEY the Gospel, then they will be saved
(Romans 10:13). It is a damnable heresy when preachers lead people to
turn, forsake, or feel sorry for their sins as a requirement to get
Romans 3:19 states... "Now we
know that what things soever the law saith, it saith to them who are under
the law: that every mouth may be stopped, and all the world may become
guilty before God." The word "guilty" in the Greek is
"hupodikos" and means "under judgment, one who lost his
suit; of liable to punishment from God" (SOURCE: Enhanced Strong's
Lexicon). Hence, a person must realize their GUILT to be saved,
i.e., that the condemnation of God is upon them because of their own sins.
This is vastly different from a FEELING of sorrow or remorse over one's sins.
Do you see the big difference? To FEEL sorry for one's sins is an act of
self-EMOTION; whereas, GUILT is a matter of self-AWARENESS. The two are
often NOT connected. Many convicts are sorry (emotionally) for their
crimes, but only because they got caught. They have no genuine awareness
of the sins they've committed. Likewise, a person may walk down to a
church alter and cry with emotion over their failures in life; YET, have NO
awareness that they are under God's condemnation and awaiting judgment.
So you see, a feeling of emotion, i.e., sorrow over one's sins is not
Biblical repentance. Biblical repentance is when a lost sinner becomes
AWARE that they are under the condemnation of GOD'S LAW for their own sins,
and they TURN in faith to the Lord Jesus Christ, trusting upon His shed
blood to forgive and take away those sins... "Forasmuch as ye know that ye
were not redeemed with corruptible things, as silver and gold, from your vain
conversation received by tradition from your fathers; But with the precious
blood of Christ..." Carefully notice that this is NOT
turning from sin.
The Bible teaches that a man must
become GUILTY before God, and then TURN to Christ in faith for salvation;
whereas, Lordship Salvationists teach that a man TURN from his sins in order
to receive Christ. The difference between the two teachings is a
matter of Heaven verses Hell.
The Word of God does not require
anyone to feel sorry for their sins to be saved; rather, we only need to
become aware that we are "liable to punishment from God." Many
people today readily admit that they are imperfect and sinful, but few believe
that they are under God's condemnation, and bound for the Lake of Fire.
They have NOT "become guilty before God" as Romans 3:19 states.
Thus, they cannot be saved until they become aware of their sinful condition.
How can a person be saved who does not believe they need saving? If a
lost sinner doesn't realize their guilt and the condemnation to Hell facing
them, they why would they want or need a Savior? Thus, many people today
have churchianity without Christianity, and religion without salvation.
They are superficially following the "teachings of Jesus," but they don't know
Jesus as a personal Savior. There is little GUILT in our churches today.
Few religious people today are aware that they are under the condemnation of
GOD'S LAW and deserving of Hell-fire. They go to church as a mere social
event, and find self-gratification in giving charity; but they are going about
to establish their own righteousness, instead of submitting to the
righteousness of God, which is Christ Jesus! (Romans 10:2-4).
Speaking in Demonic
Tongues Heresy
With my own two ears, I heard
Wayman Mitchell babbling in Charismatic tongues. I am bewildered at
the ignorance of Pentecostals today concerning this issue of speaking in
tongues. There is clear Scriptural evidence condemning the
mumbo-jumbo, nonsense, which Charismatics call "speaking in tongues" today.
First, on the Day of Pentecost Peter spoke in Greek, no other language.
The Bible says that the people from other nations HEARD (Acts 2:6-8) in
their own native tongue (i.e., language). What they actually
experienced that day was HEARING IN TONGUES. Peter never spoke any
language other than the Greek he normally spoke. It is IMPOSSIBLE
to reconcile the demonic jibber-jabber of Pentecostals today with the
miracle of tongues in the Bible. Acts 2:9-11 mentions sixteen
different nations which were present on the Day of Pentecost. Acts 2:8
plainly states that each man HEARD the Gospel in his own native tongue in
which he was born. How does this compare with the Charismatic speaking
in tongues today that makes NO SENSE TO ANYONE.
Furthermore, the Apostles NEVER
sought the miracle of tongues, it was always initiated by God.
Pentecostals preachers today arrogantly claim to have the ability to access
God's power at their will.
Also, please note that every time
the Bible mentions the Apostles speaking with new tongues that the Gospel
message was being preached. In sharp contrast, Charismatics today
don't even know what they're trying to say, and someone else has to
interpret. The Apostles always knew what they were saying as they
spoke, and again, their listeners HEARD in their own language.
Consider this, why do Pentecostals
only speak in Charismatic tongues during Charismatic meetings, and in
Charismatic churches? If speaking in tongues is a sign of being saved
and spiritual (as Pentecostals teach), then why do they never speak in
tongues in public? Have you ever seen a Pentecostal speak in tongues
on a city bus, or at a ball game, or in a restaurant? Hmmm? No,
they only speak in demonic tongues when in a demonic service. Listen
friend, any spirit that is not the Holy Spirit, is a familiar spirit
(demonic). The practice of speaking in Charismatic tongues invokes a
familiar spirit that is not of God.
Healing Service Heresy
At the crusade, Wayman Mitchell
invited those who wanted to be healed to come down to the front. He
then asked them to line up on the stage. One by one, he prayer with
them, tocuhed them, and
Bible Study
Ye Must Be Born Again!