Beware Of Some Satanic Baptist Churches!
By David J. Stewart | June 2018
2nd John 1:1-4, “The elder unto the elect lady and her children, whom I love in the truth; and not I only, but also all they that have known the truth; For the truth's sake, which dwelleth in us, and shall be with us for ever. Grace be with you, mercy, and peace, from God the Father, and from the Lord Jesus Christ, the Son of the Father, in truth and love. I rejoiced greatly that I found of thy children walking in truth, as we have received a commandment from the Father.”
I try to get to bed early each night, between 8 to 10 pm. I don't need to set my alarm, and I wake up around 4 to 5 am. I have my Alexander Scourby ready to go, and all I have to do is click on my Windows Media player icon on my computer desktop, and then I lay down for an hour and wake up listening to the King James Bible. I'm half asleep when I wake up, so it needs to be simple. I bought the MP3 disk and copied them all to my computer. I created a playlist in Windows Media player of the entire Bible, to play randomly and repeat. It is such a blessing to me to hear God's Word each morning and convenient.
I heard the awesome Epistle of 2nd John this morning, and I kept hearing those beautiful words, “THE TRUTH,” four times in this book of the Bible. The word truth is mentioned five times. Look at our text passage above to see them for yourself. THE TRUTH is very important. Sadly, the truth doesn't matter to many churches today, including Baptist churches. Now before I expose some heretical Baptists, let me say confidently that in my humble opinion, you won't find a better and more biblical church than a good, old-fashioned, King James Bible, soul-winning, people-loving, brother-forgiving, second-chance-giving, separated, fundamental Baptist church!
I can't think of a better example of everything that a Baptist church shouldn't be than Harvest Baptist Church on Guam. They should do what the former Bayview Baptist Church did down the street and be honest enough to REMOVE the name “Baptist” from their church. They now merely call themselves the Bayview Church. Good for them, at least they are honest enough to admit they are NOT Baptists! Bayview uses the satanic Bible versions. Their women wear pants. Their pastor preaches in blue-jeans. The congregation close their eyes and sway back and forth, with their hands in the air, while chanting “holy is thy name” dozens of times. I actually didn't mind the electric guitars and drums, because I love music. I attended there for a few months back when they were still Baptists, but it was so spiritually dead I couldn't take it anymore. They have no outreach ministries. They just gather around the NIV. This is Bayview Church!
How about Harvest Baptist Church (HBC) on Guam? I heard a staff member at Harvest call Bayview their “sister church.” Barf! Honestly, Harvest is a cesspool of apostasy! This is the Bob Jones University crowd. I almost called my article, “How Bible Colleges Today Are Destroying America's Churches!” I'm talking about shameful Bob Jones University, Pensacola Christian College, Hyles-Anderson College, Moody Bible Institute, Dallas Theological Seminary, Faith Baptist Bible College And Theological Seminary, Ambassador Bible College (Dr. Ron Comfort) and other cesspools of iniquity (to name but a few), where young people's FAITH IS SHAKEN IN THE INSPIRATION OF GOD'S WORD!!! Every one of those horrible places I listed DENY THE VERBAL INSPIRATION OF THE KING JAMES BIBLE!!!!!! Shame on all of them!
You'd think that the one place on the planet where your faith would be strengthened in the inspiration of God's Word would be in a Bible college. Nope! Just as a mother's womb statistically is the most dangerous place to be, so also is a Bible college the most dangerous place to be spiritually nowadays! Bible colleges are ruining churches by the thousands, by producing millions of apostate graduates who don't believe in an inspired Holy Bible. Instead, they have been horribly indoctrinated to falsely believe that the omnipotent God of the universe is impotent, incapable of preserving His very “PURE WORDS,” as He so promised in Psalms 12:6-7. Psalms 119:140, “Thy word is very pure: therefore thy servant loveth it.” The psalmist loved God's Word because it is not just pure, but VERY PURE!!!
Infidels and inspiration-deniers in today's apostate Bible colleges, would lead you to believe that we don't have those SAME PURE WORDS that David had. Think about that! Was David's Bible more “very pure” than our King James Bible today? If so, let's burn it!!! I mean, if there is even one mistake in the King James Bible, then we cannot trust any of it!!! If a person lies just one time, then everything they say becomes questionable! If there is even one mistake, then how can we trust any of it? Is God impotent? Is God able to speak 200,000,000,000,000,000,000 (200 sextillion) of stars (the present number so far discovered) into existence, but unable to preserve His pure words? We have no original Scriptures today, so if only “the originals” were inspired, then we're up a creek without a paddle. Do you really believe that God couldn't give us a perfect Bible?
“You cannot be saved from corrupted Scripture!”
—a quote by Pastor Steven Anderson from the awesome MP3 sermon, “Saved By The Word.”These awful Bible colleges today all teach the foolishness that only the “original” autographs were inspired. If you take some time and think through that claim, there are UMPTEEN problems with it. If only the originals were inspired, then we don't have an inspired Holy Bible today. SO how can it be very pure as God promised in Psalms 12:6-7? And these dishonest religious bastards (illegitimate scholars) REMOVED God's promise from Psalms 12:6-7 to preserve His “PURE WORD” unto every generation!!! I'm tired of preachers correcting God's Word. Leave it alone! The King James Bible was the seventh translation in a purification process that produced a masterpiece of English literature; but moreover, God has kept His promise to preserve His “PURE WORD.”
Psalms 12:6-7, “The words of the LORD are pure words: as silver tried in a furnace of earth, purified seven times. Thou shalt keep them, O LORD, thou shalt preserve them from this generation for ever.” What did God promise to keep? Why, His pure words (plural) of course. The satanic translators behind the modern perversions took away this promise, changing it to now say that God protects the saints. IT IS EVIL!!! The reason why the Devil's crowd corrupted this passage of Scripture is obvious, because if God promised to preserve His very pure words, where are they today? They must be here somewhere! Since there are literally hundreds of English Bible versions, and all leading so-called “scholars” claim that NONE OF THEM are perfect and inspired, we have a big problem! These wicked false prophets will not go unpunished, and that included the wicked Bob Jones University crowd, and wicked Harvest Baptist Church on Guam that supports this evil mess, bidding them Godspeed!!!
It is tragic, but true, that the true New Testament church is being driven underground in America. Faithful believers like me, who expose the Alexandrian counterfeit Bible versions, and expose false prophets like Dr. John MacArthur, and refute the false gospel of Lordship Salvation, are forced out of the churches as troublemakers. It is crazy!!! Churches are so backslidden and apostate, that they don't even realize a person who contends for the faith. It's bizarre, but Christianity is being driven underground. On the face of things in Europe and the United States, they look like Christian nations, there are plenty of churches, but when one digs deeper, when one really IS a Christian, and wishes to make a stand for the Christian faith, one quickly finds apostasy and rejection.
Calvinism is a Bastard Plan of Salvation
I am sick and tired of the satanic lie of Calvinism being accepted by Baptists as a legitimate alternative to the Gospel. Harvest Baptist Church promotes Dr. John MacArthur, passing out his shady religious materials to church members, and the pastor idolizes Mr. MacArthur. Mr. MacArthur brags of being a 5-point Calvinist! Calvinism refers to the teachings of a reprobate religious man, who is burning in Hell this moment, named John Calvin (1509-1564). It is hard to believe that one heretic who lived 500 years ago could wreak so much havoc in the churches today!!! You need to understand that there is a Luciferian agenda behind the invention of Calvinism! John Calvin was a member of the occult, and he intentionally fabricated the works-based religion of Calvinism (i.e., the self-righteous religion of Cain), to divide and conquer the churches. NOTHING has divided the churches today, particularly Baptist churches, like the religion of Calvinism (and don't kid yourself, it is very much a religion, a system of beliefs, just as is the cult of evolution).
I say kindly, but with a heavy heart, that Harvest Baptist Church is a religious cult! Mr. MacArthur boldly teaches that children cannot be saved. He also claims that Jesus' literal blood is not sprinkled upon the Mercy Seat in Heaven. Pastor John MacArthur says it is HARD TO BE SAVED, because it will COST YOUR EVERYTHING!!! People can and do get mad at me, but I am telling the honest to God 100% TRUTH. Please read our text passage again here...
2nd John 1:1-4, “The elder unto the elect lady and her children, whom I love in the truth; and not I only, but also all they that have known the truth; For the truth's sake, which dwelleth in us, and shall be with us for ever. Grace be with you, mercy, and peace, from God the Father, and from the Lord Jesus Christ, the Son of the Father, in truth and love. I rejoiced greatly that I found of thy children walking in truth, as we have received a commandment from the Father.”
I love Harvest Baptist Church in THE TRUTH, but they don't want anything to do with me, because like the apostle Paul, I am TELLING THEM THE TRUTH!!! Galatians 4:16, “Am I therefore become your enemy, because I tell you the truth?” Why do the churches support, buy materials from, and promote Mr. MacArthur? Also, John MacArthur says that Jesus DIDN'T die for everyone, He only died for believers. This heresy is called “Limited Atonement” in Calvinism. I don't care if it makes the whole world mad at me, I am going to tell the truth of God's Word!!!!!!! God wants us to SPEAK UP, but Satan wants us to SHUT UP! Ironically, I learned that truth from listening to Harvest's local KHMG radio station on Guam. And they're telling me to SHUT UP! I guess they're the Devil then! I am doing want God wants every believer to do, preach the truth! Cowardly pastors, like the Baptist compromisers who support Harvest locally, don't have the gonads to stand for anything except not getting their paycheck! They are serving mammon, not the Lord Jesus Christ!!! We'll see at the Judgment Seat of Christ who was right and who was wrong! I can't wait!!!
While I'm preaching the simplicity that is in Christ, that is, THE GOSPEL; Harvest Baptist Church is telling people that they have to turn away from a lifestyle of sin to be saved (I heard it with my own two ears in 2014), which is EXACTLY what John MacArthur teaches. Furthermore, Mr. MacArthur teaches that GOD CHOOSES who gets saved and who doesn't. This heresy of Calvinism is called, “Unconditional Election” or more popularly, “Predestination.” Pastor Max D. Younce does an excellent job refuting this popular damnable heresy in his book called, NOT CHOSEN TO SALVATION! (pdf download). Also, here is an excellent 8-part MP3 or video Bible study refuting the damnable heresy of Predestination, by Dr. Max Younce...
Free To Believe: Refutation Of Predestination | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 (Pastor Max D. Younce)
Free To Believe: Refutation Of Predestination | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 (great MP3 Bible study)
We all have our burdens as preachers, to expose some particular false prophet (like Joel Osteen) or a group of false prophets (like Seventh-Day Adventists), and I have a burden to expose the corrupt Baptist church that banned me from returning because I stood for THE TRUTH!!! I will gladly expose any so-called “New Testament church” that promotes Dr. John MacArthur, and the satanic modern Bible versions that redefine repentance to mean changing your life to be saved. That is exactly what Harvest Baptist Church uses, the Easy-To-Read Version (ERV). There is so much doctrinally wrong with this church that they ought not even call themselves a New Testament church!!! No wonder the pastor's leaving. I don't care anymore who gets offended. I have a voice and I'm going to use it to expose ANYONE who teaches, sells and promotes satanic heresy!!!
I actually had a local shameful Baptist pastor sinfully accuse me of being “obsessed” with the Bible issue debate. OF COURSE I AM, AND JUSTLY PROUD OF IT TOO!!! It shouldn't come as a surprise that that same ungodly compromiser told his church congregation that he was saved from reading a New International Version (NIV). Then he is not saved!!! You cannot be saved from corruptible word! That pipsqueak loser is a graduate of Ambassador Bible College that Dr. Ron Comfort runs, a college that openly denies the inspiration of the King James Bible. This just proves my point that dysfunctional Bible colleges are ruining our churches today!!! When you teach young people that the Holy Bible is not inspired, you undermine their faith, shaking their confidence in the veracity of the Scriptures. It is tragic but true that 97% of Bible college graduates don't think we have a perfect Holy Bible today. No wonder they lack zeal, fortitude, guts, conviction, a passion for the truth and fervor for soul-winning!!!
From a certain perspective, today's messed up Baptist churches are even worse than Roman Catholicism. I mean, Roman Catholics use the Douay—Rheims version of the Bible, which is almost identical to the King James Bible (minus the Apocrypha). The Douay version is MUCH safer to use than the satanic Easy-To-Read Version (ERV) that Harvest Baptist Church uses, or the corrupt English Standard Version (ESV) that Bob Jones University woefully uses, promotes and sells!!! Folks, God only authored ONE BOOK! All of these modern Bible versions come from an entirely DIFFERENT ancient text than the beloved and inspired King James Bible. I make a big fuss over the inspiration of God's Word because there is nothing any more important!!! It was the serpent tampering with God's Word that caused the downfall of the human race. Look at all the evil in the world today, the starvation and atrocious crimes being committed, and it can all be traced back to Satan changing what God had said into a lie (Genesis 3:1). When man sinned in the Garden of Eden paradise, the floodgate of sin and death was opened upon humanity. Romans 5:12, “Wherefore, as by one man sin entered into the world, and death by sin; and so death passed upon all men, for that all have sinned.”
THE BATTLE OF THE AGES (MP3 by Dr. Hyles, “The King James Bible crowd is going to come out on top!”)
My dear friend, how's your church doing? I see a sore evil all across the country today. People are like sheep (which the Bible says), who go along to get along with all manner of apostasy, doctrinal corruption and shenanigans in the churches. It seems that no matter how off base a pastor gets, his congregation will be loyal to follow him wherever he may lead them, even horrible astray from THE TRUTH! Do you really believe that Jesus only died for some people? Do you believe that God forces some people to get saved, and if you're not chosen you're out of luck? Do you believe that you must persevere in holy living to prove you are really born-again? That is works salvation! Folks, that is EXACTLY what Evangelist Ray Comfort teaches!!! If you don't believe these sick Calvinist doctrines, then why support John MacArthur, Paul Washer and Ray Comfort who teach them (or a variation thereof)? What are your pastors feeding you? Do you have spiritual food-poisoning? Calvinism is NOT the Gospel, it is damnable heresy!!!
don't save you!”
—a quote by Pastor Steven Anderson from the awesome
MP3 sermon, “Saved
By The Word.”
Jesus called the apostle Peter, “Satan,” because Peter was thinking like the Devil for a moment. Matthew 4:10, “Then saith Jesus unto him, Get thee hence, Satan: for it is written, Thou shalt worship the Lord thy God, and him only shalt thou serve.” It is possible for a believer to think like the Devil. And I am telling you, John MacArthur is NOT a born-again Christian according to the Holy Bible. Mr. MacArthur makes some incredible insightful observations from the Scriptures. And from a certain ignorant perspective he appears to be a brilliant Bible teacher, but if you examine the WHOLE of his doctrinal repertoire, he is of the Devil!!!
Lest anyone should have any qualms about calling heretical Baptist churches by name—If it is right to call Catholics, Mormons, Christian Science cult, Lutherans, Church of Christ, Unitarian Universalists, Jehovah's Witnesses and Seventh-Day Adventists by name—then it is certainly right, proper and biblical to call corrupt Baptist churches by name that promote the damnable heresies of Calvinism, counterfeit Bible versions, Lordship Salvation, false repentance and those who honor false prophets; such as; Ravi Zacharias and John MacArthur.
Harvest Baptist Church Honors Ravi Zacharias, an Unsaved Devil-Dog Preacher!
Harvest Baptist Church on Guam invited, allowed to speak and honored Dr. Ravi Zacharias in June of 2017. Tragically, there were about 1,000 apostates in attendance! Harvest Baptist Church has wrongfully ostracized me, shunned me away and banned me from even attending church services since 2014, simply because I told THE TRUTH; but yet they sinfully invite, let speak and honor a damned unsaved fool like Ravi Zacharias. Look what this reprobate religious dog says you need to do to get to Heaven... simply receive Christ's invitation. That's it? What a lame video! There's no mention of the cross, no mention of Christ dying and raising up bodily three days later. No Gospel message! In this lame video, Ravi teaches how to become a Judas. Ravi says to follow Jesus, commit your life to Jesus, ask Christ to change you and invite Jesus into your life through a prayer to start a “relationship” with Jesus! You do all that and you'll burn in Hell forever! None of this compromises the Gospel!!! Satan's greatest weapon is to con people into living the Christian life without ever being born-again!!! That's what Ravi is doing!
This is the ecumenical bullcrap that Ravi is infamous for, which Harvest Baptist Church loves, sanctions and promotes, pulling on the same rope as the Devil!!! So I'm bad in Harvest's foolish eyes, but Ravi is good. We'll see what God has to say about all this at the Judgment Seat of Christ! Judas had a relationship with Jesus. Matthew 27:3 says Judas even repented of his sins. Yet, Judas went to Hell in his sins. You don't get saved by praying some stupid prayer. You don't have to follow Jesus. You don't have to commit your life to Jesus. You don't have to be willing to change with the Lord's help. You don't have to start a relationship with Jesus. The Holy Bible says you must simply “BELIEVE,” the one word that Ravi didn't use!!! John 11:25, “Jesus said unto her, I am the resurrection, and the life: he that believeth in me, though he were dead, yet shall he live.” The pure Gospel offends people. The unsaved religious masses are okay with a false gospel that ADDS human effort, which is what Ravi teaches. But they absolutely will not tolerate a true Gospel that teaches you can merely trust Jesus Christ as your Savior and continue living in sin, not get water baptized, not follow Jesus, not change your life, do your own thing and not even go to church. There's not one false religion who will tolerate the truth!
It doesn't take a rocket scientist to figure out what is going on. Always follow the money, the love of which is the ROOT OF ALL EVIL (1st Timothy 6:10). Ravi's pathetic so-called ministry rakes in about $25,000,000 each and every year! That's $100,000,000 every 4-years!!! Ravi's personal salary in 2016 was $190,564 for the year.[1] That's disgusting!!! Neo-evangelicals and the love of money are inseparable!!! Jesus plainly warned in Luke 16:13 that NO MAN can serve God and mammon (money). Luke 16:13, “No servant can serve two masters: for either he will hate the one, and love the other; or else he will hold to the one, and despise the other. Ye cannot serve God and mammon.” Ravi is deliberately wishy-washy to keep the money coming in, just like Billy Graham and company.
In order to draw in the most donations, a false prophet must be careful what HE DOESN'T SAY! You can always tell a false prophet by what HE DOESN'T SAY!!! Ravi will never tell you THE TRUTH that you can simply believe the Good News of Christ crucified on the cross, buried and bodily risen, and then continue living in sin as a child of God. He won't tell you THE TRUTH that you don't have to follow Jesus, don't have to change your life, don't have to commit your life to God, don't have to start a relationship with Christ, and don't have to turn away from sin to be saved. Ravi won't tell Catholics that they simply need to BELIEVE, and that relying upon their seven sacraments will lead them into the fires of Hell forever!!! The apostate religious world LOVES Ravi, inviting him on all the television shows, because he is so vague and truthless that the Devil need not fear him. Specifically, Ravi speaks to a lot of college students on campuses across the world, spreading his demonic ecumenical message of a generic pseudo-Christianity that fits all denominations.
The Sheep Pretend the Wolf Will Never Come, But the Sheepdog Lives for the Day!
I am not trying to be unkind. We need to call false prophets, false Christs, false Bibles and false churches, BY NAME. I also expose the corrupt First Baptist Church of Dallas. I rip against the First Baptist Church of Hammond. Perhaps you say, “Who are you to examine and criticize the churches?” I am a nobody! I am a redeemed sinner, saved by God's wondrous grace. I am A VOICE that has a right to expose heresy wherever I find it. This insane idea about “the authority” of the churches is of the Devil. The only authority is the Word of God. Any believer may speak the Word of God with authority, because the Bible is truth. Pastors aren't the only one's who have a right to speak the truth, and any idiot who says otherwise should go join the Catholic cult.
A pastor is an under-shepherd, and Jesus is the Great Shepherd. So a local body of believers ought to follow the voice of their pastor, as He leads them according to the inspired Word of God. Granted, pastors aren't perfect, and we ought not nitpick at them for every little mistake or doctrinal difference. However, when a pastor blatantly teaches another Gospel (like forsaking sinful behavior to be saved), and promotes satanic Bible perversions (like the NIV, ERV and ESV), then EVERY BELIEVER HAS A DUTY to speak up and warn others!!! It's no different than if a wicked man is going around burning houses down. We need to expose him and warn others! An individual pastor has a duty to protect, guide and nourish God's flock (it's not the pastor's flock) with the Word of God. That particular church body has a duty to monitor what their pastor is teaching, and if they don't do it, somebody else has every right to criticize heresy, expose falsehood and call out bad pastors by name, to expose them!!! NOBODY is above correction if they stray from THE TRUTH!!! Anything else is a religious CULT!!! When men are the authority of a church, it becomes a CULT!!! The only authority that a pastor has, biblically, is his influence (rule) in a particular church, as pertains to the Word of God. Anything else is none of his business!
I am 100% against the unbiblical idea that just because some pipsqueak attended Bible college and now has a job, a position, as a pastor, that he is above criticism. Try me! I don't care who it is, if a pastor preaches another Gospel (like John MacArthur does), or another Jesus (like Tyler Baker does) or another spirit (like Doug Batchelor does), I will expose them as false prophets!!! Ray Comfort is of the Devil. Get thee behind me Satan!!! If you don't like that, then GET RIGHT WITH GOD!!! I love you anyhow in the Lord!
A pastor, as long as he is preaching and leading according to the Bible, is the influencing authority. But when he goes awry, then that local congregation becomes the authority and they have a right and duty to fire that pastor! But when a pastor and congregation go awry, promoting Calvinist heresy and embracing satanic Bible versions, like Harvest Baptist Church does, then somebody like me on the outside, has every right to expose them on the authority of God's Word!!! Here is Scriptural proof. Romans 3:4, “God forbid: yea, let God be true, but every man a liar; as it is written, That thou mightest be justified in thy sayings, and mightest overcome when thou art judged.” If I am telling THE TRUTH, then I will be justified in eternity at the Judgment Seat of Christ (2nd Corinthians 5:9-11). I tell you truthfully, the King James Bible crowd is going to come out on top!!! The people who embrace the lie of Lordship Salvation (saying “Lord, Lord”) are the group in Matthew 7:21-23, who went to the Lake of Fire to burn forever!!!
Loving, Knowing and Walking in 'The Truth'
Repeatedly in the Scriptures we read about “THE TRUTH.” That two-word phrase, “the truth,” appears 20 times in the Old Testament and 62 times in the New Testament. The truth matters dear reader, whoever you may be. ...
2nd John 1:1-4, “The elder unto the elect lady and her children, whom I love in the truth; and not I only, but also all they that have known the truth; For the truth's sake, which dwelleth in us, and shall be with us for ever. Grace be with you, mercy, and peace, from God the Father, and from the Lord Jesus Christ, the Son of the Father, in truth and love. I rejoiced greatly that I found of thy children walking in truth, as we have received a commandment from the Father.”
Truth and love are inseparable. When someone gets away from the truth, they stop loving as they ought. I love others, which is why I preach uncompromisingly against error. I am not trying to hurt anyone, I am telling THE TRUTH! When people shun me away for telling the truth, I am going to SPEAK UP! There are MANY things in this miserable life that I cannot change. I know that horrible feeling of having everything go wrong at once in life, and there's absolutely NOTHING you can do to make things any better. It is a lonely and helpless feeling. I've been there many times. But bless God, I won't sit idle and not use the one influence that I have, the one thing that I CAN DO, the one thing that God has given me to use, and that is MY VOICE!!! I AM A VOICE (MP3 clip by Dr. Jack Hyles).
Did you know that you don't have to ask Jesus to save you? God has already told you how to be saved, that is, by simply believing that His Son died on the cross for your sins, was buried, and raised up from the dead three days later. Christ raised up from the dead, which means that God the Father accepted His Son's payment for the sins of the world. Christ suffered on the cross so that we wouldn't have to suffer in a literal Hell forever. Amen! You don't have to bow your head to be saved. You don't have to pray. You don't have to do anything except believe that Jesus died on the cross for your sins, and make that your only hope for Heaven!
". . . ye have PERVERTED the words of the living God. .
Jeremiah 23:36
Give Me Jesus!
(video sermon by Pastor Danny Castle
- You don't want to keep your eye on others, because
they'll let you down. They'll hurt you.
And you don't
want to keep your eyes on yourself, because you'll feel
inadequate, like a loser and a failure. Keep your eyes
on Jesus!)
Salvation is not doing your best, it is having Christ's best put to your account through receiving Him by faith.
God will not save anyone who is trying to be saved, He will only save those who are trusting to be saved.
Religion is man trying to reach God
through human effort, but Christianity is
God trying to reach man by
the sacrifice of His only begotten Son on the cross.
Luke 11:28, “But he said, Yea rather, blessed are they that hear the word of God, and keep it.”
“You can sit there and say, 'Oh, well, you just took it too far. You just took King James onlyism too far!' Well, you know what brother, you can't take it far enough, when they're pushing all these false versions, and all the bookstores, and the Christian bookstores, and all of your big name preachers are all preaching false versions! You know, we need to stand our ground on this issue!!!” —a quote by Pastor Steven Anderson from the awesome sermon, “Saved By The Word.”
“There is power in this
Gospel message. Most people just don't know how to
present it...
The clarity of the Gospel is what makes it easy for them to
—Pastor Yankee Arnold, a precious quote from the excellent MP3 sermon titled,
“No one's ever saved by cheap grace, they're saved by priceless amazing grace! We have a miracle salvation provided and preserved by God Himself. Let's give out the Good News of this salvation, simply and faithfully for His glory. Salvation is not cheap. God sent His Son to pay for our sins. It wasn't cheap—very expensive—He just made it free. And when you and I try to add one work to it, we cheapen it! That's when you cheapen it, when you think that it wasn't enough, I've got to add something to it!” —Pastor Yankee Arnold, a precious quote from the excellent MP3 sermon titled, “CAUGHT BETWEEN GRACE AND WORKS!” | VIDEO | MORE HELPFUL SERMONS
Caught Between Grace And Works!
(AWESOME TRUTH! By Pastor Ralph “Yankee” Arnold |
MP3 - Please share with OTHERS!!!)
the Word of God can make you a man of God!”
—a quote by Pastor
Ralph “Yankee” Arnold from the awesome sermon, “The
Sure Word of Prophecy.”
“Do all the good you can. By all the means you can. In all the ways you can. In all the places you can. At all the times you can. To all the people you can. As long as ever you can.” ―John Wesley
"Just keep on keepin' on!" —Evangelist Lester Roloff
Luke 19:10, “For the Son of man is come to seek and to save that which was lost.”
“Nothing in my future can ever affect the salvation that I have... Once you trust the Lord Jesus Christ as your Savior, you are eternally secure!” —Pastor Hank Lindstrom (1940-2008), a quote from the classic MP3 sermon titled, “How Permanent Is Your Salvation?”
“Salvation is based upon purely what Jesus Christ has done. And if you've trusted Jesus Christ here, you're saved forever! Nothing in your life, nothing in your death, angels, principalities, nothing—nothing in your future—could ever undo that relationship that has been made when you trusted Jesus Christ as Savior. And there are many people who are confused over this whole thing.” —Pastor Hank Lindstrom (1940-2008), a quote from the classic MP3 sermon titled, “How Permanent Is Your Salvation?”
“There are many people who name the name of Jesus Christ, who are not saved, because they're trusting in living the Christian life, or in their works, or in some efforts that they're doing, in order to obtain their salvation.” —Pastor Hank Lindstrom (1940-2008), a quote from the classic MP3 sermon titled, “How Permanent Is Your Salvation?”
How Permanent Is Your Salvation?
(an excellent MP3 sermon by Pastor Hank Lindstrom,
Mark 1:15: “...repent ye, and believe the gospel.”
“The mark
of the child of God is that he loves everybody!”
(a quote from Pastor Jack
Hyles' classic MP3 sermon, “FORGIVENESS”)
Mark 11:22, “And Jesus answering saith unto them, Have faith in God.”
Ye Must Be Born Again! | You Need HIS Righteousness!