Pastor Texe Marrsby
“…Readers pay exorbitant prices for the books of Christian superstars,
never knowing that the volumes are actually written by no-name "ghosts." Among
the big names pulling this stunt: Hal Lindsey, Chuck Colson, Jim Bakker, Billy
Graham, Oral Roberts, Benny Hinn, John Ankerberg, Hank Hanegraaff, David
Jeremiah and Jerry Falwell.”
Are some of the most cherished books in your personal Christian library written by ghostwriters, some of whom may be homosexuals, atheists, and New Agers? Before you answer "no", please read this article very carefully. A tragic and disreputable hoax is being perpetrated on unsuspecting Christians. And you might be one of the chief victims. “Be not deceived; God is not mocked: for whatsoever a man soweth. that shall he also reap.” (Galatians 6:7)
The Reverend Mel White is a homosexual activist who lives with his male
lover, Gary Nixon, in Dallas, Texas. "I am gay, I am proud, and God loves me
without reservation," White recently told David Calker, a Los Angeles Times
reporter. White, who "pastors" a militantly gay church, is also a writer of many
Christian books. But though he's the author, his name doesn't appear on the
front covers. Instead, a Christian celebrity's name appears on each of Mel
White's books. White is what the book industry fondly calls a "ghostwriter."
After all, the buyer of these books thinks he or she is getting inspired
information direct from the hearts and pens of men like Billy Graham and Pat
Robertson, each of whom has used ghostwriters. The reader pays good money for a
beautifully packaged book with the hero celebrity's picture and name on the
jacket. Never would the buyer suspect that the book is actually written by a
homosexual, an atheist, or a New Ager. Thinking that he or she is taking in
digestible spiritual food, the book buyer has no idea the ghostwritten
may contain poisonous and insidious views hostile to Christianity imbedded in
its text.
However, you'll search in vain to find author Mel White's name on either the cover or the title page of the books he wrote for Billy Graham. Nor is Mel White's name openly connected with Jerry Falwell's books. "It was important," White now reveals, "that Jerry Falwell not be scandalized because his biographer was a queer."
Ghostwriter White also wrote Pat Robertson's book, America's Dates With Destiny but the gay reverend is not the only "ghost" whom the veteran host of TV's The 700 Club has used for his chart topping books. Reportedly, Robertson's recent #l Christian bestseller, The New World Order, was also ghostwritten by a CBN staffer.
In The New World Order, "Pat Robertson" correctly warns readers that Freemasonry is an evil, Luciferian conspiracy. Yet, incredibly, Robertson's Christian Coalition subsequently held a "Road to Victory '93" conference in Washington, D.C., at which high-level Freemasons gave the keynote addresses! Pat Robertson's guest speakers at the conference included Senator Bob Dole, 33rd Scottish Rite Mason, and Senator Jesse Helms, yet another 33rd Mason.
Pat Robertson's book, The New World Order, also fingered the Council on Foreign Relations (CFR) as a Satan led, conspiratorial project. But at his "Road to Victory '93" gala, Robertson's keynote speaker was none other than Congressman Newt Gingrich. One worlder Gingrich just happens to be a loyal member of the same group which Pat's book exposes as a devilish front the CFR! The title of Gingrich's speech for the Christian Coalition conference was "Renewing American Civilization."
We are thus faced with these two alternatives: (l) either Pat Robertson did
not even bother to read the best-selling book, The New World Order, that sports
his celebrity name as author on its glossy cover; or (2) he allowed his name to
be placed on a book, the contents of which he does not even believe in.
Another prime example is prophecy teacher Hal Lindsey. Very few people know that Lindsey's mammoth bestseller, “The Late, Great Planet Earth,” was actually written by a woman, Carla Carlson. To his credit, Lindsey has publicly admitted this. The question remains, however: Who is Carla Carlson? Why was she involved in writing Lindsey's book? Why is her name not highlighted on the cover, in bold letters equally as large as those of Hal Lindsey? And finally: Are all of Hal Lindsey's books similarly written by unknown ghostwriters?
It is shameful that such vital and basic information is withheld from the
book buyer. Shouldn't truth-in-packaging rules apply to publishing the way they
do to other consumer product industries? Anything less would be a scam on my
This is rarely the case with celebrity Christian authors. Publishers are continually searching for "hot," new topics for books that can make them a lot of money. Usually, they, not the celebrity, choose a title for the book and only then contact and recruit the chosen celebrity. Publishers have been known to hire entire teams of writers and researchers to produce books.
Often, the greedy celebrity author merely gives the finished product a
cursory look-over and adds his verbal blessing to the project. The celebrity is
pleased because he knows he will make a bundle, with only minimal effort on his
part. His name goes on the cover, and millions of Christian buyers are deceived
into believing the celebrity, inspired by God, personally wrote every word in
the book.
The Deception Of Christian Ghostwriters