Billy Graham, Catholicism, and Apostasy
(or should we call him BILLY BALAAM?)
Billy Graham with the Pope in November of 1982
The False Gospel Of The “Billy Graham Evangelical Association”
Billy Graham praises the pope, a man who allows himself to be called God (see Blasphemy 101)
When Billy Graham was on the Phil Donahue show on 10-11-79, he said that pope John Paul II was someone that he could quote with "some real authority." He also said that the world was looking for a spiritual leader and that the pope didn't pull any punches. [Lord have mercy, Jesus]Here's a newspaper clipping showing Graham praising the pope as "almost an evangelist" ...
The Star, June 26, 1979
The above newspaper caption reads, "In this exclusive interview, evangelist Billy Graham hails Pope John Paul II's pilgrimage to Portland as a triumph for Christianity. Dr. Graham and other religious leaders also heap praise on the pontiff for helping to push forward the religious revival worldwide."
Billy Graham receives honorary degree from Catholic college
Billy Graham received an honorary doctorate from Catholic priests at Belmont Abbey College in 1967. He called it, "a time when Protestants and Catholics could meet together and greet each other as brothers, whereas 10 years ago they could not". He joked around, "I'm not sure but what this could start me being called "Father Graham".("Belmont Abbey Confers Honorary Degree," Paul Smith, Gazette staff reporter, The Gastonia Gazette, Gastonia, North Carolina, Nov. 22, 1967).
Billy Graham turns Catholic converts back to Catholic religion
These poor people come forward to receive Christ but when the Billy Graham counselors get to 'em they turn them back over to Catholic priests--keeping them in the same system of bondage!In 1957, Graham said, "Anyone who makes a decision at our meetings is seen later and referred to a local clergyman, Protestant, Catholic, or Jewish." (San Francisco News).
According to The Florida Catholic (Sept. 1983) 600 people were turned over to the Catholic religion as a result of the Orlando crusade.
At Billy Graham's 1984 Vancouver, British Columbia crusade, the vice-chairman of the organizing committee said, "If a Catholic steps forward there will be no attempt to convert them and their names will be given to the Catholic church nearest their homes" (Vancouver Sun, Oct. 5, 1984). [Lord, have mercy!]
Billy Graham even had a Catholic priest SUPERVISE the 6,600 counselors for the Denver crusade. Information on the hundreds of Catholics who came forward were sent to a Catholic organization in Denver. (Wilson Ewin, Evangelism: The Trojan Horse of the 1990s).
An ecumenical advisor to the Catholic religion noted in 1989 that "Those who come forward for counseling during a mission evening in June, if they are Roman Catholic, will be directed to a Roman Catholic 'nurture-group' under Roman Catholic counselors in their home area" (John Ashbrook, New Neutralism II, Mentor, Ohio: Here I Stand Books, 1992, p. 35).
The Catholic archdiocese in Portland, Oregon, set a goal to supply 6,000 of the 10,000 counselors needed for the Graham crusade. All Catholics responding to the altar call were channeled to the Catholic religion. These are just a few examples of many.
Billy Graham thinks that infants can become Christian through baptism
But the Bible says that by the works of the flesh shall no man be justified. Baptism comes after faith in Jesus Christ. Look what Billy Graham told the Lutheran Standard in October 1967,"I do believe that something happens at the baptism of an infant... we cannot fully understand the mysteries of God, but I believe that a miracle can happen in these children so that they are regenerated, that is, MADE CHRISTIAN, THROUGH INFANT BAPTISM."Billy Graham don't believe hell is literal fire
"...I think people have a hard time believing God is going to allow people to burn in literal fire forever. I think the fire that is mentioned in the Bible is a burning thirst for God that can never be quenched."
The Orlando (Florida) Sentinel for April 10, 1983
Hell isn't based on our human reasoning. According to Matthew's Gospel, it was created for the Devil and his angels, but people that reject Jesus Christ will be up in there too.
Billy Graham let apostate Catholic Bishop bless new converts
In 1962, a Roman Catholic bishop of Sao Paulo, Brazil, blessed the people that came forward at the invitation. (Daily Journal, International Falls, Minnesota, Oct. 29, 1963, cited by the New York Times, Nov. 9, 1963).Those poor people came to Graham for help and he let an idolater bless them. Has he not read that behind every idol is a devil? Yet he let that man "bless" the people of God.
Billy Graham befriends heretics
In 1959, Graham invited the liberal Bishop James A. Pike to lead in prayer at one of his crusades. Yet Pike said in an Episcopal letter: "Religious myth is one of the avenues of faith and has an important place in the communication of the Gospel." He called the Garden of Eden a myth and said, "The virgin birth... IS A MYTH which churchmen should be free to accept or reject..."What I've supplied here don't even touch the tip of the iceberg of Billy Graham's cozy relationships with heretics.
Billy Graham gives stamp of approval on practically every Bible version that comes out
In one of his endorsements for the "New Living Translation," He says, "...I am pleased to recommend the New Living Translation for even greater readability and accuracy." The King James Bible is highly readable and pinpoint accurate. People have been getting saved by reading the King James Bible and they've been growing in the grace and knowledge of Jesus Christ through it. There is no need for another "translation." But the Devil will keep 'em coming as long as people are foolish enough to buy them.Billy Graham's Love Affair with the Popes