Faithful Web Visitor Says Thank You For Preaching The Truth
By David J. Stewart | November 2012
I received the following awesome and uplifting e-mail in October of 2012 from Ross...
I don't know where to start. Your site is so filled with the truth of what is going on in the world and I cant say enough of how I appreciate your web site. I pray that you can continue on with this web ministry. It has helped me tremendously. This site is what the world desperately needs. The Truth! I agree with all that is said on hear because its backed by the old King James version.
I have a very similar testimony as yours. I struggled with my assurance of salvation for quite a wile. I was raised in an independent fundamental church and I grew up with the gospel. It wasn't until I got on my own and gained maturity that all those truths that I was taught became real to me. I am a growing Christian and your web site is a great help to me. I am sorry to hear that you have such terrible physical problems. I will be praying for you that you will gain much relieve.
I found Dr. Phil Kidd because of your site and his preaching is on fire for the Lord. His sermons are helping me. The world needs more spirit filled preachers that aren't afraid to preach Gods word! I am blessed to have a good local independent fundamental Baptist Church not far from me. Its in a little town called Dunbar, that's in southwestern Pa.
Its been preaching the truth for 120yrs now and is still spirit filled. Its so hard to find a church that is not dead these days. I know no matter what happens in the world we still have the truth and the Holy Spirit. I pray that God will continue to bless you and this site for his purpose and I will keep you in prayer. Again I thank you for your labors of love.
Sincerely:Ross SnyderI thank God for encouraging e-mails like this. I wanted to share this with all my web visitors, just so others can get an idea of what faithful, daily, visitors to this needful ministry think. Jesus is precious!!!
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