U.S. executive-level government document entitled
National Security Study Memorandum 200: Implications of
worldwide population growth for U.S. security and
overseas interest (NSSM 200) was published in 1974 and
declassified in 1989. Such a plan of action was
designed to be taken in developing and developed
countries. Henry Kissinger signed the document which
was then directed to the secretaries of defense,
agriculture and central intelligence, the deputy
secretary of state, and the administrator of the Agency
for International Development. A copy was also sent to
the Joint Chiefs of Staff.
FOCUS: "International political and economic
implications of population growth." The identified
countries in the document for study are India,
Bangladesh, Pakistan, Nigeria Mexico, Indonesia, Brazil,
the Philippines, Thailand, Egypt, Turkey, Ethiopia and
Eventually efforts for worldwide propaganda to "create
demand" for population-control technologies developed.
"Development of a worldwide political and popular
commitment to population stabilization is fundamental to
any effective strategy. This requires the support and
commitment of key LDC (lesser developed countries)
leaders. This will only take place if they clearly see
the negative impact of unrestricted population growth
and believe it is possible to deal with this question
through governmental action ...We must take care that
our activities should not give the appearance...of an
industrialized country policy directed against the
LDS"....later calling for " integrating population
factors in national plans, particularly (within) health
services, education, agricultural resources and
development" also suggesting "population policies and
family-planning programs to major sectors of
development: health, nutrition, agriculture, education,
social services, organized labor, women's activities,
and community development."
To further sharpen their
intent, the document recommends integrating family
planning with health programs "Finally, providing
integrated family panning and health services on a broad
basis would help the U.S. contend with the ideological
charge that the U.S. is more interested in curbing the
numbers of LDC people than it is in their future and
well-being". In regards to assistance required by the
LCD, "Country Assistance Strategy Papers and Development
Assistance Program multi-year papers...Since population
growth is a major determinant of increases in food
demand....the allocation of scarce PL480 (food)
resources should take account of what steps a country is
taking in population control as well as food
further warn against actions that might uncover this
hideous plan, "In these sensitive relationships,
however, it is important in style as well as substance
to avoid the appearance of coercion." Where resistance
is clearly present, other organizations, agencies...etc
take part in establishing population initiatives.
Another recommendation was the use of satellite
communications for propaganda.
(You've just read a summary and quotes from an excellent
article written by
Jean Guilfoyle...NSSM2000:blueprint for de-population)
thorough research, I've come to the conclusion that the
"devil" behind the population control agenda is
UNICEF which operates under the guise of "helping
the world's children." Though this was the original
intent of this United Nations Agency, it has given
pro-family organizations reason to believe it's been
dabbling with the population control agenda of the UN.
Vaccines approach the stage as the new tool for
population control. Infertility vaccines have played a
role in coercive population control programs in the
Third World.
Scientists from Bristol University in England have
discovered a protein, named GPX5, in human males which
protects sperm from damage. GPX5 is reportedly
manufactured naturally only in the reproductive tract,
and scientists aim to attack the body's natural release
of the protein. The other side of this project is
creating a vaccine that would cause the body to create
anti-bodies to GPX5, which would disable protection of
the sperms. In the National Post (NP) reports that Glaxo,
a large pharmaceutical company, is pursuing the research
which Dr. Len Hall heads.
UNICEF's campaign to immunize Nigeria's children with
polio is accused of being a front for sterilizing the
country. Dr. Haruna Kaita, a pharmaceutical scientist
in Zaria, took samples of the vaccine to labs in India
for analysis. Using technology recommended by the World
Health Organization (WHO), he found evidence of serious
contamination. He stated that, "some of the things we
discovered in the vaccines are harmful, toxic; some have
direct effect on the human reproductive system...I and
some other professional colleagues who are Indians who
were in the lab could not believe the discovery." A
Nigerian government doctor tried to convince him that
his discoveries would have no bearing on human
reproduction. Dr. Kaita's reasons for his conclusion
were, "These manufacturers or promoters of these harmful
things have a secret agenda which only further research
can reveal. Secondly they have always taken us in the
third world for granted, thinking we don't have the
capacity, knowledge and equipment to conduct tests that
would reveal such contaminants. And very unfortunately
they also have people to defend their atrocities within
our mist, and worst still some of these are supposed to
be our own professionals who we rely on to protect our
He's demanding prosecution.In 1995, the
Catholic Women's League of the Philippines won a court
order to halt a UNICEF tetanus vaccination program
because the vaccine contained B-hCG (human chorionic
gonadotrophin) hormone. It was found that 20% of the
tetanus vaccines contained this hormone. Basically,
this is a hormone naturally produced by the female
reproductive system which allows the fertilized egg to
implant into the uterine wall and facilitate development
of the placenta, allowing for the pregnancy to
continue. Clearly, this hormone was removed from a "jane
doe", isolated and put into these vaccines. This
woman's hormone developed an immune response in the
vaccinated which caused antibodies to attack their own
female hormones. This was basically a sterilization
experiment. Unfortunately, the Philippine Supreme Court
discovered that three million women, 12 year to 45 years
of age, were given this vaccine. This B-hCG laced
tetanus vaccine was also given to native Americans and
black women in the United States. Is it a coincidence
that over 35% native American women and over 25% black
women in America are sterile? This laced tetanus
vaccine was also reported to have been given to at least
four other developing countries.
Life International states that at the time that
suspicions about the contents of the vaccines were
raised when "the tetanus vaccination campaigns in the
developing world targeted only women of child-bearing or
pre-child-bearing years." HLI also reported that "the
vaccination program is sponsored by the World Health
Organization, an agency with a 20-year history of
researching anti-fertility vaccines."
do reproductive agents get into vaccines? There's only
one way. That's to isolate the human hormones involved
in reproduction and make them part of the vaccine
ingredient. Such experimentation is not outlawed in the
United States. Refer to the
anthrax page to read on the
further information on the UN's population control
program, research at

Vaccine fertility
control: the last mass control weapon of the
The last issue of the HMS Beagle, the magazine of the
BioMedNet online journal services, came up with the
paper titled “Future Prospects for Vaccines to Control
Fertility” [1] by Peter J. Delves, Torben Lund, and Ivan
M. Roitt.
As a biologist in the field of immunology I understand
how strong a weapon such vaccine could be to prevent
people from having children even if they wanted to have
them, stealing their rights of reproduction.
Although a low reproduction may seem desirable in some
societies nowadays, this tool to achieve such purpose is
malign in the sense that it can be used without the
individuals noticing at all. When this
vaccine development comes to the point of being able to
distribute a working version of it, and since this
vaccine is developed not only under government funding
but also in private corporations, nothing
prevents this vaccine to be secretly inoculated into
mineral water bottles or soda cans. And even if this
vaccine due to chemical constraints could not be
distributed together with food or drink, our
babies are every year inoculated with vaccines to
protect them against several diseases such as
poliomyelitis, and again, nothing prevents the
pharmacological industry that produces such vaccines to
include in it the infertility vaccine, the same way the
AIDS virus has been inoculated into millions of Africans
together with the yellow fevers or the sleeping disease
vaccines [2].
As the authors so utterly put it, “Irrespective of the
type of vaccine, vaccine development will require
substantial sums of money. Governments, non governmental
organizations, and the pharmaceutical industry will need
to be convinced that such an approach is likely to
become an
acceptable method of birth control.”
As always, the public is taken as a dumb mass who needs
to be told what to do and what to believe. If such
“substantial sums of money” where put to better use, so
to speak, to provide a better education for people which
would result in a broader general culture and a sharper
ability to reason and design approaches to resolve their
own day to day problems, no need of outside birth
control would be needed. Needless to say, this would
result in the feared-most scenario of the high class
conservatives who hold the mass media agencies and
industry corporations, and for such reason the media is
going to spread out the need and lovely consequences of
accepting their shit.
[1] “Future Prospects for Vaccines to Control Fertility”
[1] by Peter J.
Delves, Torben Lund, and Ivan M. Roitt; this paper also
will be published soon at the journal Trends in
[2] “Polio Vaccines and the Origin of AIDS” B. F.
ELSWOOD and R. B. STRICKER Reprinted from Medical
Hypotheses, vol. 42, 1994, pp. 347-354, in

"At present, we
are doing research on the Tetanus Vaccines that were
given last March 1994 by our Dept. of Health to women of
reproductive age. Many of the women complained of
bleeding (miscarriages) and allergies. We got alarmed
recently when we received communications from Magally
Llaguno that the vaccine in Mexico contained hCG . . .
If you have enough [research] papers, could your group
do a press release via international press like Reuters
so that all countries could be alerted?"
Full text article
available at

A special issue of
Reproductive Health Matters 7 (May 1996), 1-157;
includes 20 papers on the theme of Men. These include
studies from developing countries on the perceptions men
have about sex and contraception. On development of a
male contraceptive pill, Nature Medicine 2
(1996), 722. There are rumours from a Johannesburg
newspaper, Sunday Independent (August 1996) that
a male infertility vaccine was being produced by
scientists paid by the South African military to keep
down the population.

Boycott Grows in Northern Nigeria
KADUNA, Nigeria
Feb. 24 — Two more states in Nigeria's Islamic north
joined a boycott Tuesday of a massive polio immunization
campaign, demanding government proof the vaccines don't
spread AIDS or sterility as Islamic leaders contend.
Nigeria, meanwhile, announced it would be days before it
had results of lab tests meant to prove the vaccine's
safety too late to change any minds among Muslim leaders
in the four states that are blocking the immunization
campaign, due to end Thursday.
"This is an opportunity lost," U.N. Children's Fund
spokesman Gerrit Beger said, confirming that Niger and
Bauchi states had joined the vaccine boycott pending
findings of the government-led investigation.
Northern Nigeria Islamic leaders say the immunization
campaign is part of a U.S. plot to depopulate Muslim
northern Nigeria by spreading AIDS or sterilizing
agents. Northern states maintain their own lab tests
show contaminants in the vaccine.
Fourteen million people live in the four states that
have blocked the immunization.
The World Health Organization says a polio outbreak
spreading from one of the states, Kano, has helped
spread polio to seven African nations where it had been
The outbreak and vaccine ban threaten a 16-year
worldwide effort to wipe out polio globally by 2005, WHO
WHO launched the 10-nation emergency immunization
campaign on Monday, sending hundreds of thousands of
volunteers door-to-door with vaccine to inoculate 63
million children.
On Tuesday, some Muslim families turned away vaccination
teams even in states where the campaign has been
Complicating matters, Nigerian Muslim tradition bans
male strangers from entering homes with women and girls,
forcing the medical teams to send in girls as young as
14 to carry out the inoculations.
"It is difficult to train these young girls to
communicate effectively with parents and vaccinate all
children in a methodical way without missing some
areas," said Usman Kariko Binawa, a vaccine campaign
Just outside the northern city of Kaduna, in the
predominantly Muslim village of Maraban Jos, health
workers scrawled check marks with chalk on the mud and
tin houses of families accepting vaccinations. They
wrote large "R's" on the those who refused, so they
wouldn't be bothered again.
Binta Abdullahi, a 34-year-old campaign worker in
Maraban Jos, came out of the home of one Muslim family
that had refused to have their children immunized.
"They want to wait for the results of the examinations,"
she said, referring to the government investigation.
In the nearby village of Barakal Allahu, which is mostly
Christian, residents welcomed the teams.
"We are eager. We've seen polio and we don't want it for
our children," said Stephen Dogo, 74, after his two
youngest children were vaccinated.
In the same village, one polio victim a young
wheelchair-bound man with twisted, skinny legs rode past
health workers, expressing his approval with the words
"God is Great."
Earlier this month, the Nigerian government sent
politicians, scientists and religious leaders abroad to
witness the polio vaccine been tested in foreign labs.
On Tuesday, the fact-finding team said in a statement it
was awaiting test results from labs in India and
expected them as late as the end of the month, after the
vaccine campaign is over.
The Associated Press obtained a copy of the committee's
interim report that ruled the vaccines safe.
However, it acknowledged the tests showed "trace amounts
of estradiol," a form of the female hormone estrogen the
vaccine's Muslim detractors claim could cause
The unsigned four-page document suggested the hormone
may have come from calf blood serum it said was
sometimes used to help produce the vaccine.
WHO officials have repeatedly insisted minute amounts of
hormones would be completely harmless, amounting to less
than what is found in human breast milk.
Nigerian Health Ministry officials could not immediately
be reached for comment on the leaked document.
Muslims in Nigeria's north have been wary of
vaccine campaigns since 1996, when families in Kano
state accused New York-based Pfizer Inc. of using an
experimental meningitis drug without fully informing of
the risks.
The company denied any wrongdoing. A U.S. court
dismissed a lawsuit by 20 disabled Nigerians who
allegedly took part in the study, but a U.S. appeals
court later revived it.

November 1990, the World Bank launched a US $27 million
population control project for Ghana with the goal of
cutting the size of the next generation of Ghanaians in
half, from approximately 45 million to only 25 million
by the year 2020. Aware of the fact that Ghanaians do
not wish the size of their country to be manipulated by
outsiders, the bank commissioned Opia Mensah Kumah,
senior program officer for the US government's
population communication campaign in Africa, to produce
a ‘procedural’ report. The report stated that deeply
held traditional beliefs and values would hinder
population control efforts, making persuasion more
difficult. Indeed, in many parts of the continent,
cultural prohibitions exist against even counting one's
children, believing them to be a blessing, not a curse.
HLI reported the
sketchy facts regarding the Mexican tetanus vaccines to
its affiliates in more than 60 countries. Soon
additional reports of vaccines laced with hCG hormone
were received from the Philippines, where more than 3.4
million women were recently vaccinated. Similar reports
came from Nicaragua, which had conducted its own
vaccination campaign in 1993.
Human chorionic
gonadotrophin (hCG) hormone was found in the vaccines.
WHO has been actively involved for more than 20 years in
the development of an anti-fertility vaccine utilizing
hCG tied to tetanus toxoid as a carrier - the exact same
coupling as has been found in these vaccines.”

"Contaminated" OPV vax. Caught out in genocide
by whaleto@[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Mar 9, 2004 at 01:11 PM
'Our Polio Test Was Conclusive'
- DR Haruna Kaita
Weekly Trust (Kaduna)
March 6, 2004
Posted to the web March 8, 2004
Dr. Haruna Kaita is the JNI scientists who conducted the
test on the polio vaccines in India, and he is also the
Dean, Faculty of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Ahmadu Bello
University Zaria. He spoke to Musa Umar Kazaure of our
Kano Bureau on the outcome of their test shortly after
he defended the result before the federal government
experts in Kaduna. Excerpts.
WT:You are
among the JNI scientists who went to India to conduct
various tests on the controversial OPV which was alleged
to have contaminants. What was the outcome of your
Dr Kaita: Well, let me start
first by thanking JNI for giving me the opportunity to
serve humanity because what we did was not for the
Muslim alone or the Christian alone, but for the
generality of Nigerians who are prone to having these
vaccines. Now on the Polio vaccine test result, I want
to tell you that when I left Nigeria to India to
conduct those test, I was praying and hoping that the
tests will come out negative, that the vaccines were
actually safe for our children. I prayed that I found no
contaminants in them because I know how sensitive it
will be if there is any contaminant especially with the
posture of the government and some of my colleagues who
are in league with government for obvious reasons. I
spent about 23 days in India mostly in laboratories
conducting analysis on the samples of oral Polio
vaccines I took along, using some of the most
sophisticated laboratory equipments in the world which
were even cited and recommended by WHO as number one. It
is WHO that said GC-MS is the best equipment for
discovering contaminants in drugs because of its
sensitivity and its is state of the art in the world. So
I used that machine and used Radio-Immuno assay in
conducting the tests.
WT: What was the result you got
from the tests.
Dr Kaita:
The results were very interesting because I and some
other professional colleagues who are Indians who were
in the Lab could not believe the discovery. I thought at
first that something was wrong with my calculations,
them we repeated it again and again, and again, it kept
giving us the same results of contaminants. Some of the
Indian scientists who were in the lab also wondered how
come a polio vaccine had such contaminants that were not
suppose to be there. Some of the things we discovered in
the vaccines are harmful, toxic; some have direct effect
on human reproductive system. But I was surprised when
one of the federal government doctors was telling me
something contrary to what I have learnt, studied,
taught and is the common
knowledge of all pharmaceutical scientist, that estrogen
cannot induce anti-fertility response on human. That is
the most absurd thing I ever heard from a learned person
who said he is a professor. I am a professional in my
chosen field, I am a professional pharmacist, I am an
authority when it comes to drug, and here is somebody
telling me that I don't know the biological or
pharmacological effect of a drug substance in human
body. I found that argument very disturbing and
WT: Why
should the manufacturers of these vaccines include these
substances when they know that it could easily be
Dr Kaita:
That is the problem. Number one, these manufacturers or
promoters of these harmful things have a secret agenda
which only further research can reveal. Secondly they
have always taken us in the third world for granted,
thinking we don't have the capacity, knowledge and
equipments to conduct test that would reveal such
contaminants. And very unfortunately they also have
people to defend their atrocities within our mist, and
worst still some of these are suppose to be our own
professionals who we stomach rely on to protect our
WT: Were the
government team not satisfied with the procedure you
used in the test or what was their problem with your
Dr Kaita: My presentation
before the JNI enlarged committee was purely academic,
because WHO representatives were there, UNICEF, and all
stakeholders, we invited everybody, we did not hide our
report as they did to their (government's) own, we
circulated it to everybody for further analysis because
we were sure of our results. Let anybody interested go
and vet the protocol we used, all the substances we
discovered we gave them photocopies, to NAFDAC,
WHO,UNICEF, USAID and all the stakeholders. Unlike their
own which they continue to keep secret from the public
because they know it is the same with ours.
WT: But after your
presentation, were you able to convince them of the
authenticity of your tests result.
Dr Kaita:
Well, finally I had to define to them what a fake drug
is, and concluded that the Oral Polio Vaccine is nothing
but a fake drug too, and what do NAFDAC do to fake
drugs, they burn them and prosecute those who import
them into the country. So this has even strengthen our
resolve that those who imported this fake drug in the
name of Polio Vaccines must be prosecuted like any other
criminals apprehended by NAFDAC. We are no more calling
for their stoppage but for their prosecution because
they are importing into Nigeria fake drugs in the
guise of polio vaccine because they contain substances
which are not suppose to be in them, and that is what
amounts to fake drug. They don't have NAFDAC batch
numbers, and they are contaminated with toxic
WT: So would you say the
meeting endorsed your result even though the federal
government team still ask for another test in
conjunction with your team of scientist.
Dr Kaita: Our own test is
conclusive, we are sure of our results, they can go to
anywhere in the world to verify it if they like. When I
made my presentation before all the stakeholders, they
asked all the questions they want to ask, and I defended
the results, and it was agreed by all the people
present, including the federal government team for the
first time, that the vaccines contained contaminants.
They only argue that all those batches of vaccine that
were contaminated have been exhausted, and that new ones
have been ordered by the federal government, so any
state that wishing to still verify the safety or
otherwise of the new ones should go to the cold stores
of NPI at designated places in the states to collect
them for testing. So now they agreed that the vaccines
they have been giving to our children for the past
4years when the polio campaign started were
contaminated, but what is the government going to do
about those who have been trying to bury that fact from
the people. Would the importers of such contaminated be
left to go free? What plans has the government put in
place to help the children who have given these toxic
and contaminated vaccines in case they start reacting to
them? Are we going to allow this to be swept again
under the carpet like the Kano MININGITIS Trovan test
just because the children involved are from poor
parents? God will not leave the perpetrators of this
crime against children in Nigeria to go free if the
government refuses to act.
WT: Dr.
Kaita, as a pharmaceutical scientist, what do you make
these vaccines generally, because this polio discovery
has thrown a
blanket suspicion on virtually all the vaccines
administered on our
Dr Kaita: Let me make something
clear, I am not against vaccination per se because there
are genuine vaccines that help prevents diseases, but
when a fake drug is brought in disguised as a vaccine,
we have obligation to kick against it. Professor
Emiritus Shehu himself will bare witness to this if he
recall the incidence of CSM (Meningitis) immunization
campaign in an area called Mayobelwa in former Gongola
State . The communities were given vaccines for
protection against the CSM, but what happened? After
just a few weeks, there was a massive outbreak
unprecedented in the history of the country there, and
it was mostly those who were given the vaccines that
were affected in that out break. Even himself, the
Professor, said at that time that he could not explain
the phenomenon, but we know now from recent discoveries
that those vaccines were carrying a virulent that
induced the disease in those vaccinated. There are other
instances in other third world countries like
Philippines, Mexico and so on. This is what is casting
doubts on the vaccines brought for immunization on
people in the third world. And for your information,
even America has stopped the use of OPV, and many
western countries have also stopped it because they
discovered that it causes the polio that it is suppose
to protect people from.

Tab for UN Population Control: $34 Million
By Matt Pyeatt
CNSNews.com Staff Writer
December 21, 2001
(CNSNews.com) - Conservatives are urging
President Bush to block U.S. funding of a population
control program that's been criticized for supporting
"forced abortions and sterilizations" in China and
elsewhere. But, if Congress gets its way, the United
Nations Population Fund (UNFPA) could get up to $34
million dollars from American taxpayers for the current
fiscal year - an increase of 36 percent.
The Foreign Operations spending bill, passed by the
House Wednesday, also drops language adopted in previous
years that allowed the U.S. to penalize China for
policies many consider coercive. The U.S. previously was
able to cut its contributions to the UNFPA by the same
amount the United Nations devoted to China's population
control activities.
"We are outraged to find that Congress has removed a
provision that penalized the UNFPA for spending money in
China," said Tom Minnery, vice president of public
policy for Focus On The Family.
"We urge President Bush to exercise his discretion in
this matter and zero fund the UNFPA for fiscal year
2002. Mothers and children in every nation deserve
nothing less," Minnery said.
Because the legislation sets a ceiling of $34 million
for the UNFPA, President Bush has the authority to
determine how much, if any, of the money will be
"They should get nothing if they are participating in
these monstrous activities," said Michael Schwartz, vice
president for government relations at Concerned Women
for America (CWA). "They should get zero from the U.S.
"It's up to the president to do the right thing. I hope
he will and I feel that he will," Schwartz added.
The conference committee version of the Foreign
Operations spending bill passed in the House
overwhelmingly, with only 66 members voting no. Schwartz
said he was disappointed to learn that House Majority
Leader Dick Armey (R-Texas) and House Majority Whip Tom
DeLay (R-Texas), who are both pro-life, supported the
Neither Armey nor DeLay would comment on the matter
Steven W. Mosher, president of the Population Research
Institute (PRI), said the president "has been handed the
perfect opportunity to oppose forced abortion and forced
sterilization in China."
"He should de-fund the United Nations Population Fund
(UNFPA) because of its support of these and other human
rights abuses in China," Mosher said.
In September, PRI obtained what it called "first-hand
evidence" of forced abortion and sterilization in a
UNFPA county program in China. UNFPA denied it was
sponsoring such activities, but PRI delivered a
videotape of its evidence to the White House.
"Dozens of women told us that coercion in this UNFPA
county program is worse today than ever before, and told
us of the abuses which they have recently suffered,
including imprisonment and the destruction of homes,"
Mosher said in a statement.
PRI also said Thursday it had confirmed that the UNFPA
"is distributing abortion devices and chemicals,
disguised in kits marked for safe delivery in Afghan
refugee camps in Pakistan."
Population Action International, a group committed to
advancing family planning, announced it would not
comment on the Foreign Operations spending bill until
after the Senate had voted.
United Nations officials and United Nations Population
Fund officials did not return phone calls to
CNSNews.com on Thursday.