A Man of God verses a Man of Men

By David J. Stewart

       I recently visited a Baptist church. During the sermonette the senior pastor mentioned to the congregation that he had a degree in psychology as well as theology. Then he spoke praises of Rick Warren's Purpose Driven Life. Then a few moments later the pastor quoted something he read from Pat Robertson (the 700 Club).

I wanted to vomit. I went to a Baptist church hoping to find a man of God. Instead I found a man of men. The pastor didn't quote the Bible; he kept quoting things he had read from the latest New York Times Best Seller List.

Modern psychology is rooted in atheism, evolution and humanism. I don't want to hear a pastor tell me what he learned from other men. I want to know what God laid upon your heart. What did you learn from the Scriptures? I can go buy and read a book from Barnes and Noble. The most important thing every believer does is walk with God.

A pastor ought to walk with God throughout the week, and then share with his people on Sunday what he learned. So many pastors today are being led into apostasy away from the Scriptures, and away from the fundamental doctrines of the Biblical faith; because they are being influenced by Modernist ministers who are corrupt, greedy and part of the New World Order

Shame on the congregation or pulpit committee who calls a man with a Ph.D. (post hole digger... lol) in psychology to be their pastor. Why don't you just call Dr. Phil while you're at it? You ought to be appointing a man of God to lead the congregation. The problem is that none are available anymore.

By the way, I hate pulpit committees who try to control the preacher's preaching. A true man of God WON'T allow a pulpit committee to tell him what to say or not say. I'm not for sale! It'll be a cold day in Hell before anyone tells me what I can preach or not preach! I'll say what God lays upon my heart to say.

Temporary committees are ok, like a building committee; but when the building is completed, goodbye building committee! Committees are dangerous because they give people power to clip the wings of the preacher, afflict him and split churches right down the middle.

The Authority of the New Testament Church is the Bible. If men are in control, then you have a cult. Jesus said that the greatest amongst you will be your servant (Matthew 23:11). Hence, the pastor ought to be the biggest servant of the congregation, sacrificial giving to help his people. In most churches it's the other way around, where the pastor milks the poor congregation for every penny he can.

Amos 3:3, “Can two walk together, except they be agreed?”

Ye Must Be Born Again!

Bible Study