Evangelist Tom Williams
Evangelist Tom Williams was born in 1935 and reared in West Texas, the youngest of 14 children.
Dr. Williams began preaching shortly after being saved 75 years ago and has been serving the Lord as an Evangelist for 70 years. Known for years as “The Cowboy Preacher,” Dr. Williams has been greatly used in church revivals and city-wide crusades as well as a Bible conference and chapel speaker on almost every fundamental Bible college campus in America. His sermons are simple, yet they pierce and probe the heart under the direction of the Holy Spirit. For the past 11 years he has been conducting schools of prayer which have been greatly attended and have greatly stirred the hearts of God’s people to pray.
Brother Williams has counseled thousands of couples and individuals throughout America as well as in several foreign countries. He has become known as “America’s preacher to those who are hurting.” He knows first hand the sorrow that comes from the loss of two wives and a child. He and his third wife, Jeannine, married in 2006 and have continued serving the Lord traveling from church to church doing “the work of an Evangelist.” Their current ministry headquarters now reside in Southern Indiana at Lanesville as God directed them to move there so they would be more centrally located to the bulk of the churches. It has been a joy and privilege to be able to continue in the work for the Lord as He opens doors to take His vessel and use for His glory.
Dr. Williams is known as a man of prayer having gone through the many valleys and trials over the years and now God has been pleased to use his book, Prayer and Faith, the Life of Dr. Tom Williams, in so many people’s lives. He has received many calls, letters, and e-mails from people who have read the book testifying to how God has used it in their lives to challenge them to pray and believe their Heavenly Father for great and mighty things. It is a great joy to read such letters and we rejoice with them over the answers they are receiving as a result to their prayers of faith. Please pray for the Tom Williams Evangelistic Ministries that God would continue to give strength and power to enable Dr. Williams to preach the Word of God for His glory.
You Can Make It
Known for years as “The Cowboy Preacher,” Dr. Williams has been greatly used in Church Revivals and City-Wide Crusades, and as a Bible Conference and Chapel Speaker on almost every Fundamental Bible College Campus in America. His sermons are simple, yet they pierce and probe the heart under the direction of the Holy Spirit.
With more than 40 years of experience as an evangelist, counselor, husband, father, and grandfather, Dr. Williams has counseled thousands of couples and individuals throughout America and in several foreign countries, and has become known as “America's preacher to those who are hurting.”Dr. Williams knows firsthand the sorrow that comes from the loss of a mate and child. Later, he and his second wife, Pam (pictured to right), enjoyed a wonderful marriage for several years. Pam was an ideal wife and mother before being struck down with bacterial meningitis in 1978, leaving her with both physical and mental handicaps.
God has used their story to reach and encourage people in all walks of life through Dr. Williams' crusades, books, marriage seminars, as well as the motion picture and video “Twice Given,” guest appearances on “Focus on the Family” Radio Broadcast, hosted by Dr. James Dobson.
In his book, “Loving My Wife Back to Health,” Dr. Williams bares his heart as he tells of the trials his family faced with Pam's illness. In a coma for several months, doctors said her brain was “hopelessly dead.” But, today she is alive as a result of prayer, love, and a persevering husband. The sequel to the first book was released in May, 1988. It is entitled, “You Can Make It.”
Give God Someplace To Put The Blessing
(MP3 sermon by Tom Williams)
On Our Way To Be A Christian, We
Often Forget To Be One!
(a precious sermon by Dr. Tom Williams)
Diminishing The Word Of God
(a needful MP3 sermon by Evangelist Tom Williams)
(An excellent audio sermon exposing the modern fraudulent Bible revisions and false religion; Wicked men diminish the Word of God by translation, by revelation, by false claims of inspiration, and by education.)
Note: You'll need Real One player to open Real Audio sermons. Here's a link to download the player. Most sermons will NOT play until they download completely. Please be patient. "But hath in due times manifested his word through preaching, which is committed unto me according to the commandment of God our Saviour" —Titus 1:3
Thank God for the William's family!