Secret Spells Barbie

By David J. Stewart

Exodus 22:18, “Thou shalt not suffer a witch to live.”

       You can buy a Secret Spells Barbie online, or a Barbie Kayla Secret Spells Wiccan Doll, or the Sweet Sorceress Barbie Witch Costume.

Arguably, these items are intended to familiarize girls with witchcraft and sorcery, to accept the idea that they are not so evil or dangerous. Yet, the Bible condemns witchcraft as a sin (1st Samuel 15:23). Wiccan witchcraft is a religion, which the witches readily admit, and teens everywhere are becoming interesting in witchcraft because of the demonic Harry Potter phenomena.

Secret Spells Barbie is pure evil. Each doll comes with two outfits, a spell book, potions (sugar formulas to mix with water), a cauldron (pot), spoon, stirrer, stand and potion cups. At the Mattel website, girls are taught to dress, party and dance like whores. Most of the clothes Barbie wears are mini-skirts. It is so evil and Godless. The lyrics to the music goes, “You can do anything, dream a dream, the world is yours.” Ken is heard repeatedly saying, “Come on Barbie let's go party.

This is the sinful lifestyle being pushed off on America's youth today. All they want to do is go “party.” And by partying they mean dirty dancing, devilish music, immodest clothing, drinking booze, premarital-sex, etc cetera.

Although Sabrina, Harry Potter and Secret Spells Barbie have little to do with the actual practice of witchcraft, they serve to mainstream witchcraft through their positive portrayals of young boys and girls as witches. Witchcraft is extremely dangerous in the spiritual realm and a sin which God forbids (Exodus 22:18).

 I did a search at the Toys-R-Us website under “witch” and 113 products for adults and children came up...

All forms of witchcraft are sinful. It is interesting to note that Satanists, occultists and witches NEVER expose each other as being false religions. ONLY Biblical Christianity is intolerant of other faiths. This is because the Bible is adamantly clear that Jesus is the Christ (i.e., the Savior), and that there is NO other way to Heaven than through the Son of God (John 14:6).

The world is filled with demonic influences today, which Christians parents must guard their homes against. Satan is a beautiful liar! Satan always costs you more than you intended to spend, takes you further than you wanted to go, and keeps you longer than you planned to stay. Sin will destroy your life. Oh that men would repent of their sins (i.e., acknowledge their guilt of sin) and turn to Jesus Christ for forgiveness and salvation.