Distortions in The Clear Word Bible upholding Anti-biblical SDA Doctrines
Arian Views vs. Christ’s Deity
Verle Streifling, Ph.D.
Arian: The Son is not of the same substance as the Father but was created as an agent for creating the world. -Webster's Dictionary
A number of cults, as JWs, hold views of Arias, that the Father alone is Almighty God, who first created his Son, Jesus, who in turn created all else. As a created being, Jesus as the Son of God is not Almighty God. In Hebrews 1:5+6; Luke 1:31-35 we find Jesus became the Son of God through his incarnation—not by being created. In order to uphold Ellen White’s early Arian views, The Clear Word Bible has numerous additions, deletions or changes, to force the Word of God to agree with SDA’s prophet, so she will appear to be a True Prophet.
1. John 8:58 CWB changes “before Abraham was, I AM” (eternalness) to “I existed before Abraham” [allowing his prior creation]
2. Colossians 1:16 CWB changes “By Him all things were created” (creator) “through Him the Father created” [only a channel—not source of creation]
3. Colossians 1:15 CWB changes “He is firstborn over all creation” (nature) to “He has the right to be placed over all creation” [promoted authority]
4. Colossians 1:18 CWB changes “He is the Beginning” (source of creation) to “He existed from the beginning” [only places him in time—from his creation]
5. Colossians 1:18 “He is…the firstborn from among the dead, that in all things He may have the preeminence” (what He has of his own self and work), is changed and added “He was the only human who ever died and yet conquered death, therefore He is worthy to be given first place above everything in heaven and on earth.”
6. Colossians 1:19 “It pleased the Father that in Him all the fullness should dwell” changed and added “…the Father acknowledged Him as fully God, in spite of His human nature."
7. Hebrews 1:10 “You 0 LORD (Yahweh), in the beginning laid the foundations of the earth and the heavens are the works of your hands” changed and added “You existed before the beginning of time (Genesis 1:5 CWB) You carried out our plan and created the earth, shaping the sky above it (Genesis 1:16 CWB) with your own hands.”
8. John 1:1 “In the beginning, was the Word” (the person and name of Jesus, Revelation 19:10) changed and added “In the beginning, going further back in time than can be imagined, the Word of God was there”. [the impersonal words spoken by the Father]
9. John 20:28 “My Lord and my God.” (Jehovah) CWB adds and deletes “Lord, you’re alive! They were right! I believe! You are the Son of God.”
10. Acts 2:25 “I foresaw the LORD always before My face, for He is at My right hand” changed and added “I have seen the presence of God in all my life, and because he is at my right hand” [here future to past; face to life; why I see him to why I shall not be moved; ‘Yhwh’ to presence]
11. Titus 1:3-4 “But has in due time manifested His word through preaching, which was committed to me according to the command of God our savior. . . Jesus Christ our Savior” CWB adds, deletes & changes “When the right time came, (__) God kept his promise, entrusting me with preaching (__) this message of salvation, as ordered by Him, our Savior and God…and from the Lord Jesus Christ, [makes the Father ‘God our Savior’ instead of Jesus Christ]
12. Titus 2:13 “. . .the glorious appearing of our Great God and Savior Jesus Christ” changed to “the glorious appearing of our Great God, and our Savior Jesus Christ [makes Father God and Savior instead of Jesus Christ, as per Granville Sharpe’s Greek rule]
13. Titus 3:4+6 “But when the kindness and the love of God our Savior toward man appeared…Whom he poured out on us abundantly through Jesus Christ our Savior” CWB adds, deletes and changes “But when the kindness and love of God (__) was shown to us in Christ and we welcomed him in our lives, a new power began to operate within us… God held nothing back which would be for our spiritual good, and He did all this for us, through Jesus Christ (__) our Lord” [God our Savior (4) and Jesus as Savior (6) deleted so Jesus is not God; the Holy Spirit’s personality and baptism deleted, changed for spiritual good]
14. Revelation 16:5 CWB deletes ‘Who is and Who was and Who is to be… changes “You are righteous” to “your judgments are righteous ” adds “You always have been just, and will continue to be so forever.”
15. 2nd Peter 1:1 “...to those who have obtained like precious faith with us by the righteousness of our God and Savior, Jesus Christ” CWB deletes, changes and adds “to those who received the same precious faith as we have, through (__) our (__) Savior Jesus Christ [omits Jesus’ deity]
16. Ephesians 5:5…the kingdom of Christ and God” changed to “the kingdom of Christ and the Father” [as per Sharpe’s rule, Christ is God. CWB makes it ‘the Father’, deleting Jesus’ deity]
17. Revelation 3:14 “the beginning of the creation of God” changed to “who is in charge of God’s entire creation” in Greek, Christ is source of creation; in CWB he’s the watchman over it
18. John 10:30 “I and my Father are One” (same nature & essence) changed to “I and my Father are so close we‘re one” [same position, not nature].
19. Romans 10:9+10 “you shall be saved” changed to “you have the relationship with God that you need” CWB deletes “that Jesus is LORD (Yahweh)”; also changes and adds “So we witness for God not in order to be saved, but because we are saved.” [here confessing Jesus’ deity is essential for salvation, but CWB deleted it for SDA founders denied this vehemently]
20. 1st Thessalonians 4:14, “. . .even so God will bring with Him, those who sleep in Jesus” CWB changes & adds: “…those who died believing in Him will be raised to life by God just as Jesus was.” Jesus as God by nature, raised Himself from death (John 2:19-21; 10:18 etc). He’ll also raise the dead (John 5:25-29; 11:25), for He is the ‘resurrection and the life.’ SDAs Present Jesus as an Angelic being (Arian theology).
21. Revelation 10:1 “Next I saw a Mighty Angel coming… CWB adds… Then I knew it was the Lord Jesus”
22. Revelation 10:5 “Then this Mighty Angel... CWB adds... the Lord Jesus...”
23. Revelation 10:8+9 “Go and take the little open book out of the hand of the Mighty Angel…so I went up to …CWB changes… the Son of God and asked Him if I could have the little book.”
24. 1st Thessalonians 4:16 “When Christ descends... CWB adds He as Michael the Archangel will give a shout…”
25. Rev 12:7 CWB adds... God’s Son Michael and the loyal angels fought against the dragon…”
26. Jude 1:9 CWB adds…the Lord Jesus Christ, also called Michael the Archangel...”
27. Proverb 8:22 CWB adds & changes “The Son of God is the source of wisdom. He says...” Arian theology says Jesus was the Son of God by having been created by the Father, who then created all other things through Jesus, who of himself did not have power to create. This accounts for Ellen White’s many statements of Jesus as ‘the Son of God’ at the creation of the heavens and the earth, which CWB adds as noted above. One text often used to show Jesus’ initial creation before all else is Proverb 8:22-30. “Jehovah made me in the beginning of His way... “(New World Translation of JW’s). Here the KJV uses ‘possessed me’ but Arians explain the Hebrew word ‘kawnaw’ means ‘to create’. So Ellen White applies Proverb 8:22-30 to Jesus (Patriarchs & Prophets p.34, 1913 ed). Thus CWB adds and changes the text to accommodate her. Of this Gesenius’ Heb Lexicon notes there’s no valid reason to apply ‘to create’ to ‘kawnaw’ for in all cases the “true meaning appears to be ‘to possess” (buy, buy back, redeem). Here Solomon (pen name ‘wisdom’) says Jehovah redeemed me before creating all else. Jesus as creator (Heb 1:10) is Jehovah our Redeemer! Several of Ellen White’s other statements explain other changes above:1903 “The man Christ Jesus was not the Lord God Almighty” (ms 150, SDA Commentary V, p. 1129)
1904 “To Christ had been given an exalted position... made equal with the Father “(Test viii, p 268)
1900 “The mighty angel who instructed John (Rev 1:1) was no less than the person of Christ” (ms 59)
1905 “The instruction…was so important that Christ came... to give it... “(ms 129; SDA Comt’y vii, p.971)
Rev 10:6 “In swearing by the creator, the angel who is Christ, swore by himself” (Ibid., p.978)
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